Heads, She Wins...


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The sensation was exquisite. Alexis was ready to cum, craved  release with every atom of his being. Fanned by the girl's expert attentions, by the effects of the arousing gel smeared over his organs, by the intoxicating fumes of the incense, he could feel it building within him - an orgasm as massive and unavoidable as a summer thundercloud.

Narkissa smiled above him, exposing white, evenly-spaced teeth. Her canines, Alexis noted, were just slightly longer than normal. The thought of what she could do to him was terrifying.

The girl set her feathers aside, picked up a pair of teasels, dried egg-shaped flowers bristling with hundred of needle-sharp spines. Alexis had often seen the village fullers use them as brushes to raise the nap on fabric they were making.

But Narkissa wasn't making cloth today. Instead, she side-stepped Melina's continuing torment of the boy's manhood and stepped to where Alex's bare feet lay exposed.

Lightly at first, she drew the stiff teasels up his soles. Even a foot hardened by a lifetime of going barefoot in all weather couldn't resist the feeling. Surprised, Alexis jerked, pulled at his restraints, roared with laughter.

"No!" he screamed. "Please! Stop!"

Heedless of his cries, the girl continued to brush the stiff spines of a teasel over one sole, while the fingers of her other hand played with his toes, probed between them, pulled and teased them.

Alexis bellowed in frustration.

"STOP IT!" he shouted, his pride deserting him completely. His head came up, tried to see down to his tormented feet.

Instead, what he saw was Melina stroking his cock. She turned to look at his face and smiled knowingly before shifting her grip to just one hand.

With a swift motion, her free hand slammed down into the table beside Alexis' head. The boy jerked away from the impact. Turning his head, he was horrified to see a small but clearly razor-sharp knife quivering in the wood, just inches from his cheek.

"Go on," she jeered softly, "say 'Gamma'!" Eyes fixed on his, her hands returned to tormenting his throbbing, afflicted manhood.

One of the tall girl's hands now held his shaft, swirling his engorged helmet head around and around the flat palm of her other, like a vender polishing an apple in the village market.

Throughout her efforts, Melina kept her eyes fixed on the boy. She looked confident, knowing, eminently capable of... how had the priestess put it? - controlling Alexis, the Goddess-provided sacrifice. Her palm swirled slowly over his swollen head as her other hand slowly pumped the loose skin of his shaft.

The boy let his head fall back, clenched his eyes closed, tried desperately to relax his groin muscles, postpone his looming orgasm, postpone Narkissa's shining teeth.

His head jerked back up and he screamed as Narkissa shifted her tickling again. Both hands now clasping small stiff-bristled cleaning brushes, she stroked ever-so-lightly inside his thighs, behind his knees.

Alexis writhed under her attentions. He gasped, panted.

"Stop it! Stop it!  STOP IT!" he shouted, his voice growing more shrill as the shorter woman moved, shifted, changed angle and pressure on the youth's tender skin.

Shrieking with laughter, Alexis's head flopped from side to side in his distress. He was about to shout his safe word when his eyes fell upon the knife, still vibrating gently inches from his head.

Discarding the stiffer brushes, Narkissa picked up in one hand a soft brush, one much like his sisters used for their makeup and in the other what looked like a whole badger tail, the hair on it bristling and rigid. She had moved further up the table now, standing opposite her rival acolyte, but lower down his body, by his knees.

She swept the soft brush along his inner thighs, up and down, slowly, shifting from side to side as it moved. In perfect coordination, her other hand used the badger tail to tease his toes, brush along them, between them.

Alexis yelled, begged.

"Nnnooo!" he cried, writhing under her torment.

"Just say Gamma!" the slender girl whispered. "Just say it and this will all end. I promise."

"'Just say Gamma'!" the taller Melina mocked. "Say that and I will have you to myself." Her smile had no humour whatever in it.

The youth shook in his efforts to dodge the teasing brush and tail. Perspiration beaded his face and chest, veins bulged on his forehead as he twisted, writhed in a vain attempt to escape.

"No!  Stop!  Please!" The youth's voice was harsh, desperate.

Melina shifted, took another helping of slippery ointment, rubbed it on her palms and laced her fingers together. She lowered her hands over boy's member, capturing and caging it inside the tube of her intertwined digits.

The tall girl began to run her hands up and down his length, her free thumbs toying and playing with the super-sensitive triangle under his head.

Alexis shuddered with pleasure. The girl was good, very good. Never had he been more aroused, never had he been harder, never had he wanted - required - an orgasm more.

Never had he been this close for this long.

Narkissa leaned down and lightly nipped his earlobe with her teeth. He turned his head to see her face just inches above his eyes.

She snapped her teeth together with an audible click!

"If you let her make you cum, boy," she hissed, "I will lose my entry into the order."

She snapped her teeth again, a fingerbreadth from the tip of his nose.

"You do not want that to happen!" she hissed. "Do not cum! Surrender to me. Just say 'Gamma'."

She now had in her hands a feather duster, Alexis saw, one almost identical to the one his mother and sisters used in the home. There appeared nothing sacred or special about it.

But his mother and sisters had never used their duster the way Narkissa was now. Skirting Melina and her caressing hands. Narkissa began a spinning, boiling motion with her one hand, setting the bunch of feathers bouncing up along one side of his chest, into his armpit, then out and down the other side before beginning all over again.

Alexis had thought he had been tormented by the small girl before. Now he realized that her earlier efforts had been minor.

Alexis howled in his distress.

"Stop! Stop it! Stop!"  he begged. His body became rigid, his bum actually rising off the platform in his desperation to escape. He jerked, twisted, trying in vain to dodge the swirling feather-tips dancing over his smoothly-shaved body.

"Say 'Gamma!'" she cooed. "Only you can stop it! Just say 'Gamma' and I can stop."

He was about to surrender when he caught sight of the look in Melina's dark eyes. As youth watched her, one of her hands began to pump his shaft, her hand sliding his soft skin up and down over his rigid core.

Her eyes never leaving his, the young beauty slid a lotion-covered fingertip from her other hand down between his legs. To his embarrassment, the boy felt it probe his after entrance, smearing ointment over it, working it deeper and deeper inside.

Alexis groaned, initially in shame, then in torment as the tingling heat began building around his anus.

Smiling, the girl mouthed words to him: "Cum for me. Cum now!"  As she said it, Alexis could feel her finger slide slowly into his bottom, spin and probe his most secret space.

Her hand moving over his cock pulled his soft skin with it, back and forth; the sensation and the ointment were driving the boy mad with excitement.

His breath was coming in gasps now. He felt a heat boiling up deep within him.

Narkissa smiled again, brilliant white teeth just in front of her eyes.

"Go ahead," she teased. "Cum for Melina. Deprive me of my rightful promotion."

Again the petite woman snapped her teeth. To Alexis, it seemed the most fearful sound in the world, like the final slamming of the gates of the underworld.

"Do it! The priestess will give you to me then as a consolation prize. It will be the longest night of your life, I promise you."

Dropping her brushes, she dug her fingers into Alexis' waist.

The boy jerked, howled, pulled as hard as he could on the tethers holding him in place.

"Stop! I beg of you! For the sake of the Goddess' mercy, show mercy! Please!"

Looking over to one side in his desperation, he saw an amused smile on the face of the priestess. It was clear that she was entertained, perhaps thinking of her own night as an acolyte, perhaps in this very room.

Which task had she drawn for her test?  Alexis wondered to himself. Which boy had fallen into her hands as a sacrifice?

His question fell apart like leaves blowing off a tree under a stiff autumn wind. Melina had wiped off the excess ointment from his groin and had started twirling her tongue around his mushroom head.

Her bright eyes were fixed on his. From time to time, she pulled off with a slight pop!   Each time, bright eyes beamed at him over what now seemed a loving, tender smile.

Had it been under any other circumstance, the boy would have hit his pleasure almost immediately. As it was, despite the best of Melina's skillful efforts...

The boy howled as Narkissa's stiff fingers probed deep, finding tender nerve bundles.

"NO! Please, please, please  stop!" he begged.

Thumbs and fingers prodded, dragged across his skin, probed deep into his flesh. Barely able to breath, the boy sobbed in his distress.

His loins glowed, ached for release as Melina bobbed her bead up and down over his crotch, her cheeks hollow with suction. Inside, her tongue lashed at his hardness.

Narkissa worked stiff fingertips under his chin, moving down to his armpits, his short-ribs.

The boy screamed in torment.

Mercilessly, the slender girl shifted her tickling fingers to his waist, to behind his knee - up and down his body.

"Gods! Stop it!"  Alexis howled, writhing under her relentless hands.

Melina took him deep in his mouth, then deeper. Distracted from Narkissa's fingers for a moment, Alexis' eyes bulged as he watched her take him deeper still, swallowing his swollen head into her throat.

He'd not known it possible.

Melina's eyes were closed as she moved up and back, subjecting the youth's rigid manhood to sensations he had never dreamed of.

Even Narkissa's flying fingers on his soles couldn't totally distract Alexis from the monstrous, overwhelming pleasure Melina was giving him.

After a few seconds, she pulled off with another distinct pop!    Gasping slightly, her eyes reopened. Her hands swept over and over his wet cock as she smiled at Alexis, a warm, encouraging smile.

"Cum for me, boy!" she whispered. "Cum for Melina!"

Narkissa gave her a sour look, stepped to Alexis' groin. Her sharp teeth nipped his inner thigh and the boy gasped again.

"Just say 'Gamma'!" she commanded as her thumbs and stiff fingers again digging into his waist brought a scream of distress from the young man.

"Please!" he gasped between peals of laughter. "Please don't! I can't stand it!"

Thrashing his head from side to side, he caught sight of the priestess. Her face was emotionless, but he could see that her breasts were rising and falling rapidly at the sight of the spectacle in front of her.

"Please!" he begged again, but this time he directed his plea at the older woman.

She smiled very slightly before shaking her head, no more than half a fingerbreadth, side to side. There would be no mercy from her.

As Melina's hand pumped his swollen organ and her lips caressed his taut head, she again probed the youth's back passage with a finger, slid in and out, twisted, sought his prostate.

Narkissa's hands left his waist and dug in behind his knees, seeking the nerve clusters beneath his skin.

At that, the boy's endurance finally failed him.

"Gamma!" he screamed, consumed with helpless laughter. "Gamma!"

Triumphantly, Narkissa stopped tickling him, but at the same moment that he had screamed his safe-word, Melina's fingers had dragged him over the edge into orgasm.

Gouts of sperm shot from his quivering, abused cock, again and again. Some of it reached as far up as his chin. Never had Alexis experienced such ecstasy. His whole existence was centred around his throbbing organ.

Both girls' faces were now uncertain. They turned in doubt to the priestess.

The older woman sat still, pondering the scene, then rose, descended gracefully to stand beside the altar.

"Unusual," she said, softly. "Unprecedented."

Her eyes swept from one acolyte to the other, then to the bare form of the panting boy in front of her.

She closed her eyes for a moment, as if pondering her options. Her face too showed uncertainty.

Finally, she spoke. "I must refer this to the High Council for their judgement - the one, the other, both or neither.

"I shall inform them in the morning of this day's extraordinary outcome," she said.

"In the meantime," she said to the two girls, her eyes still locked on Alexis' nude form, "both of you shall fast and hold yourselves ready to appear when the Council meets at highest noon.

"Go now," she directed, her eyes flicking back and forth between the two naked and flushed rivals. Then, when they hesitated, "Begone!" There was steel in her voice.

The two women bowed from the waist, their faces impassive but their eyes full of fury. Collecting their gowns from the stone floor, they strode out in unison.

Despite all that had just happened, despite his fear of what might still happen, Alexis couldn't help but watch the two swaying bottoms as they left.

The priestess gazed at the tethered youth for a long minute, wordlessly running her hand over Alexis' sticky abdomen.

Her fingers moved, bypassing his softening manhood, clutched him softly by his egg-filled sac.

To Alexis' amazement, he found himself again growing hard above her fingers. The sight brought a slight twinkle to the woman's eyes; her hand slid up from his balls to his cock.

She watched him swell as her hand swept softly up and down his shaft, caressed his balls softly, toyed with his foreskin.

"I wonder, Alexis, son of Miron," she mused, her hand returning to his rod and softly stroking his crown, "what am I to do with you now?"

For the first time, the woman began to smile more openly.

Her fingers dipped into Melina's silver bowl, came out dripping with ointment.


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

At about the 3/4 stage of your story I began to think he was going to intentionally hit both marks at the same time. Just an opinion ~ he actually waited until he could feel his orgasm about to overwhelm him, and his cum about to spurt from the end of his cock, and then he looked at both of them and shot his load exactly at the same time he screamed 'GAMMA'. That way both acolytes would have realized, for all the torment he suffered and all of the anxiety he was put through by the two young ladies, HE actually had controlled the outcome and the Council would have to make the decision and they were not able to force him to pick one over the other!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Belongs in non-con

TarnishedPennyTarnishedPennyover 1 year agoAuthor

Dear Anon,

Sorry, but there are at present no plans for a follow-on tale. On the other hand, you might enjoy my tale ‘Four’s the Charm’. Thanks for your kind comment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Peny thank you this is such sexy story - one of my favourites - surely there is room for a follow up - a play off in front of all the priestesses?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One of the best stories on this site...

TicklespankeeTicklespankeeover 2 years ago

Intense, wonderful. Thanks for a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You really have a way with words,Tarnished Penny. Not sure about the ending but a great short story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This was absolutely amazing! I can't believe how horny and hard this story made me! Please write a sequel the night with the high preistess and the decision of the counsel! Now,since this was such an amazing story, I'm going to go read it again!

ticklishsolesticklishsolesover 4 years ago
Lucky Lad

Oh to be drugged, stripped of clothing and bound to a table to make one so completely helpless. Just the tickling was enough to bring out my inner beast - especially when she reached his soles; my very personal weakness. I hope to find more, many more stories by this author.


rayironyrayironyover 4 years ago
Uncomfortably intense

"Tarnished" indeed

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