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It was easy to put it out of my mind when Willard and Becki came back and we all ate a standing lunch at the counter. Even easier when Becki joined me in the pool after our lunches had settled. It's kind of hard to think about how you wish there were more people in the pool with you when your girlfriend sticks her hand down your swim trunks for the first time while she's kissing you in the middle of said pool.

"Becki!" I squeaked rising on my toes and looking around wildly.

"What? They can't see what we're doing as long as you keep your back to-"

"John!" Eunice screamed. "Help!"

Something in the tone told me it didn't have a thing to do with them seeing Becki and I. Something was wrong. Really wrong. I dithered for just a second. I wasn't sure about leaving Becki to make it back to the edge on her own.

"Go!" Becki shouted. "I'll be fine!"

Four strong strokes took me to the edge where, in blatant disregard of the posted rules, I sprinted inside.

"Eunice? What-"

Willard was lying on the floor. My training took over and I scraped the skin off my knees sliding beside him. His color was grey and waxy. He wasn't breathing and I couldn't find a pulse.

"Eunice, call the ambulance," I said as I set to work. "Eunice, call the ambulance, now!"

I had to trust she would manage as she stumbled away to the phone on the wall. I had no room in my concentration for anything else as I joined battle with Willard against death.

My training never mentioned how much harder it is to administer CPR to someone you actually know and like rather than those practice dummies. It didn't mention the vomit, or how much harder it is to force air past the slime. The dummies we practiced on didn't have ribs that fractured and the ends grinding against each other with each compression.

I found out later that I had worked on Willard for six minutes before the EMTs took over. That six minutes felt like six hours, and the longest was when they knelt beside me watching me work as my back and thighs ached and I fought for one more breath of air I could force into my friend's lungs until they called out that single word I was waiting on.


I rolled to my hip and off to one side to let the professionals take over and panted for breath. In the movies, the person wakes up and coughs and they're all right. I knew enough from training that I knew that didn't happen if their heart really had stopped, but there was still a part of me that was hoping they were wrong.

At a gentle touch on top of my head, I glanced up to see Becki standing over me, her eyes fixed on the paramedics working on her grandfather. It was less than a minute from when they took over until they shut the doors and pulled away. Eunice, naturally, rode with them. I'm not sure they were supposed to let her. But, I think they would have had to hurt her to stop her.

I'm ashamed to admit I vomited as they were pulling away. When I finally stopped retching, I was kneeling in a large puddle, larger than either one Willard left, and trembling with reaction.

"You did great, John." Becki caught my face between her hand and her nub and forced me to meet her eyes. "Do you hear me? You did good. Really, really good."

"I didn't save him," I hiccupped with tears streaming down my cheeks. "I wasn't good enough to save him."

"We don't know that yet, John. We won't know that until we get to the hospital. But, trust me. No one could have done better than you did. No one. Go shower and brush your teeth. I need you to drive us."

I had always known Becki was a much better lifeguard than I could ever be and she showed me why. I had managed to last long enough for the EMTs to take over, but then I'd fallen apart. Becki didn't. Not then. She was still laser focused and all business.

Becki, bless her, had slipped her loose t-shirt and shorts back over her bikini and then wrestled a bucket of cleaner over to dump on the pools of my vomit, Willard's vomit, and Willard's piss while I cried in the shower and had two more bouts of dry heaves. She must have been channeling Willard because she came into the shower after me, which wasn't near as sexy as it sounds. She chivvied me back out and into clothes she'd brought, then stood over me while I brushed and rinsed.

Then, and only then, Becki caught my face between her hand and nub once more and kissed me firmly.

"You did good, John." Becki said. "Now, you need to drive us to Lubbock. I can't drive. Are you ready to do that? Or do you need another minute?"

"You can do anything you set your mind to," I said. "Better than me."

"No, John. You've helped me see there are a lot of things I can still do, but it would be stupid of me not to recognize some things really are beyond me. And driving is one. Now, are you all right to drive Grammy's car?"

If it had been the motorcycle, my answer would have been no. I was still too shaken. But, the car, I could manage.

We found Eunice in the Emergency Room waiting area at University Medical Center, staring at her hands.

"Grammy, how is he?" Becki asked.

"I don't know. They won't tell me anything."

"Look, that's a good thing, Grammy. It means Grumps is still hanging in there. Still fighting. And if there's anything that old coot can do, it's fight."

A man wearing scrubs with one of those paper masks hanging around his neck came out and called Willard's name. He steered towards us when I waved at him and pointed to Eunice who was frozen gripping Becki's hand. The man, a doctor I guess, looked tired and rumpled.

"We're taking Mr. Baker in for an emergency bypass, now."

"Willard's still with us then?" I asked.

"He is, but understand. He's not breathing on his own and his heart isn't in good shape. I'll try to arrange for updates when we know something, but it will be anywhere from three to six hours before we know anything for certain. If you wish, you can go home and have us contact you there. Just leave your information with the desk."

I suspect he really wished we would go home and I suppose I understand. We didn't of course. We couldn't. Not until we knew.

During that afternoon as I sat on Becki's right with her arm linked through mine as she held Eunice's hand, I saw a microcosm of the human tragedy there in that waiting room.

Tears flowed. Tears of sorrow when someone didn't make it. Tears of relieved joy when someone did. What amazed me was the stone faced scrub wearing people who delivered either news the same. It made me angry at first, but the third time I saw the same woman explain to a family their loved one didn't make it, I felt more pity than anger. I'd found out just how much it cost to fight for one life, and they were there day in and day out fighting that same battle over and over again.

One family got so angry they were screaming about lawsuits as the security team blocked them from following the person back through those double doors. That made me nervous. If Willard didn't make it, would Becki and Eunice blame me?

Four and a half hours later, the same scrub suited man came out to us, looking even more tired and rumpled. My breath caught and I almost hoped he was looking for someone else.

"He's in recovery and it looks good. We're going to keep him there for observation for twenty-four hours. But, then he'll be moved to a regular room."

"Can I see him?"

"I'm afraid not, ma'am. Not until he's in a room. I suggest you make sure we've got the correct contact information and go home and get some rest so you can visit with him tomorrow. We can contact you there if anything goes south, but I don't expect we'll need to."

Becki convinced Eunice that she wasn't going to do any good sitting in the waiting room until she fell over from hunger or exhaustion. I drove us back with Eunice riding shotgun and Becki in the back seat.

Halfway home, Becki finally broke. I heard her sobbing in the back seat, but there didn't seem to be anything I could do about it while I drove. Eunice turned around and leaned over the seat somehow and the two held each other awkwardly and cried as I kept us moving towards home.

None of us were very hungry. Eunice was swaying on her feet and Becki laid down beside her after we escorted her to the bed and insisted she take a nap.

I didn't feel much like swimming for the first time since I'd learned how. Part of that might have been there was no phone in the house that I knew of and I felt like I should stay close just in case it rang.

The smell of Willard's and my sick after baking through the afternoon was overwhelming even with the chemical sand Becki had dumped on it. I spent two hours cleaning those spots until probably even the most fastidious wouldn't have hesitated to eat off them, but still I could smell it. I opened the doors to get a cross breeze going and stretched out on my back on the floor beneath the phone.

I must have dozed because I jerked up with my eyes open at a sound to see a shadow coming in the open pro shop door.


"Jesus, Becki. You nearly gave me a heart attack. How's Eunice?"

"Sleeping," Becki said. "It was a stressful day and she's wiped out."

"Tell me about it. How are you doing?"

"About as well as I can be," Becki said. "I looked out and didn't see you, so I thought you were probably in here close to the phone. I thought I might keep you company if you don't mind."

"Becki, I can't imagine I would ever mind your company."

"I seem to recall you stomping away after telling me to not bother you until I could act like a friend."

"Oh, shut up. That wasn't you. That was my point. Now, come here."

Becki nestled down next to me with her head on my chest. There was nothing sexy about it as we dozed like that through the rest of the night. Although, that is not to say I didn't love every moment of feeling her next to me, smelling her scent like a combination of honeysuckle and strawberries laced faintly with chlorine filling my nose as I listened to her breathing slow as she fell asleep.


I wish I could say I woke to Becki kissing me. That would have been a nice way to wake up. Hell, even Eunice coming down and finding us sleeping in each other's arms and teasing us would have been nicer than what happened.

We both startled awake to a ringing phone hooked to a clanging fire-bell and bumped heads in our scramble to untangle from each other and answer it.

Figuring Becki as their granddaughter had more of a right, I backed off and prepared to sprint for the house.

"Hello?" Becki said, still rubbing her head. "Yes. Is he all right? No, I'll have to get her. Can you hold please?"

I bolted out the door as soon as Becki made a hard gesture, but I needn't have bothered. Eunice was rounding the corner at the end of the pool enclosure and coming quicker than I would have thought she could move.

"She's coming!" I blurted back in the door.

"Yes, she's coming. Just one moment, please."

I backed to the other side of the door to keep from being run over as Eunice panted up and skidded around the corner.

"Yes! Yes! I'm here! I'm here." Eunice said before she even managed to take the phone from Becki. "This is Eunice Baker. Is this about Willard Baker?"

Becki folded her hands in front of her face and stared. My family had never been much for church and such, but I muttered something that might have been confused for a prayer in case anyone was listening.

"He is?! Why that's wonderful! When can I see him? Really? That late? Oh, very well. Thank you. Thank you so much! Good bye! They've moved Willard to a regular room!" Eunice said as she hung up. "He's going to be all right!"

Becki squealed and hugged Eunice as they both laughed. I slid down the door frame I'd been standing against too weak to continue standing.

Wait. Something didn't make sense.

"I thought they said they were going to keep him for observation for twenty-four hours?" I said. "It's only been, what? Eight? Ten?"

"Who cares, John?!" Becki laughed as she stumped over to me for a kiss. "This is a good thing! Grumps is going to be fine!"

I hoped she was right.

Eunice left at ten, when we opened, so she could be there waiting when visiting hours started at eleven. And she wouldn't be back until seven or so, an hour after we closed, since she was going to stay by his side.

And, she wanted Becki and I to mind the store while she was gone, in case anyone showed up.

It was hard to blame Eunice, really. They needed whatever business they could get. But, she should be with her husband. I understood completely. But, that didn't keep me from being just a little nervous. It was a big responsibility taking care of their livelihood. I hoped I was up to it. On the downside, with Becki having to watch the pro shop, she didn't get to swim with me.

I raided my cash stash and ran into town for supper from Dairy Queen when we locked the doors. I didn't figure Eunice would be in any mood to worry about dinner when she got back. Seven o'clock came and then eight.

Finally, at almost nine, Eunice pulled up. God, she looked old.

"Willard has an infection," she said. "They had to put him on an anti-biotic drip."

I don't think any of us finished our whole burger.


By rights, we should have been swamped. Every business in town but us was closed. There was a parade in the morning and fireworks once the sun went down. Yet no one came out to swim or play golf. Eunice spent the day with Willard and brought home the news there wasn't much change.

I couldn't believe Eunice and Becki weren't angry. The hospital had said twenty-four hours of observation and then moved him out eight hours later. Then Willard comes down with an infection before his original twenty-four hours should have been up? I was never going to be confused with a genius, ever, but even I could smell the rat in that.


Willard's fever broke. He was on the mend. We were all maybe just a little giddy with the relief. That's the only reason I can think of for what happened the next day.


Eunice left for Lubbock before we opened. When Becki came down shortly after, she was wearing a dress I hadn't seen before. It was a light sleeveless number with a short skirt, yellow with white polka dots.

I let out a wolf whistle and slow clapped. Becki looked good. She looked real good.

"Thank you," Becki said. "I thought since I'm supposed to be management, I should dress like it."

My smile faded as I remembered virtually every time our parents had left Jan in charge and she'd made my life hell until they returned (when she hadn't disappeared). Surely, Becki wasn't going to turn into a little tin god martinet on me like Jan had.

"You know what, though? Since I'm going to be so busy being management, I won't have time to spend in the pool with you, pool boy."

Oh, God. She was. While we slept, Becki's head had swelled with the power of our relative positions. What was she going to be making me do?

"Since I won't be able to swim in the pool, it's just a little silly of me to be wearing my bikini, don't you think?"

What was she talking about? I could clearly see Becki was wearing a dress, not her bikini.

Only, Becki's hand reached behind her and tugged out a familiar long string. My eyes widened as she used that magical talent all girls seem to develop to pull her bikini top out through the armhole of her sundress. I could plainly see her nipples poking the fabric of her dress.

But, Becki didn't stop there. Right before my wide eyes, Becki lifted the hem of her dress and I caught a glimpse of her bikini bottoms just as her hand plucked the string loose on her left hip. Becki let the hem of her skirt fall.

And her bikini bottoms fell on the floor!

Becki bent down and scooped up the bottoms, then walked over to me with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Do be a dear and hang my bikini on the back fence, won't you, pool boy?"

Becki had to remind me throughout the day to go jump in the pool and cool off. It was a bit silly, I suppose. She showed a lot more skin in that bikini. But, somehow the idea that she was wasn't wearing anything under her dress, although it covered more of her, made my mouth dry, my hands tremble, and my knees weak.

"You know," Becki said that evening as we were locking the door. "We haven't walked the course since Grumps got sick. Maybe we should do that this evening."

"Um, all right." I headed over to check the juice in the carts, but Becki stopped me.

"I feel like trying to walk it, if that's all right. I can lean on you if I need to, right?"

"Of course!"

Becki had largely left off using her cane and rarely even carried it anymore. I fell in on her left side so she could grip my arm with her hand if she needed to almost by reflex.

We were all the way through the second hole before I understood that walk was about anything other than checking over the course.

"John, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Becki. Anything."

"You've made it very clear that you love me. I've never been more sure of anything in my life. It's taken me a little longer to come to understand that you still think I'm sexy and you still want me. I've seen the evidence and I've felt it. So, why haven't you tried anything?"

"I don't understand," I said, hyper aware of the side of her breast rubbing against my bicep as we walked with both of her arms folded over mine.

"Did I turn you on today?" Becki asked. "I mean I think I did. I saw you were hard."

"Yes. Very much so."

"So, why didn't you try to run your hand under my skirt? I did everything but outright ask you to."

"I... We were at work, Becki. What if someone had come in and caught us like that? With my hand up under your skirt?"

"John, do you really think anyone is going to come? Seriously?"

"I don't know, Becki. I don't understand why they aren't. But, what if they did? I wouldn't want them to think of you like that."

"Like what?"

"You know. Easy. A slut or something."

Becki's peals of laughter rang out across the all but abandoned course.

"John, we've known each other for five years. We've been practically living together for over a month. If somebody wants to think that everything we've been through qualifies as 'easy', then quite frankly they need to reevaluate their definition."

"You know what I mean," I said. "Anyone that caught us wouldn't know all that. And I don't want anyone to think those things about you."

"All right," Becki said. "I'll let you off the hook for the day. But, what about now, John?"

"What about now?"

"John," Becki pulled me to a stop and turned me to face her with her hand and her nub holding my face. "We are alone. We aren't at work. We are closed. Everyone knows we're closed, so even if they were going to come, they wouldn't come now. I am not wearing any underwear under my dress, John. What are you going to do about it?"

"Right out here in the open while the sun is still up and anyone with even a weak set of binoculars could see us?" I asked. "With Eunice due back any moment now?"

"John Fitzgerald, you have got to be the most exasperating boy I've ever known. You're just lucky I love you or I would drown you in that swimming pool you love so much."

Sure enough, as Becki was kissing me following that pronouncement, we heard a cart horn. Eunice was back from Lubbock. When she couldn't find us in the shop or at the house, she'd taken one of the carts to come looking for us on the course.

"See?" I sighed.

Becki didn't say anything. She couldn't. She was fighting just to catch her breath from giggling.

"There you two are," Eunice said. "What are you doing way out here?"

"We realized we hadn't done any work on the course since Willard took sick, so we were taking a look to see if there was anything that needed doing."
