Hector Ch. 01


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I started waking from my dream. I was in the middle of the library, playing with another dude's cock. What the hell was I thinking? I looked around, panic blossoming in my stomach. I let go of Hector and step back, my head whipping from side to side, fully expecting to see the student worker and a couple of campus security guards standing behind me.

"Bro, chill, it's cool. The library staff never come back here except to re-shelve books and the squeaky cart gives plenty of warning. It's cool."

So? I wondered in my head. So, what about other students? What the hell am I doing? I'll probably get expelled. Shit! I hurried back to my seat and sat down. Now my hands were shaking. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hector tuck his cock back in his shorts. The way they tented he had to be free balling.

He came over, pulled out the other chair and sat down opposite me. "Bro, Jamie, you okay man?" I couldn't make my mouth form any words but the look on my face provided his answer. "Relax, man. No big thing. Relax." His eyes widened a little. "You never done this before have you? I don't mean in the library. I mean this." He gestured with one hand at the two us. "With another man." He rested his arms on the table and leaned toward me. "Jamie, tell me you're cool, dude? You're not about to totally lose your shit and jump off the water tower or something."

Jesus, do I look that freaked out? I shook my head. "No," I croaked, then swallowed. "No, nothing like that. I realized I was bi about a year ago. I'm not announcing it but if people found out, I wouldn't jump off the water tower." I took a breath. "But I've only thought about it." I nodded my head at the stacks to my right. "That's all I've ever done." I shook my head. "But, Hector, we're in the damn library!"

He smiled. "Yeah, cool huh?" With that he stood up and walked back into the stacks. He pulled the front of his shirt up and over his head, hooking the tail behind his neck. He didn't have a six-pack but his belly was flat. His torso covered in dark curls that I imagined would give off an amazing rustling sound if I ran my fingers through them. He pulled his shorts down and his still-hard cock sprang free. Still grinning, he squeezed his cock with his right hand and rubbed the precum over the head and top of his shaft, stroked a few times and did it again. His cock was starting to shine, even in the dim light of the too few fluorescent lights, it glistened. He tilted his head forward and let spit fall onto his cock. That was the only time he took his eyes off mine. He masturbated.

His cock was slick now. His hand slid freely. When he would reach the tip of his cock, he did that trick of rotating his wrist, bringing his fingers up and over the head before beginning the down stroke. After a few strokes, he switched to his left hand. Spitting into his palm first, he used an overhand stroke, thumb and forefinger facing his belly. He went back to his right hand, stroking faster.

He grunted and jerked his hips forward. Cum flew from his cock, nearly reaching the desk. Two, three, four eruptions before only sporadic twitches sent another, much less copious, jet onto the floor. He was breathing hard. His smile widened. He squeezed his cock and then brought his hand to his mouth. I could see the pearly fluid cling to his hand before succumbing to his tongue. My fear of getting caught was barely able to restrain me from going over and taking his cock in my mouth. I wanted to taste him. I wanted to taste his cum.

In my year or so of fantasizing about cock, tasting cum had not been part of it. I had imagined sucking a guy off but hadn't really given much thought to what I would do when the guy came. It had never occurred to me to taste my own cum. Weird. Before I could act on the impulse, or at least be sure I wasn't going to act on the impulse, he put his cock back in his shorts. He winked at me as he turned and exited the other side of the stacks.

I stared at the strings of cum on the floor. It became less opaque, more watery. Soon you might mistake it for a spilt water if not for the way it lay in lines. Hector reappeared with a handful of paper towels from the bathroom. He dropped them over the cum and used his foot to move them around. Satisfied, he stooped and picked them up. He held the wad of towels close to his nose and sniffed. "Nothing else smells like cum, does it?" he offered with a shrug before walking past me to the trash can in the corner. He returned, a wet spot on the front of his shorts but he didn't seem to care. He sat down opposite me again. He smiled. It was a killer smile, no artifice when it came to Hector's smile. It was full and open, as honest as he was. He jerked his head toward my physics book. "Did you get hung up on number 10? Took me forever to realize I had to —"

"Factor the terms and substitute," I finished for him.

He nodded. "Right on. Easy after that." His bare foot touched my leg and I jumped. "Are you going to be able to study? Maybe you ought to jerk off or something, get your mind clear." He nodded at the stacks. "Plenty of openings, no waiting."

"No way. I —"

"Jamie, bro, I jerk off almost every time I come here to study. In the stacks, if it's more crowded than usual under the table." He started to run his foot up my leg. "I bet you're still hard."

I scooted back in my chair. I was a fucking spaz but I had a smidgen of pride and he had practically double dog dared me.

He shook his head. "I got an idea. Trust me, bro. Just trust me. Wait thirty seconds or a minute and then follow me. I'll be in the john." Before I could protest, he stood up and left.

I sat there, determined not to go, double dog dare or not. This was crazy. Someone would catch us for sure. It might have been more than a minute before I pushed open the bathroom door.

Hector stood at the sink. "I was getting worried," he said, smiling. He turned and entered the far stall. He acted as if there was no question I would follow. So, I did. He was sitting on the toilet. "Close the door, dude." I had to stand right in front of him to have room to close the door.

"Aren't you worried?" I asked, twisting back around after closing the door.

His answer was to pull down my shorts, lean forward and turn his head to the side slightly, and scoop up my half-hard dick with his mouth. I started to step back, but he followed with his head. He put his hands on my hips and urged me to come closer. I did. He didn't use his hands at all, not at first, other than to steady me. His head moved forward until his forehead was touching my belly, then he pulled back, real slow, lips tight, milking my cock, bringing it back to full mast. Forward, then back. Forward and back.

Once I was fully erect, he would hold me deep in his mouth and shake his head a little or hum. Cindy had given me blowjobs and I had thought they were amazing. And they were, for a couple of eighteen-year-olds. I guessed the difference had more to do with experience than years. If Hector was my age, he was nineteen. That extra year wasn't what made the difference. I figured he was sucking my dick the same way he liked to be sucked. If I had known what I had wanted, I'm sure Cindy would have given it a whirl. But I hadn't. I was starting to get ideas though.

His right hand left my hip and he cupped my balls, which felt pretty good. He circled the top of my ball sack and squeezed, not very hard. It sort of ached when he did that but it sort of felt more than pretty good at the same time. I touched the top of his head. He had thick, curly, black hair, amazingly soft. He took his mouth off my dick and looked up at me. "You like that?" As he asked, he squeezed the top of my ball sack again and added a soft tug.

"Uhh, yeah," I moaned as quietly as I could.

He deepthroated my cock and sat back again, smiling, "You like that, too? Eh, Jamie?"

"Fuck, Hector you're gonna make me cum, like in thirty seconds, tops, if you keep doing that."

"Before you shoot —"

"I'll warn you," I interrupted.

His smile morphed into a face-splitting grin. "No, bro." He dug his phone out of his pocket. "I'm not worried about you coming in my mouth. I want you to video it. Let me know and I'll sit back and wait impatiently for my present. Unless you think people can recognize you by your dick, you got nothing to worry about. I know everyone who's ever fucked someone over by posting a video assured the other person that they would never do that but in my case it's true. But, even if I'm lying, all they'll see is your dick." He offered me the phone. "You cool with that?"

I didn't know what to say. I nodded.

"Niiiccee," he whispered, drawing out the word and making it sound dirty. He jabbed at the screen and then handed me his phone. "We're recording, so don't turn it toward your face," he warned. "Now, let me get back to this delicious dick."

I centered his face in the screen, as he deepthroated my cock. When he pulled back, he followed with his hand, twisting as he stroked. At the peak of his movement, he twirled his tongue around the head of my dick. After that it was all mouth, all movement, all hand. His head couldn't have bobbed up and down on my dick more than a half-a-dozen times when I felt my balls start to crawl up into my guts.

"Hector," I panted.

He pulled his head back. "Give it to me, baby. Give up that hot cum for me." With that he opened his mouth and let the head of my cock rest on his tongue. His hand continued to stroke my dick as I watched on the small screen in my hand.

My ass cheeks clenched as I came, hard, harder than I had in a long time. And I came a lot.

On the screen, I watched as his tongue turned white, coated with my jizz. Some landed on his cheek, a bit on his forehead, but most of it in his mouth. A small dollop slid off the side of his tongue, dragging a larger dollop with it. The cum stretched and then detached from his tongue, landing on his arm. He stopped stroking me and simply held my cock at the tip of his tongue.

When I came to a jerky, shuddering stop, he closed his mouth then opened it for the camera, showing his mouth full of cum — my cum.

He swallowed, then opened his mouth to prove it was empty. He licked his fingers clean, then he slurped up the cum that had fallen onto his forearm. "Told ya I love cum," he said into the camera. "You can turn it off now."

I did as he asked. He put his mouth back on my cock and I started. He didn't suck me as much as he let my dick loll in his mouth, my deeply contented dick. He gave one last, long slow squeeze and let my dick slip out his mouth as his tongue collected the last of my offering.

He stood and took the phone, putting it back in his pocket. "Damn, bro, you always such a big shooter? That was awesome, baby. Fucking awesome." One his hands went to the back of my neck as I started to squat, intending to pull up the shorts that had fallen to my ankles. He pulled me forward and I resisted. He pulled his head back, looking at me carefully, asking me with his eyes if my 'no' was final. As I tilted my head toward him, I saw that damn smile bloom.

Then I was kissing him, kissing Hector, a guy. Dreaming about something doesn't prepare you for the reality of it. Kissing Hector was nothing like kissing Cindy. I can't explain why or how. It's not like his lips were firmer. There was the scratch of the whiskers on his upper lip but that was the sole physical difference. So, why was it so utterly different than kissing a girl?

He pushed his tongue between my lips. Did I like this? Was it okay or had I made a ridiculous mistake? Had my imaginings and desires been foolish? I decided, based on the fact I was sucking at his tongue, that the answer was no. I hadn't been foolish. And yes, I liked this. I liked it a lot.

I could taste my cum on his tongue.

When he pulled away, I was panting. He kissed me, very quickly and softly, on the lips. "Now, you're not a newbie any longer. You can take it easy."

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. He grinned. "I know, amazing, right?" He kissed me again, just like I used to kiss Cindy after we'd made out. Weird. "I'll meet back at the table," he whispered and then squeezed past me and left.

I turned and sat down on the toilet, searching my brain, analyzing my thoughts and feelings, looking for any semblance of regret or shame. I couldn't find any. I smiled, probably for the first time since yesterday evening. I had done it. I had made out with another guy, sort of anyway. I'd let him make out with me, at least. That thought gave me a momentary pause. What was next? Do I suck his cock? Do I want to? The answer to the last question was clear enough. What if he doesn't want you to? Seriously, Jamie what's next? Are you dating, holding hands, just hooking up or is this it? What do you want, motherfucker, huh?" What I wanted was for the voice in my head to shut up already.

When I stood, I noticed a small strand of cum hanging from the head of my dick. I wiped it away with one finger and put the finger in my mouth. It was too small a dollop to impart much of a taste. I squeezed the shaft and head of my dick and produced a drop of cum about the size of my fingertip. I stuck my finger in my mouth. I had tasted, faintly, my cum on Hector's tongue. Now I tasted it on my finger. I was undecided about whether I liked the taste but there was no indecision regarding my desire to try more. A lot more.

Hector was sitting at my table. He'd moved his stuff to my table. He gave me a quick half-smile and turned back to his book.

"Hector, that was —"

"Dude, I'm trying to study here," he snapped. I looked at him, surprised, worried, ready to apologize but mostly confused. Then he broke into one of those goddamn smiles. "Got ya, bro. I know, I told you — amazing, right?"

I nodded. "Have you been with a lot of guys?"

"Kind of personal for a first date, bro. I'm clean if that's what you're worried about, although you put me at more risk than I put you."

"No, Hector, shit, not that. I haven't slept with anyone in almost a year. I'm clean. Not that. It's, just, I don't know, you seemed to know what you were doing? Not winging it like I was."

"Well, no, you are correct. I have sucked a few cocks in my day. Safety is no joke, though. If I'm really going to party, I take Truvada. Any fucking, a condom, even if I am taking the Truvada. Stuff makes me queasy. It's hard to really suck a cock when your stomach is queasy but I try to reduce my risk as much as possible and still have fun." He regarded me for a moment. "What made you think you were bi?"

"I noticed that when my girlfriend and I watched porn I was as interested in cock as I was pussy." I shocked myself by telling him that. Why I don't know. I mean, he'd just sucked my dick. Admitting I thought about cock didn't seem that big a leap.

"But you never did anything until now?"

"I wasn't sure how. It's easy if you're a guy to ask out a girl. Even these days, asking out a guy is way different. Besides, it's not like I hated sex with my girlfriend. I didn't. I loved it. I imagined once word got out I was seeing another guy, word would quickly get around that I was gay and there would go any chance of dating a girl."

"So, you weren't saying bi in the sense of dating girls but occasionally slipping away for a quick blowjob? You were thinking you might date a guy, then maybe move on to sex, just like with a girl?"

"Huh? Yeah, of course. I was relieved when Cindy, my high school girlfriend, broke up with me. I hadn't figured out a way to tell her about this." I shrugged. "I have no way of being sure but I'm freaking out over the idea that if I was in a serious relationship with a guy, I'd start thinking about pussy all the time."

"There a lot of people that think bi men are really gay and just hiding."

"Yeah, I've read that. I don't know. Maybe I'm the only one but I liked having sex with Cindy as much as I liked what we just did." I smiled. "What you just did far outclassed her very noble efforts, but it wasn't like I hated it. I loved going down on her, getting her so hot she'd lose control." I waved a hand at him. "Sorry, TMI."

"Dude, I just had you video yourself shooting a load in my mouth. Hearing about your muff diving expeditions is not out of bounds." He grinned. "I watched it, while I was waiting. Fucking awesome. You never answered my question. You always a big shooter?"

"Not like that. It's been, like, three days or something since I've jerked off. Last night I was pretty wound up, but I didn't jerk off."

"You mean you got a glimpse of my amazing Mexican cock and went home and went to bed? Dude, you're killing me. What the fuck?"

"Don't laugh. I convinced myself you were just stretching or something."

He shook his head. "Man, you anglos are pretty fucking weird. No offense."

I waved off his concern.

"Man, you want to depart this particular point in space-time?" he asked.

I looked at him. "You mean do I want to leave?"

He nodded.

"Naw, dude I got to start studying for midterms."

"Yeah, so? Me, too. Let's go to your place, or mine. I need to study too. When can relax, work on the problem, sit together and go from there. What'd ya say?"

"My roommates are all gone," I said. "We could go there."

"Roommates, huh? Irwin?"

Irwin was my dorm. "Yeah," I confirmed.

"All three out of town?"

"Two, one is spending the weekend at his girlfriend's place."

"Until she kicks him out and he comes in all pissy and sad and wants to tell his tale of woe in excruciating detail. No thanks. Let's go to my place. I got a little house."

"No way, you got a house. How? Did your parents buy you a place?"

"My parents have never given me a thing, bro. I saved my money when I was in the Army."

"You were in the Army?"

"Yeah, four years. Saved for a down payment. GI Bill is picking up the tuition tab. I'm still in the reserves."

"No shit? I thought you were my age, nineteen, a regular freshman."

"I am a regular freshman. I just happen to be a twenty-three old freshman." He looked at me as he started to put his things away. "You still want to come over?"

"Yeah, unless you've changed your mind."

"Nope. Come on then."

I got my stuff put away and threw my backpack over one shoulder and followed Hector out. The student worker was still on her phone. I knew her but couldn't remember her name. It was something different that should have been easy to remember. It bugged the shit out of me that I couldn't.

I was surprised when Hector stopped at the desk. "Bye, Pru."

Pru! That was it. She was in my freshman Lit class, said her parents were Beatles nuts and had named her Prudence. She was grateful they hadn't named her Dear Prudence, just Prudence. I was more surprised when she leaned over the counter and kissed him. When she sat back down on the stool, they both turned to look at me. I was dumbfounded. I had no idea what was going on.

She turned her phone to face me. I was several feet away and the sound was off but the screen showed me, my cock at least, cumming in Hector's mouth.

I stared at them. "What the fuck?" I managed to get out.

"Dude, it's cool. It's a private livestream. Only to Pru. Your face isn't in it and we'd never post it anyway. If you want a copy, I can email you one."

"I don't get it," I stammered. "Why are you sharing videos like that with Pru?"

"Dude," he said, smiling. "I don't play around behind my wife's back."

You know in those old cartoons, when one of the toons is surprised, how their jaw drops all the way to the floor? That was me.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There is another story with these three the author (why?) put separately "Jamie Makes Three". I liked it a lot just not sure it isn't here with the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

nice build up and twist

lonelyheartVAlonelyheartVAabout 4 years ago

Well if that don't beat all. lol

Rwa4768Rwa4768about 4 years ago

I enjoyed your story, I am ready to read more. I Iook forward to hearing about them and Pru.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
slow start

but then gets going pretty well

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

that feeling when ur chilling in the library and someone replacss ur physics textbook with a sanskrit book

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