Heinrich in Virginia


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"Sounds like it's settled then," Jacob said happily. I had a feeling he wanted us back together as well, but he never said as much.

I turned to my ex-wife who seemed a little flustered.

"Jen?" I asked which brought her attention back to me. "What do you think?"

"Are you sure?" Jennifer replied nervously.

"Yeah, why not. What have we got to lose?" I asked looking into her eyes. They were filled with hope and fear, and I could see the hope was winning out.

"Well then, I'll just go pack," Jennifer replied giving me a brilliant smile before walking passed the kids to the bedrooms. I saw Victoria wink and I shook my head at her causing her to laugh.

Within no time Jennifer was wheeling a suitcase and had a small bag over her shoulder. It was one of the carry-all style bags that seemed to be a bottomless pit even when they didn't look that full. We swung by my place, I grabbed some clothes and we hit the road for the three-hour drive to the lake house.

We held hands most of the way, sharing idle chit-chat but generally enjoying each other's company. We were always good at that, being in each other's presence. It was like we were teenagers off on our first adventure and the sexual tension between us had been building over the long trip. We pulled up at the lake house, and went inside, with Jen only bringing in her carry-all bag. I wanted to grab hold of her and kiss her, but I resisted. I got the feeling Jen wanted that too, but I tried to play it cool. I opened the curtains so we could view the water and Jen stopped beside me after putting her bag down.

"I've always loved it here," Jennifer said with a content sigh.

"Me too," I said taking her hand. She looked at me and reached up for a kiss which was lovely by the way. It was all too much, and I felt like her kiss had pushed me over the edge. I simply couldn't hold out anymore.

She started to walk back towards the bedrooms, but I quickly grabbed her and pulled her in for another kiss. I'm not sure what it was, perhaps the atmosphere, the calmness of the lake or just because we had been dancing around each other for a while now, but I had to have her. Jennifer melted into me and returned my kiss with passion. We somehow managed to bump into a wall and I reached up under her dress, pulling her thong down without a care in the world before she attacked my shorts. They were around my ankles while I lifted her dress, then her leg over my hip and slipped myself into her waiting womanhood. Normally that would require a little foreplay but she was so wet and I was so hard that we didn't need it. A small gasp, a long kiss and then I lifted her other leg up, so I had her pressed against the wall as we mated. I kicked off my shorts and got into position to power fuck her. Jennifer gave me a look that was practically willing me to let loose, and I wasn't about to let her down.

I don't know where the strength came from, but I held her up against the wall and fucked her for all she was worth. There were no words, just looking into each other's eyes as we reconnected. My fingers on one hand slipped into the cleft of her ass and were resting against her asshole, while my other hand gripped her ass cheek. We were holding on for dear life as our orgasms grew exponentially. I felt her asshole convulse and then felt her pussy clamp down on me before she let out a little sharp moan and her eyes rolled back into her head. I then felt my legs burning, but the feelings in my loins overpowered that sensation, and combined with how her body was working me, I lost it.

It had been a long time since I came inside Jennifer, and this was as epic as any. Our rutting was short but we both needed it to release and reconnect. There were no concerns about pregnancy because we had both made a pact after Danny was born to both get the snip. I got a vasectomy and Jen got her tubes tied so that we wouldn't disrupt our family with any more biological children, no matter what. I somehow managed to keep my strength long enough to move us back to the sofa, where I dropped down, Jennifer still wrapped around me while the realisation of the struggle in my legs came to the fore.

"Oh my god, I've waited so long for that. I have missed you, my love," Jennifer said stroking my cheek before kissing my lips.

"Me too," I said enjoying the post coital bliss. "Maybe next time we use the bed."

"I don't care. Anywhere, anytime you want it, I'll do it. It can be on the boat, in the mud, up a tree, or in the back of the car... I don't care as long as it's with you," Jennifer said kissing me again.

"Yeah? I was thinking that maybe it'd be nice to be completely naked too," I said with a smile which brought on one from her.

"I'd like that too," Jennifer said before another kiss. Then her face turned slightly serious. "Does this mean we are going to try again? You and me?"

I looked into her eyes and could see the sincerity.

"I'd like to, if you do," I said which made her smile and nod. She wiped away some forming tears and slowly removed herself from me, sitting down beside me so we could talk.

"I'd really like that. A new start with you," Jennifer said happily. "As long as we are always honest with each other, no matter how painful. Okay?"

I nodded my agreement.

"No secrets, just open and honest communication," I said to which Jen then nodded.

"I agree, completely. I don't want to hide anything from you, ever," Jennifer said before taking a deep breath. I knew something was up and felt my anxiety spike momentarily. "So, with that in mind, I need to be completely up front with you about something."

I don't know why people do it, but when they say things like that you already know it's going to be bad news. I tried not to let my mind race with possibilities and looked at Jen as she composed herself.

"Okay, go on," I said with trepidation.

"I'm not seeing anyone else if that's what you're thinking. I haven't had a date with anyone since we separated. There is only one man for me, you," Jennifer said with a straight face. I knew she wasn't bringing up the past to taunt me, so I let it slide. I just nodded with some relief it wasn't that problem, but she still looked nervous. "Okay, well. I know this may affect how you see me and... if you want to be with me, but I need to tell you this, so here goes. I've been posting pictures of myself online for a while now and earning money. I'm doing well but I'll stop if you want me to."

Now I'm not saying that Jen has ever been a prude, but this was a surprise for me, and I guess it showed on my face. It took me a minute to think it all through and make sense of it. The problem was I could feel the tell-tale signs of arousal at the thought of her naked body in pictures. I hadn't recovered that fast in a while, so it was surprising, still early days but surprising. Then it hit me, I'd love to be the one taking the photos and getting all the sexy poses, but I was starting to get ahead of myself. Going back to the issues at hand, I knew Jen still had a job as the office manager at an accounting firm but her selling pictures online, that was new. I could see her getting worried and I had to say something.

"Wow, okay... I never expected that. Do the kids know?" I asked to which she sort of nodded.

"Jacob doesn't know and neither does Danny obviously. It's not something I advertise, and I don't want to scar them. Vic is supportive, I overheard a conversation with some of her friends which gave me the idea and we talked about it. The extra money is great, helps a lot with Danny and well, I do enjoy it," Jennifer replied still a little nervous.

"And that's why you got your boobs done?" I asked putting it all together.

"Yes, I doubled my monthly income from that alone," Jennifer replied with a proud smile before the nerves showed up again.

"If you needed more money, why didn't you say?" I asked calmly.

"John, at first it was a thrill, that's all, something that I toyed with that brought in some extra play money. I guess I also found out I like showing off a bit. It honestly wasn't about the money but now I'm making six grand a month, which is amazing for an old girl like me," Jennifer replied which blew me away. She's not old and looks amazing but I fully understand my idea of beauty isn't the next person's idea. She's not perfect or a supermodel, but she is attractive. Like I said, Jennifer has always been my epitome of beautiful. "I don't show my face, and have only gone topless, but I won't do it if you tell me to stop. I'm okay with that."

"Wow, really? That's incredible," I said as my hard on grew. I was trying to suppress it with my hand covering myself, but I was getting turned on by this sexy side of Jen. Then I asked something without thinking. "What's the potential to earn more? What do others earn?"

I couldn't help it, it all started to sound like a business idea to me. Jen surprised me and just went with the flow of the conversation. Being open and honest was refreshing.

"There are some ladies making six figures a month. If I showed my face, went fully nude and maybe posted some sexual content I could get up there... well to five figures easily. I'd have to really think about it, considering everyone would know who I am. I'm not sure if I'd keep my job at the accounting firm because of it though," Jennifer replied casually. "I could buy a better camera and get someone to take the photos of me, make it look more professional. Who knows, it might go really big."

"Is it something that interests you?" I asked before seeing her face change.

"Only if it interests you. I won't do this without your support and there won't be anyone else involved if we do it. Just us," Jennifer replied firmly.

"So, you wouldn't model with other women?" I asked which made her look at me with surprise.

"Are you serious? I mean, I don't know. I wouldn't have sex with them if that's what you're asking, but posing, perhaps... I don't know. Are you saying you don't have a problem with me doing this?" Jennifer replied with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Is it important to you?"

"Not as important as you," Jennifer replied which was the perfect answer. I felt the same way. "But I will say this. If you are onboard and we grow this, together, it'd be for us. We could make some serious money and retire at fifty. Otherwise, I am more than happy to spend my life working a job, as long as we are together. I can't risk losing you again, ever."

"Okay Jen, how about we park this for now. I'm not opposed to it, but I would like a bit more time to think about it. Is that okay? Can we enjoy our weekend together and get out on the water?" I asked which made her smile. I don't know why but I felt like everything was coming together as it was meant to be. There is definitely an excitement building between us.

"I'd love to," Jennifer said happily. I took her hand and led her to the bedroom where we could get changed. I admit I snuck some glances down at her ass as she walked and suddenly saw myself taking photos of her. Sounds crazy but then it all just made sense and I didn't have to think about it anymore, I already knew my answer. I stopped pulled her to me and looked into her eyes. I couldn't put this off until later, I had to get it out now so we could enjoy the weekend.


"Mmm?" Jennifer asked as our noses nearly touched. I could feel her chest pounding against me and I felt the same way. It was indescribable how I felt being with her again. I should never have let her go.

"If I bought a new camera and took the photos, could we retire early and spend the rest of our lives living the best life we could?" I asked which brought tears to her eyes and a smile to her lips.

"You mean it?" Jennifer asked in a hopeful whisper.

"Yeah, I do. I can't imagine not having you in my life anymore. I'm not going to be sharing you with anyone, but us taking photos together, so we can retire from work and do something else with our lives... yeah, I'm all for it. I can't lose you again either," I said before kissing her lips softly. She hugged me tightly and I held onto her as well. This was our second chance, and I don't think either of us wanted to blow it.

"You've always made me so happy. You won't regret this, I promise," Jennifer said kissing me again before pulling back. "Come on, let's get changed so we can go out on the water. We've got a lot of catching up to do."

Yes, we did.


Where did that leave us? Well, as you know, Heinrich the fuckwit Dundas is dead and good riddance. The world doesn't need some narcissistic asshole thinking he knows better than everyone in it. It was a shame that Tanya passed away because of him, but it closed that chapter on my life and let me open a new one. I have been able to get over that tragedy with the love and support of my family.

I'm fifty-one now. Jennifer is too, but she doesn't look older than forty and she says that I don't either. I don't know about that, but we stay in shape and try to live the best life we can. Victoria got married to a great guy and they are happy doing their thing. Jacob is still single but he's working as a lawyer, so he doesn't get that much time at the moment for that side of things anyway. Law firms seem to chew them up and spit them out as quickly as the changing weather, so we'll see if he goes out on his own or not. Danny, my best bud is the surprising one. He met a lovely young woman with down syndrome, and they are both in love. We support him as best we can but also make sure to give him his independence. He lives nearby and is often home for dinner or when the mood strikes. That leaves Jacqueline. Well, our little angel is not far from graduating high school. She's grown into a wonderful young woman, and we couldn't be more proud of her. I think she's going to be a real heart breaker if she's not careful, but she wants to go into nursing, so we'll see what happens there.

To those wondering, Jen and I did get re-married. Yes, you could call me a sucker and every other name under the sun, but we put the past behind us and have grown stronger because of it. I only just retired six months ago while Jen retired three years back. We've built up our online presence and for a while there, we were earning six figures a month. By investing it wisely we now live quite comfortably and we still produce content for the site. We're earning on average about twelve grand a month now and I will admit that we've been recognised on our travels. We've done some collaborations, with some more scheduled in the future, and we've made some great friends amongst it all.

We're out at the lake house today, on the boat in the middle of summer and waiting for our guests to arrive. Maryanne Somerson and her husband Rob have become good friends of ours and we have a lot in common. After all we're in the same age group as are our other friends, Mike and Sarah Parish who we met through our online life. All of us are going to spend a day out on the lake, soaking up the sun and enjoying one another's company while we frolic merrily in and out of the water.

So, you could say it's a new chapter in our life, one that is filled with joy and happiness, which is a far cry from where it started. I do miss Tanya, mostly because of the good memories we made, but there is also part of me that wishes I got closure. It was an easy way out, which left us cleaning up the mess. If only I had the planning and fortitude like so many men out there you read about. Perhaps instead of dead, Tanya and Heinrich would both be financially broke and in jail instead. Who knows?

As I said at the start, people are a range of colours. Jen and I fit together because we are in similar shades of the rainbow. We adore each other and don't take us or each other for granted. It took us a while to rebuild things, but it's from a different place now, a much more stable and mature place. We constantly work on being the best versions of ourselves which filters into our relationship. I appreciate each day I have now and so does she. Even though Heinrich the fuckwit Dundas upended my life, his blackness allowed me to see the light of my life. I won't thank him for it, after all even in hell he doesn't deserve it, but I will acknowledge the gift he gave me. A life worth living, the best way I know how, with the best possible partner by my side. Fuck you Heinrich, fuck you very much.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Yeah, I have to admit that the online posing bit seemed out of place and certainly, from what we know about Jennifer, out of character. John himself doesn't seem to be the kind of guy to be so quickly won over by the lure of money. If Jen and John got into the online posting scene because of a mutually developed kink, that would be a different story altogether (the pun was unintentional). But....overall, this is a fine story and shows real skill on the part of the author. Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Love the story. I would have liked to see the university suffer for their arrogant involved though.

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

MeAReader2MeAReader2about 1 year ago

Could have been a 5⭐️if it was not for the pictures on line part. Good story otherwise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

was goodtill it went to shit in the end!,,

Dry_opinionDry_opinionover 1 year ago

Mostly narration. Little scenes. Not a story, just a list of general plot ideas.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor63over 1 year ago

Three stories in one. Good ideas just should be in three different stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hated 1st half! Enjoyed 2nd half!

RuttweilerRuttweilerabout 2 years ago
I’m getting really tired of all the puking.

“My wife cheated on me so I have to throw up to show that I’m really feeling upset about it.”

Nobody does really this. Throwing up upon discovering a cheating wife is a trope here. And kind of a pussy one, at that. Is the author trying to show that the injured husband is so emotionally wounded that he loses control of his bodily functions? Why not have him crap his pants? (Kidding). Seriously, if it ever happens at all, I’ve never heard of it anywhere outside of LW stories.

C’mon, upchucking on hearing bad news? It’s just not a real thing.

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