Helen Enjoys Being Fooled

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Sexy wife gets set up by her husband but has the last laugh.
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My wife Helen and I have been married for some years, our lives are pretty good, sex is also good, one could say we are somewhat adventurous. I have over the years taken lots of sexy photos of Helen.

Being devious I came up with a perfect April Fool's Day prank to play on her. My idea was fairly simple and relied on Helen not wanting anyone else to know about our activities, especially the digital pictures that I had of her.

So I sent an email from a fictitious account to her, pretending to be a hacker. In the email I said that her husband's account had been hacked and that access to the photos had been made. I rambled on about what I would like to do to her, and how she should respond, and said that a meeting would be arranged. That was about it.

Anyway despite me knowing that Helen had received the email, she said nothing. In fact a week went by without her saying a thing, other than how easy is it to hack a computer. I mentioned that people put a lot of photos on social media sites, something I know she uses to communicate with her friends, and that names and dates of birth are often used as passwords.

After a few more days went by, I thought I would up the stakes; so, another email, this time mentioning her boob job dress, something that only we know about. To push things a bit further the email said she should come to a local hotel, on the 1st of April which was in 4 days' time, wearing the dress with stockings and suspenders underneath. The dress was long enough for Helen to conceal her stockings when seated but walking would be a challenge for her.

I sat back and waited, but again two days passed and nothing was said, so in a final attempt to provoke a reaction I mentioned that I was changing my passwords, just as a precaution as I thought maybe someone had been trying to gain access to my laptop.

This was the trigger, she showed me the emails, now she wasn't upset, more truly angry. I played the innocent and suggested contacting the police, this met with her absolute denial. I also got some flack as if I hadn't taken the pictures then this wouldn't have happened. The entire day was recriminations, but paramount was the fact that nobody else shouldn't see the pictures, and she would do anything to prevent that.

I must admit that I felt very guilty at this point, really this had gone too far. But I did have the consolation that it was all made up. And that there was no stalker who wanted to fuck her. So I empathised and let Helen make her own decisions. She decided that she would go to the hotel, as instructed and behave as I told her in one of the emails, to be honest I had actually forgotten exactly what I had written in them.

Saturday 1st April arrived, and it was a strange day, Helen was quiet and clearly resigned to what she thought was the inevitable. I was distracted, I knew it was all fantasy on my part and it was quite erotic thinking of Helen in the hotel, expecting to get fucked.

While she was getting her bath in the early evening. I checked the emails that I had sent. I admit I forgot how explicit I had been. I had mentioned a photo that I had taken of Helen in a quiet bar one evening, wearing the boob job dress and showing a considerable amount of stocking top; along with stuff like she was to behave naturally and not ever mention the real reason she was there, as I said quite detailed.

So I would be a liar if I said that it wasn't quite a turn on to see her get ready, rolling her black lace topped stockings on and attaching them to taught stretched suspender straps. Interestingly she pulled her black lace thong up over her stockings and suspenders, the thong slipping between her peachy bum cheeks. Was this just out of habit or was she planning on keeping her stockings on while being fucked?

We called it her boob job dress as it had a built-in bra which certainly maximised her assets, it was mid-thigh in length and when stood still was just about long enough to cover her stockings, she slipped into a pair of black high heels and declared herself ready for duty. She was without doubt dressed to kill. Her size 12 frame looked hot, and I was very turned on. 7.30 pm arrived and we set off into the town, the arrangement was that I would collect her when she texted me. I guessed that would be fairly soon, when she realised that nobody would be turning up.

Watching Helen click clack in her heels into the hotel, I did feel really bad, but convinced myself it was all OK! Once she realised that the hacker wasn't going to turn up, we could quietly forget about it, as I wouldn't send any more emails and over time it would be forgotten. I thought I would go for a drink at a local pub to pass some time. An hour later I was still there and there had been no text, another 30 minutes and still no text, so I sent one to Helen, "Everything OK?"

The response simply, "Yes."

I was concerned what was happening, why was she still there? So off I went to the hotel, expecting to find her there, which was not the case. Now I was really worried, I asked the bar staff about a single woman in a black dress, as she would have stood out. Indeed they had seen her, but she left with a guy about an hour beforehand. Now I was very worried, what the hell was going on.

I texted her again no response, then I rang no response. It was now around midnight, and I had been driving all over town, I was even at the point of calling the police, when a text arrived from Helen, "Pick me up outside the Hotel in 5 minutes."

I was there in minutes, to find her standing alone outside the hotel. Her hair was all over the place, her lipstick smudged, her face flushed, her stocking tops appeared wonky and were half on display. But she had a smile of satisfaction on her face. It began to dawn on me that things hadn't gone exactly to my plan.

Helen opened the car door and climbed inside. Once she had sat down I asked her, "What on earth had happened? What took you so long?"

I couldn't tell her why I expected her to have taken less than an hour.

However what she told me rocked me completely. She replied, "Well what do you expect? You put me in this position, I was hardly dressed for just a hand-job behind the bike sheds was I?"

I was confused. She continued to explain, "I was sat on my own for an hour. I'd done exactly as I was told in the email. I found a highchair at the end of the bar, bought a glass of wine and sat there as instructed."

Helen pulled up the hem of her dress to reveal her stocking tops before continuing, "With my dress just showing the top of my stockings like this, as requested. I was beginning to think that he wasn't coming and was just about to call you but eventually at about 9-00pm he turned up but as he was late I'd already got through a couple of glasses of wine. When he first walked in I was disappointed. He looked at least 20 years older than me and quite short but at least he wasn't overweight and he was reasonably good looking. I thought typical dirty little old man but at least at his age it shouldn't take me long to satisfy him."

The fact that Helen was disappointed suddenly made me realise what her outlook on the event must have been. While I thought the whole thing was an April fool she must have taken it as an opportunity to effectively have a consequence free one night stand. Looking back I should have realised that agreeing to meet a stranger in a bar was quite out of character for her and she certainly had dressed the part.

My wife continued, "He asked me if I was alone, what my name was and would I like another drink. So of course, I replied to Helen and yes please. I did think it was strange asking me my name, but I assumed that was part of the game he was playing. He then introduced himself as George and that he was staying at the hotel for one night before visiting some property that he owned."

Helen was of course behaving as I had told her in the fictitious email. It was at this point, that the reality of what I had done hit home. Helen of course didn't know who to expect or what the mystery guy looked like. So, she had assumed this old man to be the hacker. I hadn't thought of that aspect of my prank and the danger it involved. This old man must have thought that it was his lucky when a good-looking woman 20 years younger than him started flirting with him.

"He was very complementary about my dress and I could feel his eyes taking in my body. Conversation was surprisingly easy and I found myself feeling a bit sorry for him as he explained how his wife had died a few years ago and he rarely got to chat to women these days, especially ones as good looking as me. I carried on playing the role in the email and explained how I was out for a drink and some fun."

The guy must have thought he had won the lottery.

"As we approached the end of our first drink his hand slipped onto my thigh, he left it there for a few moments and of course I did nothing to remove it. I looked him in the eye as he started to play with my suspender straps. He seemed genuinely surprised that I was wearing stockings. He told me how much he loved stockings and how it was such a shame so few women wore them these days. Again I thought this was odd as I was only wearing them at his request."

"I replied that I was glad he liked them and looking at his trousers they certainly appeared to be having an effect on him. I reached down and squeezed his package and whispered into his ear, I find it's often worth the effort of wearing them when they have this effect on men."

I was now absolutely rock hard as Helen continued, "Although I was enjoying his attention on my legs it was a bit too public so I made the excuse of needing the toilet but agreed to having another drink. Luckily I was in the toilet when you texted."

"In the toilets I was feeling surprisingly horny and decided that it was time to raise the stakes, so I removed my thong and hid it in my hand. Returning to George at the bar I pushed my damp underwear into his hand, grinned and whispered in his ear, a little thank for buying me a drink. I hoped it would be obvious to George that I was now happy to do the things that he had requested in his email."

"George appeared to be embarrassed and quickly put the thong in his jacket pocket which surprised me considering the tone of his emails. He regained his composure before replying, always a pleasure to buy a sexy lady a drink."

I was thinking that George must have thought that Christmas had come early and was clearly on a promise.

Helen continued her story, explaining. "We continued to chat easily and once we had finished our drinks, he asked me if I would like to go for a coffee in his room? Obviously, I said yes please and thought things were actually turning out far better than I thought they would. I must admit that I was quite surprised what George was like in person, he was genuinely nice, and didn't seem like the type to write such nasty emails."

By this time we had arrived home, as soon as we got through the front door I grabbed Helen and kissed her, she responded enthusiastically. When we came up for air she whispered into my ear, "Shall I finish off the story in bed?"

"Yes please." I quickly responded and led her upstairs.

Once in our bedroom she peeled off her dress, I noticed that she'd not put her thong back on. I quickly stripped off myself and laid on the bed. Helen climbed on top and guided me inside her, I slid straight in and could instantly tell I wasn't the first man that night to have been inside her, we made love slowly as she continued her story.

"He held my hand and led me to the lift, once inside he again appeared to be the perfect gentleman rather than an internet pervert by asking me, are you sure about this? I thought this was odd as thought I'd made it quite obvious that I was going to let him have his way with me, but I was now getting quite turned on and was actually looking forward to getting to his room. I responded to his question by putting my arms around him and kissing him, his hands were now on my bum and playing with my suspender straps."

"The lift pinged, we left and entered his room, he sat down on a chair and I climbed on to his lap. This course meant my dress rode up and my stockings were completely on show, to try and balance things up I undid the buttons of his shirt and eased it off his shoulders. He was gentle and considerate, stroking and gently kneading my nipples through my dress, running his fingers up and down my inner thighs and just lightly touching my pussy lips. His tongue filled my mouth, and despite the circumstances I was very aroused, becoming aware of a significant dampness between my legs."

"Next he put his hands on my waist, lifted me up and spun me round so that he was behind me. We were facing a full-length mirror with him stood behind me. My dress had been pulled up with my stockings on show and he was massaging my chest while at the same time nuzzling my neck. I was really enjoying it so I reached behind and undid his flies. Not surprisingly he was hard, I massaged his cock a few times and then due to me being taller than him I was able to guide him between my legs."

"The scene in the mirror was turning me on massively. He had undone my halter neck and built in bra, so my breasts were on full display as he now played with my nipples while gently thrusting between my legs, his cock rubbing against my pussy lips. As he was shorter than me all I could see if the mirror was my body, two hands all over my chest and a cock in contact with my pussy, I which I could have got a photo as it looked so erotic. Next, I reached down and began to play with the tip of his cock with my fingertips while also grinding my hips back against him. The feeling of his cock rubbing along my pussy lips was amazing."

"I didn't think it would be long before he was inside me, so I was a little disappointed when he stopped stimulating me and instead picked me up and laid me on the bed. My dress was bunched up round my waist, so I sat up and took it off before laying back down in just my stockings, suspenders and high heels."

"I was just about to tell George that he needed to use a condom when instead of climbing on top of me he picked up my left foot and began to work his way up my leg with lots of kisses. From the emails he'd sent I'd assumed that he just wanted to fuck me, so I was surprised by the way he was taking his time seducing me."

"He had now reached the top of my legs and began kissing my love mound, at this point I through my hands behind my head and I knew it wouldn't be long before I came. I opened my legs wide apart so he could kiss me to a climax. He certainly knew what he was doing, his tongue was all over me and his hands had found my rock-hard nipples. It wasn't long before I had my first orgasm of the night."

I thought "first orgasm" no wonder she'd been so long, I had seriously miscalculated but at the same time I was finding her exploits a massive turn on.

"Once my orgasm has subsided George grabbed my hands and pulled me up to a sitting position on the bed. My head was level with his waist, so I undid his belt and lowered his trousers and boxer shorts. His cock was a similar size to yours."

"He then stood in front of me with his cock at the same height as my mouth. Reaching down he put a hand on the back of my head and guided me towards him, a second later the tip of his cock brushed my lips, I hesitated for a moment before opening my mouth and engulfing his knob end."

This was something even in my wildest fantasises I hadn't considered; it was one thing Helen fucking a stranger but sucking his cock as well!

"He was very encouraging telling me, that feels great, you are one hell of a sexy woman. These words of encouragement drove me on, I kept going, rubbing his shaft at the same time as sucking him and fondling his balls. A couple of times I took it out kissed it and licked it. I was also using my stocking clad feet to rub his legs. I was wondering if he was going to be satisfied with just a blow job but after a few minutes he held my head, withdrew from my mouth, put his hands on my head and tilted my face upwards towards him and asked me, can I make love to you Helen?"

"I grinned yes please, but you'll need to wear a condom. He replied of course so I grabbed one out of my bag and used my mouth to put it on him. I suggested doggy style and climbed on to the bed. He said again how he loved stockings, and seeing my bum framed by tight suspender straps was making him extremely hard."

"I was aware of his cock pushing at my lips, by this point I was so horny he penetrated my pussy easily. He fucked me slowly at first but his thrusts were extraordinarily strong. However he was like a train, a slow start but once he found his rhythm he was really going for it. I must admit I was loving it."

My thrusting had picked up as well, I couldn't believe how turned on I was getting from Helen's story.

"He has his hands on my hips and was driving himself deep inside me. I reached back and cupped his balls with my hand, this seemed to push him over the edge and he came inside me, the power of his orgasm pushing us down on to the bed."

This was too much for me and I could feel myself come inside Helen. She seemed intent on having her 3rd orgasm of the night, so we carried on making love.

"I could feel him panting but I wanted more so I told him to lie on his back and straddled him. I guided him back inside me and began to grind against him. He had one hand on my chest and a thumb on my clit."

Taking this as a hint from Helen I replicated the position which sent Helen over the edge.

"I came just like that and collapsed on to him, I whispered Thank you into his ear. He held me tight for a few minutes which felt nice, I turned and kissed him on his forehead before grabbing my dress and heading for the bathroom. I tried to sort myself out as best I could, but I suspect it was obvious to anyone who saw me what I'd been up to."

"I realised that I hadn't got my thong but when I came out the bathroom I saw him holding it, he asked if he could keep it to which I nodded. I kissed him again and said goodbye. Once out the room I texted you, however he did give me his card and suggested we might want to meet up again when he's next in Town in about three months' time."

Helen looked at me and grinned, "I said that would be nice, but can I bring my husband as well. He replied the more the merrier."

I have to admit, the prospect of this excites me, something which Helen appears to be clearly aware of.

However I have completely lost any control of events. What's going to happen I have no idea. I have clearly opened up a pandoras box.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Would have loved to see a real April fools joke played on him as well. This was blah.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Boy was that a bad idea for a joke.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Kept waiting for her to spring the “reverse” April Fools and say she made it up, or some twist. As is, it’s just a run of the mill cuck tale, a bit disappointing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved it😁

Would like to see Helen getting knocked up, and perhaps wearing different colours lingerie and stockings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You missed the best April Fool’s ending possible. She should have told him all the same story but at the end said “April Fool’s, Honey. I hacked your computer and I knew it was you all along. My best friend Sally and I just had a nice dinner at the restaurant and came up with this crazy story over a couple of drinks.”

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ok story. Why not find a couple of swingers and find out if you really want to see your wife sucking a different cock or licking his cum out of her pussy? haha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It’s to bad it wasn’t two men that picked her up and worked her over before sending her back. Get her used to being passed around. Next time her husband could drop her off and wait while she gets a nice long thick cock in her. Bet she’d love that.

rodryder44rodryder44about 1 year ago

Good take on a very old plot. I haven’t made up my mind that Hejen was playing hubby. I note hubby didn’t actually see George’s business card.

usaretusaretabout 1 year ago

Cuke. ‘Nuff said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

27 stories... and still writes like an uncouth teenager!

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Cuck blows it, but skank wife is happy.

becontree2001ukbecontree2001ukabout 1 year ago

Great story. Love the plot line and slow build up. Be interesting to see where you go with this if you write a part 2

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyabout 1 year ago

I love a good Hotwife story. My wife is a Hotwife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What a stupid character this husband is. He deserves to be cucked by his now skank wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sending multiple messages, all prior to April 1, may be considered a prank but it's not an April Fool.

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