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"Oh fuck," Maiya groaned, before rocking her hips, grinding herself into my face.

I just held on while she took control. As her opening came closer to my mouth, I slid my tongue inside her. As she rocked back, I let my tongue drag through her impossibly soft folds until it reached her clit. When her clit was in position, I took it in my mouth and sucked on it, making Maiya gasp in pleasure as she rocked her hips, forcibly pulling it free of my mouth. Sitting up, she spun around, before lowering herself back onto my mouth. As I suckled gently on her clit, her mouth enveloped the top half of my cock. Her moan of pleasure had me moaning in return and I enjoyed the sight of her pussy pulsating as she quietly orgasmed.

Releasing my cock with a soft pop, she slid down my body. At my hips, she raised herself up and without a word, impaled herself on my erection. Unlike before in the shower, now I could feel her entire weight on my hips, as she drove herself down as far as she could.

"Fuck that's so good," she moaned.

Letting her take the wheel, I laid back and placed my hands under my head. Maiya leaned forward, resting on my thighs as she raised and lowered herself on my cock. I stared, dreamily at her ass as it bounced on my lap.

"Fuck, Maiya, I'm gonna cum," I groaned as my dick clenched.

Maiya stopped bouncing, before looking over her shoulder and giving me a lascivious smile. Shifting her weight, Maiya laid back against my chest. With her laying flat against me, I could feel her entire body quivering as she approached her own climax. Reaching down with one hand, she circled her clit with her fingers, while gently rotating her hips.

"You can touch me if you want too," she moaned softly.

I tried to pull my hands from under my head, but her added weight had sunk me into the mattress. I was pinned and couldn't get my arms free.

"I'm stuck," I grumbled.

"Awww," Maiya smiled. "That's too bad, my breasts feel amazing."

I bit my lip as she pleasured herself atop me. It wasn't quite enough stimulation to set me off, but she was climbing ever closer due to her own fingers. And the cherry on the cake was her soft moans, while my arms were pinned under my head, where I couldn't take advantage of her.

"Ryan?" Maiya begged.

"Yeah," I hissed.

"Do you love me?"

I heard the tone in her voice, and knew that although she was close to orgasm, she wanted a real answer. It wasn't all about the sex right now.

"Yes Maiya, I love you."

"You'll protect me?"

"Yes, that's why I wanted to build this place, to keep you all safe."

"You'll respect me?"

"As much as any man should respect his wife."

Maiya stopped and shuddered slightly. "Get your arms out."

She lifted herself and I freed my hands. As I brought them around to hold her, she took my right hand and pressed my fingers onto her clit. My left hand was brought to her breast. In a spur of movement, she lifted her hips and slapped them down hard against my own,

"When I cum, keep fucking me until you cum too," she hissed.

I tightened my grip on her breast, as she continued to slam herself down on my cock. Her breathing increased in speed and intensity, until she let out a series of high pitched whines.

"Now!" She squealed.

Her whole body clenched up. She curled her spine, before arching as her legs lifted off the bed. Taking control as she came, I drove my cock up inside her, ignoring her thrashing as she came around my cock. And as her pussy muscles clenched around the head of my cock, I fired my seed inside her. Maiya must have realised what was happening as she moaned and tried, despite her limbs not working properly, to grind herself back down on my cock. I clung to her as we both came down from our mutual highs and Maiya rolled off to lay beside me. Rolling over, she laid her head on my chest and caught her breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, reaching up to stroke her hair.

Maiya paused, before nodding. "I... I didn't think it would be like that," she said softly.

"Be like what?" I asked, kissing her head softly.

"Good," she said. "I didn't think it would be so good. Objectively, I knew it would feel nice, but... I was so scared it would hurt and then you were... Oh..." Maiya looked up at me as tears rolled down her cheek.

I rolled towards her, holding her tightly, "Maiya? Should I call in Claire?"

She shook her head quickly, "No. I'm fine, I just..." she trailed off.

"Maiya? I told you, whatever you need me to do..."

Maiya smiled softly, "Can I go back to being bossy tomorrow? Right now, I'd really like it if you made love to me."

I smiled as she let me in. Whatever her past, I hoped it wouldn't define her future. And with an offer like that... I'd be an idiot to refuse.

Chapter Eleven

The door opening brought me uncomfortably to consciousness. Cracking my eyes open, I could see the shape of several gorgeous women coming towards me. Maiya groaned and snuggled harder up against me. I pulled her in tightly under my arm and she sighed softly, before stirring.


I grinned, "We have company." Maiya groaned and pressed even harder into my side.

"Maiya, if you don't let him go, I'm just going to suck his dick while you lay there," Claire said with a smile.

"Nooo..." Maiya moaned. "You said I had him all night!"

"You have had him all night, sweetie," Claire said, stroking her hair out of her face. "It's morning already."

Maiya cracked her eyes open and glanced around, before moaning pitifully.

"Wow, were you up all night fucking or something?" Corrine asked.

"Don't answer that," Maiya growled.

I just smiled and gave her a firm one-armed hug. "If it's morning, we really should get up."

Maiya sighed softly, before extracting herself from the bed. I caught a good glimpse of her toned backside as she got up, and another of the mess still dribbling from between her legs as she bent to collect her clothes.

"You want a shower first?" Claire asked.

Maiya stopped, before gently touching her lower stomach. "No, I'm good for now," she said softly.

Summoning her clothes, Maiya simply walked out the door without a second glance. Claire watched her leave and turned to the others. "Go on down to breakfast, I'll bring him down in a second."

Polly left immediately, while Corrine flashed us a wink like she knew better. Only Henrietta paused. But after quickly darting in and collecting a kiss, she blushed prettily and left as quickly as Maiya had. That left me alone with Claire.

"Did you break her?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Maiya, she was cuddled up under your arm like she needed you to live. What happened?"

I shrugged and sat up, collecting a kiss. "I'm not really sure. After the incident in the shower..." I bent down and grabbed my clothes off the floor and dressed in an instant. "Speaking of which, who was that?"

Claire grinned, "Me. Polly got her desert afterwards."

"What about Corrine?"

"She likes Polly too," Claire grinned.

"I know you're better with this kind of thing than I am. But don't take it too far, I don't want anyone getting hurt."

Claire leaned in and kissed me, "And that's why we all love you. Polly and I had a good talk last night while Corrine got to know Henrietta. She sees you as her husband, me as her mistress and the others as her sisters. She's unique amongst... well... everyone. She's also extremely happy being used as our plaything. If we ignore her pleasure, it turns her on that we're using her and if we play with her, she's so turned on she creams herself."

I snorted and took Clarie by the hand. "Come on, all this talk of Polly is making me want to see if you'll cream yourself."

"I promised Henrietta too," Claire sighed. "After that, Corrine will need a bit of attention, then we can all sorta play it by ear for a bit."

I nodded, "And Henrietta was okay with... Last night?"

Claire grinned as we stepped out of the room. "She helped come up with the idea. She says all she wants is to be pampered and loved. But that girl wants a dicking same as the rest of us."

I snorted and headed for the stairs while Claire shot me a wide grin. We descended in silence before heading for the kitchen. Margaret was scraping a few plates together that were partially empty so she could start washing them.

"Margaret, is it only you who cooks?"

Margaret paused and gave me a strange look, before her eyes went wide, "Oh, you weren't here for it. My class is Cook. This morning you should get a small buff to your strength on top of the experience buff you get for sleeping in a bed."

"Oh," I said, blinking a few times. "Out of curiosity, can you make stats worse?"

Margaret paused, before nodding, "I could, but I wouldn't want too."

"That's fine," I smiled, actually somewhat relieved about her reaction. "I was just thinking we could make some meals for whatever those things are that come at night. If we lace them with something that will make them sleep, they'll be easier to catch."

Margaret paused before nodding her head. "Talk to Lillian, she's an alchemist."

Shaking my head I plated up some food and headed for the table with my wives. They were all talking together, but shot me smiles as I sat with them.

"Morning ladies," I smiled as I tucked into my meal.

Breakfast was a small assortment of cut meat that looked like it had been leftovers from the night before. But the bonus was eggs and toast. Though, the toast looked like it had been fried to give it that crunch. I thought about the possible health defects from all the oil, but scrapped the idea straight away. I doubted this world put that much effort into details like that. As I finally mopped the last of a runny egg up with some toast, Claire leaned over and smiled.

"What's the plan for today?" She asked.

I nodded, "I'm gonna swing back to the shopping centre and check on Brian. If you can continue building this place up, I'll get Lara to keep going with the wall."

"What are you going to do with Brian?" Polly asked.

"First, I wanna know if they made it through the night okay. Then I want to offer them somewhere safe to stay."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Maiya asked.

I glanced at Claire, who eyed me carefully. They'd go along with whatever I told them, but... "Honestly, no I'm not. They could be bad news, they could be dangerous, at least Harry could be. But this is what we're building a safe place for. To bring people back, to start a community, to ensure we have a future."

Claire nodded, "So long as you recognise the risks involved."

The others nodded along and I smiled, knowing they all had my back. With the end of the morning meal, I collected one, or several kisses from each of them, before heading for the stables. When I arrived, Barb was following Zena around with a saddle. Zena on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with her and kept moving away.

"C'mon, we did really good yesterday!" Barb called as Zena darted out of arm's reach again. But as Barb turned and spotted me, she pouted slightly. "They really won't listen to anyone but you."

"Zena, you're with Barb this morning. Also, so long as she brings you back every night, it's safe to go with her during the day unless I say otherwise, from now on, okay?"

Zena eyed me a moment before cooing softly and turning to face Barb. Barb shot me a smile and moved straight over and patted Zena to squat so she could fit the saddle. A firm prod to my shoulder let me know Sarge wanted some attention too. So I turned around and gave the big bird a scratch, only for Sneaky to push in and claim some attention herself.

"Alright, alright, calm down both of you!" I laughed, pushing the friendly birds out of the way.

Heading over to the mules, with both shriekers following behind, I was happy when all three moved in for scratches of their own. "Right, you three, I want you to help out today, do what Lara asks and come back here when the sun comes down, alright?"

The three large animals grunted and I had the impression they understood what was required of them. I just had one small issue.

"Barb? Where are the saddles kept?"

The smaller woman glanced over at me and nodded, "Over in the armoury should have everything."

I gave her a wave and headed across, mindful of the two sets of footsteps behind me. As I got halfway across the hall, a small cry went out, and Lace wrapped herself around my shoulders. The small creature nuzzled into my neck for a while, and I gave her some scratches.

"Good morning to you too," I told her. "You and me, we're going for a trip today. Have you eaten?"

Lace cawed softly and I had the impression she was fine. Heading over to the armoury, I pulled the door open and headed inside. It wasn't the most well stocked armoury I'd imagined, but it had great variety. A couple swords, the mace I found earlier and a few bows were the obvious picks. But there were a few more, with shorter blades, and a spear of each length how Edith had described. Hell, there was even a two-handed axe of some kind sitting in the corner. But what caught my attention, was a large net. Not large like a fishing net, but large as it was about three meters across and made from coarse rope. It looked just about perfect to throw over something no larger than a shrieker. Which was bloody perfect. Grabbing a military saddle off the rack where I spotted them, I made sure to take the net as well, and headed back out.

"Oh good, you found it!" Claire called.

I grinned at her when she pointed to the net and saddled Sarge while she caught up.

"You really thought of everything, didn't you?"

"Not quite," she huffed. "Still have no idea what I am. Everyone else at least has a weapon."

I leaned over and gave her a small kiss, "You'll get there. And if not, I'll just make you governor or something with an army of shriekers to command. Then you'll be the most dangerous one here other than me."

Claire smirked, "It really doesn't bother you?"

I shook my head and kissed her again, "Not even a little. You've already accomplished more in one day than I could have in weeks. Don't sell yourself short."

Claire smiled, "If it weren't Henrietta's day today-"

"I'd have dragged you into the armoury and fucked your pretty little brains out in the middle of the floor," I whispered harshly.

Claire blushed and bit her lip, before nodding. "Alright, you need to go do what you need to do. I... Need to find Polly."

I just laughed as I started for the side door. "Now who's the tease?"

I passed a few people, moving around and getting ready for their day. Along the way, I spotted Lillian.

"Hey, Lillian!" I called, jogging to catch up.

She stopped and turned, seeing me, she shot me a smile. "Good morning, Ryan, what can I do for you today?"

"Sleeping, or paralyze potions, do you know anything about them?"

Lillian frowned, "Yes, but I'm not sure I want to make them if I'm being honest. There's lots of other things I can make, healing potions to do away with the spray and such."

I nodded, already liking the thought of having her on our side, "I want them to help catch some beasts. If I can poison some meat and leave it out overnight, I might be able to catch a few of those things last night."

Her eyes lit up and she nodded along, "I see. That's different then. I'll see what I can whip up by tonight."

"If you get it done on time, take it to Margaret and see if she can cut up some chunks to use."

Lillian nodded, "I can do that."


With a grin on my face I moved for the door. Sarge was dressed in his saddle but... Where was my glaive?...

"Ryan!" Turning, I spotted it. Polly was running towards me with my weapon clutched in her grip. She skidded to a halt and pressed it quickly into my hands, while looking around frantically.

"Polly, are you okay?"

She gave another quick check, before pulling her top open, "Please, Mistress Claire told me if I could convince you to give me a love bite on my breast, she'd reward me."

I grit my teeth, staring at Polly's chest. That teasing bitch knew exactly how to push my buttons... Leaning forward, I took Polly's nipple in my mouth and sucked hard. Her breath came out jagged and raw, clearly enjoying my attention. Shifting lower, I inhaled the scent of her skin and ignored the uncomfortable tightness in my pants as I found soft pristing skin on the underside of her breast. Taking a small mouthful of flesh, I sucked on it firmly as she gasped and held my head closer. I counted to twenty and released her breast before standing up. Polly squirmed uncomfortably as she quickly fixed her top. Without a word, she turned to leave, but I stopped her.

"Polly?" She paused and turned back. "Polly, is this really what you want?"

She seemed to think something over for a moment, before making a quick check of her surroundings. I could see what looked like Davin and the two Sam's coming down the stairs, but it was rather dark in here and I doubted they could see us. Polly seemed to have the same idea as she quickly forced down her pants to just above her knees and took my hand. She pressed it between her legs, and I could feel she wasn't just wet, it was literally running down her legs.

"Ah, I see," I smiled, withdrawing my hand. It glistened with her arousal and I smiled, before wiping my hand over her mouth. She moaned softly as I pulled my hand away, but smiled softly at me. "And now, anyone who kisses you, will smell and taste that."

Polly quivered, "Ryan... I... "

"No Polly," I smiled. "Today I'm with Henrietta. Afterward, I think you should talk to your mistress about what she will allow."

Polly moaned softly, before quickly pulling her pants up. When she was presentable, she quickly darted in, pressing her lips to my own, before running off, obviously towards Claire. I just smiled, hoping for her sake Claire was in a giving mood. It was also good to know I really could trust Claire. She hadn't led me wrong or lied in any way. The ladies were happy and the group as a whole were coming together strongly. Now, with a place to call home, we could hope, plan and hopefully expand.

Turning back to the door, Sarge and Sneaky moved behind me. But as I reached it, I remembered Barb and what she's said about the injured wolf thing...

"Edith, do those six legged feather things Barb spotted have a name?"

"Mr. Ryan, at this point, normally I wouldn't be able to share this kind of information. But as you are both members of the same settlement, I am permitted to inform you, they are simply known as Hunters."

"Not very imaginative with the names. Buzzards fly, Mules are big cow things, Shriekers shriek..."

"You have the option of changing their names Mr. Ryan. However the change would only be local and not enforced. Their current names were chosen based purely on something simple and unique about them."

I felt a little like a child that had been chastised when I said, "Thank you, Edith. I'll keep that in mind."

"Take care Mr. Ryan. Be safe."

I paused, thinking about those last couple of words and shrugged. Then I paused...

"Sneaky, I'm going to open the door, you're going to go out first. Then Sarge and I'll come out last."

Sneaky crooned and pawed at the ground. I reached for the handle and quickly pulled it open, stepping aside as I did so. Sneaky rushed out, while Sarge squatted and waddled out, due to the height of the seat. I gave it a moment to hear if anything happened, before stepping out into the morning sunlight to join them. Closing the door behind me I grinned at the slight morning breeze. There was no airflow inside the warehouse, and I was quite glad the weather wasn't hotter than it was.

"Lace, can you fly up and see if there's anything nearby?" Lace squawked and took flight, circling higher until she looked like a small bird. "Sneaky, you're on guard. Patrol around, make sure nothing dangerous is near the others. Keep them safe." Sneaky cooed, before running off, circling around the warehouse.
