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"Softball is life, but." I sighed. "Let's get through tomorrow and then if we can... yes."

She hung up the phone after about four goodnights.

The next morning was another round of find this, where is this my coach has our costumes and can I stay and Mimi and Papa's after the game. Which I was tickled to say yes to. The drive to pick up Brandy was little longer as she lived in the heart of the Midland school district, in a cute apartment duplex. She came to the door in ripped jeans with tights under them, a cute top and hoodie jacket. When she looked up, I could see we were really impeding on her Saturday, sleeping in time.

I was pulling in the golden arches when Brandy finally perked up. She and Kayla were like sisters both needing the same breakfast. They were locked in girl talk and Kayla was trying to explain softball to Brandy.

"What you want girls?" The most innocent yet costly question a softball dad can ask.

"Number 4, oh and extra sausage burrito." Kayla answered first.

"Coffee large, two sugars and cream. A number 4 as well." Brandy finally showing life.

Twenty plus dollars later, we finally escaped the Golden Arches. I handed the bag to Brandy to dole out the meals. As I drove and tried to eat, get caffeinated, and watch Brandy dance to the music on the radio, with Kayla bouncing in rhythm in the backseat. We made the softball field at exactly 9 am. Kayla was already in her crocs and grabbing her equipment bag.

"I got to run, dad. Coach has our costumes." She bolted as I watched her do her softball croc scoot across the parking lot, catching up with Debbie and her mom.

"Finally." As Brandy touched my arm and leaned over and gave me a kiss. A little longer and with a bit of tongue, I tasted the coffee on her breath. Her tongue swirl in mine a little probably mixing with the Dt. Pepsi breath, I had. She pulled back slowly. She licked her lips, then opened her eyes. "Shame we are breaking up tomorrow, I think I could get used to that."

Ed, Debbie's dad, and a couple of other dads were getting their wagon caravans ready to assault the field entrance. I went to packing the cart, as Brandy tried to help, teasing, and trying to sip her coffee. It was midmorning but still cold air hung on. The high was only going to climb to sixty or so. Shutting the door, I grabbed the loaded wagon and Brandy's hand found mine. We walked to the throng of men and women into the maze of softball fields. Most players wore costumes, of M and M's, Candy bars, Skittle colors, One group of Care bear T ballers was "oh you are so cute." Burnside's team was a team of pirates, white floofy shirts and black ball pants, with pirate hats. The girls modeled for their picture. The Midland girls were decked out as divas, with flashy colored combos and feather boas and big sunglasses. The taunts seemed to start almost immediately.

Brandy was drug away by the Midland girls for pictures. I was with Kayla, Debbie, and a few others for pictures with the Burnside girls. The Halloween Bash was the last tournament of the year. Also, the last for bragging rights. The two teams had locked horns six times this year, and it was a four to two Midland lead.

While I was alone, Ed and Betty, our second baseman daughter, finally cornered me. "Hey Greg, some the parents wanted to ask you something." Betty and few others gathered close. Ed continued, "Coach Blair, is being hired by Midland to be their new softball coach." Blair was the Burnside Templars, PE Teacher, and the travel ball coach. She and her husband were originally my assistants before I stepped down from coaching when my wife passed away. For the last three years, I was on just treading water.

"I told you I barely have time now." I started.

Ed raised his hands in defense of do not kill the messenger. Betty spoke up. "Greg, you know Kayla is always welcome at my house. I have been a team mother forever. We have a really good group of girls."

"I know but, I am a single dad. Too risky. All it takes is rumors now and I lose everything." I looked down. My wife had been with me at every game, and practice.

"Well, at least think about it." Ed gave a hard smile. "We really would like to see these girls stay together." As Brandy made her way back, the caravan moved to field 11, where we're scheduled to play our first game. It was against Central Dirt Bunnies.

"Did they leave because of me?" Brandy gave me a suspicious look.

"No, they want me to start coaching again." I opened my hand to take hers. It felt natural now. She leaned into me.

"Well, that is good, isn't it?" She asked.

"I barely have time to sleep, as is. Two schools, and travel ball team of 14u girls. I would have to get us a winter work out area, fund raising, winter camps, and of course recruiting for those who leave or..." My mind went off.

"You really have thought this much about it already?" She gave an amused glance.

I shut up and walked with her, finding us a nice spot away from the crowded, past the dugout on the right field fence. Few minutes later, an older couple found their way to our spot. I introduced Brandy to my mom and dad. They, of course, left their wagon with us and went to go spoil their only grandchild.

"I see where you got your looks, but why so far?" She was setting up a chair.

"Thanks, I guess, and my mom has dementia she blurts out stuff that should not be said." I tried to hide the pained looked on my face when I told her that.

"Oh, so no mention." Brandy asked, I shook my head no.

"She will probably forget it anyway but best not to bring trouble. I told my dad, so he knows and was happy if I was happy." That brought a smile to her face. "If she calls you Tammy." I paused. Her hand found mine.

"I didn't know." She laid her head on my shoulder.

"Not something I advertise, don't think I am ashamed or have any sort of problem...I am putting my foot in my mouth aren't I." I bit my bottom lips to stop.

She kissed my cheek. "I understand." She gave me one her cute scrunched up faces. "I am the one who has to make the great first impression, so I can talk you out of dumping me tomorrow." She laughed.

My mom was upset that Kayla was not the starting pitcher for this game. I rolled my eyes, she thought Kayla should pitch and hit every position and wondered where she was every moment of the game. My dad would tell her, she is playing first. When Brandy listened for a few, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. I smiled weakly, but I could see understanding in her eyes.

Central was good, but Lana was our number two pitcher, was good as well. She was barely five foot five, but she was all spark plug and fire. She was able to strike out the first two batters on four pitches, and hard grounder to Kayla on first ended the inning. My dad and me talked of his farm and mom. Brandy and my mom had scooted closer and were cheering for Kayla and the team. I told dad about them wanting me to coach, and basically told me do what I felt was right, just do not go half in. We paused, to watch Kayla at bat. Her first swing was a long foul ball, her second a wiff on a change up, her third a hot shot over the third baseman's head. We cheered as she pulled in for a double, bringing in one run. Debbie, her bestie, and our best catcher, was next she smashed a long fly ball deep to left but was caught, and Kayla moved to third. Our next batter struck out looking, but we had a lead.

Brandy and my mom talked, as we and my dad talked about Kayla, and softball. He, of course, asked about Brandy. I told him what I could. I mean this was our second date. She seemed to enjoy softball, and Kayla liked her.

He let it slip that Kayla was going home with them and we would pick her up tomorrow. I saw Brandy's eyes light up. The game played on, another 1,2,3 inning for Central. The second inning, our bats came alive, and we scored seven, and switched sides. The third was a little harder but two hits and runners left on the bases kept the score eight to zero. If we scored seven more, the umps would call it. Central changed pitchers, but it did little to change things, if anything it just made it easier. Debbie crossing the plate on base hit by Katie Miles, our left fielder and it was the ball game.

Brandy, Mom and Dad went to meet Kayla and the girls as they exited. Coach Blair told them the next game was at noon on field seven. They all nodded. Blair made a bee line to me after the game. I was amazed others had not joined him.

"Hey Greg got a minute?" She asked as I offered her cold water from my snuck in cooler. She shook her head.

"So, did you hear already?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did congratulations." She nodded as if trying to get to her point.

"The girls need a new coach if I start there. Ed has already told me they plan on hiring you full time. Meg is going to be ticked to have attend Midland." She paused. "I have not told the girls but this will be the last game I can coach. Since I will be moving up and coaching Midland's high school team."

"So? Let me guess, you want me to?" I looked at Blair.

"Please Greg, I know since your wife Tammy died you have not had time. But these girls would stay together for you. You know if I tell them without you taking over most of these girls are gone to other teams or will quit." Blair's husband Tommy was making his way to me.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to figure out anyway at all this would work. "I would need a practice area for winter and a place to practice in the spring. I doubt you will have your shop and practice field open for us."

"You know we will do what we can, Meg is not going to want to play for Midland's travel team, if she can help it."

"Give me to next game to make some calls." I lifted my hand. "I have to find a field and cage. Before I say yes." Blair smiled at Tommy. "That is not a yes."

"What is not a yes?" Brandy asked, as her, Kayla, and some of the other girls had snuck up to our spot.

"Coach Blair when was you going to tell us?" Debbie blurted out, followed by other girls asking.

He shoulders slumped. "I was going to tell you after the tournament."

By now, several parents had followed their girls. She turned and addressed them. I took the moment to text a couple of batting cages and asked. One finally sent a reply and a price list. I swallowed hard, looking at my phone. Did some quick math. Blair was telling how she would no longer be their coach, some even balked at her taking the Midland Softball job.

Brandy whispered, "do all softball tournaments always have this much drama?"

I smile squeezed her hand, "Yes."

The girls questioned if they wanted to finish, or what they were going to do. Parents that did not already know were grumbling.

Standing up, "If you still want to have a 14U team, I will coach it." I paused. "I said I will coach it, but expect help like I did before. I am not your babysitter." I looked at the girls. "Many of you either learned to hit from me or were coached by me." They nodded and looked up. "You know what you are signing up for if join my team, parents you as well."

"Well, is she going to be helping?" Amy Hollows, the mother from last night.

"That is her choice, but I will not be giving rides to and from games without a woman present. That is my first rule." I stated.

Amy huffed. Others asked Amy, "what does it matter?"

She turned. "Because I want to know what kind of woman, my daughter will be riding with." She then did something I did not expect. "We do not need some Midland hussy, breaking our coach's heart and making things hard on him." She gave Brandy a wink, then smile.

People laughed as Kayla and Debbie smirked. "She already knows what happens if does."

"I will draft rules and fees, once this tournament is done, deal." I stared at the girls. "I will let you know now. The next four games are your try outs for the new team. Any slackers I will cut you and find better players. So, you better show me something special." There was cheers, and few jeers. "Now give Coach Blair a hug and thank her properly." Blair looked at me with a tear in her eye. "Because you are so going to be wishing for them to be back come November camp."

The crowd went to talking to Blair and Tommy, my dad slapped my back. "Sucker." I just nodded he was right.


After the meeting, I was making calls and setting up things for the girls. While my mom and dad, took Kayla and Debbie on a food run. I asked them to bring me a notebook and some pens on their way back. I had moved our chairs under a shade tree, as several parents and players came to either congratulate or tell they would be looking elsewhere to play. Most of them wanted to stay with the team. No surprise Tellie Wilson, informed she would be joining another team since she "only let Tellie play for women coaches." Tellie was a good kid, her mom was a drama bomb in floral print.

I was lost in thought, and rubbing my temples, when Brandy rubbed an ice cold water across my neck. "Shesh, Greg. You sure you want to break up with me on Sunday?"

I smiled, "Not really, but you don't need the drama at Midland, and I need to finish out the year."

She gave me one of those pained smiles. "I could be your team nurse." She paused, "if you don't a mind a Midland hussy?" She winked.

"I never wanted to kiss a girl so much in my life." I winked back.

"Later." She bit her bottom lip. "I see why you told me to dress in layers." She had changed into just her ripped jeans and taken off her jacket. Brandy had a body to die for. It was hard to judge at school as she was always in scrubs, but looking at her now, she was just wow.

"So yeah, Kayla is going home with my mom and dad." I spoke. "I was wondering if you might like to... hang out tomorrow morning before we break up?" I gave her a pained smile.

"What about tonight?" shrugging her shoulders.

I laughed, "You think we are leaving here before midnight...you have so much to learn about tournament softball."

"I was not talking about a date." She leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I was thinking of... You and me... and..." She bit my earlobe.

"So soon?" I blushed.

"We are not kids, and honestly looking at how some of those softball moms are looking at you, coach... I better stake my claim before someone else tries to."

"You are funny." I sighed. "I am game if you are, but don't get mad if we end up passed out the couch before opening scene of the movie starts."

"She smiled sounds like a good date to end on, to me." She pulled her chair close so she could hold my hand. "So, what can I do?"

"Look adorable and listen to me think of a hundred reasons not to coach." I smiled weakly.

"Got it." She looked around. "So, just to understand. How hard is it to coach softball?"

The day moved on; we beat Midland in the winners bracket, then lost in the finals and Kayla and Laura had one of the most epic pitching duels in sometime. Midland finally got a run in the bottom of the twelfth to win the game off of simple throw to first, that should have ended it. Tillie was crying for making the error. Kayla hung her head but went and hugged her shortstop.

I caught Tillie after the game. "Errors, happen. Just don't let that error haunt you. The game is over, now get ready for the next one." She looked up and nodded.

I turned to leave, "Coach Greg?" Tillie asked. "Did I make the team?"

"You, like the rest can try out in November camp." I gave her a smirk. "Though I am not an easy person to play for, so make sure you clear it with your mom."

She bounced away. Brandy's arm slipped into mine. "So that's what coach Greg is like." She smiled, "wonder if he has a girlfriend?"

I looked at my watch. "For the next twenty-four hours, anyway." We leaned and kissed as the lights of the field went out.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
DixieBellDixieBellalmost 2 years agoAuthor

This story was written for a friend, and I really did not plan for a second chapter. But I from the positive feed back i will definitely try to work on one. Thank you all for the helpful comments.

Chiara23Chiara23almost 2 years ago

Great little story, I hope there's a part 2 coming!

Storyteller0112Storyteller0112almost 2 years ago

Yes, yes, yes! Another chapter is definitely needed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great start, look forward to seeing this continue. Needs a bit of editing but otherwise well done.

Nasty56Nasty56almost 2 years ago

Quickly a follow up chapter!

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