Her 50th


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My god, the taste! Laurie was oozing a constant stream of girl juice, and I set out to lap as much of it up as I could. The ice cream at the restaurant was good, this was better. I licked around, up and down and through her beautiful slit before I settled on her swollen, distended clit.

When I did finally start working on her most sensitive spot, Laurie went mad. She moaned even louder, and I could tell an orgasm was fast approaching. Every once in a while, I'd leave her clit and reach back to gather up more of the fluid she was giving me, but I wouldn't be gone long.

While I worked her lovely pussy with my mouth, I decided to reach a hand around a little farther, between the cheeks of her gLaurieous ass. It was a little awkward, but I managed to at least get far enough that I could tickle the pucker with my fingers, which just sent her further toward the edge of orgasmic oblivion.

Then, suddenly, the dam broke. The moan that'd been almost constant for several minutes got louder and deeper, her hips started to pulse, and her pussy gushed onto my tongue and into my face. Laurie rode my face through her cum, while I tried not to drown in her juices, making a valiant effort to swallow as much of what she was giving me as I could. Even though it seemed I'd already gulped down a gallon of girl cum, I could still feel my face dripping with it. I didn't even have to look in a mirror to know I was a mess. I could hardly have been happier.

I kept my face between Laurie's legs, my hands helping hold her up as her orgasm subsided. When I felt her start to back away, I figured she was done for the moment. How wrong I was.

Wiping my eyes, I looked up Laurie's body into her downturned face. She was grinning ear to ear, just as I was, although she looked a little tired from her climax. Leaning over me, Laurie licked a bit of her cum from my cheek, then kissed me. When she raised up from my lips, she said, "I need you inside me."

Well, needless to say, my cock had been ready for action for quite a while, but I'd been biding my time so I could give Laurie some pleasure before I shot my wad, both figuratively and literally.

"Yes, Ma'am," I responded eagerly, changing my position on the bed so my head was supported.

Laurie climbed right on. She knew exactly what she wanted, and when she lowered herself down my stiff cock, we both moaned in unison. Once she bottomed out, she sat there for a few moments. Having had one orgasm already, some of the urgency was gone out of her, so she was able to savor this a little.

"Oh my god," she said breathily. "I can't believe this is happening. Your cock is stretching my pussy so well. I've dreamed of this moment for so long now."

This was the greatest fantasy we both had, and while fantasy often is better than reality, it wasn't the case this time. Everything I'd experienced and imagined before couldn't have prepared me for what the fulfillment of this one thing felt like. The physical part was similar to other sexual encounters I'd had, but all the thoughts and emotions running through me made it so much more. It's said the mind is the largest erogenous zone, and this certainly proved that.

I have no idea how long Laurie just sat there, her warm, gorgeous body clutching onto mine, and it doesn't really matter. She could have remained like that for the rest of my life, for all I cared, but eventually, she began moving, making her amazingly slick pussy glide easily up and down my wanting member.

No words were necessary at the time. The formless sounds I was making were quite sufficient. I wanted this to last, but with as horny as I was after everything that'd happened already, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back much longer.

My god, every little movement Laurie made just nudged me closer and closer to unloading deep inside her. I knew I wouldn't last long, as good as this all felt...

Then, all of a sudden, it took over. My moans increased and my cock started pumping into Laurie's waiting body. I didn't think about whether that's where she wanted my cum, but I didn't hear her complaining. She seemed to be enjoying the feeling of my cock pulsating in her lovely, grasping hole.

Unfortunately, it was over all too soon. Eventually, my cock stopped twitching and I grinned at Laurie, who was smiling right back, but this time it was me who had the look of post-orgasmic bliss on his face.

I figured that was it. It certainly was for me, anyhow. Laurie wasn't climbing off me, though. She asked, "Think you can keep it hard for a few minutes longer?"

It didn't take a genius to figure out what she was planning. I told her, "I'll sure try," at which she began to grind her clit into my pubic bone.

My cock was swiftly deflating, but Laurie was undeterred. She kept up her hip movements, which sure seemed to be doing the trick for her. I just laid there and watched in awe as she very obviously was driving herself closer and closer to another climax.

Before too awful long, she stiffened and I felt the involuntary body twitches that signaled her orgasm, accompanied by another incredibly sexy moan.

Once this cum started to ebb, Laurie let herself collapse on top of me. The change in position let my softened cock slip out of her, and I wondered about things like wet spots. Not to sound callous, but if she didn't care, neither did I. Now that we'd both cum (Laurie twice, lucky girl) we neither had a lot of gumption. Like most guys, I'm not a big snuggler, but I liked the feel of Laurie's body against mine, so I let her lay on top of me for a while, then when she rolled off and cuddled up against me, I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in tighter. Her head rested on my chest and I felt the stress of the day and a two-hour time difference between where I was and home starting to take their toll.

"This is so perfect. Thank you, Allan." Laurie whispered.

"You're very welcome, pretty girl," I responded wearily. "But, I s'pose I should get up and look for a place to stay for the night. That was one thing I didn't get done this afternoon."

Laurie's head rose from my chest and she looked up at me. "Stay here. Please. The bed's plenty big and I really want to wake up with you here."

I had a feeling that even if she'd only had a twin bed, it would have been big enough. She wanted me to stay, and I was too tired to argue. I could feel Laurie's cum drying on my face, but I was getting too tired to care.

I hated falling asleep so soon after I cumming -- I mean, it's so cliché -- but in this case, I was unable to help myself. I remembered mumbling, "Okay," Laurie grinning at me and snuggling in closer, then after that, things went dark.

I woke up in the middle of the night needing to use the bathroom. Somewhere along the line, we'd separated and were sleeping on our own sides of the bed. I slipped out of the room and did my business, then came back. There was a bit of light from outside coming through one window, and it fell across Laurie's sleeping form. She'd pulled covers up over herself, but still I could see her shape beneath. Though I intended on getting back in bed and trying to get some more shut-eye, I couldn't help standing there a minute and admiring what I saw before me. It was so incredible, that I'd actually come here, so far from home, exclusively to see someone I only knew through the computer. What was even more incredible was that she was truly glad to have me. She really was beautiful -- in all respects - and I hated the idea that I was going to have to get back in the car and leave her behind.

Instead of getting into a huge inner debate, I found myself yawning, which reminded me I needed more sleep. Getting back in the bed, I spooned up against Laurie, who stirred a little, purred her satisfaction, then went back to sleep, followed closely by me.

When I woke again, it was still dark outside, but my body told me it was time to get up. Those two time zones were working their magic on me. Regardless what the clock in Laurie's bedroom said, my system said it was time to get up and moving for the day. I tried to go back to sleep, but after several minutes, I knew it was hopeless.

I could have just laid there and held Laurie while she slept, but I wasn't sure that was such a fantastic idea, either. I did move over and kiss her on the cheek before I climbed carefully out of bed and padded to the living room.

It dawned on me that all my extra clothes and toiletries were still in the car. I could have run out and got them, but I didn't want to leave the house, on the off chance Laurie woke up and came trying to find me. Last thing I wanted to have happen was for her to look around the house and find me gone. I had no desire to make her think I'd abandoned her in the middle of the night.

First thing I needed to do was wash my face. I hadn't noticed when I got up earlier, but the cum Laurie had smeared my face with was now dry, crackly, and to be honest, rather uncomfortable. A shower would be a good thing, but I hoped we'd get to do that together, especially with the little shower scenes I'd written for her in emails all this time.

I went to the bathroom and washed the dried pussy juice off my face. The harder part was getting it out of my mustache and beard, but eventually I got myself cleaned up to where I couldn't feel anything crackly on my skin anymore, so I figured I was good for the moment.

The question then got to be: What to do until Laurie got up? Obviously, one thing would be to make breakfast, which I fully intended to do, but I had plenty of time before she'd be awake to enjoy it. I could turn on the TV, but I didn't really feel like doing that. Finally, I went back in the bedroom, set up a seat where I could see Laurie in the slowly dawning light, and thought.

I'd come a long way just to see this woman for her birthday. Could I say I'd have done it for anybody else? Probably not. She meant more to me than I could have imagined anyone I'd met through the computer could. The largest -- and hardest to answer -- question became: Where from here? Everything either of us knew and had helped make us who we were existed in these places we came from. Our families, our careers, our history existed in these very specific locations. They were Home, with a capital H, for each of us. Could Home be relocated? Millions do it all the time, sometimes clear across the planet. But was it the same thing? The bigger question was: could either of us bring ourselves to do it? I'd love to have Laurie be a larger part of my life, and I thought she felt the same way, but circumstances of that long history back where we came from make those ties harder to break... Home or love... which? The debate left an empty spot in my stomach that wasn't lack of food.

Then my stomach growled, which was lack of food...

Which was far more easily remedied than the other situation that hung over this entire visit.

With a longing look at the sleeping Laurie, I made my way from the bedroom and into the kitchen. I turned the light on over the sink -- I didn't think I was ready for the shock of the overhead -- and started opening cupboards and the refrigerator.

As I've mentioned, I wasn't exactly sure what Laurie did for breakfast, since food wasn't anything that really had come up in our conversations. Surprising, considering some of the subjects we did cover.

Therefore, I decided to wing it...

I made a fairly reasonable fruit salad, sweetened a tub of plain yogurt with a few tablespoons of honey, found some eggs and made French toast, then while I had the knife and cutting board out, chopped some vegetables, mixed the rest of the eggs with it, then made a sort of veggie scramble.

Fortunately, the coffeepot appeared to be on a timer. I've never made the stuff before in my life. If I made the coffee, it'd likely turn out like something Lisa Douglas always made on Green Acres. My drinks of choice for breakfast are fruit juice of some kind, and/or milk, of which there were both.

The cooking part over, I left the eggs in the pan and stuck it in the oven, put the eggy bread in next to it and put the oven on warm. The cold stuff found places in the fridge, then there was the task of cleaning up and setting the table.

Once everything was ready, I glanced at the clock. I was surprised at how much activity I'd had already. Normally, when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I want to is go back to sleep. However, I don't know if I was actually awake, or just determined. The clock told me it was likely Laurie's alarm would be going off soon, if she'd thought to set it... I had no idea.

Regardless, I know how crappy I feel when the damn alarm shocks me out of a sound sleep, so I decided to see if I could spare Laurie that unpleasant jolt.

On the way out of the kitchen, I was stopped by a fuzzy presence around my ankles. Looking down, I saw Laurie's cat. I'm sure it figured, "The humans are up, it must be time to eat." I searched around a little until I found a can of cat food, opened it and dumped it in a bowl. When I left the kitchen, there was a purry feline munching away at its breakfast.

Back in the bedroom, Laurie was still blissfully asleep. The light that'd lit her luscious form earlier now was stronger, as the sun rose for the day. Making my way to her side of the bed, I knelt until I was face to face with my sleeping beauty. Gently, I reached out and caressed her hair until her eyes slowly opened.

A sleepy smile came to Laurie's lips when she saw me. "Morning," she mumbled.

"Good morning, gorgeous," I returned.

Her eyes closed as she purred. "Mmm. Thank you."

"You're very welcome. How does breakfast sound?" My god, I wanted to kiss her and kiss her.

Laurie started to sit up, letting the sheet fall from her naked curves, revealing her beautiful body to me. "You made breakfast? Oh, Allan, you shouldn't have." She was starting to sound a little more awake.

"Well, I've been up for almost two hours now," I laughed. "I figured I might as well make myself at least remotely useful."

"Two hours?" she exclaimed, "Oh, honey..." her hands reached out for me. I moved over - still on my knees -- until we could wrap our arms around one another. At this level, I was the short one, so my head rested just above Laurie's lovely, full breasts. I pressed an ear to her chest and listened to her heart beat.

"This is so amazing," Laurie said. "You here, now. I wish it would never end." I didn't respond, knowing what'd come out of my mouth. Instead, I just hugged her closer, her warm, soft body feeling so good against mine.

Laurie then stood, holding out a hand to help me up. Once I was on my feet, she hugged me again, then said, "I'll meet you in the kitchen. I won't be long."

Well, I had a pretty fair idea what she meant. I'd give her privacy for that. Meanwhile, I'd get things set up for breakfast.

Lowering my face to hers, I kissed her, then turned to find my boxers, which I proceeded to step into.

I stopped when I heard, "No need to do that on my account. If you're okay with it, I sure am." Well, hell, I'd already cooked naked, with no ill befalling me, so why not? I had no idea whether Laurie would join me or not, but to be perfectly honest, she could come in for breakfast fully clothed and I wouldn't care.

"Well, then," I replied, dropping my underwear back to the floor, "I guess I'll see you in the kitchen, then." I'd have kissed her once again, but if I did, we'd probably never have gotten breakfast taken care of.

I left the room, taking a backward glance at Laurie's perfect body with its smiling face, then went to the kitchen to get things ready.

My nose was met by the odor of fresh-brewed coffee. Not exactly a turn-on for me, but I know some folks live for it. I got the table set and took the cold things out of the refrigerator and the hot stuff from the oven, arranging them as nicely as I could.

When I heard, "Oh, wow, Allan. It's been a long time since a man's cooked for me. This looks terrific!" I turned toward Laurie's voice. What I saw pretty much took my breath away.

I'd half expected her to come in wearing a robe or something. What she did have on was far more attractive. She was wearing the shirt I'd had on the night before. God, what the hell is it about a woman in a man's shirt? A big part of it, I think, are those sexy, naked legs sticking out the bottom, as well as the thought that she's most likely completely nude underneath. All I knew for sure was that it was one of the most erotic sights I'd seen in some time.

Laurie must have seen the surprise and hunger in my eyes at seeing her dressed this way, and she held out her arms and did a slow turn for me. The tails of the shirt just barely hid the cheeks of her perfect butt, and I could see a flash of naked hip where the tail tapered to the waist. When her turn was done, she admitted, "It smelled like you. I just had to. I hope you don't mind."

I couldn't help myself. I darted over to her and placed my hands around her waist. "Mind? You can keep it. It looks better on you, anyway."

Laurie wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'd debate you on that," she said, smiling. She then looked around my body toward the table. "What'd you make? It smells wonderful."

"Whatever I could find. I hope you like it."

She laughed, "Hey, I didn't have to make it. Trust me, it'll be just fine."

I motioned to the table. "Well, then, you better get to it before the warm stuff gets cold and the cold stuff gets warm."

Laurie moved around me and sat down. I picked up the coffee pot and poured some for her, then took my own seat.

All-in-all, it was a pretty decent breakfast. I think there was probably too much honey in the yogurt for Laurie, but she didn't complain, I just noticed she didn't take any more after she ate her initial helping. Everything else, she had seconds of. When it was all done, there was one piece of French toast, about half the yogurt and no fruit or eggs left.

When I got up to pick up dishes, Laurie said, "Just put them in the sink. I'll get them later."

Indignantly, I replied, "You will not. I know the deal in a lot of houses is 'the one who doesn't cook does the dishes,' but we're not playing that right now. As far as I'm concerned, it's still your birthday. You just sit there and look gorgeous and I'll get the dishes."

Laurie countered, "How about I dry, then?"

I shot back, "I prefer you wet, but okay." I received a playful punch in the arm for that one. I deserved it.

It only took a few minutes to clean things up with both of us working together. As I was rinsing out the sink and Laurie hung the wet towel up, she asked, "How about a shower?"

My ears perked up at the sound of that. We'd had so many virtual showers together, the thought of getting to do it for real had me hot and hard in an instant. "That sounds like the best thing in the world right now," I answered, giving Laurie my arm as I had on the way to the restaurant.

It must have looked a little odd, Laurie's hand in the crook of my elbow, her dressed only in my shirt, me totally nude, but there wasn't anybody to make comments, so who cared?

In the bathroom, I told Laurie, "You just stand right there." I then got the water ready while she waited like I'd ordered.

Once I had the temperature where I wanted it, I straightened up and faced the beautiful woman before me. I gazed deeply into her sparkling blue eyes, drank in her loving smile. One by one, I started unbuttoning the shirt she wore until it hung open and loose off the delicious swell of her breasts.

Sliding my hands between the fabric and her skin, I slipped the garment off her body, letting it flutter to the floor. Laurie knew what was happening. Since I'd written all those shower scenarios for her, I think she'd been hoping to get to live one for real. I had no intention of disappointing her.
