Her 50th


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Helping Laurie into the shower, I carefully got in behind her, letting the water cascade over her beautiful curves. Knowing there'd be a finite amount of hot water, I knew I couldn't take forever at this, but I intended to take as long as I could.

Gently, I leaned Laurie back into the spray, wetting her hair. I then poured shampoo in my hands and started massaging her scalp.

Laurie purred as I washed her hair, sputtered a little when I leaned her back again to rinse, but then luxuriated in the feeling as I washed one more time.

When her hair was done, it came time for the soap. I could have used a cloth, or one of those scrunchy net things, but the only thing I wanted between my hands and Laurie's body was the soap.

I began at her face, taking care to trace every bit of skin. She giggled a little when I stuck my fingers in her ears and wiggled them around, but moaned lightly when my hands slid around behind her head to knead the muscles of her neck.

My hands then glided over Laurie's shoulders and down her arms. I lavished attention on one arm, taking time to rub her hands and give each finger a little massage, then did the same to the other. Another little giggle when I scrubbed vigorously at her armpits, but that quieted when my fingers started their way forward, over the swell of her chest.

I avoided her nipples, carefully circling them with my soapy fingers, but not touching them yet. I loved the soft weight of her breasts in my hands as I lathered them, then the squeal when I flicked a finger at first one nipple, then the other.

Getting more soap on my hands, I then finally just took a breast in each hand and sudsed it up good. Laurie's nipples dug into my palms as I did this, and while the pundits all say not to just "go for" a woman's breasts, but to lovingly work your way there, Laurie wasn't protesting in the least.

Well, as much as I'd have loved to linger, I still had over a third of her body to wash, and I was racing the clock -- or to be more precise, the water heater.

Helping Laurie back into the water stream to rinse off what I'd already given attention to, I brought her back out and proceeded to soap up her stomach and down her shapely sides, to her hips. Then I had to make a decision: front or back?

With a gentle nudge, Laurie turned around. This gave me a tremendous view of her gLaurieous backside, but there wasn't much time to admire.

More soap, and I started at her shoulders, although I'd already been there. However, I applied a little more pressure this time, working the muscles a little, making Laurie moan appreciatively. Down her back, again massaging my way along, till I made it to the sexy roundness of her butt.

I started on the outside and worked my way in. When I reached where the two soft globes met, I just ran a finger down, eliciting a sigh, and causing Laurie to lean forward, bracing herself against the wall under the shower head.

Crouching behind her, I beheld a truly cock-raising sight. I do love that you can see everything when a woman bends over at the waist. There was the gorgeous pussy I'd licked to orgasm the previous evening, and above it, the little pucker of her asshole.

Soaping my hands once again, I spent more time on Laurie's butt, this time making my way down the valley to the treasures that lay below. I had a pretty fair idea what kind of reaction I'd get rubbing her pussy, and while I'd certainly be sure to spend some time there, I wanted to see what she'd do when I played a little with the other hole.

When my fingers brushed her anus, Laurie gave me a moan and wiggled her hips. I took this to mean it was fair game, so I played a little. At one point, I fitted the tip of my finger inside. Laurie moaned louder, then added, "More."

Well, that one finger was already in place, there seemed no reason not to slowly push it in farther. Before too long, my finger was halfway in her butt. It felt amazing on my finger, I could only imagine what it felt like to Laurie. When she told me, "More," I was a little surprised, but I pulled my hand back enough to add another finger, letting it carefully stretch her out a bit more.

There was no protest, and after less than a minute, there seemed to be very little resistance, so I was about to add yet another finger when Laurie told me, "I want to feel something thicker in there, but I can feel the water starting to cool off, so I'm afraid we'd better speed things up."

Shit. Oh well, I knew it wouldn't last forever. I hadn't thought I'd taken that long with the rest of her, but apparently I was wrong.

I quickly soaped my hands once again, then stood Laurie up and washed her legs, then finally, her shaven pussy. Unfortunately, I didn't get to play there.

Finally, Laurie was clean, and the soap rinsed from her body. Then it was my turn. While I'd have loved to let her wash me, if I'd have done that, I'd have gotten to clean up using ice water. Therefore, I quickly washed my own hair, while Laurie ran her soapy hands over me, getting the stinkiest bits lathered up good. I let her linger a bit at my hard cock and balls, then gasped when she reached further back and started to caress my own butthole. But, by this time, the water was really cooling down in a hurry, so there wasn't time to explore that.

By the time I turned to shut the shower off, there didn't seem to be a trace of hot water left. While my cock was still plenty hard, the cold water had shrunken my balls till they were practically nonexistent. We both laughed as we got out of the shower. While a nice, romantic shower for two would have been ideal, the cold (literally) reality is that it's almost impossible to do that in the everyday home.

I helped Laurie towel off. It wasn't quite as fun as washing her, since the towel was in the way, but it had its charms. When she was sufficiently dry, Laurie helped me the same way.

When I told her my toothbrush was in the car, she stepped over to a cabinet and produced a brand-new one for me to use. Looking in the mirror, I saw I could have used a shave, but once again, my stuff was outside. Besides, time was ticking before Laurie was going to have to head for work, and I was going to have to make my way home.

Out of the bathroom, I saw Laurie glance at the clock, then make a quick decision. She picked up the phone and dialed. It was obvious that no one was on the other end, because she waited for a while before what must have been an answering machine picked up.

"Hi, it's Laurie. When he gets in, tell Dan I had a friend from out of town drop in, and I'd like to spend the morning with him. I'll be in after lunch. If he needs to talk to me, he knows where I am. Thanks,"

This task done, she turned back to me with a broad smile. "There. I'm yours for the next few hours."

I stepped up to her and placed my hands on her hips. "Are you now? You sure they're going to be okay with you taking the morning off, after having had all day yesterday?"

She said, "They'll be fine. They only think they can't get by without me. I like it that way."

I laughed. "Good for you. I'm sure you keep them well in line. They're lucky to have you."

Laurie laughed, too. "Yes, yes they are."

It felt good to laugh with her. I couldn't help but dwell on the fact that I'd have to leave her in a little while. It was getting tedious, even in my mind, but that was the dark cloud that hovered over this entire encounter, its presence always nearby and ominous.

"So, what now?" Laurie asked. "What do you want to do until the doomsday clock goes off?"

I looked deep into her eyes. The gravity in my voice surprised me. "I don't want you out of my sight until then."

She reached up and held my face in her hands. "I'll second that." She then pulled me down to her and our lips met yet again.

When we separated, Laurie stepped away, taking my hand. "Come on," she said, leading me in the direction of the bedroom. I certainly wasn't going to not follow, after what I'd just said. Besides, there was that other comment she made in the shower that I was eager to explore.

Once back in the bedroom, Laurie turned to me and stepped in close. Automatically, my arms went around her. We were both silent, lost in our thoughts. I was happy Laurie had called in so I could spend at least a few more hours with her, though I'm sure she thought of it as more time for her to spend with me.

After a few minutes, Laurie looked up at me and asked quietly, "Where do we go from here?"

It was a big question. I'd been trying to work it out since I left the Midwest. I wished I could say that we'd be able to be together from here on out, but I think we were both realistic enough to know it wasn't that simple.

Instead of making up a big, inescapable, transparent lie, I just replied, "I don't know."

"I don't want you to go." Laurie laid her head on my shoulder.

I caressed her hair. "Any more than I want to."

"Why did it have to happen this way?"

Again, I didn't have a good answer. "I don't know for sure. I think if certain circumstances hadn't already been in place, we wouldn't have ever met."

"Fuck." It was the first time I'd heard Laurie speak that way, in a situation where we weren't playing. It was sort of a shock to hear. Still...

"Fuck, indeed." What else was there to say?

"Ever feel really, really trapped by what you were sure was a pretty reasonable life?"

I chuckled. "Not until I fell in love with you."

"How did this happen, Allan?" Laurie pleaded.

Mister comfort, me, "You know the saying, 'life's cruel?' I think this falls under that category."

After a beat, Laurie again responded, "Fuck."

A minute or so of silence passed. "Will I ever see you again after today?" she asked.

I had to answer honestly. "I don't know. You have to know I want to, but I can't really even say for sure how this one happened."

Laurie hugged me. "Well, regardless, I'm glad it did."

I tightened my hold on her. "Me, too."

For another couple minutes, we stood there like that, just holding each other in silence, again lost deep inside our own thoughts. Eventually, Laurie released her hold on me and moved over to the bed, where she crawled sensuously to the center and sat demurely.

"C'mere, beautiful man," she purred. "If we only have a few hours left together, I'd like to spend as much of them as I can, right here with you. I don't care if we just lay here in each others arms and sleep, as long as we're together."

I couldn't have agreed more, so I joined her on the bed, placing my lips against hers.

I had a feeling this was going to be the slow, luxurious lovemaking I'd been expecting the previous evening. We only had a little while left together, and while I'd have been happy to spend it doing just about anything with Laurie, I certainly wasn't going to pass this up.

Laurie's lips were as soft as could be on mine, her mouth tasted sweet. There was no hurry to this kiss; while we knew the clock was ticking, we also knew we could take our time.

For the longest time, we just kissed. There was no groping, no frenzy to get things moving. We were just enjoying the intimacy of being together, the miracle of this encounter. Occasionally, I'd pull back and caress Laurie's face and hair, simply admiring the beauty before me, once in a while she'd do the same with me, giving me a look of wonder and gratitude I never thought possible.

We'd talked about so many things in our online conversations: wild, sexual things we'd like to try, but we knew we wouldn't get to try them. The important part was: here we were. Ultimately, the kinkier stuff was just extra. If we'd had a few months, we could play around with fulfilling some of those other fantasies, but we didn't. It was okay, though. Just the things that had happened were so amazing and satisfying that I didn't think either of us would come away from this experience disappointed.

After quite a while of just kissing, we eventually just laid there and stared at one another.

"My god, you're gorgeous," I whispered, my free hand caressing Laurie's hip.

"You're awfully pretty, too," Laurie returned, her fingers trailing down my cheek.

At that, my hand traveled up the contours of Laurie's body until it reached her hair, where I drew her face in to mine once again.

We kissed quite a bit more, still not rushing, but the passion definitely growing.

When we separated, Laurie smiled at me, then started kissing down my body. Her lips against my skin felt heavenly. It'd been some time since a woman had lavished this kind of attention on me. I'd forgotten how good it felt to have my nipples sucked and played with. Of course, once my cock and balls were touched, I'd hardly be able to feel my nipples, but so far, they were pretty sensitive.

Just as I'd done, while her mouth was attending to one part of my anatomy, Laurie's hands were doing a little caressing and expLaurieng of their own. She avoided the "good bits," same as I had initially, but just the sensation of her fingers on me was erotic in itself. After a little while, it seemed all my nerve endings were standing up, waiting for a kiss or a fondle from my pretty lady. When she did finally decide to "go for the good stuff," I was certainly going to be primed for it.

When Laurie's mouth left my nipples, she began kissing her way down my stomach. Incredible anticipation built with each sensual kiss, because she was getting closer and closer to my aching erection.

However, when she did get close to my cock, she deftly continued her way down, kissing her way along my leg, until she reached my toes. She then moved over to my other foot, where she began kissing her way back up. Once more the anticipation grew, but again, she carefully went around the place I so badly wanted to feel her touch.

This little adventure done, Laurie snuggled back up against my side. "How ya doing, baby?"

My body was fairly vibrating. I moaned, then laughed, "You're a mean one, you are."

She smiled wickedly. "I have my moments."

I returned her smile. "God, I love you."

Laurie leaned in and kissed me. "I love you, too."

Unexpectedly, I sprang up and laid Laurie flat on her back, stretching myself out over her. She let out a squeal of surprise, but didn't protest. When I looked down into her face, she was grinning eagerly. My hard-on pressed urgently against her body. It may have been what she was smiling about.

"Not so tough now, are you, girly?" I growled playfully.

In half-hearted distress, Laurie said, "Oh my. What are you and your big, stiff thing going to do to little old me, you mean old man?"

I smiled at how silly we'd gotten all of a sudden. I replied knowingly, "Nothing you haven't wanted me to do since I showed up yesterday."

Laurie smiled back. "You got that right." She then reached up and pulled my face down to hers.

While we kissed, I moved my hips around a little and managed to get my hard cock to slip between Laurie's legs, down the slick lips of her pussy, till it rested at a somewhat awkward angle against her, but not yet inside her.

We both started fumbling around, trying to get me inside her without using our hands, while our lips remained in contact, but after a while, we gave up. Laughing, I lifted up and aligned myself properly,. "You'd think a couple people our age would be able to get this done without having to do it the hard way..."

Laurie laughed with me, but her laughter turned to sighs and moaning as did mine, my cock slipping easily into her and going in deep.

"Can we just stay like this forever?" Laurie said when she found her voice.

My god, this felt good. "Sounds like a plan to me."

For a while, I just stayed where I was, our pubic bones as close as they could get. This was definitely a sensation I never wanted to forget. Laurie felt so amazing stretched around the shaft of my cock, there are no words to adequately describe it.

When I finally started moving my hips, I had to slow my pace so that I wouldn't cum too soon. Christ, I felt like a teenager, so worked up I was practically on a hair trigger. For a guy in his 40s, with masturbation practically a hobby, that ain't all bad.

Because even with that tip-of-the-toes arousal, I was still old enough to have developed some degree of control over myself.

With agonizing slowness, I slid out of Laurie's pussy, almost to the point of pulling completely out, then changed direction until I was buried completely once again. Both of us were beyond words for some time..

Laurie managed to speak first. "You go right ahead, baby. I don't mind."

I gasped, "I will, but I'm not quite ready to be finished so soon."

With that, I went in deep, then laid down on top of her and sought out that spot behind her ear she's so fond of. Before long, I had Laurie squirming and moaning again. I thought it'd be interesting to know just what kind of sensation she was getting from there. It certainly worked for her.

Once I decided to continue elsewhere, it seemed Laurie was verging on an orgasm. While I hated to do it, I pulled out of her grasping pussy and before she could protest too much, I slid myself down and started in on one of her nipples.

In response to this, Laurie purred, slipping her fingers into my hair and holding my head in place. I licked, sucked, flicked, circled, pulled, bit (lightly), all the while Laurie held me where she wanted me, making satisfied sexual sounds.

When I heard, "Work 'em hard, Allan. I want to feel it once you're gone," I doubled my efforts. I heard hisses that indicated I was maybe being a little too rough, but I wasn't told to stop at any time.

After a while, I felt Laurie shift my head to the other breast, so I followed along, and started giving the other nipple the same treatment.

God, I loved her tits. They were perfect, so round and soft and heavy, and just the right size.

Unfortunately, eventually I'd abused her lovely nipples enough, because Laurie gently pulled my head away, where she'd been holding it in place. I took that to mean she was ready for stimulation somewhere else. Whether that was her intention or not, I was going to give it to her.

Giving a glance to her breasts -- with the nipples thoroughly worked over -- I gave Laurie a smile, then started kissing down her stomach.

In reaching the little tuft of pubic hair just above her shaven slit, Laurie purred, knowing where I planned on going. And I had no intention of disappointing her.

Moving myself between her legs, Laurie spread wide to accommodate me. This allowed me a very unobstructed view, and let me see just how aroused she was. Since there was no hair, the juices from our recent short intercourse were smeared all over her pussy and asshole. It was a hell of a sexy sight, let me tell you. After a brief second to admire the view, I dove in. lapping her clean -- at least for the moment.

Laurie was going mad, her hips writhing and an almost constant moan issuing from her throat. When she gasped out, "Give me your cock, I want to taste it," I didn't hesitate, lifting myself from her pussy long enough to reposition my cock over her waiting mouth. I knew she was going to taste herself on me, but from previous conversations, I knew she didn't mind the taste of her own pussy. I was a little surprised that she wanted to suck me while I pleasured her orally, because she'd mentioned in the past that she preferred to be able to concentrate on the one sensation, rather than having to split her attention from one task to the other. Nevertheless, when she engulfed my cock with her mouth, I knew she wasn't worried about such distraction at the moment.

Now, this was heaven: my face in Laurie's luscious pussy while my cock was in her mouth. The only way it could have been better is if there'd have been two of her and one was sitting on my cock, the other on my face. Nevertheless, I'd certainly take this.
