Her Bully's Ex Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/29/2022
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Two hours after Ben and Jasmine left

Tiffany is feeling more anxious now than she ever was. That is saying something. She has been anxious before several times. There was the time when she was trying out for the swim team, and then the time when she asked Ben to be her boyfriend. Thinking of that day only makes her sigh as she realises how badly she fucked up by cheating on and dumping him. Yes, he might be too small to satisfy her, but he fulfils all her emotional needs and she loves him so much. It was the biggest mistake of her life and she wants to fix it, but she knows she can't do it on her own.

That is why she enlisted the help of Melinda, Ben's mother. She has had an inkling that Melinda would support her over Jasmine, since she is from a very wealthy family. Jasmine's parents are quite well off too, with her dad being a successful lawyer, but no one knows that since she doesn't brag about her wealth as much as she talks about her swimming skills. As Tiffany waits at the door, she thinks about how the black girl said she fucked Ben, and the way Ben said that her asshole tastes better than Tiffany's lips. She never thought him capable of saying something like that, much less to her, after the two of them grew up together.

Suddenly, Melinda opens the door. Tiffany gasps at the state the older woman is in. Her hair is in disarray, her mascara ruined from crying and her hand stinks of pussy juices. "What the hell happened to you?" she asks her. Melinda looks so pathetic that Tiffany couldn't help but give her a hug and try to help steady her as her legs tremble. "Did you talk to Ben already?" Ben's mom nods. "Good! What did you say to him? Did you tell him to break up with Jasmine like we agreed on?" She tries to stop herself from losing her patience with this woman who would be her mother in law if all goes according to plan.

"I told him I don't want him to date a nigger," Melinda speaks in a broken voice, which Tiffany barely notices as she is too busy wincing from the words. Nigger? Great, that wouldn't win any points with Ben. Yes, Tiffany did use it in front of him before, but his mother should know him better than her, right? She should have known that that isn't going to make anything better, and would only make things worse. Much, much worse. "He didn't listen to me, though, and said that he'd move out and go live with Jasmine if he has to. He was ready to start packing and said he'd only need one night left in the house. And that's not even the worst part yet."

It makes Tiffany reel in shock when she realises how dire the straits are. Ben has never, ever disobeyed his mother before. She knows this since they were together since early childhood and she has never seen him defy her. "That bad, huh?" she asks in a trembling voice. Melinda nods. Then she recalls that Melinda said it isn't even the worst part. "What could possibly be worse than that? Even worse than him threatening to move out?" Tiffany asks as she leans on a wall and uses it to prop herself up, fearful of what she might hear next. It is going really, really badly.

"Jasmine fucked my son in front of me. She rode his cock and made him cum in her pussy while I was watching," the bereaved mother finally utters, much to the shock of Tiffany. Tiffany has seen Ben getting savage after what she did to him but didn't think he would have the balls to take it so fucking far. It is truly shocking to hear that Ben would let this sort of thing happened. "Then Jasmine dipped her fingers into her pussy and scooped Ben's cum out, and fed it to me." This makes Tiffany's eyes go wide even further as Melinda now cradles her incoming migraine, finding some water to drink and food to eat.

"What the fuck?" Tiffany exclaims out loud, stunned by what she just heard. "Did you really just say that to me?" Melinda nods tearfully. Tiffany gives her a piece of tissue from inside her bag and thinks about the shit she has just been told. "Why would Jasmine do that to you though?" Tiffany looks at the older woman curiously, noticing how she is trying to avert her eyes. "I mean, there must be some reason for her to do that to you." She stares at her ex's mom. "Come on, tell me what it is. We are in this together, remember? You help me get your son back and you get a rich daughter in law."

"I begged her because I wanted to taste his cum," Melinda confesses, shocking Tiffany even more. The girl stares at her as though she's grown a third arm from her forehead. "I'll admit it. I really wanted to fuck my own son. He is just so cute!" Yeah, this is an even bigger mess than Tiffany thought it was. "You had my support since I thought I could persuade you to let me fuck him too, but since he's been blacked already, I guess we don't have a chance anymore. I can't help you now, Tiffany. I can't." She is looking very defeated by this.

Tiffany glares at her angrily. "You are so fucking disgusting!" she sneers at her. "Wanting to fuck your own son? Really?" She has a very angry look on her face and says "I can't believe I even thought about teaming up with you in the first place. You are a sick, shitty excuse of a human being. You only wanted to help me so that you could get some of his dick for yourself. Fuck you, you bitch." The girl feels very disappointed in the outcome and now lashes out at Melinda, holding nothing back as she viciously insults the woman who she once thought might be able to help her out, but has proven to be nothing but useless to her cause.

"I'm disgusting? What about you?!" Melinda thunders back, equally pissed. "You cheated on my son multiple times and then sent him a fucking video of it to break up. You are so disgusting the word disgusting doesn't do any justice. Just get the fuck out of here, whore." Jasmine stares at her before turning around and making her exit, leaving the house with a tired expression on her face. She now knows that her situation is almost entirely hopeless. Her friends at school are just dumb sluts like her who couldn't come up with any decent plan. Ben's mom is now no longer going to help her, which means she is on her own now.

Melinda slams the door shut and locks it, collapsing to the floor as she realises that she too is in a hopeless situation. She wants her son's cock badly but Jasmine has already blacked him. There is no way he'd fuck a white woman now. It's truly hopeless and she has given up. There is no point trying to pursue something she will never get. She can just lie here and try to comfort herself after the clusterfuck she just experienced. It was a total fiasco and there is no way to recover from it. She will just have to make peace with the fact that she lost.


Even after realising that Jasmine is playing for keeps, Tiffany can't help but want to give it one last shot. She just needs time to think about what to do. That's what she tells herself. And the best way to do that is to go to a nice restaurant and have a good dinner. It will help calm her down and get her ready to do some serious thinking. Food for thought, she snickers to herself as she heads for a local restaurant. The girl rifles through her purse, looking for some cash to pay as she enters and searches for a table. Her mood is bad right now and it is about to get even worse.

She sees Ben, the love of her life, sitting opposite that bitch Jasmine. Fuming in rage, Tiffany balls her fists and marches over to them. Both of them can hear her stomping and look up at her in surprise. "What are you doing here?" Ben asks her in a curious tone, very surprised to see her in the restaurant she always said she doesn't like, since it's not luxurious enough. God, how did he put up with her snobbish attitude for so fucking long? "I'm having a romantic dinner with my beloved girlfriend right now, so could you please move to a free table and give us some privacy? Like I said, if you don't leave me alone, I could always go to the police and have them deal with you for me."

"How could you choose her over me? My breasts are bigger than hers! My ass is larger! I'm better than her in every way!" Tiffany roars at him, her spittle flying onto his face. He casually wipes it away and then gives her an impish smirk, infuriating her in the way only he can by denying her a second chance at their relationship "Don't give me that look. I meant what I said. I want you back in my bed and you are going to give me what I want. What do you see in her? How is she better than me? I'm far hotter than she is!" She looks almost comical with how pissed off she is. It is nearly cartoonish and he starts to break out into fits of giggles.

"Sorry, but it's just too funny how good you think you are," he says. "Her muscles are bigger than yours and her smile is a lot more genuine. Her eyes sparkle and make me feel the warmth in my heart when I look at her. She is a good, kind person who has never done a mean thing to me. And her pussy juices taste much better than yours. I only ever ate you out because it was my duty as your boyfriend, but I eat Jasmine out because I enjoy doing it. Heck, even her asshole tastes better than your mouth, Tiffany, like I already told you before."

Tiffany now realises that she has no chance against Jasmine. He'd rather eat the black girl's ass than kiss her. She breaks into tears and leaves the restaurant. Ben turns back to Jasmine. "Sorry, honey. I could have put her into jail for the videos, but her father and mine are really close. The guy has always been like an uncle to me," he explains. Jasmine nods in understanding. "If he isn't in the picture, that dumb bitch would be sitting in a cell for sexual harassment by now. I would have already pressed charges against her for the crazy shit she did to me." It is then that their food and drinks arrive, and the two of them start eating together.

"It's okay. I can understand how difficult this is for you," Jasmine says in a sympathetic tone. She caresses his cheek gently and he blushes. It makes her smile to see how adorable he is whenever his cheeks go red. "Honey, if you don't stop blushing, I'm going to rape you right here. Stop blushing now if you want me to rape you when we get you back home." The way she says it to him with that cocky smirk makes him so fucking hard. He can't resist the urge to be her little whore and his cheeks turn even redder as he knows what he wants to say next.

"Take me to bed or lose me forever," he whispers with a shy smile and they quickly pay the bills before leaving. She takes him straight to bed when they get back to the house and quickly fucks the shit out of him. It's not rape since he consents to it but she is still pretty aggressive. He likes that a lot though.

Two months later

Jasmine has her friends with her over at her place. They are sitting together in a circle like they have done countless times before. It's different today, though. Today, she is going to tell them about all the shit she's pulled off and what her plans for the future are. It is going to be one of the most important conversations of her life, and she can't wait to get started. All she has to do is wait for them to finish munching on their snacks first, since she doesn't want the sound of them chomping with their teeth to interrupt her when she is speaking to them. It is way too important.

"So can you tell us what's going on already?" Layla complains. "I was planning to suck my boyfriend's dick and force him to cum in my mouth five times today. You know I hate it when something or someone keeps me from giving Rob blowjobs." Sherry snickers at how horny her friend is. Layla whirls on her. "Oh, like you aren't addicted to sucking cocks yourself. You begged your boyfriend to let you suck his cock as a reward for doing well on your Spanish exam." This makes her blush and Erica raises her eyebrows. "That's right. Her mouth needs to hold his dick in it every so often to function properly."

"That's different," Sherry complains. "I do it to exercise my jaw muscles, not because I like the taste of semen." None of the other girls buy the flimsy excuse and Sherry gives up. "What did you want to talk to us about, anyway?" she tries to deflect the attention away from herself, back at Jasmine who called all of them and told them to come over to her place, so that she can tell them about something very important. "It better be really good. I wanted to be with my boyfriend, but not to suck his cock." Everyone roll their eyes, not believing her. They all know each other well enough. Everyone in that room enjoy sucking a dick.

"It is really good. I fucked Ben in front of my mom two months ago," Jasmine tells all her friends in a casual tone of voice. They were all starting to lose interest but now that he said this, they all gape at her in shock. All three of them are very flabbergasted. "You should have seen the look on her face when she had to watch me riding his hard prick. It was simply perfect." She is so proud of her success and euphoric as she gets to share the victory with her close friends. "Come on, bitches. Say something. Tell me how brilliant I was for doing this."

"Wow, I honestly don't know what to say!" Erica finally manages to recover her voice. She looks at her two other friends, who are equally astonished by the revelation. "I mean, I know that I'm a hoe, but even I never went that far. I am sure Sherry never did anything that crazy either, right?" Sherry nods. "Why did you do it anyway, Jasmine? Is there a reason or were you just being a bitch? You must have had a reason to want to do that to them." Why she did it is the biggest question for the other girls now and they all can not stop wondering.

"She called me a nigger and said that he wasn't allowed to date me," Jasmine says to her friends. Layla looks upset on her behalf, since she is also a black girl. "I told her I already fucked her son and blacked him with my black pussy. Then I stripped him and fucked him in front of her disbelieving eyes. It felt so good to take him while his mom was watching." She has a smug look on her beautiful face. The ebony girl feels very proud of herself for her exploit and is glad that her friends think she did great in securing her guy.

"You did the right thing," Layla says. "White women can't keep their sons away from black girls. If Rob's mom tried to keep him away from me, I too would have fucked in front of her, just like you did with your guy's mom." She high fives Jasmine. "That was a really cool move on your part. I would have done the exact same thing if I was in your shoes." Erica and Sherry nod to show they agree with the sentiment. "I wonder what happened next though. Care to tell us? She couldn't have just walked away after you did that, right?"

"I stuck my fingers in my cunt and fed her some of her son's cum that he fired inside me," Jasmine says nonchalantly. Her friends' eyes are now as wide as saucers. It really is a hilarious sight, she thinks to herself. "That bitch was actually planning to fuck her own son. I guessed it and she confirmed my guess when I confronted her. I destroyed all her plans when I fucked Ben's white dick with my black cunt. He will never fuck her now. She will never get what she has been after for what I'm sure is a long period of time." Then Jasmine pops a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

"Holy shit!" Erica exclaims in shock as she slowly recovers, her pretty face still showing how stunned she is by the bit of news. "She actually wanted to fuck her own son?" Jasmine nods to confirm what she already said earlier, and her friend shivers, feeling uncomfortable with the idea. "That is seriously gross." Layla and Sherry also nod in agreement and that is saying something. These girls are incredibly perverted and very few things can creep them out. A mom lusting for her own son is one of those few things, making them feel repulsed.

"I know, right?" Sherry agrees. "It is so disgusting to even think about. So what exactly are you planning to do with Ben next?" They all turn back to look at the bemused Jasmine, who is pleased to see them all backing her decision up. It makes her feel very happy to have such loyal friends and now she waits for just a moment to drum up the tension and make it all the more exciting. "Come on Jasmine. You can stop building up the suspense now, you know? Just tell us about it already, alright? I can tell by the shit eating grin on your face that you have something planned out."

"Take a look at this ring," the black girl says as she whips a small box out of her pocket and opens it, showing them the golden wedding band inside. They all gasp in shock at the sight of this ring. "I am going to propose to him tomorrow. What do you think? How much is my dear boyfriend going to blush before he manages to say yes?" Her cocky smirk is still plastered across her face as she says this and slowly her friends begin to smile too. They all squeal and hug her tightly, patting her on the back in congratulations. It is really wild but that's what these girls are. Reckless and incredibly impulsive when it comes to romance and matters of the heart.

"This is going to be wonderful! Can you imagine the look on Tiffany's face when she sees you down on one knee and proposing to Ben tomorrow? It will be really good!" Erica says. "Maybe I will record a video of it for posterity. We can watch it over and over again, along with the video of Ben saying yes to the proposal." Layla nods in agreement and so does Sherry. All three of her closest friends agree that she is doing the right thing and support her. They are already discussing wedding plans and where Jasmine can take Ben on a honeymoon, even before he knows he is getting married.

They all end up having a sleepover that night. Jasmine lies awake all night as she thinks of how she is going to ask the love of her life to marry her the next morning. She can't believe she got enough courage to go buy the ring and get ready to propose. It is wonderful to just think about how soon, he will truly belong to her after taking the vow. She loves him so much and is never going to let him get away. He belongs to her and her alone. He'll take her last name once they are married. She knows Ben would. He is the kind of guy.

The next day, they all go to school in Jasmine's family's sedan. She parks it and exits with her three friends behind her. The four girls stroll up the steps to the campus where they soon find Ben at his locker, getting some stuff. Once he notices his girlfriend, he beams at her and pecks her on the lips. "Hello, my love," Ben greets her shyly. Jasmine is proud of him for taking some more initiative. Then the boy realizes that she has a serious look on her face and frowns. "Is something wrong? You look like you've got something important on your mind right now. Want to tell me anything?"

At this point, Jasmine gets down on one knee in front of many students in their year, who all gasp, stunned as she draws the wedding ring from inside her pocket. "Ben, ever since the moment that you stepped in front of me and defended me from Tiffany, I have been in love with you," she says to the now teary eyed boy. "I love you so much, Ben, and I will never stop loving you. Your smile lights up my world and I want to wake up in your arms everyday for the rest of our lives. I love you more and more every day if it's even possible to love someone that much. Will you make me the happiest of all women and be my husband?"

"Yes! A thousand times yes!" Ben says in delight, flinging his arms around her and holding her tightly as they kiss. "I love you too, Jasmine." A lot of other students are still gaping at them. Few of them does an awkward clapping thing before stopping, still in shock over what just happened. Some of them quickly goes to find and tell Tiffany to come over and see this. Soon, she is over and staring at them in great horror. Ben shows her the ring on his finger and she trembles, struggling not to cry. "What's the matter, Tiffany?" he asks her in a mock concerning tone.