Her New Boyfriend


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She blinked and sat up a little straighter, wine sloshing in her glass as she came back to reality.

"Mom, weren't you listening?" Fyr said, good humour warming her tone. "Maybe you're spending too much time thinking about that new boyfriend of yours. That's a joke, by the way, before you take it too seriously."

"Yes, yes, I know," Sasha grumbled, warm in her cheeks for having been called out on, indeed, thinking about Carenath in that moment. "I'm sorry, darling, what was it you were saying about the dinner?"

"Ah, so you did get that bit," Fyr lightly teased. "Yes, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and we could have a nice dinner, the usual. Maybe you could introduce us to your new boyfriend too? I'm sure Kao would like to meet him too. We've got to make sure the guy's good enough for you, you know."

Sasha chuckled and struck her head, suddenly struck by the notion of her adult children vetting her partner, Carenath, as she had checked out their partners in the earlier stages of their life. Kao had been quick to shut her down, a more discreet sort, but she'd got to check out Ropes when he was courting Fyr, though that was a very old-fashioned way of looking at what happened between them too.

Of course, Ropes had been the perfect match for Fyr, even though a demon like him, well...he had not been such a match on paper, so to speak. But they made their relationship work and they worked with one another, even if it was not a conventional relationship. She'd never been much one to follow convention either, after all.

Maybe that was where her daughter had got it from.

"Um, well..."

She didn't quite want Fyr and Kao, however, to meet her boyfriend yet. What would they think of the age difference? Would they mind it at all or would they be weirded out by the whole thing? It was hard to say before it actually happened. But if she was with Car for longer, regardless of how things went, she'd have to tell her children about him in more detail sooner or later.

She sighed lightly.

"Oh, that would be lovely, Fyr," she said, though her tone was a little shorter and a little more clipped than usual as she tried to play it off. "But he's working next week -- away, I think. I'd have to check..."

"Oh, no, that's okay," Fyr rushed to assure her. "I don't want to interfere -- I only just found out about him. But bring him around for dinner anytime, okay? Just let me know so I can make something nice."

Sasha smiled. Fyr was so genuine. She'd done right, at the very least, by both of her kids. She was glad of that.

"That'd be lovely, Fyr," she said, meaning it -- even if she didn't quite know when she'd be ready for it. "I look forward to it. But now you know that everything is okay, I hope that puts your mind a little more at ease."

"Definitely, mom," Fyr said. "I know that it's just 'cause you got a new boyfriend now, you're going to be sooooo busy with him all the time! I know you're going to be so embarrassing about it too, even more so than you were when I got my first boyfriends when I was younger!"

"Oh, no." Sasha groaned at the teasing. "You're not going to put him through the ringer like I did Sammie all that time ago? Now is not the time for payback, Fyr."

"Ohhhh, I'm sure I can think of something that would really get under your scales, mom."

It was all said in jest, after all, and it lightened Sasha's heart to have at least a little of it out in the open. Even if she wasn't ready yet to tell Fyr and Kao everything... But she would, sooner or later, when the time was right.

She thought about it when she was stretched out in bed not that long afterwards that night, her toes curling and her tail hanging loosely across the bed in the spot where Carenath usually lay, when he was staying over with her. When would she be ready to tell Fyr about things? It was usually her daughter she was the most open with, but, well...it felt like things had changed a little. Maybe that was what Fyr had caught on to so quickly, the different feel of things and how she had been a little more withheld than before.

Of course, she'd lied to Fyr about Carenath being away for work, though she knew why she had done it too. It was not just her decision, but something she had to talk about with Carenath first. Even if they were her family, she wanted him to be comfortable with it too, especially if it all came down to him meeting and getting to know her family.


What would happen with him meeting her family too? Would he be okay with that? How would the age difference play in? Sasha's lips turned down. Everything coming back to age... It didn't seem right.

And, truthfully, did she really think her family was that shallow? She wasn't giving them enough credit! They all had a rather unconventional relationship with one another and were more open with one another than most families were. It was just a hump, a little one, to get over.

She sighed, smiling a little more easily, the tense muscles in her face relaxing. Yes, that was right... Sure, it was going to be a difficult thing, something that was, perhaps, a little awkward in the initial moment, but it would be okay. It would all be more about making sure Carenath was okay with everything, so she was paying attention to his needs and wants.

That was important in a relationship.

Resolving to speak to Carenath about it in the next few days, she exhaled softly and drifted off to sleep.

They met up again a couple of days later, on Tuesday night, for a quiet date at a Greek restaurant with a menu Sasha had not had the chance to try for a while. They couldn't go out all the time while dating, of course, but it was nice to try out new places and cuisines, things that they didn't often get to enjoy by themselves. With a candle in the middle of the table, the flame flickering and dancing, they held paws as they ate small plates, laughing softly at how they made even the simple act of eating more difficult for themselves. But it was all worth it for them to be together and to have that little act of closeness right there in the moment.

She exhaled softly, tipping her head.

"Hey, Car..." She said, wondering just how she was supposed to bring up a more serious topic. "Can I ask you something?"

"Oh no," he said, a light, teasing lilt in his tone. "That sounds serious."

Sasha chuckled and shook her head.

"No, no..." Well, it was moderately, just not in a bad way. "My family found out about you, well... I mean, they know I have a boyfriend now."

"Oh?" Car's eyes glimmered softly, taking on an intensity that she didn't see all that often from him. "What did they say?"

"It was my daughter I spoke to," Sasha said. "She's really happy for me, for us. She doesn't know how...well...about the age difference between us, I didn't tell her much. Fyr's just as on to me and the little shifts in my mood as I am with her."

"Aw," Carenath said with a smile. "That's really sweet that you two are so close. I'm good with my parents, but I'm not that close with them, I'm sure I'd have to dig a little or have something more obvious said if there was something wrong with them. Maybe I should see if I can change that..."

"It's going to be different for every family, hon," Sasha assured him, giving his paw a gentle squeeze. "Not every family is going to be the same, it's all about what works for them as individuals and as a whole. As long as everyone is looking out for each other and looking after each other, there's nothing at all wrong."

"Thanks, Sasha. Sometimes I wish I was as close with them as you are with yours."

Carenath sighed and leaned back in his seat a little, most of their dinner eaten. He didn't break the connection between them, however, fingers closed tightly around Sasha's so she didn't think he was trying to pull away from her in the slightest.

"I would like that," he admitted. "That closeness, always being around them. But I think we grew apart a little, just didn't have the same interests. I try to get them to go out and do things, so we can spend time together, but they're more homebodies. We live in very different worlds."

"Mmm, that must be hard when you're still staying home with them."

"Just for a little while," Car confirmed. "I don't want to live with them forever and I'm sure they'd like the space for themselves. At least, I think they would -- it's just hard to read them sometimes, even when I ask them a direct question."

The drake mused over things for a moment. It was true he had a good relationship with his parents, though it was nothing on the level that Sasha had with her adult children. He hadn't asked about her late husband, however, at least sensing somewhat that it was a sore subject. But it had been a long time ago that Sasha had become a single mother, which was a part of her experience and, of course, her story too. She wouldn't be who she was, not exactly, without living as she had.

"I have enough money for my own place now and I have savings too, which is a relief after studying," he went on to say, a small smile pulling at his lips. "I just want to find a good place, you know? Somewhere you'd want to come over to also."

"Oh, Carenath, I'll visit you wherever you are. We are not so different, you and I."

She smiled and leaned over towards him, kissing his lips softly. There was something there, something deeper, something the dragoness was not quite ready to put words to. But it would come, if that was right for it, when it was ready.

She trusted her path.

Her tail flicked and twitched, reaching for Car's under the table and curling around it, as if they were holding paws under the table as well as over it. The kiss deepened gently, though there was an element of chasteness to it too, considering they were in public. Even if younger generations were a little more open about it, they knew their limits when it came to kissing at a candlelit dinner at a lovely restaurant.

It didn't stop their tongues from brushing tenderly up against one another as her lips parted into a lightly open-mouthed kiss. Sasha grunted faintly into the kiss and shifted her weight, need rising. She wanted Car... But the restaurant was not the time or the place, not in the slightest.

Later, though...

"Car..." She breathed, a little dazed once they separated again. "You really do take my breath away."

"I know," he said, back to his cheeky self, teasing her as he dropped a soft kiss on her nose. "And I'd be happy to meet your family, I'd love to. If you think they'll like me?"

Sasha pulled back a little, her shoulder blades pushing back as she shuffled her wings between her back and the rear of the chair.

"What? Do you really mean that?"

"Well, yeah, of course." Car nodded. "Of course, I mean it. I always would... I just want them to be okay with me, I think I've seen Fyr around at events and stuff, but I've never really chatted with her, she seems really nice. I don't know Kao but I want to know him, I want to know your family."

The unspoken implication of him wanting to be a part of that family too hung in the air between them, though neither dragon broached it, not yet. She shook her head, ducking her nose a little, though it was all a part of her trying to understand what was happening. Things were in the process of changing between them -- for the better -- but she had to allow her body and her mind to process that in time too.

There was no rush. Even if she was just as eager to see what her family thought of him. There would be the question, of course, as to whether she should bring up the age difference or not before Carenath met her family, but there was no reason not to allow it to happen. The pieces would fall, in the end, where they would -- and sometimes there was little she could do to influence that. It would be wrong to do so.

"I think it'll be good for them to know you," Sasha said, licking her lips as they released their paws, tails still entwined softly, working on the last bites of their main course. "I mean... It makes sense. Goodness..."

She laughed, shaking her head as Car brightened right along with her.

"I feel like I'm a teenager again, trying to introduce someone to my parents," she giggled, covering her lips with her fingers and then breaking into chuckles all over again. "Oh, dear... Everyone's going to be staring at me now, laughing like this... And just how bad is it going to be when you get around to introducing me to your parents too?"

Carenath chuckled and tipped his head forward, pulling Sasha gently to him so their foreheads brushed gently, lightly touching, sharing space with one another.

"I imagine I will be proud to show you to them," he said. "And to tell them everything about how amazing you are. Not that you can't tell them all for yourself, but I'd already proud to be with you, to be seen with you... Everything, with you..."

It was not easy, not perfectly so, and sometimes words came out in a clunky, awkward fashion, which was a little on the tricky side -- but by no means unmanageable. It was just a little part of life that made it what it was.

They headed back to Sasha's that night, walking through the city for a while and pointing out apartments in areas that may be suitable for Carenath. The dragoness particularly liked one near a park with a large lake, full of waterfowl. She'd never had all that much of an interest in birds, but she liked the sounds they made, the light paddling of their feet in the water, the burbling and warbling, those little coos and quacks... Maybe, one day, if Car moved to the apartment near the lake, she'd get to know all of their species names. She had enough time to dig into little interests like that, to make that passing comfort an interest that, perhaps, had lain dormant for too long.

Time passed anyway. Sasha didn't want to regret anything that she could spend her time on, seeking out what made her truly happy in life.

And, certainly, one of those things in life that made her happier than ever was Carenath. Tumbling into his arms back in her house, she kissed him passionately, desperately, a hard edge behind the kiss as if she was trying to find something within it. But it was just the aftermath of the conversation they'd had in the restaurant, both realising that a change was upon them. In the best way possible, the dragons simply had to do no more than allow it to run its course.

Carenath kissed his way down her body as he undressed her, treating her like a goddess, though Sasha blushed and tried to do the same for him, her fingers finding sensitive spots, even down around the root of his tail. He didn't allow her to fully take her attention over to him, however, as he wanted to focus on her, sitting her on her bed in her bra and panties as she spread her legs for him.

"Mmm, let me taste you, Sasha."

"Now, look who's getting bossy," she teased, though she was more breathless than she usually was. "A good thing it looks so good on you..."

Carenath chuckled and brushed his lips tenderly up the sensitive scales of her inner thighs, tracing a path with his tongue until she quivered above him. He bathed her pussy, through the light fabric of her underwear, which barely covered anything, down there, that it needed to at all, tenderly stroking the outline of her increasingly plush pussy lips. Her soft folds flushed with a rush of blood as heat sank into the most intimate parts of her body, raising her arousal.

Sasha groaned, trying and failing to keep that hold of control over herself, even as she slipped back, and back and back, until the dragoness was lying flat out on the bed, her legs dangling over the edge of it. The drake knew more than well enough what to do with her body, his tongue delving into her sex while her underwear did its best to cling to the side of his muzzle, even if it did not hinder him in the slightest. Carenath simply worked around whatever was at play in the moment, knowing that the treat and the prize at the end of it all would be worth it, always.

"Oh... Car..."

She squirmed on his muzzle, wanting more, aching for it, though it was the drake who controlled things in that moment. He could push on as much or as little as he wanted, carrying Sasha along with him.

The dragoness loved that she could let go and let him take over with things like that too. She didn't always need to hold that rigid sense of control over everything. And Car suckling on her clit took her entirely away from the world of control she had held so tightly, licking her lips, panting heavily, warm breath washing through her mouth as she let her jaws hang open.

He pulled back before climax reached her, sliding her underwear down her legs and taking care of her bra too. The drake before her was already naked and she took charge of the moment, sliding on to her side so he could spoon up behind her, lifting her upper right leg as they lay on their left sides. His cock teased between her thighs and Sasha was not even surprised to find him hard and ready for her, his hot length throbbing with raw, draconic need.

Damn... I'll never get bored of fucking him...

And so much more than that too. The moment was right as his cock smeared a drop of pre-cum against her inner thigh and Sasha started, something coming to mind.

"Ah... Carenath..." She caught him before he pushed into her, as much as she ached for him. "I wasn't well a few days ago... I'm not sure if the pill is going to be effective."

It was an awkward thing to bring up at the precipice of sex but, well, it would have been more awkward still to tell Car about it with a positive pregnancy test. Some medications, and even illnesses with certain symptoms too, could make contraceptive pills ineffective; so, it was always best to be careful. She'd already raised two children to adulthood and beyond and Sasha wasn't so sure she could handle returning to motherhood in that manner. And that was without even thinking of what Car would want there!

"Heh, yeah, of course..."

At least he was good about always putting a condom on if she ever asked him to, though she knew he brought them with him. Car was even studious about making sure they didn't get damaged in their little packets and that he didn't use any that were out of date either. Neither was really all that up for taking risks in that regard, but she liked the sense of a nice cream-pie of cum, as messy as possible from a single load, filling her up and drooling from her pussy.

Maybe next time, when she was sure her pill was working effectively again. She'd gone back on it when she'd started spending time with Carenath, just in case, even though her doctor was sure she'd not need it for too much longer. Some medical staff were not as familiar with treating dragons, however, as they said they were and did not know that their cycles continued until later in their life than mammals. So, there was still a moderate to high chance that Sasha could fall pregnant, if she didn't use protection.

A condom around his cock, however, ensured no seed could reach her pussy as he pushed into her again and Sasha moaned, trying to grind back on him, even then. It was not a position in which she had all that much control, though she still used her tail around him, winding it around his waist, to give herself at least some leverage, pulling her pussy back on to his thick length.

"Mmmm... Car..." She groaned, rolling her hips, the rest of the world falling away from her, just there with Carenath. "You feel so good inside me..."

"And you're so tight around me, clenching on my dick," he grunted, trying to breathe evenly and failing dismally. "Oof... Sasha... Mmmm..."

He couldn't hold back as his fingers dug into her thigh where he helped the dragoness hold her leg up and out of the way, his tail coming around to the front of her pussy. As always, he could not let Sasha's pleasure fall by the wayside as he rocked his hips, grinding lustfully into him, his thick length spearing deep. She wanted more, so much more, and Carenath was just the dragon who would give it to her.