Her Second Job


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I had worked myself up to go back to New Bethel. I was more than a little disappointed that Denise didn't want me out there that weekend. The thought crossed my mind that it wasn't the crowd but a particular person in the crowd that was Denise's reason for asking me to stay away. I was depressed the entire holiday weekend.

The Tuesday after Memorial Day, Denise and I assessed. We'd finally be done with the redacting that week. I should have been glad to be quit of that boring task. I was, to the contrary, unhappy. Finishing the task meant the end of spending every workday with Denise. It was probably better for my career to be back in the Firm mainstream instead of isolated across the street. But I couldn't count on seeing Denise anywhere near as often.

As usual, Denise and I went out to lunch together. Over sandwiches, she said, "Harry, I'm off this weekend. There's a lake I like about four and a half hours from here. I thought I'd get the kayak and head down there early Saturday morning. You want to come along?"

I probably sounded over eager when I said, "Absolutely!"

Denise smiled. "Great," she said. "We'll have to get up early to get the kayak from the lock-up. If we're on the road by 6:00 a.m., we should be on the water by 11:00. That gives us almost ten hours of light. Bring a change of clothes. There are some restaurants and motels at the exit where I get off the interstate. We can overnight down there and come back Sunday morning." The idea of an "overnight" with Denise more than offset my disappointment over my last week of sharing workspace with her.

It was very early, but already warm, when I picked Denise up that Saturday. She wore a college tee shirt and baggy shorts and carried a small bag. She looked wonderful. After a stop at a self-service storage facility to pick up her two-person kayak and strap it to the roof of my car, we were on the highway headed southeast by 6:00 a.m. as planned.

We spent the three and a half hours on the freeway sharing the parts of our life stories the other person didn't already know. My admiration for Denise went up as a result of that conversation. Once she told me to get off the freeway, I followed her directions as we wound along two-lane backroads through a corner of Appalachia. After about an hour, Denise had me turn into a road by a sign identifying a national forest and a dam operated by the Corps of Engineers.

We ended up in a parking lot by the dam. Behind the dam was a huge lake that looked to be a couple of miles across and that extended north beyond what I could see. "Park as close to the water as possible," Denise directed. I did. We got the kayak down, packed it with the lunch we had brought, and carried it to the water's edge. Even in the mountains, it was a hot day.

We set the kayak down. Denise pulled off her tee shirt. Despite my hopes, she wore a bikini top underneath it. "You'll probably be more comfortable if you take your shirt off Harry," Denise suggested. I followed the suggestion and slathered myself with sunscreen. Denise did my back which was, well, nice.

We put the kayak in the water. "You sit in front," Denise said. I got into the kayak a little unsteadily. Denise got in behind me and used her paddle to push us out into the water. We spent several minutes just off the shore as Denise explained to me how to paddle a kayak and had me practice a little. When Denise was either satisfied or gave up, we started paddling north.

Being in back allowed Denise to steer. I just provided propulsion. Even on the water, the lake stretched north beyond my visual horizon. There were several powerboats out, fishing I assumed. We were the only kayak or canoe.

We had been paddling for about half hour when I saw a finger of the lake branching off to my left. "Let's go into that cove," Denise said. She did what was necessary to turn us that direction. I just tried not to work against her.

As we entered the cove, I saw trees right at, or in, the water. Glancing down at the water, I saw it was very shallow with roots, logs, and rocks at the bottom. That was no problem for a kayak, but I thought that the powerboats would not want to venture in. As the cove began to curve to my left, I saw a clearing on the shore. "Let's beach the kayak there," Denise said. "We can eat lunch."

We paddled towards the shore. After the first time my paddle hit something on the bottom, I got out, carefully, and carefully pulled the kayak ashore. I was looking down to see what I was stepping on until I got the kayak firmly on land. Looking back, I saw that Denise had taken her top off. As she got out of the kayak, I realized that she had taken everything off. There were low hills running up from both sides of the cove, covered with leafed-out trees. Denise, naked, seemed more appropriately dressed in that setting than I was in my board shorts.

Denise handed me the small cooler we'd brought containing sandwiches and drinks. Looking around, I realized that the curve of the cove put us out of sight of the main body of the lake.

Once I had set the cooler down, Denise came up to face me, very close. "You're seeing me naked again Harry," she said. "What do you think?"

"I think that you are even more beautiful naked out here than you were in the bar," I replied.

Denise was so close we were almost touching. I wasn't complaining. She got more beautiful the closer she came.

"Good answer Harry," Denise said. She smiled and reached out for the drawstring on my shorts. "This is the second time you've seen me naked," she said. "Don't you agree that it's time for some gender equality?" Denise untied my drawstring and pushed my shorts down to my ankles. The circumstances had stimulated blood flow to my dick, but I wasn't fully hard. "Step out of the shorts Harry," Denise instructed. I did. She took a step back and looked me up and down. "You look pretty good naked too," Denise said. "Nude looks much better on you than what you wear to work."

Denise and I looked at each other for several moments. There was definite sexual tension. Finally, Denise reached out, took my hand, and said, "Let's take a walk." She led me up the gentle slope way from the water. My shorts were still on the ground. I assumed that Denise's clothes were in the kayak.

The trees created a canopy over us that made it noticeably cooler and more comfortable than it had been on the water. I let Denise lead both because she seemed to know where she was going and because I was enjoying watching her beautiful bare ass as she walked.

After walking a few minutes, we reached a grove of evergreen trees. The ground under our feet was covered with soft pine needles. Denise stopped and turned to face me. She reached out for my left hand and gently drew me close to her. We looked at each other for a moment and then began to kiss. Denise let go of my hand. I reached up and began rubbing her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. As Denise's nipple hardened, she reached a hand between my legs. She didn't initially touch my dick but began rubbing the skin just behind my balls. I moved my hand down from her breast and began running my fingers over her close-cropped pubic hair.

Denise took a small step to spread her legs. I put my hand between them and began tracing her lips with my finger. Denise had gotten me hard and my dickhead was rubbing against her belly. She started running her forefinger up and down the underside of my dick. I found her clit and began rubbing that with my finger. All the while, we'd been kissing with our tongues in each other's mouths.

Denise broke our kiss and pulled her head back slightly. Looking straight into my eyes, she said, "Please?" She took both of my hands and lowered herself to her knees, leading me down with her. She lay back on the pine needles and spread her legs.

I had packed rubbers in hopes of what might happen during our "overnight." Those were, of course, back in the car. I quickly stifled the mental question "Is this smart?" and got on my knees and forearms above Denise. She took my bare dick in her hand and guided me into her.

Of course, having sex for the first time with a woman I was attracted to as much as I was to Denise created performance anxiety. I was scared that she'd decide I was a lousy lover. Denise seemed to appreciate that concern. She was very encouraging and great at giving feedback, saying that felt good or try this. I followed her directions. I also tried to pace myself. The last thing I wanted was to be done without getting her off.

At first, our lovemaking was pleasant. It felt great to be in Denise and to feel her firm body under me. The expression on her face made her more beautiful. Her voice took on a special quality as she talked me through giving her pleasure.

We hit a point where pleasant became passionate. Denise wrapped her arms and legs around me, tight. I didn't know if it was possible, but it felt like she had contracted the walls of her vagina around my dick. I had to push more forcefully and, as I did, her breathing became faster and her words fewer.

I was working hard, but hard work had never felt better. Suddenly, Denise's embrace got even tighter. She squeaked, "let . . . it . . . GO!" As she said "go," her body convulsed. Her face took on a look I'd never seen on anyone before. I felt myself about to shoot and did a moment later, harder than I ever had before.

Denise's eyes were closed, and she was breathing hard. I stayed in her and on top of her. As her breathing slowed, she opened her eyes and smiled the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. She leaned her head up and kissed me on the lips. "I like that you don't pull out right away," she said.

"I'd stay like this forever if I could," I replied.

"That's a beautiful thought," Denise responded. After a moment of silence, she added, "I think that's called 'great sex.' I've never made love in the woods before. That was fun. We need to do this again." We kissed some more before I finally pulled out, stood up, and helped Denise to her feet.

We walked back to the water's edge by the kayak. We cupped our hands to scoop up water to wash each other off. The water was cooler than I expected. I got the needles off Denise's back, ass, and legs easily, but combing them out of her hair with my fingers took some time. Denise washed off my dick and, holding me in her hand, said, "I shouldn't tell you, but I've been hoping to see and feel this." I'd seen Denise before but, that first time with her, she felt better than I'd imagined.

We ate our lunch, put our trash back into the cooler, and got ready to go back onto the water. I picked up my shorts. Denise said, "Leave them off. No one can tell if you're naked. I'm the only one exposed when we're paddling." I dropped my shorts into the kayak.

We paddled out into the main body of the lake and then north for a couple of hours. I guessed that it was three or four in the afternoon when Denise said it was time to turn around. Several powerboats had passed us, although none too close. I've no idea whether anyone realized that Denise was topless.

We had been paddling at an easy pace. Still, we stopped on a clear area of the shore to take a break before we started back towards the dam. We were standing side-by-side, naked, looking out at the lake when a speedboat went by fast. I saw one of the passengers tap the captain on the shoulder and point to us. The speedboat made a wide circle to pass us again, slowing down as it did. The boat was idling as it passed a few yards off the shore. The two young men aboard were, I assumed, too mesmerized by Denise's beauty to do anything but look. The two young women in bikinis gave us thumbs up gestures. One yelled, "Y'all got the right idea."

We had the kayak back atop my car by 7:30 p.m. I was wearing shorts and my tee shirt as I drove back to towards the Interstate. Denise just wore a long tee shirt. She explained that by saying, "I'm a lot more used to people seeing my bare bits that you are."

As I approached the Interstate interchange, Denise had me pull into a small, four story, hotel. As I got out of the car to check in, Denise said, "You know we only need one room, right?" That was certainly what I was hoping.

After I'd checked in and parked the car, Denise went through the lobby to the elevator carrying her small bag and wearing only her tee shirt. The slight breeze created by her walking caused the hem of the shirt to go up slightly exposing the bottom of her bare ass. I found that very erotic.

Once we were in our room, I pulled Denise's shirt off over her head. We kissed some more as she undid my shorts. After she'd pulled my shirt off, I led her to the bed and sat her down on the edge. I gently pressed on her chest until she lay back. Kneeling on the floor, I spread her thighs and put my head between them. I moved up so that my mouth and tongue had access to her. I began licking Denise and then started sucking her clit.

Denise put a hand on my head. "No fair," she said. "Stand up." I did. She slid around until she was lying on the length of the bed instead of across it. "Ok," she said with a smile, "get back to work but get that dick up here so I can get in it my mouth." I did as she asked and our 69 got both of us off. I'd had girlfriends in college and law school give me blow jobs. None had shown the enthusiasm Denise devoted to me that evening.

After dinner at a chain steakhouse across the street, we came back to the room and undressed. I finally remembered the room's window and went to close the curtains. "Leave them open," Denise said. "Maybe someone on the Interstate will see us." The hotel ground floor was below the highway, so our room was about level with it.

Denise had her back to me and was reaching in her bag as I came back from the window. She turned, holding up a package of condoms. "Well," she said, "give me credit for intending to practice safe sex. Don't worry Harry, I won't get pregnant."

I put my arms around Denise and said, "I'm not worried about anything."

Denise led me to the bed and told me to lie down on my back. She took me in her mouth. When I was hard, she got on the bed, straddled me, and lowered herself down on to me. Having Denise on top was great because it was easier to fondle her breasts and watch her face as we made love. Credit for our third mutual orgasm of the day went entirely to her.

After we both came, we kissed for a while before Denise said she was tired. I pulled back the bedclothes while she went to the bathroom. Denise was standing by the bed when I came out of the bathroom. "Get in on your back," Denise said, "I want to try something."

I lay down. Denise got in bed beside me and started fondling me. Denise has never had any trouble getting me hard. "I thought you were tired," I said.

"I am," Denise replied. "I want to see if I can sleep with you in me. Alicia claims that she and her boyfriend do it. I want to try."

I was dubious, but I didn't say anything as Denise got on top of me and slid down my body until my dick was completely inside her cunt. She kissed my chin and fell asleep. I was surprised how comfortable it felt with Denise sleeping on top of me. My next memory is of waking up, still inside her.

When Denise woke up, she said, "I'll bet you need to piss." I nodded. She rolled off me, and I stood up. As I started towards the bathroom, Denise said, "May I watch?" That seemed weird to me and my face must have shown that. Denise smiled and said, "It's a quirk of mine. If someone might be a serious boyfriend, I need to see him piss." I usually have trouble pissing if I think someone is watching but had no trouble at all with Denise sitting on the edge of the tub staring intently at my dick.

After I finished, Denise took a tissue and wiped off my dickhead. It sounds strange, but in context, it was a very warm, intimate gesture. "Am I still a candidate for serious boyfriend?" I asked.

"You already won that title," Denise replied. "I just want to see what more you can achieve."

We decided to get on the road and make love again when we got home. We showered together and worked hard not to arouse each other, too much. As we packed up our few things, Denise looked out the window. "There's almost no one outside," she said. "How about we both just wear tee shirts?"

At that point, I was willing to go along with just about anything Denise wanted, so I pulled out my one clean tee shirt and put it on with nothing else. Standing still, it just covered my ass. Denise's fresh tee shirt left a bit of her ass and the very bottom of her V showing. The effect was powerful. As we rode down the elevator, I wondered what would happen in the lobby with me almost exposed and Denise actually exposed.

There was no one else in the lobby except a young woman behind the front desk. She smiled as we walked up and said, "I'm guessing you enjoyed your stay."

Sitting in the car, both of our shirts rode up exposing our pubes. Denise looked at me and herself. "I like it!" she exclaimed. "Is there a route home that has tollbooths?" She laughed.

"What would you have done if there had been other people in the lobby?" I asked.

Denise laughed again. "It's the power of audacity Harry. No one knows how to react when they see a naked person in an unexpected place. They look, which is what I want, and then pretend you're not there."

We'd been on the road home about an hour when Denise said, "Harry, you know I've really fallen for you?" That would have been great to hear, except Denise said it in the tone of voice women use to start serious discussions. I wondered what was coming next.

"I had hoped for that," I replied. "I love you."

"Really?" Denise asked. "You're not just saying that to be nice after we fucked all day yesterday?"

"The sex was much more than nice," I said, and "I really mean it. You are an extraordinary person and a very beautiful and desirable woman."

"Do you want to stay with me a while? Denise asked.

"A very long while, I hope," I replied.

"Ok," Denise said. "that's what I was hoping you'd say. There's something we've got to talk about."

"Ok," I said hesitantly.

"I don't know if I was always this way and just didn't realize it," Denise said, "but, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm an exhibitionist. Yes, I love skinny dipping, lying on the beach naked, and hiking or kayaking naked. But what I like best is people seeing me naked. I started dancing out in New Bethel because I desperately needed money. I keep doing it because I enjoy it. But I'm probably going to get caught someday, like you caught me, and SHM will fire my ass and give me a negative reference."

"I'm not sure they'd do that," I said. "I'm also not sure you'll get caught. The only reason I was at the bar was because I'm from that general area. I doubt that anyone else from SHM gets out there."

"Don't be so sure," Denise said. "Kurt and his wife live in a fairly upscale area on the east side of town. I know that they both try to promote the place among their friends."

"You think they have that many friends who want to drive that far to see nude dancers, even if they are as beautiful as you?" I asked.

"Well, Danielle, that's Kurt's wife, is a dancer herself and she has a lot of artsy friends. Oh, I didn't tell you! The first dancer the night you were there was Danielle." Denise said. "I think she and Kurt have friends in the city who come out to see her."

I let that pass without comment. If Denise was right, I supposed she might get caught.

"Any way, "Denise said, "if we're going to be serious about each other, you need to think about how having me as your girlfriend will affect you when I'm outed. That's one thing."

"What else?" I asked.

"Well, like I said," Denise replied, "I like people seeing me naked. I'm not going to give that up. Also, if I'm in a serious relationship with a guy I'd . . .." Denise stopped for a moment.