All Comments on 'Here to Stay Ch. 07'

by tml_writer

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WatercrazyWatercrazyalmost 16 years ago
I love this story

I really like the way you write, create warm moments and credible events. Thank you again for this story and the rhytm of posting it. I cant wait for more of it :)

warrior_wolfwarrior_wolfalmost 16 years ago
An interesting line

I am loving this story. Your charater development is excellent and the plot line is making my heart melt. Something I found interesting and i'm surprised Gavin didn't pick up on it, unless it was a mistake on your part, is Emmett said he SAW The Importance of Being Ernest on the nightstand by the hospital bed. As soon as I realised Emmett was in another accident I thought to myself is he going to get his sight back? Is it a possibility? I really hope so.

Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

"When I woke up, though, and I saw your script on the counter..." I thought for sure that was what Gavin was going to comment on. We shall wait and see.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Awesome story I have a question is the part where he says when I saw the book you were reading is that just a mess up or did he really see

Ex0ticPrincessEx0ticPrincessover 13 years ago

How beautiful he asked Gavin the color of his eyes!

xXAustinXxxXAustinXxover 12 years ago
He saw the script?!

How did he see the script? Unless he felt it on accident? I think you might have made a strategic error. But again so far the story is just great! Gravin is so sweet! And I think I know how Emmett feels about being afraid to be in a relationship. I have never been in one ever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

How did Emmett see the script if he is blind?

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66almost 12 years ago

Yep one very vital booboo lol but I love the story and the pace that you have set it at... now onto the next chapter

kmillerk1kmillerk1over 9 years ago

Chapters are getting shorter and I have only two left to read,, Can't wait to see what happens. :)

Jcl6845Jcl6845over 8 years ago
Emmett saw?!

I am enjoying your writing very much!

dnsontndnsontnalmost 3 years ago

I'm on my second reading and I'm twice intoxicated reading this. Found a favorite line: "Emmett couldn't decide whether he was relieved or disappointed, but decided he was more the former." So well written ...

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