Heterosexuality for Beginners


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I wanted to look into her eyes, and maybe kiss her, but my willpower held, my eyes staying on Spirit and Braze.

"Very nice, you two," said the professor, still casually leaning behind her lectern. "Missionary is a classic for a reason. Deep connection, relatively deep penetration, a nice sense of intimate warmth. If done well there's good clitoral stimulation. We all love it, don't we? So now, let's wrap up this all-in-one demonstration of the classics with some doggy-style. Spirit, will you take the position, please?"

Spirit, glistening with sweat and stunningly sexy looking, quickly rolled, and she lifted her awesome little ass up into the warm light for showtime.

"Oh, I see Braze is taking the opportunity to give her some oral. Yes, this is a wonderful oral position, which we'll cover in depth in some classes later on. You can see how delightfully open the anus is. Anal eating and pussy eating is...well, from a woman's perspective I can tell you it feels wonderful this way."

"Fuck yeah!" huffed Spirit, her head and shoulders down on the mattress, her 'gone' eyes blurry on the watching audience. With her ass up high, tight against Braze's eager, ass-eating mouth, she huffed out breaths like a happy animal.

"Let's penetrate her now, Braze. Deep as you can go."

Spirit's loud moan when Braze's wildly hard cock went deep matched his own guttural exclamation, and the chorus of classmate's moans was the loudest moment so far in this hour of salacious education.

"This is the final position, Braze, so give her what you've got, but finish outside, not inside her. Remember, we're without condoms for these demonstrations."

"How could I forget?" said Braze, his first words since this had started. "Fuck she feels good!"

"Tight, Mr. Hardy?" asked the professor.

"Crazy tight!" huffed Braze as he deeply fucked. "Fuck!"

"This brings up an interesting point," the professor said. "When it comes to heterosexual sex -- by that I mean the feeling of a cock inside a pussy -- it's often thought that a smaller woman, like Spirit, will have a tighter pussy. This is, for the most part, urban myth. Pussies vary in tightness in all sizes of women, just as cocks vary in size in all sizes of men. There's absolutely no truth to the 'Big girl's got a sloppy pussy' meme, though sloppy can mean full of cum, and that could certainly be true if the 'big girl' is with multiple partners or is perhaps being gang-banged. Tightness, though, is not body-size dependent."

Overriding Professor Silky's discussion was the sound of Braze's pelvis slapping against Spirit's sweet little ass, louder and louder, and her at-first whispered but now fully spoken demand of "Fuck me!...Fuck me!"

The awesome groan of her we've-lost-count-of-them orgasm widened my eyes, as did the sight of Braze's body still thrusting his fucking rhythm as his cock slid through his hand, his cum blasting out of him, splattering all over Spirit's ass and her still writhing body.

"That...was just wonderful, you two," said the professor, beginning to clap her hands, making all of us realize applause wasn't odd, it was awesome. And so we clapped, and we cheered, and I watched as Spirit tried to shake off the blissful fog of ecstasy, her cute face beginning to smile, her eyes showing the stunned wonder of this crazy moment. Braze flopped down onto his back next to her, exhausted.

Professor Silky produced two towels from under her lectern. Walking them over to the two brand-new porn stars, she handed them each one, then strolled back to her notes which she ignored for a moment.

"Well that was just marvelous. So...let's see... let's discus this 'big girl' subject a bit more, shall we? The world, and especially the Americas, has gotten bigger over the last two decades. In my mother's day, girls who look like Spirit were the norm, not the exception. Today, it's just the opposite. This is, of course, no big deal, and for all of you young people it's just the way life has always been. There are some interesting nuances, though, when it comes to heterosexual sex. Doggy style, which we've just seen so beautifully demonstrated, is generally the position where the man can go deepest, and we women love it for just that reason. But what happens when the woman's buttocks are, shall we say, plush with lovely fat? It's not hard to imagine good old-fashioned physics coming into play -- a longer cock becomes desirable. So, all you plus-size ladies, keep your eye out for them. Keep your ear to the ground. Find yourself a 'big' boy, if you can, and love him to death."

Spirit, toweled clean of cum by Braze, now sitting on the edge of the bed getting dressing, had a smirk on her cute face. I wondered if she's a fan of 'big' ones. I wondered how soon I'd have a chance to meet her.

I felt another warm whisper against my ear. "I think I already found one," my neighbor said.

I looked at her legs, plush with lovely fat, tightly packed in stretchy pants. For the first time I let myself look at the rest of her, the biggest tits, clad in stretched black spandex, the kind of tits a guy can get lost in.

"You should volunteer," I heard myself quietly saying to her.

Her eyes twinkled. "Why? Think I'm a showoff?"

I shrugged, smiling at her. Feeling a jolt of surprise, I saw her hand raise up.

"Professor?" she said. "Do you...need a...bigger volunteer?"

"Perfect, yes. Come down and let's show everyone the more 'real world' size of today's woman," said the professor, flipping through her notes. "Your last name is...Sahara? Am I pronouncing that right?"

"Yes," said my neighbor.

"Arabella is a lovely name. Let's welcome her, everyone. Arabella Sahara."

Stunned, I watched as Arabella stood, realizing she'd had her hand on my hard lump for all the moments classmates had been looking our way. Now, I stood halfway up and let her pass by, out to the aisle-way steps where she walked gracefully down to the small stage.

"Do your friends call you Bella?" asked the professor.


"Let's see..." said the professor, flipping though her notes again. "Arabella. Oh, excellent, you've given full consent to full participation. And you've waved-off condoms for these demonstrations. Very good. We have a surprising amount of time left, so...what shall we do?"

"You were saying...about bigger girls needing...bigger cocks?"

"Yes. Good. Let's dive further into this." Professor Silky looked out at the class again, her voice back to its lecture volume. "It's not so much a 'need' for bigger size, it's a luxury that a bigger woman can appreciate and enjoy, not that a girl like Spirit can't enjoy it, too. But with bigger girls and women...Bella, would you mind showing us your body?"

Bella nodded, her eyes horny again, like they'd been earlier, with me. The class and I watched as she shimmied out of her low-cut spandex shirt, her huge tits bobbling and wobbling to their natural state as my eyes adjusted to the wonder of their big-time nipples. It was easy to see she was glancing my way quite often, then she pushed down her stretchy pants, her panties left crookedly on her, her desire to do things less awkwardly leading her to sit on the side of the bed to get her shoes and pants fully off. She stood and whisked off her panties as if she was in a hurry, or nervous, or both, and she remained standing, now fully nude.

"Beautiful curves, Bella," said our professor. "My goodness, tits like those...will you help us demonstrate tit fucking in a few weeks time?"

Bella nodded eagerly, her eyes wide and happily intense.

"Will you turn for us, please? Let's have a look at why big cocks are a big girl's best friend."

Bella nodded again, showing the class her nice round ass, its curvy bigness at least twice the size of Spirit's.

The professor nodded. "Lovely, lovely curves. May I touch you?"

Bella looked over her shoulder and nodded.

"Actually...I wonder if the clock is broken, we seem to have so much time...would you like a young man to help you demonstrate?"

Bella nodded eagerly. "I know one," she said. "I don't know him well, but...I mean, I just met him. But...he's the one for this."

"Really? I was going to ask for a young man who's well endowed, with some good length for you."

"Yes, it's him," Bella said.

Professor Silky smiled. "Well, let's meet this young man."

Bella turned toward us all again, her arm raising, her finger pointing straight at me. "It's him. Next to my empty seat there."

Professor Silky looked at me. "Oh, yes, we haven't met yet. Would you like to join us, please?"

I slowly rose to my feet, awkwardly making my way to the aisle, moving slowly down the steps, toward the stage. By the time I walked onto the stage the professor had found me in her notes. "Derek. Derek Jones, am I right?"

"Yes," I said.

"It seems you haven't consented to demonstrations, so I'll ask you to stand six feet away from Bella, unless you'd like to amend your class contract." The professor held up a pen and two forms. "Full participation, and the condom waver. If you'd like."

I was as close as allowed to Bella now, looking at her, the soft curves of her magnificently opulent tits, her subtle smile, her pleadingly horny eyes. The pen found my hand, the places for me to sign already circled. I scribbled my name, twice, as best I could.

"Excellent," said the professor. "This is turning into a wonderful first class. Bella, would you like to help this young man off with his clothes? I'm sure all the young ladies here are curious to see if your instincts are correct."

I glanced at the professor, so beautiful in her perfectly tailored pantsuit, her perfumed warmth so close to me it was nearly intoxicating. She nodded at me as if to say 'Go! You've been requested! She's waiting!' So I walked to the bed, knowing my pants were lumped. Bella was sitting on the edge of the mattress. I saw the messy cum stains on the fitted gray sheet, and with my back to the class Bella opened my pants and as quick as that she sucked my cock into her mouth.

"Oh, yes, that'll do nicely," said the professor. "Turn, Derek, so the class can see your length."

Feeling the heat from the french-fry heat lamps on the ceiling, I heard my moan being carried off the violet purple walls, reflecting out to the class, and I heard girls moaning, one breathily saying "Oh shit he's perfect!"

A moaning "Oh fuck!" huffed from my mouth, my hands taking hold of Bella's head as she blew me, my cock fully hard now, feeling longer, so much longer, than it had ever been.

"Fuck her throat, Derek," the professor's sweet voice said. "Yes, go ahead and fuck her throat."

And so I did, my head thrown back, a loud cry of awesomeness bellowing from my open mouth as the full, crazy-long length of me slid into the tightness of Bella's welcoming throat.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" a girl loudly whispered.

"Excellent oral you two," the professor said, watching closer as my shiny slippery cock backed out of Bella's throat. "But let's see if it's true. Let's see if your nice long cock can properly fuck Bella's nice wet pussy from behind."

Bella moaned, looking up at me, smiling as she gave up sucking my balls to take her position on the bed, ass up, shoulders down.

"Show us the full length of your thrusts, Derek. Nice and deep. Nice and slow. After that you can let it rip and fuck her as hard as you'd like to."

I held Bella's big beautiful ass in my hands and watched my cock fuck her pussy. Her dark little asshole was there, so I tickled it and all around it with my thumbs. Bella moaned so beautifully.

Her breathy voice spoke so clearly, "Oh my God you're so deep!...Nobody's been this deep!...Nobody!"

I rammed my cock home as deep as I could get and held it there, feeling Bella's tight contractions as her pussy orgasmed on me, the awesome sounds of her ecstatic turmoil "Oh!...Oh!...Oh!"-ing from her mouth as her body convulsed. Those sweet convulsions fucked me, so I fucked back, harder now, more forceful now, the sound of her beautiful quaking buttocks slapping against my swift-thrusting hips ringing out loud in the lecture theater. Yes, this is it! The wild fucking I'd begun dreaming about the first second I looked into Bella's dark eyes, there in our seats, when she'd looked at me and told me, 'I can't believe I was in high school just a few months ago.' And when she'd said, 'Maybe we can be study partners?'

Yes! I want to! I want to fuck you every day, the hell with all our classes but this one! We'll study everything Professor Silky says! We'll get so good at it all! Better than anything!

Fucking Bella so hard and so deep, making her moan and cry out her bliss so awesomely, I nearly came. So I pulled out for a few seconds of cool down, my cock in my hand, so slippery with Bella's wetness, tingling and electric, my wild arousal even bigger and harder than I'd been just moments before.

"Oh my God, Dorkek, your cock's fucking huge," my sister said.

"Oh, honey, really shouldn't be showing your sister that," my mother said to me. "She'll get ideas."

I looked at the class and saw them there, my mother, father, sister, aunt, uncle and cousins, all sitting side-by-side in the front row.

My high school english teacher, Ms. Lipstrom, was there, nodding, with a sparkly little smile in her eyes, as if to say those kind of 'ideas' are all right with her.

I slid the full length of me deep into Bella's tight pussy again, her happiness crying out of her, so loudly, from the awesomeness of it all.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, Professor Silky's hand, and the thought of her wanting me to undress her so she could join us in a threeway nearly made me cum. Her firm touch shook me.

"Dude, wake up."

I looked at her face, saw her eyes, knew she wanted me.

"Dude! You're dreaming! Wake up!"

Professor Silky's voice was deep. She shook me and shook me.

"What the fuck," my roommate said to me, the darkness disorienting me as I opened my eyes, my mind in a whirlwind of fog halfway between worlds.

"Shit, dude, I got an early class in the morning," he said. "You fucked up my whole night."

I nodded, sheepish, and sorry. "Yeah, sorry," I groggily said. "It was...a dream, I think."

"Jesus, you better not dream that intense all the time. Your whole fucking bed was moving."

I shook off some more of the swirling fog in my mind. Freshman year had just started, so I didn't yet know my roommate well, but in my foggy haze I felt compelled to tell him. "It was...I met a girl yesterday, in anatomy class. She was...yeah, she was...in my dream."

"Really? What's her name?"

"I don't know. We didn't...get that far. She's nice, though. I liked her. She said something about maybe being study partners."

"Do it, dude. She hot?"

"Yeah, she's, like, Middle Eastern, I think. Really dark eyes and hair. Wow, she was...in my dream."

"I hope it was a fuckin' good one, 'cause you fucked up my whole night."

"Yeah, it was...it was good."

I didn't tell him it was better than good. It was the best dream I've ever had.

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