Hiding in My House Pt. 03


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Then: "Ooh! Oh, yes... suck them like that. Other side too."

A little smack of lips releasing, then more cooing from my sister. Goddamn, I wish I was seeing that.

"Ahhhhh," she moaned. "You're getting me way too horny to blow you. Ready to get up from there and in me?"

"Now how could I refuse my little sweetheart something like that?" I could hear the width of his grin in his voice.

Feet moved and shifted on the carpet they kept using to mock my slobbishness, and then the mattress gave a little sigh of weight being put on it. I leaned very slowly and carefully toward the gap through which these sounds reached me. Shirt hems brushed the crown of my head as I moved, forcing me to duck even lower so I wouldn't cause the clothes-draped hangers above me to scrape along the closet rod. As my eye closed in on that bright but narrow opening, I saw more and more of my room, and angled my view more and more toward...

Oh my god, yes.

Kell stood right next to my bed, its covers all rumpled and mussed. She had her arms straight and hands against the comforter, which I'd more or less tugged up to the pillows for my muff-buff session earlier. The bend of her waist thrust her ass up and back. Those breasts of hers, as perfectly curved as twin, pale planets hanging in space, the areolas and jutting nipples like monuments to some alien god -- I almost wondered how Dad could have had his mouth on them a few seconds ago and been willing to release. Only not really, because she'd angled herself ever-so-slightly toward the pillows when she leaned over, so I didn't just see the perfect swell of her bottom in profile -- I could also see a thin glimpse of pussy lips hiding in the niche between her thighs where they joined the firm fullness of her glutes.

Maybe I didn't know what it was like to have a cock, but I could see my father's right then, angled straight at that heavenly hollow. And the intensity with which it stabbed out to target her was obviously not something a guy could just ignore to suck on some nipples.

He put his left hand to her waist, on the far side of her from me, and gripped her whole right buttock with the other one.

"Mmm, Daddy, come on," Kell said, twisting her neck to look back over one shoulder at him. "I'm dripping."

"Don't rush me! You just look so amazing from this angle."

She growled and shook her hips. "You've used that excuse often enough I'm pretty sure I don't have any non-amazing angles."

I'm pretty sure too, I thought.

"Fine," he said.

Steadily, his hips moved forward. He had his feet set much wider than hers to put their groins at about the same level, so the unwavering, ruler-straight beam of his dick carried its taut head directly to her slit, where it touched down and made her shiver.

As he pushed just enough to part her cunt lips, Kellie's mouth formed a low and hungry, "Yessss."

Sink it, Dad. Go!

But he clearly knew the territory his crown now teased. With small, sure movements, he swiveled his pelvis just right, so the bulge of his glans rotated against her opening, kissed by her labia but not yet dipping through.

"So soft and wet," he murmurred. "I can tell you're really ready, but can I just enjoy this for a bit?"

"Uhhhhh," she moaned. Her head hung low now, draping the brunette spill of her hair across the covers right about where I'd been fingering myself a while earlier. "You can fucking do whatever the fuck you want to me."

"Thank you!" His right hand released her ass just long enough to pat it, then his left slid back from her waist to cup the other butt-cheek. With wide-spread fingers, he caressed her bottom in patient circles while his cock-head kept playing in the verge of her slit.

He kept this up for an inflamingly long time, and I could see Kell starting to tremble. "Don't stop," she said. "Don't stop."

Her left hand fumbled toward the head of the bed then, to fish a pillow from where the comforter half-covered it. She dragged it back to her, tossing her head so her hair didn't get trapped beneath. Then she straightened it parallel to her body and dropped her face all the way down.

"Mmmmm... it smells like her hair..."

Dad shook his head. "Jesus, you're a nasty girl."

"I can't help it," she said, voice muffled by another dip down into my pillow. "How does it still smell so good? She's been gone a month."

Well, sis, my head was there a little more recently than a month.

He didn't answer. The movement of his hips stopped.

Uh-oh. Is she harshing his fuck-buzz talking about me?

"Put her shirt on it," he said quietly, making his tip take a little side-to-side tilt.

Nope. Apparently not.

Kellie threw him a wide-eyed look across her shoulder, then said, "Hell, yeah!" and grabbed for a top of mine that she'd tossed on the bed earlier. While Dad gripped her at the waist to help steady her, she wrestled the T down over the pillowcase. Then her face swept over the whole thing, brushing the tip of her nose to the belly, the collar... the armpits.

Gross, sis.

"I'm going to push in," he told her.

"Not yet!" Lifting her head, she found the panties she'd gotten off my floor and fit those over the other end of the pillow, until its corners poked out from the leg-holes and the elastic cinched it in like a waist. "Okay, do some more of that teasing while I eat her out."

Holy fuck.

Dad obeyed her, going back to that steady rhythm, which by now must be smearing pre-cum all over her opening. Kell put her nostrils in the crotch of my panties and inhaled deeply.

"Anything?" he asked.

"Oh, yes," she said. "It's faint, but it's pussy." Then she started kissing at the same spot she'd smelled. "Mm, Chelse, you're so yummy."

Christ, I thought, I'm going to leak so hard, any second now she'll smell that.

My lower belly and crotch all but throbbed with heat.

But weirdly, I found myself yearning to rub all those hot parts until I came -- as opposed to wishing I was over there on the bed with my sister's mouth doing the trick for me. Somehow, it aroused me like crazy that she wanted my swollen mound there in front of her. Yet I had only a faint desire to actually get in on it.

What's up with that?

Kellie was kissing and licking Pillow Chelsea's undies, though, and if that hadn't been enough to distract me from the question, Dad said, "Baby, I'm dying back here. Can I get in you yet?"

"Oh shit," she said, lifting up and twisting her neck to meet his gaze. "Of course! Sorry, I got carried away."

He took hold of her waist in both hands and replied, "It's all good."

Then his pelvis took a little jab and his tip sunk right into her hole.

Yes! I thought. Fuck, Dad, penetrate her.

They each made a little grunt of appreciation when he popped through, and then they shared a moan as he delved forward and in, forward and in. He must have made that first stroke last half a minute.

"Eeeeeh -- Daddy -- yes --"

"Mmf," he said at the moment his crotch landed flush against her mound. "Kells, I love you so much."

"Me too, Daddy. Oh god, bang me while I make Chelse come with my mouth."

He laughed, then took another smooth, strong stroke that made her moan into my panties and pillow.

"Only sounds to me like one of you is coming, honey-pie."

"Uhhh... no, she's -- really close." She worked madly at the silky, now soggy gusset of my underwear as if to prove it. "And, ooh, I bet she's a squirter."

Not hardly. Well, at least, never yet.

Dad gave her three quick bumps, pushing her lips and tongue deeper into the pillow each time.

"So she's into it?" he asked, switching to a quieter, longer rhythm while she came up for a breath. "On-board just like that?"

"Haha, god, no," she said. With a grunt, she pushed back on him. "She's all weird about it, just like you were the first time. But she's closing her eyes and pretending I'm Seong, and that's totally doing it for her."


To be super-clear, I have absolutely never thought about Seong that way. I mean, not before Kellie made her joke about it when she and Dad were about to screw on the couch this morning. And I mean, really, not even then, other than... you know, somebody says who they think your ideal hookup is, of course your brain has to consider it at least a second.

And what Kellie said just now -- it still didn't make me put myself in that place. I totally did not imagine lying there where my sister had that dressed-up pillow at her mercy, and I totally did not imagine my legs up and open, Kell's face between them, and me closing my eyes to think about my best friend instead.

But... I did think, Man. If there's one person I could think about to stop myself from freaking out over having my sister mouth-fuck me, I guess it would be Seong.

And then I realized I had my legs pressed really tightly together, there in the dark of my closet, and that my eyes had to unglaze themselves and re-focus to get back to the action going on in front of me.

Well that was fucking weird.

"Okay, so come on, then," Dad said. His hips rocked back and forth as he plumbed Kellie's depths, the sounds of their intercourse hot and viscous in my ears. "Do your best Seong impression."

"What?" She froze over the bed. "No, that's... I don't know, too disrespectful."

He laughed and worked her with several more thrusts, until she loosened up and fell into their rhythm again.

"You're eating out your sister's panties," he said, spacing out the words a little for breath, "while fucking in her room... getting your spit all over her pillow, without her permission... but a little bit of play-acting as her friend, that would be... too disrespectful?"

"Uh-huh," she replied. "You're a dude, of course you wouldn't get it."

"Well, I'm kind of busy getting this." Fast and hard, gripping her by the hips, he slapped into Kellie's cunt a half-dozen times, making the damn thing talk in a slick, gushy voice. "So what's the 'it' I'm not getting? You know... dude that I am... ooh... and, nng, all."

"Have to tell you -- later," she squeaked, "-- about to come --"

Her eyes squeezed shut and her face went back down in the pillow. I watched her whole body tremble, listened to a barely muffled scream of orgasm that tried to make its way out through my panties, the pillowcase, and the pillow itself.

"Fuck!" she shouted, lifting her mouth from my underwear. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Then she pulled forward and did a pirouette to her knees, and before Dad could react, she lunged onto his cock and deep-throated it.

"Oh, shit!" he gasped. His hands floated unremembered in the air to either side of Kellie's head, roughly where they'd been on her hips a second earlier. Her body turned into a whip, or maybe a cobra -- something sinuous and quick, pulling back, striking, pulling back, striking. I could see her throat work when she got him all the way in, her lips pulsing around his shaft as they retreated. "Jesus, Kell -- wait, wait --"

But she didn't. She just kept it up -- if anything, faster, and faster. Dad stared down at her as she moved. His mouth went loose. Then a groan started deep in his chest and the muscles of his neck tightened --

And Kellie popped free of his dick, grabbed it in both hands, tilted her head back, ruby lips right at the throbbing tip...

"Cum, Daddy," she said. "Get it in my mouth. Make a mess all over my face and tits."

Then he cried out, and just like that, the white streaks of his seed lashed down across her gaping lips, her cheek, her eyebrow and forehead. It spilled in past her teeth onto her tongue, ran out over her chin, splashed her throat as she tipped back, then rained down on the valley between her upthrust breasts.

"Ohhgod -- OH -- UHhh --"

"Yes, keep going," she breathed, licking white honey from her lips. Her hands still gripped him tight, and the weakening jolts from his manhood fell in lower and lower arcs, until she leaned forward and enveloped his crown again, sucking gently, cleaning the underside with her tongue.

"Holy crap," he gasped, dropping to his knees to get face-to-face with her. She grinned and kissed him, deep, full, wholesome. His hands wandered her body, slicking it with the film of his semen when he happened across it.

I carefully moved my head back from the gap, knowing that at some point they'd stop kissing and open their eyes and maybe have my spy-crack in their peripheral vision at just the wrong moment.

The kissing and caressing went on for a good long while, though, until finally I heard a contented hum from both of them.

"That..." Dad said.

"Uh-huh," Kellie agreed. "That."

A little more kissing, then, "Okay. So what's this disrespect thing I don't get because I'm a guy? It's not like you weren't drooling -- I mean, literally drooling -- over the idea of Seong eating your sister out. How's that so different from you playing the part out loud?"

"Ugh," she said. "So clueless. I wasn't drooling over the idea of Seong eating Chelsea out. I was drooling over the idea of Chelse imagining Seong eating her out. No part of me was pretending to be Seong, because in no way could I ever get that right. Seong's too weird -- in a good way -- and the thing that's hot is thinking about Chelse craving that. You don't mock a freaky beautiful soul like Seong by trying to imitate her."

"Hmm," he said. I thought I heard him rubbing his chin. "I guess I can get my head around that. Only the way you keep going on about her makes me wonder if I need to be jealous of Seong."

She laughed and kissed him. "She's not my type -- I'm too hung up on cocks."

Yeah, well... I'm pretty hung up on cocks too, remember? It's not like we haven't talked.

Dad seemed to be on my wavelength. "Are you trying to tell me something I don't know about your sister?"

"Nah." She sighed, and it sounded like she stood up. "Seong's just the only person Chelse hangs out with that I think is good enough for her. Probably there's nothing there at all."

Dad stood up too.

"It's nice of you to think of your sister like that," he said.

"Eh. She's not the worst or anything. Now look and see if we dripped anywhere while I undress this pillow."

"And what are we supposed to do if I find any? Clean it? Because I'm pretty sure she'll notice the one clean spot."

Hilarious, Dad.

"Just look, will you? Now that we both came all over her room, maybe I'm starting to feel a little guilty about it."

"And you were complaining about me being mushy earlier."

They bantered a little bit more, determined that they'd managed to return my room to the same degraded state it had been in before, then headed out into the hall and shut the door behind them. Still in my closet, I sat on my ass and just blinked for a while, running through everything I'd heard and seen. The stuff about Seong made me feel a little weird. I mean, I love her, but I don't love her, love her, you know?


But the stuff about Kellie wanting me to be there with them -- so much that she was huffing hair smell from my pillow and licking my dirty underwear -- what was I supposed to do with that?

Well, it's a couple of hours before they go to dinner at six, I told myself. Plenty of time for you to think it through while you're waiting for your chance to split. But once you split, you're going to need a ride, right?

I got out my phone to text Seong.

Typety-type: Still in town?

Almost immediately, three floating dots. Floating, floating, floating... then: Yes. I intended on leaving late tomorrow so as to afford you a sufficient window for reconsidering yesterday's precipitous decision.

Typety-type: Reconsideration accomplished.

More dots, and: Good. This is news to allay the soul. Will Eric or Kellie bring you over, or shall I pick you up on my way out of town tomorrow?

Typety-type: You have to pick me up, but today, not tomorrow. After 6. At the park, not the house.

The peculiarity of these details intrigues me. I will see you at six.

Let's say 6:30, don't want them seeing your car on their way out.

Ah, and now the intrigue escalates. 6:30.

Thanks, S!

You are exceptionally welcome.

And then I crawled out of my closet and set up camp by my door, waiting for six o'clock and the sounds of my father and sister getting ready to leave the house.

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anchorman021anchorman021about 2 months ago

yuk, stopping reading right here

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Thx for the reaction Kinkink! Love the character build up. Makes the story so much more real and enyable! Will patiently wait for new episodes!

kinkinkkinkinkalmost 3 years agoAuthor

@Anonymous (Fantastic):

I don’t know how long the series will run for certain, but I have episodes 5 and 6 loosely planned out.

Glad you like it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Fantastic... can’t wait to read lots more!

kinkinkkinkinkalmost 3 years agoAuthor


I've started a bit of work on Part 5!

By the way, no offense intended to you or to Scotland, but I keep reading your user name as Kiltomatic and then reading your comments with a Scottish accent ...

: D

KlitomaticKlitomaticalmost 3 years ago


kinkinkkinkinkalmost 3 years agoAuthor

@Anonymous (Kellie on):

Thanks for clarifying. I really appreciate that. I'm a little neurotic sometimes, so even though I assumed you were being complimentary, I had this little nagging worry.

I'm not 100% sure where the story will go after Part 4, which I just submitted. Chelsea definitely isn't ready to jump in with both feet quite yet, so we'll have to see ...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"Kellie on" was what I imagined happening when Chelsea discovered they both wanted her, though Dad is a little shy. Great story so far, five stars for each chapter. It is your story so please take it the direction you envisioned. I imagine that Chelsea, as you have portrayed her, is going to need a little more time to make any move on her own, though. Fun, original, entertaining story.

kinkinkkinkinkalmost 3 years agoAuthor

@Anonymous (What fun):

Thanks! I'm hoping to have part 4 submitted by the end of this week.

@Anonymous (Kellie on):

I'm not sure how to respond to your vignette, because you didn't explain your motivation for writing it. Without any context, I'm left wondering whether you loved the story and felt inspired by it, or if my ending for this part disappointed you and you decided to show me what you wish had happened instead. So I'm left feeling a bit uneasy. Hopefully you meant well, though, and I appreciate that you took the time to comment. Good writing to you, if you choose to put your imagination to work on your own stories!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Excellent hot story

Great story with heaps of future story development potential. Please keep going!

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