High School Dates Ch. 12


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"God that woman loves you so much." Patty whispered.

"But she just left." I said, feeling so confused.

"You really don't understand women, do you? She'd rather let herself be hurt than to hurt you. She cares that much about you."

"So, what the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Do you love her?" When I didn't answer she asked a different question. "Do you love me as much as you love her?"

I rolled onto my side, shifting to face her, my arm wrapped around her waist to pull us together. I moved my face to hers and pressed my lips to hers in a soft kiss. We held the kiss for long seconds before it grew. She rolled me onto my back without breaking the kiss and lay on top of me, the two of us sharing a kiss as filled with passion as the one alongside the road. This time when we broke the kiss the feelings stayed. We looked each other in the eye. "That's all the answer I needed. I love you." She whispered. "And now I know you love me."

Mom came home about a half hour later. I dressed in a pair of shorts and Patty picked one of my t-shirts out of my dresser, pulling it on over her head. It was almost long enough to cover her butt, but not quite. I wasn't sure if she had some intention of showing herself off, but if she lifted her arms any amount at all, she definitely would be. We went down to introduce her to mom.

"Welcome to our home!" Mom said cheerfully after I introduced them, stepping over and hugging her affectionately. "It's so good to see you here. I've heard so much about you and about how you helped David out. You have no idea how much I appreciate what you've done."

"Thank you. I'm so happy to finally meet you. David talks about you all the time. You two must have an incredibly close bond."

"We do," she admitted. "Let me run upstairs and change and I'll get dinner started."

"Oh, you don't have to on my account." Patty said with a smile. "From what I've picked up on some of his comments, running around naked or nearly so is a pretty normal thing, so you don't have to feel like you have to be dressed for me."

"Oh?" mom asked, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Oh, he hasn't told me in as many words, but I figured it out." Patty said, coming to my rescue. "If it makes you feel more comfortable, I'll go naked as well." She added, skimming the t-shirt up and off, tossing it on the kitchen counter. "Come on David. You know you do it all the time anyway, don't change things because I'm here." She said, turning to face me and reaching for my shorts.

"You sure about this?" I asked nervously as she pushed my shorts down and exposed my already growing cock.

"It's not like she hasn't seen it hard, right? I mean you don't just fuck with the lights off, do you?"

I could see the look of surprise on mom's face as she looked at Patty. "Oh, don't worry, Mrs. Roberts. I won't say anything. That kind of thing is kinda personal, having sex with your son."

"You told her that?" Mom asked, looking at me incredulously.

"Oh no. he didn't. I just guessed it on the way here. It's alright with me, I don't mind. Moms are kinda special, so if he wants to do that, it's fine with me." Patty said as she squatted down on the floor to pull my shorts off my feet, leaving me completely naked. "You're not going to get undressed?" Patty asked as she stood up and looked at mom.

Mom seemed almost reluctant, but finally started to remove the dark blue dress she had on, unbuttoning the front down to the waist and then wiggling it over her shoulders. She stepped out of it and draped it over the back of the kitchen chair near her. She reached behind her and released her big soft tits from the heavy bra she had worn to work and then pushed her pantihose down, stepping out of her high heels as she pulled the sheer material over her feet. She looked at me and then at Patty, before pushing her lacy white panties down, leaving her as naked as I was.

"There. That wasn't so bad, was it?" Patty asked with a grin. "I've never been in a house that was this way, but it's kinda fun, isn't it? I bet that David has all kinds of fun poking into waiting wet pussies all day."

"He doesn't usually..." Mom started to protest.

"Oh, that's alright. I'm sure he doesn't mind me seeing that." She turned to look at me. "Just do what you'd always do. I'll get used to it, I'm sure." Patty said before turning and walking toward the living room.

"She's a bit forward, isn't she?" Mom asked quietly.

"Actually, I have no idea what's gotten into her. She's usually quite shy until she gets turned on."

"Maybe she already is. What happened before I got home? I see Betsy's car here but haven't seen her."

"I think you need to talk to her. I don't think I understand what happened exactly." I said quietly.

"You had sex with her?"

"In front of Patty. Then she said something about loving me and taking herself out of the equation before she walked out of my room."

"She's been waiting anxiously for you to get home. She so misses having sex with you. For her to say that, to walk away from that relationship? I think I better go talk to her." Mom said before turning and picking up her clothes. She walked to the stairs and up she went.

I walked to the living room and sat down next to Patty. "You didn't have to do that." I said quietly.


"The naked thing. I think it made her uncomfortable. She just met you and there you are, stripping in front of her."

"David. I told you. I was going to get into your life. I don't want to change you. So, if your family runs around naked, so will I. I just needed to do it before I lost my nerve, okay?"


Mom did come down after a while and started cooking, wearing nothing but an apron. It was very tempting to walk over to her and give her a little poke. It's what I would have done if we were alone. But having Patty here, it just made me a little nervous. Hopefully things would settle down a bit and we'd be more comfortable together.


It was Sunday afternoon. Other than the trip I took showing Patty around town, I'd been running around naked, at Patty's request. Mom and Betsy had actually been trying hard not to be naked, despite Patty's assertion that if it was what they normally did, then it was what they should do. I wasn't sure about mom, but I could tell that Betsy wasn't being naked for the same reason she wasn't sleeping in my bed.

Chis and Katie came by to visit about mid-afternoon. I would have thought that Patty would get dressed for that, at least, but to my utter shock, and both Chris and Katie's surprise, she stayed completely naked as Chris and Katie came in the front door. Chris did his best to not stare at her, but I could tell that Katie was getting a little frustrated quickly.

"So, you good to go for the wedding?" Katie asked, trying to hold a smile and not scowl at Patty as we walked to the living room sofa and sat down.

"Yeah. All I have to do is get my tux fitted and I can do that when I come home for the summer." I answered. "How's work going for you Chris?"

"Actually, that's what we wanted to come by and talk about. Katie has something to ask you."

"You know my dad owns a company here in town? Well, they're moving their records from paper to computer and, well, I thought, with you going to school for computer science and all, that maybe he could use some help. So I asked. If you want it, he said he'd hire you for the summer to help program the database stuff." Katie said with a huge grin.

"Your dad? He doesn't even know me!"

"Doesn't have to. He knows all about what you did for Mandy, and, well, hell, half the town knows about that. Anyway, he said he'd be happy to have you work for him!" She added.

"Well, yeah! I'd love to. Shoot, I hadn't figured out what I was going to do for the summer yet, so this is...well, it's fantastic! Don't you think Patty?"

"Oh sure. It sounds like a great opportunity." She said, but the tone of her voice was anything but.

"Is something wrong with it?"

"Well, I'd kind of hoped that you could find something near where I live so we could spend the summer together." She said with an obvious frown.

"Well, you don't have to take the job." Katie said quickly. "It was just an idea."

"No! It's a great idea. I really can't pass up a chance to work in my field. Not that hanging out with Patty isn't a good idea, but I think I'd get bored and I could really stand the money to keep the car going if nothing else."

"Well, I have a summer job at the same place I was working before I came to school. I was going to try and get you a summer job there too." Patty said softly. "But if you don't want to. I mean, it is a good opportunity."

"I think you should." Betsy said from where she was sitting at the kitchen table, not exactly eavesdropping but clearly listening in. "Working in your field? You can't beat that."

"You would say that! You'd have him home here all to yourself." Patty said in a snotty teenager tone.

I looked at Patty and then back at Betsy, sitting with her mouth hanging open.

"Well, at least he knows when to put pants on." Betsy retorted.

"And I don't?"

"You're sitting there, butt naked, in front of his friends! What do you think?"

"I think you're just jealous you don't have the balls to do it."

Betsy laughed and got up from the table. "I think I'll go read." She said as she walked to the stairs. She shook her head as she walked up the stairs leaving us to talk alone.

"Well, you do what you want." Patty finally said.

"Honey. It's only the summer. Less than three months. You'll be working. Why shouldn't I?"

"Yeah, I suppose." She finally said.

"Good. Now how about you go put something on before Chris's eyeballs fall out of his head."

She frowned but got up and headed for the stairs. Katie waited for her to disappear down the hall before speaking. "That girl is very insecure."

"I don't know what's gotten into her. I've never seen her like this. She's been this way ever since we got home."

Katie laughed softly. "You never change. That's what I love about you. She's threatened. She sees Betsy as a rival and she's trying to keep you two away from each other."


"Girl stuff. She doesn't want you two together because she thinks Betsy has feelings for you."

"She does." I admitted.

Katie looked startled. "She told you that?"

"When I first got home. But she said she was taking herself out of the equation because she didn't want me stuck in the middle like I was with Mandy."

"With Mandy?"

I lowered my voice to just above a whisper. "When we were going out to take me to school. She and I... The two of us... We had a moment and we both realized that we'd fallen in love. But since I was with Mandy, we couldn't do anything about it. She wouldn't at least, and I didn't know WHAT to do about it. So, we just pretended it didn't happen."

"But you two had sex?"

"Yeah. Why?"

She shook her head slowly. "And now Patty is in your life. David. Betsy has been waiting for you to come home to rekindle what she feels for you. She's been in love with you for a long time. Ever since her mom passed. I don't know what you did, and it's none of my business, but whatever you did, she fell in love with you. The whole time she was living here before you went to school, after her dad died? That whole time she was just waiting for you to notice, but you didn't because of Mandy. Now it's Patty. That woman is madly in love with you, and it isn't going away any time soon."

I looked down at the floor and knew she was right, but I had no idea what to do about it.

"Who'd have thought the geek squad leader would end up with all the hot girls throwing themselves at him?" Chris chuckled.

"To be honest, it's not as much fun as one might think. I worried about never having a girl to call my own when I was in high school. Now I feel trapped between two of them, for a second time."

"Do you love her? Patty?" Katie asked directly.

I paused a second before answering. "I think so."

"Do you love Betsy?"


"There! You have your answer. Just listen to what you just said. You had to think about it with Patty. But with Betsy, that answer almost couldn't come out of your mouth fast enough. It should be a no brainer. But knowing you. Well, I'm sure you'll make it difficult for yourself." She said quietly as Patty walked back down the stairs to join us again, this time with pants and a shirt on. We talked for a little longer before mom had dinner ready. She invited Chris and Katie to stay, but they had other plans and left.

It was getting late and Patty had gone off to bed, leaving only Betsy and mom in the family room with me. Betsy excused herself and left, stopping to give mom's hand a squeeze before she left. Mom had on a bathrobe and I was still dressed in the shorts and t-shirt I had on earlier. Mom got up from her chair and stepped over to me. She held her hands out to me, without a word. I took them and let her pull me up from the sofa. Her hands moved to my shirt hem and pulled it up and off and then back to my shorts, leaving me naked. I watched as she slipped the robe off, leaving her as naked as I was.

We didn't talk as we took each other into our arms and kissed, slowly and sweetly, much like we had done many times before. The kiss led to touching, both of us gently caressing each other anywhere we could reach. We were soon laying on the sofa, with me on top of her, kissing and licking her big soft tits and rock-hard nipples. She moaned softly at my attentions, her excitement building with each passing minute that I licked and sucked and flicked her nipples.

"Oh God sweetie," she moaned as my fingers found her pussy, stroking her hot wet lips and spreading them to allow my middle finger to find her clit. I stroked it slowly, gently, working the tip of my finger over and around it as her hips started to lift and move. She rocked up at me, trying to push her pussy at me further, her excitement growing even more. She bent her body enough to reach my hardon and moved it to the entrance of her vaginal depths. I knew what she wanted, what she'd wanted since I got home. I knew that she wanted me to just step behind her while she was cooking naked, pushing my hardon into her, but I hadn't. Now she was intent on getting me into her like we had so many times over the summer, to feel my hard fat cock inside her.

There seemed to be urgency in her touch, almost forcing me into her instead of inviting me in. I let her have her way, pushing myself into her slowly. I started with short little strokes, lubricating my shaft with her juices as I worked into her, enjoying the sensations of her wet depths.

In and out I started to slide, my fat head caressing her depths and drawing moans and groans of pleasure from her. I could feel her rock in time with my strokes, moving the way we had long since found created the most erotic sensations for the both of us, pushing both of us quickly up the slope toward the peak of our mutual orgasms.

"Come for me baby. Come in your mama. Let me feel you coming in me when I come." She moaned.

"Uh huh." I grunted, knowing that I was going to come soon. In and out I continued to slide, pulling my face from her breast to watch her face. I wanted to see her come, to time mine with hers. I'd learned when to tell when she or Betsy were about to climax, and I knew the things that made them both find that point, either quickly or slowly, depending on their mood. Tonight, mom wanted it quickly and intensely. I didn't know why, but I knew I would give her what she wanted.

"Come for me mom. Let it go and come for me." I whispered breathlessly as I thrust harder into her, making her whole body shake and her tits roll on her chest sexily. I watched them and her face, my climax racing to completion any second now. I could feel the warmth and tingle spreading, the need to keep stroking grew, knowing I was moments from coming. "Come with me. Oh damn mom! I'm going to come."

"YESSSSSS!" She cried softly as her pussy clenched around me, sending me over the edge with her. My body jerked and pumped shot after shot into her, as her pussy squeezed and spasmed around my spurting cock. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled my chest to hers and her lips to mine, the two of us struggling to breath while we kissed.

"Ohhhhhhhh damn mom." I whispered.

"I love feeling you inside me. You can always give me what I need, something your father failed at so many times. If he hadn't left, I'd have never known what I was missing." She managed to say between gasps for breath.

I looked at her face and knew there was something else to say, something she wasn't telling me, something she seemed almost afraid to say. "Is everything alright? You're not sick or anything, are you?" I asked with concern.

"Sick? No. I'm fine. But there is something I need to talk about. Something that affects us."

"Okay. What?"

"I've been seeing someone. Someone from at work."

"That's great! Is he nice to you?"

"Very nice. But I think he wants things to move farther. More than just hand holding and touching. I think he's ready to do this with me."

"I see. And if he does, it means we can't do this anymore?"

"If it's just us, we can keep it hidden. But if 'm having sex with someone else, another man. We can't be sure it'll always be hidden. I don't want to hurt you by making you stop something you need."

I chuckled. "Mom. If you've found someone that can give you what you need, including this, then I'm not going to stand in the way. I'm doing this with you because it makes you feel good and it fills a need you have. I enjoy it, but I don't need it. No, if you have someone that can fill this need for you, I'm fine with that." I whispered to her. She hugged me and gave me a soft kiss before I pushed up off of her, pretty sure that it would be the last time we did this. It also explained why Betsy was no longer sleeping with her.

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Okay...so, Patty really is 'trying' to fit into David's life...walking around naked from the git-go and accepting where he is in his life.

She is entitled to her own feelings, just like a real life person would!! That she is as confused and hurt as David, and Betsy, is acceptable to me.

There is a line they are ALL walking,trying to decide how this is going to work out...David is the 'pivot-point' here, and has to ManUp to be strong for everyone. His decisions will affect the rest of ALL their lives...how they all end up, if they are ALL together as one big family, caring for each other...

Betsy saying she is removing herself from the 'equation' is nice and all; she is hurting herself, David and the others. At some point, they ALL have to sit down, talk, and commit to the relationship with David, AND each other...this will work, just needs open lines of communication!

Five Stars, again; I agree, this was a bit hard to read, but continues to be an excellent series!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Yup, erewego, again. Monotonously repetitive dick dipping, He is totally unable to keep to his own high moral standards.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Here we are again, he can fuck every girl but about Mandy she is a slut. In one moment he says so and the next his actions are the oposite. It's getting tired to read almost every secound row how to fuck who he fuck. Step a little back and look at what you want to do with the MC. Up to date he is only going what he is told and he doesn't meet his standard in mind by his doings. Bring him back to be liked because now he is a push over.

Falstaff60Falstaff60about 1 year ago

Seems to be a double standard in the comments on this chapter and previous chapters about the Mandy character and the David character. Mandy get railed because in a drunken moment at a party, she is borderline raped by another drunken party goer and gets pregnant as a result. Meanwhile, Davis is sticking it in every vagina (mother and daughter and even a service station attendant?) that comes into view but almost no one has any complaints about that.

And while we're at it, how many girlfriends or wives would really be ok with their husband sticking it into (or licking or fingering...yeah ask your girlfriend or wife if that counts as cheating) any other woman, especially one who had the cheating former boyfriend like Patty is supposed have had?

I realize this is fantasy but even that has to be somewhat relatable to draw the reader into the story. Just saying...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

From one of the site's finest authors comes the twelfth chapter of this outstanding series. The developing relationship between the characters is compelling, and the romantic mood is simply marvelous. However, this chapter cannot be understood or appreciated as a stand-alone story. The previous chapters must be read first. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story. Can't wait to see what happens in chapter 13. See if David picjs Betsy or Patty. David neds to talk to Jessica or Jessica's mon or Mandy's mom about who he should be with. David should try to hook up with Jessica since Mandy said he and she should never seeeach other again since Mandy could not keep her legs closed who cares if Mandy founds David is dating Jessica. I bet Jessica could show David true love and be there for him

muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 year ago

"I had no idea what to do about it." - You just keep making David more pathetic. Patty is obviously manipulating him exactly like Mandy, Betsy really loves him, and his Mom has moved on. This has gotten to be a really tired story, mostly because the MC, David, hasn't wised up a single bit in 12 chapters and is hopelessly mired in self pity. It's just not entertaining anymore no matter how well you write the sex scenes. You are way better than this story has become.

Daddydodaddy78Daddydodaddy78about 1 year ago

As always amazing keep up the great job

mybikecruisesmybikecruisesabout 1 year ago

Patty said she wouldn't push him to make the big decision to be hers only when he got back from Christmas. She even sounded like she was going to agree with the seeing multiple people so they wouldn't regret any decision later in life. But now because he is only her second lover(?) She is claiming him just like Mandy did; both coming out of major hurtful/abusive relationships. He is so naive and trained by his mother to be a good man, he doesn't know that many women can be more ruthless acting like they love you, while actually using you.

He needs to wake up and see where/what real love is: like his mother, the principal, and the relationship between Betsy and her mother.

He will be used and divorced if he keeps taking advice and falling women like Mandy and Patty.

Katie called it right, he needs get it together listen to what he says when someone asks him about the girls he is mostly dating, which he loves more.

Need to get David back on track with his story not the downfall because of evil user women and his losing those that really love him by the evil users pushing them away from him.

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4uabout 1 year ago

Getting more selfish and can't keep it in his pants. Playing with the emotions of the women around him whilst bemoaning his own sense of betrayal from Mandy. Needs a reality check and grow up.

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