All Comments on 'Hindsite'

by StangStar06

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Good cautionary tale :)

Stupid did as Stupid read

Stupid did and Stupid paid the price.

That's what happens when you take something wonderful for granted.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 12 years ago
Supply & Demand !

There's a lot more ' suitable ' women at fifty then there are 'suitable' men. I blame it on Fantasy Football & DSL porn, at least thats the working theory of my prospective survey, pending government approval & funding. My thanks to Stang, Miko & Mustang dynasty.

AeroielAeroielabout 12 years ago

A quote:

"I told you," said Patti, when she noticed the way I watched him make his way to the church. I was smiling so much I got lipstick on my ears.

This one produced hot coffee out the nose. That hurts, you know.

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

to get what you dont want. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I hate stories that show the husband to be damn

Near perfect and the (soon to be ex) wife as a complete idiot. People are human, they have good days and bad days....and no one is perfect or completely irredeemable.

bruce22bruce22about 12 years ago
Fine Story

I do not feel that Allen or Carmen were particularly stupid. These things sort of sneak up on you, and if you do not discuss them with your partner, they end up separating you. For many people hormone imbalances are the thing of fantasies. but the moment she stated that he no longer even excited her, it was the first thing to go through my thoughts. All the rest followed quite naturally, just as her attempts to find some sort of sexual relationship was doomed until her mild stroke.

Probably someone will chime in, saying that hormone therapy carries an increased cancer risk,, but all drugs, alcohol and tobacco are far riskier and the increase in sexual pleasure and emotional balance are more than worth the relatively small risk.

Oh yes, I really enjoyed reading this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Great story, the correct spelling is Hindsight. Site refers to a place, sight is the vision.

Now this doesn't take anything away from this fun and sadly all to real story, but I have noticed a lot of errors lately on the Mustangs assembly line. Maybe time to retool for the next model year?

FD45FD45about 12 years ago

I get to choose what to read first: Stang or DQS...

Dance with the one who dates you every Thursday.

Now I am reading the story (agog that Stang can write in less then 10 page chunks...)

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 12 years ago
loved it

As usual, mustang man wrote a great story. The characters were very believeable. The wife in this story couldn't see because her head was stuck too far up her ass.

FD45FD45about 12 years ago
Okay, read it

Better then the usual formula. Makes much more sense. Also isn't overwritten.

This is, IIRC, only the third story which you told purely from the woman's perspective.

A few things rang a bit false. There is no way, NO WAY, a bride wouldn't make very damned sure that her mother wasn't wearing something which would go with the wedding theme. The make up I can believe.

I was put off by the daughter. I didn't hate the mom, nor did I think the man behaved badly (though he was very much a plot prop). The daughter was a bit of a bitch. She took sides reasonably vehemently and rubbed it in. Yes, I can see that happening, but didn't like her all that well...though if things go south in my marriage, I wouldn't mind if my two were like that :)

But a very good story, one which I believed. And her motives make a great deal more sense then 'I wanted to try a new cock' because Oprah (my best friend...the creepy guy next door...etc) said so. I actually believe her: she DID fall out of love with her husband, coupled with the hormone thing. I believe she changed her mind, but too bad, so sad. That's part of life too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Not Misspelled

Even a hillbilly like me knows Stang and Miko have a spell checker. The story is titled so, because the wife read an article on a websight....Oops...WEBSITE.

ScaliaScaliaabout 12 years ago
Where is Rehnquist?

I would really like his take on this story. As a divorce lawyer, he said there were a large number of request for a divorce that came out of the blue.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
"Hindsite" is ABSOLUTELY the correct spelling!

Am I the only person who's been able to figure out that the story's title is a much-intended play on words? "Hindsight" - looking back on your past actions and realizing clearly the mistake(s) you made, and "Site" - the commonly-used term for a place or location on the Internet, where a particular piece of text resides. The "mash-up" of the two terms made a wonderful, and absolutely appropriate title for this story. Carmen read an article on a SITE on the Internet, that was part of the reason for her desire to be free of Allen. Only much later - when she is told of the hormonal imbalance - does she take time to really examine her past actions and - in HINDSIGHT - decide that she was totally and terribly wrong.

Hence, "HINDSITE" is the perfect title for this story!

Well, now that THAT is out of the way, on to my other comments.

I have to take issue with the folks who feel that Joy's actions were "not realistic". Granted, in many divorces, the children try to maintain civil and loving relationships with both parents. However, there ARE situations - such as the one in this story - where it is blatantly obvious to the children that the purely selfish motives of one party are responsible for both the break-up AND for nearly destroying the life of the "injured" parent. In these situations, it quite often happens that the child nearly severs relations with the guilty parent, or at best sides with the injured one and is quite angry at the other. (I saw this happen in my own past life.)

Now, where I DO thing the story is modestly flawed is that (from what I read) Allen never seems to have gotten a full explanation of that whole hormonal imbalance problem that Carmen had. Really, it was a needed piece in the story, since it would have allowed the two of them to gain some mutual closure on their relationship. Allen would be able to finally get over the last vestiges (they're there, whether he admits it or not) of wondering what he did to her, to cause Carmen to fall out of love with him. And Carmen would have at least been able to finally "apologize" to Allen for what she did to him, even though (if you grant the image) it was in the midst of a mild form of "temporary insanity".

But my biggest Kudo on this story is reserved for Stang's much-needed sideswipe at Oprah. Over the 25 years that battleaxe had her show on the air, she had episodes aimed at saving marriages, and other episodes that wound up causing marriages to break up - many of them, needlessly. I read an article, awhile back, where some gal actually took the time to research through Oprah's "fan-mail" and "fang-mail" (or "hate mail") and it seems that her show was responsible for breaking up more than ten times the marriages as the show ever healed. It's high time somebody took her to task for that, even if it was in passing in the midst of a story.

Thanks, Stang! Another great Thursday morning read!

hodunkhodunkabout 12 years ago
A great Stang story!

Thanks man I needed a good read and as always you gave us one.

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
Pretty good SS06 story

Again with the hubby running off at the first sign of trouble. I saw an opportunity for a serious talk about her (and his?) unhappiness after he ovehears her. Instead, he hits the road. On the plus side, it kept the story at managable length.

I enjoyed the exploration of the life of the single/divorced 45-50 year old woman. Not sure how true-to-life it is. But, I know several 30-something single women and divorcees who complain about the dating scene, and it rang somewhat true. One 37 year old friend in particular is VERY good looking, VERY well built. She has a decent/good, not great, job. She is reasonably smart, a little goofy, and shared custody of her two kids. She got divorced (her choice-she was just sick of her hubby-a decent guy). She went a little wild for a couple of years; sleeping around, hitting the bars. After a couple of years, the shine wore off, and she bemoaned the lack of quality dates: older (too old) divorced men looking for a pretty (relatively) young thing, younger single guys looking for a short-term good time, married men looking to knock off a piece on the side, or guys carrying around a lot of baggage of their own. She thinks, as SS06 seems to show, that it is a lot easier to be a divorced man in his 30's/40's. I can only imagine how crappy the dating prospects of a 40-something divorced woman must be.

The writing here was good, but wife never really got to have her say to hubby, so again we are left without the closure and dramatic exchange that would enrich the story.

Also, I thought the wedding scene was needlessly cruel (no pictures with mom? sitting her in back?). Garish dress or not, that was heartless.

A good cautionary/fantasy tale, though. Plus, I did appreciate the humor throughout.

magmamanmagmamanabout 12 years ago
I gave it a five anyway

Because the description of the ex wife at the wedding was way over the top and not really believable.

Neon dresses? Kids calling them whores, so badly dressed she and her friend had to sit in the back of the room?

This at her daughter's wedding? Not likely, unless she was insane so that part detracted, but can be overlooked.

The rest is worth a six, just MHO for what it is worth.

This old man? I still prefer my z06 Corvette, red. Of course.


Thanks, good tale.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

This wasnt one of your stronger pieces IMO, but I enjoyed it because I also read that article. It was in Huffington Post, in their 'Divorce' section, and I castigated the woman in the comments section for believing in 'til I get bored' instead of 'til death do us part.'

The woman who wrote the article was silly, but I felt the woman in this story was way too over the top. We got the same great husband done wrong and comes out on top StangStar story, but it seemed really rushed and not really believable. Just kind of hit the highlights and moved to the end.

Love your stuff, this one just seemed like a call in based on an internet article.

Metheus in ME

Mousse9Mousse9about 12 years ago

At first I thought the story was neither here nor there. Neither burn the bitch, or reconciliation at all costs. Then I realized it was a happy ending story. Carmen did not cheat, there was no "revenge" on Allen's part, and the ending did not have Carmen burned at the stake. Both parties got what they wanted/needed, in the end. They're both happier (though that's slightly debatable for Carmen).

Stang, I saw what you did there! Yet another direction you took in the LW genre. Heck, maybe next time you'll write one where it's an ACTUAL Loving Wives story, with an actual Loving Wife who does not cheat.

StangStar06StangStar06about 12 years agoAuthor
I'm really glad most of you got it

I hoped that the part near the end where she talks about the web site and being sure after looking back that the article had a lot to do with the end of her marriage would help most people get the play on words. With that said the story is what it is. This is a heads up note. There will be a story next week but I'm 95% sure that it'll be rejected here. It's another long one with football, alligators, and a whole bunch of other stuff. It's a really good story, probably one of the strongest I've done this year. There are also a few touchy things in there though. I think most of you know where to find it. I'll be back here though the following week with yet another tale of romance gone wrong. Thanks to all of you who read 'em.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
In general, I love your stories....

I only have one complaint. It's "HINDSIGHT".

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago
Only one quibble

Really good tale about poor communication and the dire consequences. If she had confided in her hubby about her change of affect, the hormone imbalance might have been found much sooner. The quibble is that I think it would have been unlikely for the doctors to have checked for that while treating for stroke. Clown sluts? Maybe a quibble and a quarter - the statement is too good to not use!

5* even though low eroticism (irony intended!)

xtremeddxtremeddabout 12 years ago
Women who write Jaundiced eyed articles, spell doom to inane readers...


Nice take on the How to genre

Moral of the story... Oops my bad does not work on jilted males with pure hearts.

The old "Hey Rocky watch me pull a rabbit out of the hat. "Nothing up my sleeve" PRESTO!" Uh Oh!! .......... "Oh Bullwinkle" "but Rocky, women usually do have something up their sleeve".

and at least Stang, writes a happy ending.

Thanks for sharing on Lit. (We'll look around for next week)


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
4 pages that seemed like 12

With all due respect to mikothebaby, an editor should have the guts to trim this down to 2-2.5 pages max. The endless narrative gets in the way of the story; if a sentence does not advance the plot, cut it.

Sidney43Sidney43about 12 years ago
Good one

Nice take on the endless advice crap that appears in print and on the Internet. I suppose it makes sense that the wife would take it to heart since her hormones were out of wack, but both of them should have talked about her change in attitude. But hey, it's just a story and no actual people were hurt during the creation of the tale.

H.H.MorantH.H.Morantabout 12 years ago
Fourteen thousand words and what?

Kierkegaard wrote that "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards" Too bad the husbands in LW stories never bother to do this, and the authors never require them to.

This one uses the standard LW formula: selfish wife, perfect husband, perfect replacement wife, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera

This perfect husband really isn’t: he won’t try to work out the problems, real or imagined, faced by the wife. Most states now require a good faith effort at mediation/reconciliation before allowing a divorce to proceed, and certainly would in something like this-no adultery, no cheating, no waste of marital assets (e.g., gambling). And he is a sex machine as he approaches fifty; possible, I suppose, but my own divorce practice and lots of reading suggest that it is almost invariably the case that the wife’s interest in sex grows over the years and the husband’s shrinks (with the exception of where he keeps it fired up by chasing after new, younger stuff-and there it is the thrill of the chase/conquest that makes the game fun, not the sex)

It would be interesting to see somebody’s take on the more usual (in real life, anyway) case where the wife puts up with the husband’s infidelities-for a while, anyway.

cueball961cueball961about 12 years ago
Appropriate For The Times

As a member of the Men Amused By Women's Advice To Other Women On Men Club, I couldn't help but be amused by this very enjoyable story. She Who Must Be Obeyed has a subscription to Cosmopolitan, and I love to read the various articles from women "sex experts" who allege to have the inside knowledge on what makes us guys tick, and how to rock our world in bed. Of course, 99% of them are so full of shit they squeak going into a turn. Being the irreverent man that I am, I delight in pointing out the idiocy of relying on any strangers' advice on ANYTHING without an extensive vetting process. This is doubly true on something as important as things relating to a couples' marriage and intimacy. This story shows the wisdom of being cautious in the extreme to such advice.

Allen behaves admirably dealing with the hand he is dealt. He does not go all medieval on anyone. He does not do the requisite damage to his own health and well being. He mourns his loss, picks up, and goes on. He finds out, as I did after my first disastrous marriage, that he was actually better off without the woman to start with. He trades up in just about every respect. Living well is, indeed, the best revenge.

As usual, another great effort, on a timely societal subject. Four well earned stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
A nice fantasy.

mmm. When will you get real? You write well, though unreal.

4 pages. waste of time.

No rating.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago


DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
Naturaly 5 stars


DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

There are 2 other excellent stories in similar genre, the wife divorced her husband for boredorm.

1. SW_MO_HERMIT excellent story "Finding Happiness After Love Dies", here the second wife says thanks for the exwife for divorcing...........

2. On the SOL ( Jay Cantrell's excellent story "Finding Shelter" where the exwife will be the best friend of the second wife and ...........

juanviejojuanviejoabout 12 years ago
Cinco Estrellas!

Usted nos ha dado otra buena historia, señor, y le doy las gracias. Thank you for the good story.

RHinSCRHinSCabout 12 years ago

and humorous. Someone else said that those articles probably do more damage than good. I agree. SS also covered the dating scene. She said that most of the guys she hooked up with described eternity as the period of time between when they came and she left. That would be funny if it was not true. I remember women saying they could not find a good man twenty years ago. Damn, that hurts to say. They said all the men were either married, gay or assholes. Since marriage is on the decline now, all they are going to be left with are assholes. In their search for independence women have probably given men exactly what most of them have wanted all along. Sex without strings or commitment. They are feeding the beast. If you are getting the milk for free, why would you want to stick around to clean up the cow shit? The future is dim with the absence of family values. Someone should write a story describing how fucked up it is going to be in another twenty years. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Congrats, Double S

real life hits the written page!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
duna, your man-crush on StangStar is embarrassing

That shit might fly over in Albania or wherever but here in the states it just creeps us out. You posted like 5 times in a row in his other recent story, give it a rest man. Step away from the keyboard and stop gushing over him, it is freaking us all out.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
My hobby

I like to make Anons be angry..................

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
the problem i have with this

is that people who love each other like crazy will say nasty things - including "I hate you" and even "I dont love you" - not often but once in a while and it is not a matter to be so thin skinned about to divorce the wife of husband. so that is a problem because the old broad obviously did love him. you et a 5 for good writing though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
the real problem

is that SS06 is writing for discrete audience (beaten cuckolds) who run like scared little bitches from everything in the world. The majority of commenters in this category are gutless Romneys who wouldn't last 5 seconds in a foxhole or on a patrol. They are the guys who piss their britches and run away when the shit starts flying instead of sticking, standing, and fighting. That is why women cuck them or leave them.

These same mama's boys criticize Winterfrog and other writers where the male protagonist fights for the woman (often lamenting "Why should I fight for her?") and this explains why they are losers in the woman-relationship arena. They are welcome to their point of view and their woman-less existence.

I grew up hard and realized many years ago that anything good is worth fighting for: That includes my country, my honor, and my family. If my woman said anything remotely like what the wife said my jog in the country would have waited while she and I packed her shit and drove it over to her friend's house while my ducks got lined up to make her grovel to come back home. Would have taken 1-2 days max.

The reason this plot device and storyline draws so much empathy from crybabies is the simple fact noone teaches us how to be men anymore; fer chrissakes Basic Training these days is a shadow of what it was like 30 years ago when I enlisted. Every element of society today is geared to coddle boys instead of create men. That is the real problem. 3 stars, well enough written but crap story.

jiminabjiminababout 12 years ago
Don't know

Stang after I finished this story I felt there was something missing. It was like plain too sweet vanilla puding. For me not your best. Sorry. Jim

JonTaylorJonTaylorabout 12 years ago
A Pattern

I've read most of your stories and have a great deal of respect for your story-telling ability and writing skills. While you always entertain me, there is a pattern almost throughout that detracts. The women, the loving wives, are nearly always dim bulbs who just don't get it. While this gives you fertile ground for humor at her expense, repetition diminishes the interest. I'd llike to read stories in which your Mustang brigade of wronged husbands face worthy adversaries. Just sayin. You've got me anyway; I look forward to your entries

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Glad to see you didn't harangue forever on mustangs, you tell a great story, but all of the mustang crap seemed kind of adolescent. keep up the good work, Chevys forever

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Thanks for the story . Sorry that i'm not smart enough to leave one of those very educated comments that so many smarter people have been leaving . I's just a country boy who likes to wread good storys . Ha Ha Ha

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

@ Dear Anon What is the problem for beaten exhusbands? I think for them to read such story, where a beaten exhusband finds happiness and the exwife is not so happy is a psychological medicine. However it is interesting fact: at the elder people there is woman surplus, because the male people died earlier than the females. I think majority of these beaten exhusbands, if their personality are not violant, abuser, alcoholic, drug user, gambling will find a mate later, only they omit the 30 years old woman groups from their life.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

@ Anon Or the beaten 40s exhusband restart his life with a 19 years old, as this guy from North Caroline:

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Psychological medicine indeed

Beaten ex-husbands, beaten men in general, power this category and SS06 is smart to write to them. Readers relate to characters in stories and find relief in escapist fantasy that offers relief from real life failures.

user110user110about 12 years ago

i hate how the male is always a bitch. always.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 12 years ago
I thought the story was unusual, being written from the woman's perspective

Writing from the woman's point of view was a very different approach than most writers would have tried, but the author pulled it off.

I did have compassion for Carmen though. From knowing what a woman is like and living with a woman when she has an imbalance in her hormones, makes the story very close to being real.

Thanks Stang and Mikothebaby for a great read

WinterfrogWinterfrogabout 12 years ago
It begins as a real life story.

Good story. Those poor 40 - 45 years old ex wives who pretends to be teenagers again exist even in the real life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
One for the men! 5 Stars!

There are three themes people tend to favour in Loving Wives (there may be more) and two of them I abhor. One is from wimp or man-hating female authors whose stories always shit on husbands; the ones where sluts cuckolding husbands unashamedly without him ever finding out.

Then there are the stories from WACC whose stories always inflict cruelty and humiliation on the poor husband. Don't get me wrong, each genre has its fans and maybe this tells us something about their disposition.

I, on the other hand, love revenge/renaissance themes, especially from authors like SS06, because they restore some semblance of balance back in favour of real men and honourable women as far story telling goes. different strokes for different folks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great plot idea for next story!

Here is a suggestion for next week's story. It is just a thought. Let's have the husband be a good guy. Have him be in good physical condition, perhaps a runner that also works out in a gym. Have him be hard working, honest, a good father, a good lover, a great friend, and an incredible husband that is totally devoted to his wife. Have him drive a Mustang and spout gibberish about Mustangs all the time. That will be his only fault.

Let his wife be selfish. Make her chunky. Have her take her husband and his love for granted. Have her out of shape and resistant to exercise. Have her think that she controls her husband and since he loves her so much, he will always be there for her. Have her get laid by someone else, probably a sleezy character. Then have the husband find out and begin to realize that his wife is chunky, out of shape, selfish and stupid.

Then introduce the reader to the husband's secretary, or sister in law, or the family baby sitter, or even the daughter of a business aquaintance. Have her realize what an amazing man and stud he is and have her be perfect for him. Have them get together as he never forgives his fat, stupid wife. Have the wife realize too late that she had it all, that whe will never do as well as her husband, that he actually has no equal, and have her be very miserable and possibly run over by a log truck. Have her nasty boyfriend eaten by gators, stung to death by bees, crushed by a steam roller, or fall off a cliff.

Then get the same thirty commenters to be stunned at the brilliant writing and plot and laud you for getting even with the bitch! This may seem a radical departure from your usual themes, but what the hell. Give this plot idea a shot and see if you can somehow find a story in it.

fausttusfausttusabout 12 years ago

Are you going to write cuckold stories next. I had hoped you got a clue on how to write. Oh well. If you continue to write this crap please post it under the crap tags.

It makes it easier to avoid.

Let me see the wife after 25 years together says she's bored. He goes off the deep end (apparently never had anyone ever say or do anything upsetting around him before now....How did he get to be successful in business or buy that mustang?) Divorces her without ever talking to her, or trying to fix his marriage.

Where did you dig up the daughters in your stories? They are complete shit. How can a daughter raised in a good home by good parents (at least that's the impression you give in your stories) turn out so bad?


Go read a published book to get an idea. Stories should flow and have some logic to them. Even the idiot cuckold stories make more sense.

LegionsOfLiesLegionsOfLiesabout 12 years ago
Seems like it didn't fly for some.

Everything has been done to death you can only write what pops into your head so don't let the naysayers get to you. As always nice read, not your best work but nobody wins all the time and if they did they would get pretty damn bored.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Self Help ( Find yourself ) Articles

I actually read the article upon which your story is based. Like so many other self help ( Chicken soup for the idiot ) books, the article was complete and utter bullshit. In real life when women are struggling with the male counterpart to mid life crisis, these articles fill their heads with this total crap. I was married 30 years before my wife passed away from cancer. 32 years together and I could always tell when she had read some 'find yourself' book or article. I would point out to her that yep life is not a fairy tale and that it is what YOU make it, not what someone else tells you it should be. Nope I dont look like Paul Newman, Nope I dont fuck like John Holmes, nope I dont have 7 figures in the bank. And you are pretty but you aren't Nicole Kidman, and you dont fuck like Nina Hartley, and your Daddy isn't gonna leave us a 500,000 nest egg. But we got 2 girls through masters programs, we have a house, we have each other to help us through the shit life throws at you, and we have each other to laugh with. If that is not enough then you married the wrong man.

rijubhairijubhaiabout 12 years ago
WACC have...

...come out in full force. Go back and read your wimp trash; you shouldn't be reading SS06's stories anyway...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
beaten cuckolds have...

come out in force. Newsflash: Stangstar doesn't need you to defend him cuckboy. Leave your demented man-love (bromance?) in your homoerotic fantasies. Stangstar wants feedback, good or bad, so take your thin skin and schoolgirl crush and piss off.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

@ Dear Anon Here is a selection of the stories on LW hub: LOOK AT:

1. True Loving Wife srories (Surprisly there are stories where there is not any cheating)

2. Unwilling cuckold stories

2.1. Consequence stories

2.1.1. Simple Consequence stories (generaly divorce)

2.1.2. Running Husband stories

2.2. Reconcilation stories

2.2.1. Believable reconcialation stories

2.2.2. RAAC stories

2.3. Revenge stories

2.3.1. Cruel revenge stories (death, murder, serious injuries, poison,using contigous illnes as HIV, etc.) I like very much the electric shock equipment stories.

2.3.2. Romantic Revenge stories. The exhusband lives happier.....

2.3.3. Modern Figaro type revenge stories. The smart husband story is not good name for them, because in some story the friend of the beaten husband is the smart brain! (the last 2 types are my favorits).

3. Clueless husbands stories

3.1. Bastard children/pregnancy stories

3.2. Short time affairs/flings stories

3.3. Long time affairs stories

4. Mutual connection stories

4.1. True wife-husband swapping stories

4.2. True swinging lyfestyle stories

4.3. True open marriage story (A little explanation what is the TRUE OPEN MARRIAGE, because the cuckolding is not open marriage. The open marriage 3 main rules are: a.) The common house is neutral place where the spouses do not bring his/her love partners. b.) Nobody tells or asks about the other spouse activities.

c.) The spouses avoid the STDs and the bastards.

5. Treesome stories

5.1. FMF stories

5.2. MFM stories

6. Willing cuckold stories (I do not think that husbands willing cuckold who wait with the divorce until his children have become 14-18 years old)

Those people who likes these stories should put them subdivisions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW This StangStar06's story is an excellent Romantic Revenge Story!

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartabout 12 years ago
not bad

This read a bit dry to me, although I laughed when the two numb cunts were wondering about the two whores in clown dresses. Only complaint I really have is Allen dissing selena's car. Amazing he even likes women with that attitude. Looking forward to your next tale as always.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
duna please stop sucking mustangman's dick

that is all

x_JohnDoe_xx_JohnDoe_xabout 12 years ago
First of all, excellent story my friend.

Secondly, your editor is doing a great job with your stories, do not listen to those readers that complain about her or complain about your stories, you would think they had some idea how you write your stories and what the content generally is, but I guess they don't really think that far. As for the story itself, I have actually known a woman like your ex-wife character, she blamed her actions on 'hormone" problems and "Bad" advice articles, so life truly is stranger than fiction. Anyway keep writing my friend and thanks for all your stories you keep writing them and I am sure most of us readers will read and enjoy your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Physician, heal thyself

JohnDoe offering story/editor advice? SS06, unlike you, wants to improve his writing so criticism of his work might help him. He could just delete most of the critical comments like you do though :)

cpetecpeteabout 12 years ago
better luck on a hijacked airplane.

SS06 this fine story did have a realistic element to it. A decade ago some university/goverment stat study found females age 35+ in North America had a higher chance of being on a hijacked airplane then finding a male mate in a relationship that would last a decade.

This tale reminded me of the old joke of the lady who spent her life looking for the "perfect" man. She did find the "Perfect man".....however he was looking for the "Perfect" lady.

A always tanks for your submission, and the entertainment it gave me

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
Could I give 5 stars for a comment?

@ cpete You mentioned that research result about 35+ women chance to get a longer connection. Very interesting, because such men who looks for longer connection after divorce there is better chance. I think to find a better woman after divorce a true living life situation in a REVENGE STORY. Thank you for your comment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Wow a break from the boring norm

Not a bad story and it made a change for the wife NOT to be a crazy loser who cheats on her husband for no reason and then gets totally fucked over for the rest of her life. So for that reason alone I give you four stars.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
A 35+ years woman chance to get an excellent long time mate.

@ Dear Anon when a woman below 35 years old she cheated and her husband kicked her in the curb and there is not any child she may be good chance to get a second good mate or husband. I recommend to read DG Hear excellent story: "A New Beginning: Bree's story". However I suggest to read here cpete EXCELLENT comment about a 35+ years old woman chance to get a decent long time mate....

A 35+ woman has to befriend the compomise, if she wants a better long time male mate.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

You do , I hope, realize that this is all pretend? These aren't real people and this never really happened.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

@ Anon Yes I know here 95% of the stories are fiction. However you should read cpete excellent comment first. Cpete wrote about a research with 35+ years old women and their chance to get any long term (more than 10 years) connection. The result is similar to SS06's story............

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Good as usual but

had to say but...

I found it hard to believe the husband would just not talk to her at all before the divorce was final. Enjoyed the tale as usual though.

Anyone know what happened to the new DQS1 story that came out at the same time? Read two great stories in a day and now it appears gone...

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdabout 12 years ago
Nice Job, Another Wife Blaming Hormones For Disrespect

I really liked the way the husband dealt with this situation, and you captured older females' disrespectful treatment of their spouse & how they justify it.

Good work.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

DQS put his new story on SOL ( "Goshts and Shadows". I hope he will not write any reconcilation at the end, in the second part the exhusband had 2 longterm girlfriends.". I do not know what is the couse he took away his new story from Lit.

count2threecount2threeabout 12 years ago
Good story.

What I liked: The whole hormone imbalance theme is really hot stuff. I don't want to know how many marriages go down the drain because of menopause wreaking havoc on the wifes personality. It actually should be part of more stories because its realistic and a very good story mechanism because of the quasi-brainwashing.

What i disliked: That the Wife was actually selffish and stupid. You rode the hormone thing good but after that was fixed she didn't break down oder tried to honestly apologize. No she just was like 'What ever' Ill just give him some pussy and hell come back because I am the Alpha and the Omega. That kinda ruined the hormone plot because she didn't function as a tragic character, she was just all around unlikable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Not bad

This was better than most of your stories, IMO. It included some genuine humor.

SilverWolf78754SilverWolf78754about 12 years ago
Unlike most

The female character actually learned from her mistakes. That is very rare for Stang.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 12 years ago
Just well done -

You took on a big job looking from her perspective as you did and trying to treat her fairly -I think you succeeded very well -


You did not condemn her to living hell and you still let the guy win a new life - cool heh.

Great job and thanks -

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Babe Ruth

Well, a swing and a high fly ball that makes it over the left field fence just inside the fair ball line. Not one of your best but still a home run. Naturally a 5.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 11 years ago
Excellent Story

This one hits so close to home it is painful. I found out my first marriage was in trouble was when I overheard my wife say to her best friend, "He's a nice guy, but I just don't love him anymore." Back to the story, though, I really liked the ending where both parties end up with somebody more compatible.

Hotfoot2Hotfoot2about 11 years ago
Laughed my ass off...

...This was too funny...How many times do we see older wives who go around acting like their shit does't stink, simply because they are HONORED by loving husbands who treat them like little goddesses, instead of treating them like the self - indulgent bitches that they are...I am a little tired of 'pussy power'...How about some 'dick power'? Yeah, maybe they don't need us...But do we need them if it costs us EVERYTHING: Self worth, self doubt; money; happiness? This author has men who stand up for themselves, are honorable, and not afraid to put themselves out again for a woman that values them as people, not as a walking bank account / take out the garbage / unstick that window slaves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Isn't this site for adult erotica?

While I thought the story was good, I think it would be better done in its target environment. This story was a downer and absolutely no sex, the editors should have never let this in the Loving Wives section or any other section on this site. You should read the topics first before posting here. The next thing you know there will be an article about fly fishing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
In answer to the question

<i>"Isn't this site for adult erotica?"</i>

Yes. And it is for adults. Clearly this story is too adult for you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Yup More Emotions

I find it funny that women get to share their emotions with each other. Its great to gossip. Its great to put down the guy. This one is another example of shut your mouth syndrome. But you know I would have done the same thing to the bitch. Because its all about me. well she me me ha ha. Nothing else though. Oh and blame it on something else like hormone imbalance. Yeah right.

kemanderkemanderalmost 11 years ago

I think I WILL write an article about fly fishing. Right up my alley. I agree that the site is too adult for the unhappy commentator.

kemanderkemanderalmost 11 years ago

Excellent job once again, Stanger!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Earlier today

I read a very, very similar story on this site. That one also had a delusional ex-wife and the ex-husband married a Selena.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

"I guess I'd have phrased it differently if I'd had the chance. ....Even if I had intended to tell him, which I hadn't, I would have said it in much kinder terms."

How can you phrase "I don't love you any more," in any way that doesn't crush someone, or say "You don't turn me on any more" in any "kinder" way?!

She should be happy, now he knows, he can dump her ungrateful ass, and she can be "free"!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I wonder if you'd be promoting women to stay in unhappy marriages if she stopped having sex

It's always amusing how often guys idolize themselves as perfect and flawless simply because they aren't addicts or abusers.

I doubt you'd be promoting this bs of telling women to stay in unhappy marriages with men they don't love if the women stopped having sex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
til death do us part

as soon as she knew something was off she should have seen her dr. counselling after that might have been appropiate

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
4 stars just for outting Opera...

...and the other mindless idiots regurgitating crap that will only lead to an unfulfilled life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story to keep reading

Had Lena sat down and talked with her husband, sought counseling, and discovered her hormone deficiency and had the medical situation handled with medications Lena would have sat next to her husband at the wedding, enjoyed life more and lived happily ever after. For me the reader, I get the message, after 25 years of marriage you cannot turn back the clock, grow up talk to one another and work out the marriage issues. Amazing once the counselor and medical professionals stepped in her emotions changed and Lena yearned for her husband again. Too bad she wasted so much time.

shadowdustershadowdusterover 9 years ago
Good story

She got what she wanted. She sounds like my wife in some ways. Al the years telling me how I was the one that caused all the problems in our marriage. Now after 40+ years I overhrd her talking to som of the women in the family after she thought I had aked a sleeping pill mixed in with my pills I heard that none of our children were mine and she kept telling me she did not like sex and it hurt her that shewas running around having sex through out our marriage and before.

sugnasugnaover 9 years ago
Oprah's Girls

I come across women who for one reason or another tossed their marriage. They live alone on a budget in a crummy apartment. They get by on their small salaries, social security or welfare. Some finally decide compromise and trade sex for a place to live. They shack up with some guy that isn't too: scary, creepy, or abusive. Usually it is a trade down from what they had before. Sometimes they get lucky and he has some money. Still, it is never about love or attraction. It is about desperation. The father of their children is someplace else. The children know the truth. They know that mom didn't love their father or them enough to work on the family to keep it together. They quit on the family.

Tootight1Tootight1over 9 years ago
liked the story

as I found it to be typical, of the age group stated, and even more so of a younger generation, who takes the word of some bar room, or club patron home to try on her hubby. as in the story, how many times in our own lives have we witnessed our loved ones talking or discussing private things with their girl friends, or sisters, or neighbors, or bridge club, or ladies aux, rather than their husbands. communication has to be number one in a relationship, and that's only between hubby and wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
So she ended up better

One question though, what happened to for better or worse, in sickness and in health? They both screwed up. He waited for her to come back but failed to give her a way to do so, and in all this nobody thought to have her checked medically for a hormone imbalance? Did she not go to the doctor for a physical in all that time? No blood work at all? My insurance forces me to go in for a well visit once a year. The daughter was also a piece of work, now her statement about not loving her husband was pretty heated, but even so, her own daughter left her to swing in the wind with barely a word. Nothing about getting checked at all?

To top it all and finish with what they had there was a colossal failure to communicate on or at any level! So going back to my title, so she ended up better after tearing her loving husbands heart out. Sorry but after re-reading this I would have given it at best a four. Oh well, such are fictional stories.

Kitist02Kitist02about 8 years ago
Thanks for a soft ending.

It hurt to read most of it. As many say, you are a tremendously talented writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

What a piece of shit

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

to offset the ashole of LIT"s 1 vote. Your momma is a whore annnony

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
This Story Too Close To Home

My mom went through Hormone Therapy. We went through a period where we wondered who from Hell was this person who looked like our mom. How dad stayed married to her, no one can say. Afterwards, we, her children, wondered if the things she had said and done had been a more definitive representation of how she felt about us. This story brought those memories back painfully. 4 Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Wow! This is a good story of what NOT TO DO ! I hate those liars who call themselves doctors and pretend to help you but it is just to sell their website or book or TV ratings! PLEASE IF YOU HAVE A GOOD MARRIAGE DON'T THROW IT AWAY? The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence.!...........Love you all GREG! OH 100 % OF READING ENJOYMENT BYE.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Arguably the most grounded LW story I've read.

Nothing over the top. No cheating. Mundane. But a treat to read. The humour was sublime. The writing was stellar. The mustang was... almost... absent.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Almost Great Story

I loved the story except the ending, I would have liked to have seen the bitch wallow is self pity the rest of her life. Still good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Could you have made Carmen out to be Any Worse?

C' went a little overboard on making Carmen look like complete asshole! The beauty technician that did her makeup for the wedding must have been terrible at her job too!!! She obviously didn't know how to apply makeup and Carmen must have been blind to allow it! Now about the dresses...again all her taste went out the window when she got divorced...hahaha..If you made her out to be any worse she would have been a whore on the streets of the ghetto in her town...

266xxyz266xxyzover 7 years ago
Can't help it

Every time I read one of your stories I like it. You do great SS!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Dr Phil, Oprah, and many other so called know it alls are crap person walking! At least Ellen is good she is funny and sincere! I LOVE THE WAY YOU B.T.B although it would be a pleasure to see she found someone else, now she will realize allan was Zeus god of thunder and love Love the story! Love you all! GREG. OH 100 % OF READING ENJOYMENT BYE. OH! YES I KNOW THAT THIS IS FICTION BYE! P.s If you don't like my comments talk to Dr Phil or Oprah Winfrey

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