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'These boys caught me in the woods. I wasn't as big as I am now, so it didn't take them long to catch me, wrestle me to the ground, tie me up and drape me over a fallen tree trunk. They pulled my trousers down and took it in turns to fuck me up the arse. As they did this, they called me all the filthy racial names under the sun that they could think of.

It was dark when my brother found me. He'd been out some hours looking for me when I hadn't got home. He cut me free and carried me home where he washed and cleaned me up. I told him who they were, but he never said a word. A week later, one of these three boys was found dead in the woods. He was only identifiable by an old scar on his leg, his face being unrecognisable. He'd also been sexually abused, his anus being torn and severely bruised.

When I heard the news, I knew who had killed him, and my brother admitted it to me when I asked him. My rape hadn't been reported, so there was no connections to us, except by way of the other two boys, and they weren't likely to speak out. I was with my brother when he caught the second one. I must say that my brother is four years older than I am, and he was a lot bigger in all respects.' Tom gave a chuckle and gave his cock a wiggle with his hand to convey his meaning. 'My brother caught him, as I said, and tied him, as they had tied me, over a tree trunk. He cut off his pants so that his backside was bare. Now you can have him the same way, he said to me. But I hung back, unsure. Don't be a pussy, my brother called out, be a man like this, and he got out his prick and brought it to an erection by stroking it against the boy's thin white arse. Then when it was erect, shoved it into him and savagely fucked him, calling him names at every stroke. The boy was crying as I had done, but I didn't feel any sympathy for him at all. It had excited me to watch my brother fuck him, and when he pulled out, I didn't hesitate, but whipped out my cock from my pants and stuck it up his arse.

What a kick it gave me. Here was one of the boy's who'd had fun fucking me, and now it was my turn, and I was enjoying it. I felt oh so powerful, holding him tight as I rammed myself into him again and again till I came.

Then to my horror, my brother pulled out his knife and cut the poor sod's bollocks off! We cut him free and with his clothes staunching the blood, bundled him into the truck, which I then drove like mad to the hospital. I gathered from what I could hear of the words being said in the back of the truck, my brother said that if he breathed a word about who had done this to him, he would finish up like the other one up in the woods. We dumped him at the hospital steps and drove off. His life was saved, but he stated that he couldn't identify his attackers.

The third boy was picked up in town. Brother caught him by the collar and stuffed him into the front of the truck before driving him off to a secluded spot. The guy literally shat himself when he knew who had got hold of him. Brother made him wash himself and the inside of the truck before he dragged him out to face me. His clothes had already been torn off of him so that he could wash and clean himself. Brother told him exactly what had happened to the other two and why. So either he did as he was told, or he would end up either castrated or dead.

He was in a blue funk as he stood there naked shivering more from fear than the night air. Then I was surprised when my brother told me to strip too. You didn't argue with brother, so I quickly undressed to be as naked as that other fella. Brother then told the boy to go down on his knees and suck on my black cock. The guy couldn't comply fast enough and was down on his knees in an instant with his mouth open. Well stick it in, my brother shouted at me. So I moved closer to the terrified boy before me and let him suck on my cock.

I was startled by the flash of the Polaroid, but not the boy. He was sucking away as though his life depended on it, and I think he had good reason to think that. My brother was taking pictures. Now turn round on your knees to be fucked, he was told. Obediently, he released my prick and turned round with his bare arse facing me. Well go on boy, my brother shouted, your turn now. So I got down between his legs, and with one hand guiding my tool, rammed it straight up him. He cried out, even though my prick was coated with his saliva, I kept ramming it into him, holding him tight as I could as I fucked him. All through this, my brother was taking pictures, and with a final heave and grind, I shot my load into the miserable bastard who had once raped me.

As I dressed, my brother threw his clothes into our truck, leaving him naked and with the promise that if he said one word, the photos of him would be circulated all over town.

From then on, my brother would often bring home some young guy from town and we would have a threesome of sex. I was surprised that even my brother would sometimes be the one in the middle. Mostly it was the other guy who would be there, but then I didn't mind that position either. Sometimes I would be there, either sucking my brother or being fucked by him. Then when he didn't go into town for a pick up, we would suck and fuck each other anyway.

But then again, we'd sometimes pick up some girls to take home. But I preferred it when there was only one. We got to fuck both holes at the same time, and if the truth be known, I would take the rear end because it was tighter. So there my dear Chris, is my sad story up until I went to college and met you.'

While he had been telling me his story, I had been gently massaging his cock, the hard muscle sheathed in the silky skin that moved beneath my hand, throbbing and pulsating, waiting for action. I then used my other hand to feel below and heft up his heavy balls, hopefully full of sperm waiting to be released. After slowly bouncing them in my hand, I let them go and with my free hand, groped for the pot of cream and taking a fingerful, smeared my anus. Still massaging his erection, I leaned up and whispered to him.

'Fuck me Tom. Now. Please!'

Then I rolled over and went onto my knees, legs apart, waiting for him. Tom heaved himself up and moved behind me. I could feel his knees move between my lower legs and his hand came up onto my hip. I then felt the head of his cock nudge and nuzzle against me as he used his free hand to guide himself up to the cream and push. I relaxed myself and then I had the heavenly feel of his erection sliding in to me till his thighs met my buttocks. He held me tight up against him for a few moments before he began his slow thrusting in and out of me.

What bliss at being shafted by the one you love. In and out, I felt every vein and muscle of his thick member as he fucked me. Holding me firm with his hands on my hips, he moved faster and faster as he pushed into me, striving to go further than he had before, he bore into me. My own prick was as hard as ever, bouncing in rhythm with his thrusting and my own orgasm building up with his, and I came as he held me tight to him, bucking hard as he shot his load deep inside me. I could see the dribbles of sperm hanging from the head of my penis as my head drooped and I let out a big sigh with the satisfaction of fulfilment that overcame me.

Dawn had now broken and it was a new day as we cleaned each other up and then kissed some more as I held him tight. We then talked of the future and of what we could expect from it. Here, we would earn more money in one year than we could expect to be able to command in the next five years. How long shall we stay here I asked of him? Let's give it a year at least. The food here is superb and if the films make money, well. They said they only make about twelve of them during the year, but I think they might try to increase that with us here, but that we'll find out later. So is it agreed we stay for a year? I nodded and hugged him.

With that decided, we then talked over the film that Richard had run through the day before. We were both quite excited and really looking forward to it. So with great expectations, we got out of bed, dressed in swim suits and had a quick swim before breakfast.

Pancho, who, apart from Santos and Maria, hadn't taken part in last night's frolics, had spent his time in doing some rough sketches as to how he saw the film as described by Richard. As it had been decided who was in the film, the four of us and Richard, after breakfast, sat down together and went into more detail about it.

Richard went through it scene by scene, using Pancho's drawings to illustrate what he wanted. Basic dialogue was discussed. Just the key words and phrases, the rest to be ad libbed as we went along, keeping it within the film's framework. Heloise and Debbie will help you, Richard said, as to how we go on while filming.

All the interior scenes would be filmed at the villa and the outside scenes should be completed in two days so Richard thought. Pancho knew of a place about forty miles away that would fit the bill for being the exterior of the motel, and the other props required were minimal. A motel sign that could be lighted, a police logo that was to be stuck to the side of a car. The police uniform would come from the props as well as the prisoner's clothes and that was it. The car crash would be simulated by fast camera techniques.

We had lunch as we talked, Trevor declined as he was off to check out the building that Pancho had talked of for the motel exterior location. Then we had the afternoon off for swimming and sunbathing. I think we had really landed in paradise as I swam leisurely up and down the pool and then stretched out in the sun. All I had to do was lift a hand and I could have a cold beer put in it. Or have a plate of snacks laid out before me if I so desired. I could turn my head and see lovely large breasts bob by in the water or close my eyes and see Tom's cock rise up ready for me. With that vision, I drifted off to sleep.



I could see that Chris was asleep, but I'm not sure what he was dreaming about, but it must have been good, for he had a massive erection inside his suit as he slept. I had swum a few lengths in the pool with Chris before he climbed out for a nap. Now Heloise and Debbie were talking to me about our forthcoming film debut, giving me advice. Running over the style of dialogue, keep it short and to the point and never, never look at the camera. Heloise had my prick out of my suit and was playing with it under the water which miffed Debbie, so I gave her nipple a nibble to show that I wasn't favouring one above the other. When Debbie's hand joined Heloise's to work on me, I really started to get hard.

'Look girls, I can only handle one at a time.' They both laughed and both gave me an extra squeeze.

'Oh yes you can,' Debbie said, 'can't he Heloise,' who giggled and nodded. 'Come with us and we'll show you how.' Debbie climbed out of the pool followed by Heloise as I put myself away as best I could before following them into the villa.

We went into the bedroom behind the lounge and Debbie immediately stripped off her wet bikini bottoms, and threw me a towel to dry off as she went to a drawer and rummaged around in it. Heloise, already naked from the pool, knelt down and pulled my suit down, letting my half erect cock unfold itself. I stepped out of the trunks as she took me into her mouth, bringing me up to a full erection. As Debbie came over, Heloise released me for Debbie to kneel down and take hold of my balls with one hand. With the other, she slipped a small rubber ring over them that suddenly contracted the skin just below my penis. It was a very tight fit and it wasn't really comfortable.

'That'll hold it for awhile,' she said as she led me to the bed where Heloise had already laid herself down, legs open showing her moist wet lips ready and waiting. Debbie held my cock as I got onto the bed between those open legs and guided my cock to that shiny slit.

She was wet and ready as I slipped my full length into her small body. She groaned as it went right in and squirmed as my tied up balls bounced against her arse. Her head was just below my chin as I covered her, her arms coming up under my arms to hold my back as I pushed in and out of her. She kept gasping every time I moved forward into her, her fingernails digging into my back each time. I felt Debbie's hand come between us and rub the small breasts beneath me. Heloise came twice as I fucked her. The pressure on my balls was intense, but I didn't come as the girls quickly changed over and Heloise then guided my still hard erection into Debbie. She also came twice to my pumping at her and I was really sweating by that time. My cock was like an iron bar with the blood held there by the pressure from my balls, and they were really beginning to ache.

I rolled off of Debbie and lay between them as they struggled to get the ring off my scrotum, finally getting it off and the feeling was of relief as the blood started to flow again. They then both held my erection as they licked it up and down, their hands moving the outer skin over the solid flesh beneath it. They took turns sucking on the head till I erupted, the sperm shooting up into the air and the girls banging heads as they both tried to catch it in their mouths. The pumping stream hit them both on the cheeks and chins and actually stuck an eye shut of Heloise.

They laughed and giggled as they got covered in it, licking it off each other as it still kept coming out and Debbie stopping the spray with her mouth, taking in the last jerks. Heloise pushed her away to take the final spasm while Debbie transferred her attention to licking my shaft further down. I just lay there gasping as they licked me clean, and when they finished, they cuddled up to me.

'That's how you can do it with two girls,' Debbie whispered into my ear.

'Well I don't really want to do that again, that's for sure,' I said rubbing my sac.

'I must admit it was a bit tight,' Heloise giggled.

'Well I'm for another swim,' Debbie said, getting off the bed and pulling on her still wet bikini bottoms, 'coming?' I got up and put on my wet suit and Heloise just grinned at us as she went out as naked as she had come in. I only did a few laps before climbing out to spend the rest of the afternoon dozing in the sunshine.

I heard somebody call out that it would soon be dinnertime, so I roused myself and went and woke up Chris. We went to our room where we showered together, kissing as well as fondling each other. I felt Chris wince when I had my arms round him and realised that he was really sunburnt on his back so I later put some cream on him before we got dressed.

The bar was animated about the film we were to do, and learnt that we would be starting it the next day. Trevor was telling Pancho that the location was perfect and that we could use the front of the house and that it only took fifty dollars to secure it. Pancho replied saying that the logo for the car was ready and the motel sign would be finished that evening.

'Chris, Tom,' Pancho called out, beckoning us over, so with drinks in hand, we joined them. 'After dinner, can you go with Trevor and run through our things in wardrobe. A police officer's uniform for you Chris, and I'm afraid it just some old shirt and pants for you Tom. Oh, also a second set for the final scenes. Tonight, instead of our usual film show, we will be shooting the inside bedroom scene of the two girls. You'll find it interesting and I hope you'll take notes watching Richard at work,' he chuckled, 'as well as the girls.'

Debbie and Heloise sat with Richard during dinner, going over Richard's plans. Thelma sat next to me, giving me tips and Claire was also doing the same for Chris.

With dinner finished, we followed Trevor around the villa to some sort of storehouse which was really one large room attached to the main house that contained many clothes and props. It didn't take long to kit Chris out as a police officer in a blue shirt, grey trousers, gun, belt and black shoes. For me it was even quicker. A large dirty shirt and a pair of trousers just as dirty, and one clean set.

We were soon back in the lounge where the others were watching the big screen of Richard at work directing Debbie and Heloise. I won't relate those scenes yet but put them in the context with the film. When Richard called a halt to the filming, we all went into the bar for a nightcap whilst Richard talked about what we would be doing in the morning. As it was now getting late, it was suggested that we all turn in. I think Chris was as tired as I was, because we both went into our own beds and it was the first night there that I didn't have sex with anyone and I slept like a log.

Most of us were up early for our morning swim and breakfast, and you could feel the tension in the air and everybody ate quickly so it was soon over. An old pick-up utility truck that had a generator fitted, was loaded with lights and equipment as well as the motel sign that had its own light. Chris changed into his uniform and I put on my first set of clothes, the dirty ones. A picnic hamper was brought out by Santos which indicated that we would be out all day.

Eventually, everything and everybody was ready, so we boarded the two cars and the pick-up. Even though Chris and I had only been at the villa for a few days, it seemed strange to be sitting in a car and driving along the highway. It felt as though we'd been at Pancho's place for months. We drove to the town we had last walked through and stopped just at the beginning of it at a small store.

Greetings were shouted to the owner who was obviously used to having them film there as the truck was unloaded. Richard set up his camera while Trevor rigged up a reflector screen and saw to the sound boom and Pancho got busy seeing that the police logo was stuck to the car. Richard then spoke to us to tell us exactly what he wanted us to do. In all, it took twenty minutes to set it all up and then about two hours to get the first scene done to his satisfaction. I was pleased the way it went and I think the others thought so too. Chris had only one line and it seemed to come out alright, I didn't have to speak.

Everything was repacked into the cars and off we went back along the highway again. We passed the turn off to the villa and kept on going till Trevor had the cars pulled over to the side of the road. Again the cars were unloaded, well partly. It was really just the camera and ancillaries that Trevor set up while Chris and I went up the road apiece to wait for our signal. It was fortunate that Chris had a licence and could drive a car. When the signal was given, we drove down past the camera. We did this four times with the camera being set up in a different position each time so as to get different background shots. Then it was all packed up in the vehicles again before moving off for the next location.

This was to be the motel, and it was about twenty miles further down the road. This was a weather beaten wooden house with a large dirt area in the front that was ideal as a parking lot. To the side of the house was a low building with several doors so that it could be mistaken for a motel. We pulled in and off to one side and a large table was unfolded out and the picnic basket produced. Trevor had gone to the house and had a few words with the occupants before coming back to join us.

As a picnic lunch, it was delightful. Light, yet filling with a nice cool wine to go with it, but soon it was back to work. The sign was erected and I realised that I had put on the wrong set of clothes, so I had to change into the clean set. The police logo was also changed over to the other car, and these scenes took two hours to do with me, Chris, Debbie and Heloise in them. Then Chris and Trevor and I went off for an hour to do some car interior shots. First Trevor in the back with me as he filmed Chris driving, and then he was in the front filming me in the back seat. I had to change back into my dirty clothes for this. Then we covered the windows with a darkened plastic film to do some more so that it appeared as though it was night-time.