Holding Out For a Hero Ch. 03


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Following another FTL (Faster Than Light) journey back in to town, I took Sasha down to a 'Specialist' shop I had walked past many times (believe it or not I had never been in, but like a lot of people I was aware it was there). This shop sold lots of items that people may buy to improve their love life... if you understand my meaning.

Sasha's eyebrows jumped skywards as I instructed her to wait outside. The few items I needed weren't that expensive, and after Sasha had treated ne to new clothes, this was the least I could do in return.


The most important part of all this was that Sasha was unaware of what I was adding in, so once we arrived back at hers, I asked if I could work privately. She was a little put out that she wasn't getting any hints as to what I was up to, but took the opportunity to make more food for me, which I would have totally passed up on, as my mind was buried deep in my project. After she had ensured I had eaten, she said she had to go out for something that may help.

I switched on two of her ridiculously over powered PCs and plugged my flash drive in. There was a lot of files to port across and install, so I got that running first off. Next, I took out several old console controllers and my toolkit. Any of you that have used a PS3 or PS4 will know that the controllers have a small device in them that vibrates when the game tells it to. For instance, if you get shot on some FPS games the controller vibrates. Well I am sure you can guess why I wanted these devices, but there was slightly more to my plan than just that.

By the time the software was ported across, installed, set up and tested on both systems. I had completed the rewiring of the 'hardware' additions. I had been sensible enough to generate a 'Sasha' character and a 'Kat' (I had gone for a Nord for Sasha and a Breton for Kat for the racial similarities. If you haven't played Skyrim, Nords are usually tall and blonde, Bretons are usually short and dark).

I was tempted to have a test run, but I wanted everything to be a surprise to both of us. Although I am sure it would shock Sasha more than me.

I had just begun packing up my gear when Sasha returned. Looking sexily perfect as normal. "How are you getting on my little Kat?"

I tried very hard to stop myself from grinning like a lune at my high-tech plan. Then Sasha showed me what she had been out for.

"I thought these may help." She announced as she handed me two VR (Virtual Reality) headsets.

My insides took an excited leap upwards. I had used VR before at collage, and they had a very good at making things far more immersive. Totally perfect for what I had planned. I would need to make a few tweaks here and there, but it would work.

"Oh my lord. Sasha, these are perfect. I just hope that everything works as I planned."

Sasha's eyes ran over the cables that ran across the floor to the gaming chairs that sat waiting for us. "Is it safe?" She asked tentatively.

"Well." I began confidently. "The power is all micro amps and runs off the PC USB ports, so it has a maximum output of around five volts. Plus, everything is double insulated so there will be no static discharge."

Sasha looked at me blankly. "Is it safe though?" She asked.

I mentally kicked myself for not considering her limited English, and practical knowledge. I do have a tendency to assume everyone thinks like I do and get a little carried away when explaining tech stuff. Just in case you haven't noticed that is.

"Perfectly safe Sasha." I assured.


"Are you ready to enter the Matrix?" I asked Sasha, barely able to contain my excitement.

The VR goggles bounced up and down as she nodded.

"Okay plugging you in now." I told her as I switched the display from the monitor to the goggles. "Load your saved file and wait until I speak to you through the headset."

She nodded again.

I had that odd tingling feeling running through my body as I stood back and double-checked Sasha's connections. She was semi reclining in the gaming chair. She held a controller in her hands that was connected to the PC. From that wires I had tapped feeds to the vibrating bullets that were now strategically placed in her clothing. One was resting up against her clitoris, one against each nipple and another nestled between the cheeks of her bottom. The plan was that at certain points in time they would vibrate and hopefully give her great pleasure.

I say hopefully, as I was wired up in a very similar way and I hoped all my theories stacked up. As I have said I am more a software person than a hardware one, so I had made a few leaps of faith. The biggest of which was allowing both of us to 'be' in the same game.

Skyrim is actually a single player game. That is, you play it against the game's AI system. However, to make our experience a little more fun, I wanted us to be able to see each other and interact with each other. This involved a mod that allowed that, and I wasn't really sure exactly what that would let us do.

I held my breath and dropped the VR set over my head.

The real world dropped away, and I entered the game world.

"Can you hear me Sasha?" I spoke in to the mic. I had fitted noise cancelling headphones over the headsets, so we were totally dependent on the LAN (Local Area Network) I had set up between the PCs for communication.

"Hello little Kat." Sasha's voice came through amazingly clear. So far so good.

"Loading game now." I told her as I selected the one saved game file in the selection and held my breath.

The world of Skyrim jumped in to my view. I had set it up so we would begin in the same place. Standing on a cobbled road overlooking a raging river. There was no sign of Sasha's character.


Then I heard Sasha giggling.

"You have cute ass in game as well Kitty."

I turned my character around and Sasha's character was stood behind me. Mentally I cheered as I walked around her checking out the definition of her graphics... I will confess I had set up the armour to look more than a little revealing. Basically Sasha was wearing what looked like steel underwear. And wow it looked sexy as hell.

My character was a Mage and had no need for heavy steel armour. Instead I was dressed in a robe that was little more than a mini dress. I was actually glad I couldn't feel the cold as the outfit revealed more than it covered, although not as much as Sasha's did.

"So, what do we do?" Sasha asked, her voice excited.

"Now we explore." I told her. "How about that place over there." I turned towards a tomb.

"Little Kat should stay behind fearless warrior." Sasha told me as she sprinted off towards the door.

Physically I shook my head, smiling at her beautiful childishness. I couldn't wait to find out what happened when she came across some of the 'surprises' I had installed.

The loading screen ran as we entered the burial tomb. There were usually undead creatures in these underground places, and I was quite happy to let Sasha go on ahead to slaughter any of them before my squishy mage got involved.

"Hurry up little Mage Kat." Sasha's voice echoed in my head. She was quite enjoying herself in the game world, and I wondered if she would be as eager if she knew what I had added in.

There was a bright flash and Sasha swore as her character rag dolled backwards past me.

"What was that?" She asked as her character regained its feet.

I stifled a giggle. "I guess that was one of the traps I added in."


"Yes, these dungeons are littered with nasty traps."

"What do they do?" She asked, a tiny amount of nervousness had crept in.

"Well it is random." I began to explain. Then I heard a buzzing noise in game.

Sasha shrieked loudly.

"When you trigger a trap, it places cursed items on your body. These will vibrate on and off until they are removed." I finished explaining.

"Oh... How... Do... You... Remove... Them..." Sasha panted out as her character collapsed to the floor writhing in pleasure.

I wondered if the real Sasha was doing the same and was tempted to look, but I wasn't sure if I would want to return to the game world if she was.

"Well you need to know a mage with the correct spells." I told her, grinning to myself.

The buzzing noise cut off suddenly.

"Are they gone?" A slightly breathless Sasha asked.

"Nope. They just activate whenever you trigger a trap or when you're in game arousal hits a certain limit."

"I am unsure what you mean." Sasha said as her character turned to face me.

Silently I swore to myself. I was going to have to learn Russian or at least how to speak in terms Sasha could understand.

"You character will get sexier at points in the game." I explained as I moved my character in front of hers. "Like this." I unequipped my characters clothing, which, thanks to a clever animation modification, involved her doing a basic striptease.

This would be a good time to tell you that I had pre-set the character's arousal to raise when approached by another nude character. Exactly as I was doing now.

The buzzing noise returned, and once again Sasha's character bent over, and the real Sasha began to make her panting and moaning noises again.

Briefly I wondered what would happen if I remained where I was. But decided to wait and see how the game unfolded, before testing how far my home-made vibrators could take her.

With my character dressed once more, Sasha's character's arousal returned to normal and the buzzing noise ceased once more.

After a few seconds Sasha's quivering voice said. "This is very interesting Kat. So when my character vibrates, I vibrate?"


"And all these things I have on are different objects in the game?"

"Yes Sasha." I told her. "Each trap you trigger will add another item."

"Ah." There was a silence for a moment. "Can you remove them in the game?"

"Unfortunately, not. You have to pay to get them removed." I informed her.

"Ah I understand. So, we have to adventure to earn the gold to have the items removed."

"Yes, or we can just turn the game off if you prefer." I left that comment hanging. It was now Sasha's choice if she wanted to carry on.

"We better get adventuring then." Sasha said. I am sure there was a tremor of anticipation in there.

Our characters pushed on through the tomb, Sasha still leading, but being a little more cautious than before.

Another flash lit the darkened area, and I actually did lift my goggles up to watch Sasha as she curled up in to a ball with the tormenting vibrations. My only regret was the fact the she was still fully clothed. I am sure I would have had to jump on her if she had been undressed and in so much torment.

My humour however, was short lived. I had forgotten I also had a chance of being the target of the traps, even if Sasha was leading.

We had just crossed a bridge when there was another flash and I waited for Sasha to squeal, then I felt a soft tickling under my bottom followed by the usual buzzing noise in game. I went very still.

The buzzing grew louder.

Shivers ran upwards from where the small bullet rested. It was a very odd sensation that tickled more than teased, and I felt my nipples harden in anticipation and I started to get aroused. Sasha's relieved laughter sounded in my ears and I understood why she had shrieked. The vibrations were fairly intense and with only vision and sound coming from in game it all felt very surreal. Fortunately, they didn't last long, but it had been more than a little stimulating.

A few minutes later there was another flash.

It started with a tickle around my bottom once more. Then the one over my most tender spot kicked in. I realised, I had seriously miscalculated just how much vibration I was going to get, as my vision narrowed, and shudders wracked my body. The feeling was so intense I curled my legs up towards my chest. This just intensified the sensation around my bottom and I squeaked again as I was torn between which sensation was more bearable. I kicked my legs up and down and shrieked while Sasha's laughter echoed in my ears.

I could feel a climax slowly heading upwards, ready to drown me as my torment continued. I partly wanted it to stop before I lost control, while I really needed it to continue and send me to pleasure heaven.

Just when I thought I was going to orgasm, the vibrations stopped. I let out the breath I had been holding but remained half curled up for a minute whilst the intense sensations ebbed away.

"Wow." Was all I managed to say.

"It is good, isn't it?" Sasha laughed. Her voice ecstatic.

"Why have I never done this before?" I asked aloud. "It gives immersive gaming a whole new meaning."

"You are so clever little Kitty Kat." Sasha giggled. "I can see us having lots of fun with this."

"So, is there anything we have done so far that you want to try in the 'real' world?"

Again, Sasha's laughter bounced around my head. "I like the teasing bits. It is fun not being able to control it." She said immediately. "And I like the very revealing clothing. Can you make me these for real?"

The thought of a real Sasha dressed in tiny squares and triangles of metal, held together by thin straps of leather, made me go a little light headed. I was glad I was already sat down.

"I will see what I can come up with." I promised her. I also made a mental note that she was enjoying the randomness of the torment as well as being hardly dressed. Although the latter wasn't new, I decided an experiment was in order.

"Okay let's finish this section off and move on." I told her. "I want to try something else out."

Amazingly we managed to complete the tomb with only one more trap triggered. I kid you not, having vibrating bullets in your bra is a very odd feeling, and with all three sensations running at once, I was taken once more to the very limit of climax. The sounds of the in-game character getting aroused, mixed in with my own pants and moans, and I came very close to tearing my clothes off in an effort to free myself from the torment.

By the time we arrived at out next destination things had calmed down, and we were laughing and joking about how close we had been to orgasm. Our characters enter a walled city and I decided to test one of the 'special' spells my mage had equipped.

We walked in to the main market of the city and I positioned myself behind Sasha and cast my spell.

Now I know it is all 'in game' and it wasn't real, but Sasha did let out a shriek of surprise as all her clothing vanished. I suppose it helped that her character went in to a 'cover up' animation trying to hide her nakedness. Of course, it didn't help that I had set her character to be aroused by being nude, so the tormenting devices activated on her.

It was an interesting way to experience your girlfriend's climax.

I thought the sound effects were all in game, as her character rolled on the floor touching herself. Then I peeked out from my visor to see Sasha squirming around with her hands clasped over her loins, making those seductive little moans she does.

Then of course with her character rolling around in the nude, my character's in game arousal level caught up with my actual arousal level.

It was the nipples that began to vibrate first. Just as tingle that sent tiny tremors straight to my brain and they hardened in to pointy nubs. Then the one between my bottom cheeks started. Again this tickled more than anything, but the vibrations met with the tingles in my nipples and I felt my cheeks clench around the tormenting item.

I tried to brace against what I knew was coming next.

The climatic wave arose the same moment the vibrations started. I felt my toes curl as I pulled my legs up once more. I didn't care about the sensations around my rear, as my entire body quivered with rolling spasms of pleasure.

Oddly, the thought that stuck in my mind, was what would someone think if they walked in and saw us both crying out, grasping various parts of our bodies whilst wearing the VR gear. It all added to the amazing sensations that kept rolling over me.

I knew I had to experience this again. The only difference being I wanted Sasha to control of the torment. The very thought of her being able to make me climax at the press of a button took me to the tipping point and I had the most volatile orgasm that just kept throwing me in the air over and over.

As the vibrations died away and the tingles faded, I breathed a huge sigh. The complete madness of it all had been several layers of icing and chocolate sprinkles.

I slipped the VR goggles off and glanced over to Sasha. She was laying back, her eyes closed, face flushed red and beads of sweat dotting her forehead.

"Are you alive Sasha?" I asked weakly.

Her head turned towards me and her eyes flicked open.

"Oh, my little Kitty Kat. I have never felt like that before." She gasped. "When can we do it again?"

"Soon." I said as I smiled wearily. "Just not today."

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alexwatson62alexwatson62almost 5 years ago

Great episode.

I loved the thought of the erotic VR kit.

Now, if only you had a wiring diagram, I`ve plenty of spare PS3 controllers and a PS4 VR set ;)

Skyrim was never my favourite genre, no matter how many times my daughter tried to get me into it. I always preferred the Fallout series EXCEPT Fallout New Vegas, worst version so far!!

Ive never understood the "bacon and eggs" thing though.

Now, throw in a couple of sausages, preferably lorne, a tattie scone or two and some black pudding and THATS breakfast lol

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uabout 5 years ago

Kitty Kat is a sex gamer genius. How erotic

TSreaderTSreaderabout 5 years ago
I love it!

Very imaginative and a completely new idea of VR. I'm looking forward to more of this. Thank you!

dommie06dommie06almost 6 years ago
this story

makes the gamer inside of me happy...

LesbianChickLitLesbianChickLitabout 6 years ago

What a cool skill set. And the excuse I've been looking for to finally buy Skyrim VR and risk wasting another hundred hours in Tamriel. I imagined Kat as more of an Imperial than a Breton in looks though.

CliterateDykeCliterateDykeabout 6 years ago

Absolutely brilliant.

WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicabout 6 years ago
Mod pack "yebat menya" installed and running

Another fun chapter with Moose and Squirrel. And the image of Tigger on speed was priceless. I'm still grinning at that.

stroudlestroudleabout 6 years ago

Walking down the beach wearing just four napkins.mmmmmm

Trying to refocus my brain again now!

I will look at gaming handsets in a new light now,thank you. Best description ive read yet of pussy play.

The end scene of orgasmic gaming pure genius. And an iron Maiden reference thrown into the mix too.

Just keeps getting better and better. Carnt wait to read what Kat and Sasha get up to next.

Thank you


MaonaighMaonaighabout 6 years ago
Thanks, Sasha...

...for persuading Kat to write this next chapter. And thanks, TM, for another scintillating trip into the girls' wonderful world. I liked the analogy of sex play and a keyboard. As for the computer game, well, I've never played one myself but the way Kat had it organised for Sasha sounded very tempting. Hope this series runs and runs!

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