Holiday Santa Incest

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Maybe incest ain't so bad Santa?
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This is Literotica Winter Holidays Contest entry, if you find it amusing please give it a good vote and favorite it. Best wishes to all. Erectus123

All participant are over 18 years and seem to enjoy sex.


Call me Alysia, no that not my real name, but so what! I am a bouncy 20-year-old with no need for breast augmentation. My biggest problem is finding 36DD bras. Panties are not a problem, I can squeeze into a small, but I prefer not wearing any. In my experience, if there is no breeze circulating around the pussy, then you are just waiting for a yeast infection to settle in, and that is no fun. And don't get any ideas about my ass. I'm no Jenny on the Block. Anal is a no-no. That's disgusting. A lot of you guys have tried to talk me into it, even you gay guys, telling me once I try it, the feeling is so great it's addictive. Well, nope. No thanks. So far, butt fucking is not on my menu,

In my third year at the University of, oh damn, you don't have to know where I go to school. Let's just move on. Anyway, I had told the folks I'd be home Christmas Day, but as luck had it, Danny Fingerhut, a schoolmate, offered me a ride home. I was able to arrive late on Christmas Eve. I shouldn't admit it, but we stopped on the road, and although Danny didn't drink, he plied me with enough liquor to induce me into a fast fuck in the parking lot. What annoyed me was the gush of fresh cum juice that he shot inside me.

Danny said he was wearing a condom, but if he was, it surely broke. I've been off the pill, being between boyfriends. If that fucker got me pregnant, my Dad would probably shoot the jerk. Not that Danny was a bad guy, but he had a set of teeth that would make an Englishman hide. I had no intention of birthing his doppelganger. But I was getting ahead of myself. Maybe he was firing blanks. Oh, I hope so. And dear reader, don't be criticizing me for mentioning his teeth. I let him fuck me. You didn't.

My parents have one of those big old Victorian houses. Dad loved to tinker, and he bought the house 20 years back. We lived on the first floor for a year and a half as he renovated the upstairs. I've got to say he did quite a good job. It's one of the nicest homes in San Francisco. Oops, forget I said the name of the city. As I said, it's a big home. The upstairs has three bedrooms and three baths and a tiny staircase that leads to an attic with a spire that gives you a view of the sea.

I used to bring my boyfriends up there for make-out sessions. I lost my virginity on those same stairs with a Macedonian roofer hired to reshingle the outside. He used to say in a heavy accent that my virgin blood gave him the courage to climb out on that high pitched roof. Of course, Admetos had a safety rope tied to his waist and between his legs. He scared the hell out of me one day when he slipped, but the heavy rope saved him. Of course, he showed me the rope burns on his crotch and asked me to lick them.

Admetos was able to complete the rest of the job without a hitch. Between the fucking and the blow jobs, he didn't miss a day. If you climb up there where the attic window opens to give access to the roof, you can see where he scribbled his score with a thick carpenter's pencil right on the window sill, nine fucks and eight blow jobs. Yeah, that horny fucker doubled up on some days.

Jебига means fucking and ударна работа means blow job. They are the only words I know in Macedonian and are pronounced 'jebiga' and 'udarna raboa.' I'm sure that limited vocabulary will serve me well if I ever visit his home country and get horny..

Admetos is the guy who taught me how to suck cock. He said in his country; all the guys would get drunk and suck each other's cock. I don't know if that is true, but that guy sure learned a lot about the art of fellatio. He'd tell me to lick the cock till it was wet and then open wide and slowly inch the head in and then slide back over the shaft. Once I'd gotten started, he told me to keep my tongue on the underside of the cock's head and lick there while sliding my head back and forth. Maybe he was a Muslim. I don't remember having to fool with a foreskin.

Admetos also taught me a cool trick. When the cock is stuffed all the way inside your mouth/throat, you whip out your tongue and lick the guy's balls. Neat, huh.

Also, he said it is written in the Bible that a man's seed is never to be lost; otherwise, it is a sin. As a good student, I did as he said, although some of the early loads were quite thick and hard to get down. I noticed that the volume of cum was slightly reduced and sweeter with each day on the job. If you are into blowing your boyfriend, I'd advise the more frequently you perform the deed, the better. After my hands-on training, I've never had any complaints.

I'll say one thing for Admetos. He always had a flask of this licorice alcohol called Arak that he insisted I swill in my mouth before sucking his cock. He'd say the booze made his dick tingle.

"Just don't let it leak on my ball sack," he'd say. "That stuff will burn like hell."

If you've never blown a guy with a big dick that tasted like a licorice stick, then you have missed out on one of life's epicurean treats. Fortunately, my sister had previously put me on the pill. She knew how sexually precocious, I was. That kept me from having any Admetos' kids, but I do miss that robust bony prick. Sometimes I dip my left middle finger in Arak and suck it while diddling myself and daydreaming of those days. I guess I shouldn't have mentioned that, but I'm trying to keep it real.

Sorry if I keep getting off track. I was talking about the house. Mom and Dad slept upstairs. Downstairs was a formal dining room, a big living room and the kitchen, two baths, and the maid's room. We weren't so fancy that we had a maid, but the local high school had approached Mom to take on an international student who would get living arrangements in exchange for light housework.

This year it was a Peruvian girl they called Maria. She was slender with long legs and a unibrow. She also had a beautiful long full head of shiny black hair. I was kind of envious. My hair is blonde, but it is thin, and I always use a volumizer shampoo to thicken it. Maria had a faint mustache when she arrived, but Mom took her to the hair salon where they plucked and waxed her till she looked acceptable.

When I let myself into the house that night, it was quiet. I figured everyone was asleep. Rather than climb the long staircase and wake up my parents, I camped out in the living room where there was a large Christmas tree with blinking lights, and those liquid filled thingies with bubbles were perking away. I washed Danny's sizable deposit that he left inside me in that restaurant parking lot misadventure. It looked a lot like Elmer's Glue. I got it out of my vag with some paper towels and creamed myself up so I wouldn't get irritated. That cum pie had lain inside me for several hours. I was uncertain if it had curdled, and if so, chances are I'd end up with some irritation. Usually, I douche the goo out pretty quickly.

When I finished the scrub-out, I looked in the fridge. There was a bottle of Dad's homemade eggnog well laced with Southern Comfort. I poured a tall glass and took a blanket out of the hall closet. My suitcase contained only dirty clothes that I figured I'd wash at home. I stretched out on the long living room couch, and wrapped the blanket around my nude body, and went to sleep. The egg nog worked its magic, and I was out like a light. The room was dark but warm. The blinking lights from the Christmas tree didn't keep me from dozing off.

Sometime around 5:30 in the morning, my Dad must have woken up. It was still dark when he came down the stairs dressed as Santa with a sack of presents. I didn't know our Peruvian house guest was sharing her pussy with my father.

I woke up from a sound sleep to see Santa's face with a long cotton beard. He wasn't wearing his glasses. Dad is half-blind without them. Fortunately, his eyes were closed most of the time. Some guys fuck that way, which in this case was a good thing.

Dad was wearing red pajamas, but obviously, his cock was not inside them. He had his arms tight around me. With the cream I'd lubed my vagina with, he slipped his big dick in me as easy as a gopher into a burrow. So there I was with his 200 pounds pressing me onto the couch and his stiff cock nailing me a lot harder than Danny had done hours before.

"Maria, Maria, he kept mumbling. "You're so smooth, so tight, I can't," and then he let go with a gush of whip cream from out of his fatherly prick. His cum was warm and wet. He held on to my tits tightly until the cock pulsations stopped, and then he pulled out, dragging a damp cum trail across my belly. For a moment, I thought, this wasn't bad. For an old guy, his pecker was very satisfying.

"Jeez, Maria, your tits are growing," Dad said in a loud voice. He ran his fingers through my blond hair. I almost said ouch when a few hairs got caught on his signet ring. Then he disappeared into the bathroom. Probably washing the pussy juice off his cock before Mom smelled it.

A very naked Maria must have arrived at some point after he'd penetrated me. She said nothing and stood back in the darkness. Once Dad left, Maria approached, holding her finger across her lips. She took my hand and helped me up. Maria led me nude into her bedroom. She sat me down and pulled the still-warm blankets up over me.

"I'll take your place. Popi will never know the difference,"

That said, she ran back into the living room. Now that it was dawn, Dad could see her. I could hear him telling her it was the best fuck ever. She was laughing and agreeing with him in her strange accent. I imagine he was kissing and caressing her. She came back in her bedroom a half-hour later and snuggled up real tight, close to me with her knee between my legs and her left hand crushing my breast. I guess she meant to be affectionate, but I'm really not into lesbo stuff.

Maybe two hours later, I extricated myself from her arms, put on my dirty travel clothes, and went up to my room. My parents were awake. I poked my head inside.

"I'm back. I'm tired. I'm going to rest."

"How was the trip dear," said Mom.

"OK, the usual in and out, the traffic, I mean."

She looked a little puzzled, but I clarified there was more traffic than I'd expected.

"Gotta go, Mom, gotta pee."

"You do that, honey," said Dad, "Drink a lot of water and pee away from the poisons."

I took a hot shower and used the shower phone to get Dad's deep, sticky deposit out. It took a few tries. When I got out of the shower, I stuck my finger inside, and there was still a bit of his love juice, so I got back in the shower and sprayed until I was confident all his cum was probably swimming out to sea.

So now I'm in my bed thinking about this situation. You are probably wondering why I didn't stop this fuck session at its inception. Well, I was exhausted. I didn't know what was happening until Dad's prick broke the ice. By then, I realized he thought I was Maria and what he didn't know was for the best. The room was dark and Dad was gone before he could have figured it out he was fucking his daughter. Maria's entry facilitated the idea that he had been making love to her and not me.

Of course, I'm not going to spill the beans. Dad would be shocked, and Mom would kill him. How he gets away with fucking the exchange student, I have no idea, but old guys can still get it up for young tail, especially if the wife is no longer an open pocket.

These thoughts brought to mind an experience I had In my second year of studies. I had a good-looking professor who asked me to help with some research. He was slight of build and had the cutest English accent. He always smelled good, a mixture of aftershave and cherry pipe tobacco that reminded me of my grandfather. On one Saturday morning, in his private office, he confessed to me that his wife wouldn't fuck or suck and that he hadn't had sex with her for three years. Might I accommodate him? I really felt bad for him. I understand that men have sexual needs. I asked if he could wear a rubber. He agreed, so what the hell. Alysia to the rescue!

We continued his research project for about six weeks every Saturday. His dick was cute, puppy doggish small. Since there was no couch, we would clear his desk and consummate his desires. I didn't consider it a big deal but the desk was a little hard on my back. His cock was so small that I could hardly feel it. He was very good with his fingers and then he pulled a big red dildo out of a desk drawer. I was scared, but he insisted. It was my first experience using what he called "sex toys."

Finally, we completed his paper. A few months later, it was published in Fenwick's Review, a well known British literary digest. A few months later, a gay student friend, Tommy Trotter, told me that Dr. Jobkins was bisexual and had screwed most of the gay students in the drama department. Tommy shocked me when he added that Jobkins was famous for using a large red dildo anally on gay students when his dick wasn't adequate. I said nothing, but I wish he'd kept that piece of information to himself. That made me feel a little awkward. I get gay. I get straight. But I can't really wrap my legs around a bi, yet I did--and God knows where that red dildo had been before he used it on me. Jesus, sometimes this sex stuff is too much for me,

As for my parents, they seem to have grown used to each other. Like most married people they had their moment of stress and found relief. Evidently Dad was still at it. I don't think mom has had cock in her since I saw her ten years ago with two of the handymen putting in the new furnace in the basement. Oh God, that was disgusting. The two workers with their filthy coverall down below their knees were double-timing her both front and back. I never let on that I saw it. Best to keep that kind of stuff to yourself.

So here I was, barebacked by the toothy Danny and four hours later a victim of incest when I was fucked by Santa. I must say Mom is missing out. It was a pretty good fuck, sizable too. But if I'm pregnant, how am I going to know by who? I told my best girlfriend what happened. She said, "Maybe you'll have twins, one that looks like your dad and the other with big teeth."

I'm far from a prude, but incest had never been on the table. I did have a go-to with my sister's husband on a dark night when Ray drove me home after babysitting for their pet schnauzer. They had been away for a weekend. You might say it was my fault because I started playing with his cock while he was driving. Rachel had bragged about how well hung Raymond was, and I was curious enough to find out.

As soon as I had his dick out of his pants, it was erect. He pulled that old Volvo over to a dark spot on the road, got out of the car, and opened the passenger door. I was afraid he was going to kick me out, but no. He dropped his trousers, lifted my skirt, ripped off my panties, and pulled my legs around his naked ass. Then he fucked me while he was standing up. I could feel the cold wind and hear occasional cars pass by, some honking their horns. But It was one of the sexiest fucks I've ever experienced. Not a word was spoken then or since. We've never had a second occasion, but Rachel wasn't kidding. Ramond was hung like a horse. Still, I don't think brother-in-law's count as incest.

I rested up most of Christmas day. I took a long soak in the claw-foot tub and let the hot water trickle in with my big toe on the porcelain knob whenever the water started to cool. I did a bit of thinking, and I figured that at tonight's big Christmas dinner, Dad would say,

"What a wonderful holiday this has been. Let's hope we will share all our gifts from the Lord in good health until next Christmas Eve."

That's when Maria and I will look at each other and smile.

That evening, the four of us and my sister Rachel with her husband Ray, sat down at the table. Even "Kojak," the schnauzer, was there under the table waiting for scraps. We all joined hands, and Mom said Grace. Halfway through the meal, Dad stood up, tapping his goblet with a spoon to get our attention. He gave his usual toast but added something about "enjoying satisfying new experiences." All seemed in order. We finished the meal with Mom's famous quince pie with a vanilla pudding filling.

Dad is one of those people who doesn't believe in shopping for gifts. He prefers to give money and then you can buy what you want. In my Xmas stocking was an envelope with a card that had a jolly Santa on the outside. Inside wasn't the usual $100 bill, but there were five of them and a piece of scotch tape anchoring three of my blond hairs. Being a dumb blond, I have no idea what the message is?

And then Maria says to me,

"That was a good thing that happened last night. When I'm too tired to service Popi, you can take my place."

Her incestuous stratagem first repelled me, but on contemplation, if I was horny and had no boyfriend or Grinder's dick on call, maybe it wasn't a terrible thought. The old guy was a reasonably accomplished cocksman, and I felt proud of him. And what is the big deal about incest? I mean, it can be quite satisfying!

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erectus123erectus123over 3 years agoAuthor

Well dear JBE, to answer your first question, pills have side effects. Weight gain, dizziness, spotting, nausea, sore breasts and headaches are the common complaints. Fortunately they often reduce once the body gets use to the pill. i've had girlfriends who after starting the pill found it so unpleasant that they returned to condoms or blow jobs until the fear of pregnancy diminished. I had one long time consort who had a latex allergy and could not bare the pill's' side effects; she refused anal as well. I often came on her magnificent tits! Eventually non latex condoms were the solution but withdrawal was more pleasant. I'm not a great lover of condoms that are never as nice as barebacking. What we need is a male pill so the girls don't have to suffer. Every now and then news of such a medicine is flaunted by the press but it never seems to arrive at the drugstore.

As for plan B or smoke I'll let you further elucidate.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 3 years ago

Why would a girl like her EVER go off the pill? Ever heard of Plan B? What is the girl smoking?? ~~ JBE

erectus123erectus123over 3 years agoAuthor

YES, the old guy was able to produce a real sperm load. God bless you and keep you alive for next years installment when our protagonist undergoes a sex change to challenge her Dad to a pissing contest. Stay tuned but it might be a good idea to bring a face towel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
What a load...........

Utter rubbish lol. I look forward to the rework for next Christmas.

DunkirkDunkirkover 3 years ago

He should knock both young cunts up

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