Homelands Pt. 02 Ch. 08


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"I don't know. I mean, it was you and Jack who deposed her. But, you're right. I guess I knew you wouldn't have a problem with that. It's actually her I'm more worried about. She doesn't seem to think she deserves forgiveness. Maybe it will be easier for you to get through to her than it was for me though."

"I'll do my best," my aunt said.

"You do have a way with women,," I said with a grin.

"Not just women, right?" she said.

"No, certainly not," I said, staring at her with animal lust.

There were more details I wanted to talk through with her. But just as quickly as that, we both decided it was time to put the conversation on hold for a little while.


Lily was absolutely ecstatic at the news.

For what it was worth, she approved of my decision to name Iva as a successor. But then, if I'd told her that I'd handed the court over to Silas, even that might not have have dampened her mood. Certainly nothing short of that would.

"So how hard will it be for me to convince you to move back to the mortal world?" she asked, eyes wide and lips turned up in a smile even as she spoke.

"For good?"

"I don't mean like this sister of yours I keep hearing about but apparently will never meet. I just mean instead of moving back and forth all the time, let's make a real go of blending in. Getting to know our neighbors. Keeping up with the Joneses. Being monogamous. At least, for the most part. I mean, obviously we'll visit your family from time to time. Like on holidays. But we've got a lot of time until our kids come of age. Wouldn't you love to see what it's like to be a normal couple for a while? Then when our kids come of age, we can dive right back into the depravity, head first, and it will feel like we're discovering it all for the first time, the same as them. Doesn't that sound perfect?" she said.

I drew a deep breath.

Which was apparently the wrong answer.

I wasn't even sure I was going to say no, though the idea was a little scary. But before I could say anything, Lily buried her head in my neck and mumbled, "Oh, god, you hate the idea, don't you? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I don't care if we stay involved in this world. All I want is to be with you, baby."

Her Libido had all but emptied out.

"Even if we live in the Homelands, it will still be two years before they come of age," I said, noncommittally. "I mean, have you ever tried living an honest life? Paying bills?"

"No," she said. "I never even saw the mortal world until I'd already come of age. It seems so strange to me. Strange, and quaint, and romantic."

Whoa. "Really? Your people don't-"

She shrugged. "Some do. It's not like you can generalize from my family to the whole Shadowed Glade. We're not even a particularly influential family. Which, I guess, was the point. My father was determined to raise his little princess to marry well enough to change that. And that meant learning the ways of the Homelands. All day. Every day."

"Wait\ldots did he\ldots before you came of age?"

"No, no. Not that. It's only you lesser immortals that think there's nothing to who we are, to what powers we have, than what they do for us in the bedroom. I just mean that he started teaching me how to use my powers in all the other ways since the day I could crawl. I turned into a wolf before I could swim. And I'd killed men with my bare hands, felt their warm blood in my mouth, long before I'd pleasured them or tasted cum."

"Oh, Lily."

But what was I say to that? That I didn't know? Of course not. She hadn't told me.

For a reason.

After a fashion, I asked, "Is that why you ran away?"

"I didn't run away," she said. "Should have. But I didn't. When he started to realize that I wasn't going to get any stronger, my father disowned me, and had the king exile me."

"Any stronger? He thought you were weak?"

She laughed. "Sweetie, don't take this the wrong way, but your people have strange notions about what strong is. Your grandmother knows better, though. Iva too."

Yes, of course Grandma did. That explained that comment at the wedding.

"My father," Lily continued, "who's hardly the most powerful of our kind, makes Silas look like a newborn pup. Only the very weakest amongst us wouldn't. Like me."

"Damn," I said.

"I've never been able to decide whether I wanted to prove him wrong and make something of myself, or turn my back on his world entirely and immerse myself in the mortal world. I don't think I'm cut out for the former. So lately I've been thinking I'd love to try the latter. Especially since I've found someone I can see myself being happy with."

"Baby, don't take this the wrong way," I said. "I care about you. A lot. But if you're looking to walk away from this life, even if 'just' for eighteen years, I'm not sure I'm your man. Ever since I was initiated into this world, I've wanted to know more about it, to be more involved with it. I don't mind playing mortal now and then to spice things up, but it sounds like you want something that I can't give you."

She tensed up. "So that's it? We're not even negotiating?"

"No, no, I didn't say that."

"Sounded like it," she said, voice cold.

I tried to kiss her. She pulled away. Planting a hand firmly on the back of her neck, I tried again. She turned to the side, giving me her cheek. But when I still didn't relent, she sighed and sought my lips out.

We kissed gently at first. Nibbling each other's lips, mostly. Then more and more open mouthed. Our tongues joined the dance. Our kisses steadily headed towards passionate. Vigorous even. Our hips started rocking.

She whimpered softly as I ripped her panties away and slowly guided my fat cock past her dripping wet folds into her warm cave.

As my second cock pushed gently past the ring of muscle and deep into her ass, she whispered, "Oh, fuck, yes, baby. I love when you do that."

It didn't take her long to reach her first climax.

I threw her down onto the bed after that. She lay flat on her stomach, her hips slightly upraised, as she begged me to ravage her.

With a good, firm slap of her ass, I told my wife to grow another hole. She wiggled of her hips and did as instructed. I grew two more cocks and slowly worked all four of them inside her. Two went in her pussy. One of those was thinner, shorter, and hooked wildly so that it would directly stimulate her G-spot. The two that entered each of her brown holes were tapered so she could slowly get used to them as they drove ever deeper into her bowels. Of course, floating hands and spectral mouths attended to the rest of her.

She either came nearly a dozen times in a row or had one long orgasm with brief lulls. One way or another, she was cumming her brains out for close to ten minutes straight.

I had no small number of orgasms myself. Not continuously for several minutes, unfortunately, but I was hardly missing out on the fun.

As we lay in bed, trying to catch our breath, I noticed an envelope sitting atop my wife's dresser. "Has my baby got a secret admirer?" I asked, slipping out of bed.

"Don't read that!"

I stepped back. "Why? You don't think I care if some minor lordling is sending you love letters, do you?"

"It's nothing," she said, snatching the envelope down from the dresser.

"Lil," I said.

"No," she said, clutching it tight against her bare breasts.

Well, that settled it. I obviously had to know what was in that envelope.

Three Franks surrounded my wife. When she pulled away from the grasping hands of one, another slipped the envelope out of her hands. Once I had it in my hands, I dropped back down to just the one body.

"I should have burned it the minute it arrived," she said, sobbing. "I couldn't decide whether I'd be able to forgive myself though."

It was addressed to me. And written in my mother's handwriting. I yanked the letter out, letting the envelope drop to the floor.

All it said was, "Bobby is your uncle. We're going to come home as soon as we can. But we need to take care of some things here first. I hope to see you soon. Love, Mom."

"Now you're going to leave me," Lily said, crying. "I fucked it all up!"

I dropped the letter to the floor and pulled my wife tight against me, stroking her hair. "Sh, sh. It's okay. No one's leaving anyone, baby. We'll get through this."

"Really?" she asked, sniffling.

"Really," I said and kissed her forehead.

"After I...?"

"Yes," I said. I took her by the hand and led her back to bed. We lay there, cuddling, hardly speaking a word, for a long time. Even after Lily stopped crying, I just held her and kissed the back of her head or her shoulders again and again.

After a while, Lily broke the relative silence. "You really think this can still work?"

"Yes," I said, without hesitation.

Lily rolled out of my arms, turned to face me, then crawled back and climbed atop me. We kissed for a while, our hands getting friskier and friskier. It wasn't long before I was hard. Without a word, my wife took me by the hand and guided me inside her.

She rocked her hips gently at first, but her pace rapidly accelerated, and we were soon fucking each other wildly.

Just as I felt my balls start to pump up and down, in preparation for what was sure to be an intense orgasm, I heard my wife whisper, all but inaudibly, "I'm sorry. I really wanted it to work between us."

And then I felt her energy bearing down on me.

Realizing what was about to happen, I panicked. And did something I instantly regretted.

I should have simply pulled out. Should have teleported away. Should have done something, anything, other than what I did. There had to have been other options. Had to be. But, fearing for my life, I did the unthinkable.

I Devoured my wife.

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jdnunyerjdnunyerabout 12 years agoAuthor

Hey, anon.

Closer to the former. Lily wanted to raise their kids (and keep them away from the Homelands). Frank didn't. He wanted them to stick to the plan of having them be raised by mortals and then initiate them into the Homelands. So, in her mind, she was protecting her kids.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
shocked me again...

ok ok i have to know for my self did she try to eat him out of fear and he reacted, or did he just decide to end it? i mean ...i mean .. i have to ponder what i've read

well done

jdnunyerjdnunyeralmost 13 years agoAuthor
Still Working

Thanks for the continued interest, Rifleman, and for the kind words, KatBallu.

I am still working on Part Three. Slowly. Unfortunately, since school started back up, it's been really hard to find time. This has been the craziest semester of my career, for various reasons.

I'd love to be able to say I will finish soon, but that's just not realistic. To be honest, I'm not going to make serious progress again until Thanksgiving break. I will try my hardest to finish up then. But I can't promise it won't take me until sometime during Christmas break.

Hopefully, you will find the finished product to be worth the wait.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Get to Work, Slacker!!!

Hey! You have a waiting, tensed up public out here. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people that eagerly consume your words, mental images and plot lines. They are still in shock that the protagonist devoured his wife in the last scene. You left us way up in the air and we need to come down, so get to writing. Lets have Mom come back and become his shadow. I suspect she may have gotten knocked up the last time Son sprayed her with seed. Get off your ass and start writing before people start knawing on their window frames.

AnHoa Rifleman

KatBalluKatBallualmost 13 years ago
In Love

I have read this series every night for the past four nights. I love this and I have never been a real scifi fan. Cant wait to read part 3. Please post it soon before I go thru withdrawals. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Excellent series!

For a person such as myself who likes both syfy and erotica, this is as good as it gets. The writing is excellent, the plot is gripping and keeps me wanting more (I absolutely did not see the Lily-meal coming), descriptions of the fantasy world and of the people and their interplay is masterful and the eroticism is sizzling hot. The best stuff is between Mom and son. The wife is gone now and Mom is on her way back so lets get her back on her back. In 2/8 you strongly hinted that Mom had gotten knocked up. Let her bring a child back with her and then put her to work pumping out more babies. Dad has no more claim on her, he's hot for his own Mom which is as it should be. Develop this really special connection between Mom and Son. Keep Writing. AnHoa Rifleman

jdnunyerjdnunyerabout 13 years agoAuthor

Thanks, Jon. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

didn't see that coming! soooo lookin forward to the next bit!

congrats.... great story


jdnunyerjdnunyerabout 13 years agoAuthor

Thanks as always for the feedback, DigDaddy. There is plenty more story to come, rest assured. :)


jdnunyerjdnunyerabout 13 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the kind words, anon and anon.


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