Honey, We Have to Talk


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When they returned, they showered and got dressed. Barb put on her very sexy underwear and modeled it for him. He tried to jump her, but she said she wanted to go out on their date. I wondered how long it would take for her surprise to announce itself. She finished dressing and looked very good. I hoped my surprise would work because it was going to be a hoot if it did.

They went out and I sat back to await their return. they returned in about an hour and Barb stripped as she ran into the bathroom and into the shower. She was in there for a long time and we she emerged her tits and pussy were bright red. They looked very painful and it looked as if little Frankie wasn't getting any tonight either. Barb was lying on the bed moaning when Frankie tried to fondle her. She went ballistic telling him she was in pain and not interested right now. She said there must have been something in her new lingerie that she was allergic to. Little did she know.

I spent some time organizing all my videos and making DVDs for the lawyer and Frankie's wife. When I had everything ready ready I went to bed. My very successful day had me smiling again. It seemed that there was trouble in paradise and I had caused it. Sunday morning I got up and headed for home. Barb was going to be in for much more hell when she got home, then tomorrow it would all be over.

When Frankie dropped her off later that day he didn't even carry her bag to the door. He just let her out. I was sitting on the couch watching a football game and didn't even acknowledge her arrival. She announced that she was home and I just "so." She walked between me and the TV and gave me a sexy smile.

I thought you might be happy to see me.

What would give that idea? Do I look like I got stupid over the last few days. I know you did, but I didn't.

I never thought you were stupid. I did think that you loved me enough to get past this.

Well, I loved you with all my heart, but that wasn't enough for you. You broke my heart when you went with him even after I had repeatedly asked you not to. I told you how I felt and that meant nothing to you. So as far as I was concerned, once you left with him I didn't really care if you came back or not.

I can't believe that you feel that way about me.

Well, believe it because you fucked up big time. I don't know if there is any chance for us going forward.

I will do anything to make it up to you. I realize now that I made a huge mistake. Is there anything I can do?

You can drop down on your knees and suck my cock.

You know I can't do that.

I know you won't do that. So I guess that tells me how much your promise to do anything to save our marriage is worth. It's worth about as much as your promise to be faithful when we married.

I was thinking about you all the way home today. I really want to make love to you tonight. I need you!

You need me? I don't think so. As far as making love to me tonight, there's not much chance. Did you have little Frankie use a condom every time he fucked you.

No, he's married and I can't have children.

Do you think you are the only one he's used the routine with. You are now damaged goods as far as I am concerned. There is no way I would fuck you until you have a clean bill of health from a doctor.

I know he's clean. But you could use a condom if you don't think so.

Right, I am going to use a rubber to fuck my wife after she fucks some loser bareback all weekend. Fuck you! You won't blow me so once again you chose little Frankie over me. I am going out for a while. I really can't stomach looking at your cheating ass anymore tonight. You can sleep in the guest room tonight. I like the master bedroom better and unlike you, I didn't do anything wrong.

Can we talk about this?

We can talk tomorrow after you get back from work. I really don't know what else there is to discuss.

I walked out of the house and walked to a nearby bar & grille to get some supper and clear my head. Actually my head was clear as I knew exactly what I was doing. I just wanted to get away from her. I don't really drink so I just ate then went for a long walk. When I got home she was in my bed. I looked at her at told her to get the fuck out of my bed.

This is our bed. I have just as much right to be here as you do!

The fuck you do! You gave up that right when you fucked little Frankie. So you either get out of my bed or I'll drag your sorry ass out of here and toss you in the street.

She began crying and slowly left the room. I closed and locked the door behind her. I could hear her still crying as she walked down the hallway.

In the morning I completely ignored her. We each had breakfast and she was leaving at her normal time. She turned and looked at me and told me that she loved me. I gave her a very scornful look and that I had loved her too, making sure to emphasize the past tense. I saw tears starting as she turned and walked away.

When she was gone, I began packing her things in garbage bags. I packed her stuff until I called Frankie's wife Linda. I asked her if she knew that her husband spent the weekend with my wife. She thought he had been away on business, so when I offered her copies of my evidence she was very enthusiastic about the idea.

I was stunned when she opened the door. She was absolutely stunning. I was at a loss for words and had to apologize to her. I blamed it on being stunned by her beauty which of course was the truth. We got down to business and I explained what had occurred over the weekend. She was furious and we decided she would accompany me to the lawyer's office and see if he would take her case.

He indeed took her case and even gave us a discount. She began filling out the paperwork while I talked to him. I asked him if I needed to wait to serve Frankie to protect Linda. He said as long as she signed the papers beforehand she would be OK. Linda and I went out for lunch while they got her papers ready. After she signed I took her home and went home to await Barb's call. I was supposed to call Linda that night to let her know how things went.

My phone rang about 3:00. She was not a happy camper.

What the hell is this?

What the hell is what.

I just got divorce papers served on me, and Frank got papers about being sued for something.

It all sounds pretty self explanatory to me. I told you there would be consequences for your weekend. Apparently you didn't believe me.

I didn't think you would do this!

Maybe you should have listened to me rather than thinking about the bullshit that little Frankie was filling your head with. I don't want to discuss this over the phone. I'll talk to you when you get back to my house.

Then I just hung up on her. I took the garbage bags of her things and tossed them into the front yard, then awaited her return.

She pulled into the driveway and flew into a rage. I was recording this so I would be able to get a restraining order to keep her away from me. She was screaming incoherently and spit was flying from her mouth as she raged at me. I remained calm a collected as she vented.

I finally broke in and began our last conversation.

If you want to talk, you need to settle down so we can talk. If not I will put your things in your car and you can leave.

I never thought you would do this to me.

Do this to you! You stupid cunt, you did this to me and to us. I told you several times not to do this and even begged you not to destroy our marriage. You chose to destroy our marriage, so why would think I wasn't going to divorce you.

You said you loved me.

I did. I loved you more than anything and you broke my heart as a reward. The obvious problem is that you didn't love me, or respect me. I can't live with someone who has that low of an opinion of me.

But I do love you.

Bullshit, if you loved me you would not have gone and fucked little Frankie this weekend.

Why do you keep calling him little Frankie?

I had video cameras in your room and recorded the entire weekend. It should be obvious why I call him little. The first time I saw his pathetic cock, I laughed until I cried. I wondered if you could even feel it inside you. I noticed that you weren't cumming like you do when I fuck you.

We don't fuck, we make love. That's the biggest difference.

I would agree with you that we truly made love. I would bet that you are going to miss that. Look at the bright side. Now you can fuck anybody you want. You can have a new guy every night.

I don't want that. I want you and only you.

Let's go in and sit down for a few minutes. I'm sorry for talking so nasty to you, but I have a lot of anger right now. But, please know I would never do you any physical harm. The same does not hold true for little Frankie.

We went in and sat at the kitchen table as we had so many times. It struck me harshly when I realized that this would be the last time we sat together like this. She began this time and I willed myself to keep calm and not speak so badly to her.

You wouldn't really hurt Frank would you?

Why not, he destroyed my naively happy marriage. I think he will have to pay even beyond my lawsuit and his divorce.

He won't be getting a divorce. His wife understood about what we wanted to do and said that she would allow him to do it.

You believed that? That was just a ploy to make me look bad so he could get in your pants. I talked to his wife this morning and shared my evidence with her. pan style='font-size:12.0pt;font-family: "Times New Roman","serif";color:windowtext'> He told her he was out of town on business. We are now sharing a lawyer. He even gave us a quantity discount. I wish you had been honest when I asked you what you would do if I wanted to fuck another woman. You know you would have gone ballistic. He knew his wife would never go along with that.

I don't believe you. He would never do something like that.

I really don't care what you believe. When you call him later, you will find that he also got tossed out on his ear.

So you are really kicking me out?

I am. The night you told me about your plan, I went into the guest room to think. I knew within an hour that I would divorce you. I spent Thursday buying the equipment I needed to gather my evidence and to hack into your email account. Friday I went to the lawyer and began the divorce process.

Why didn't you tell me you were going to divorce me. I would have stopped.

I don't think you would have. It would just have made you angrier. I explained to you several times how I felt, but the decision had to be yours. You had to be the one to stop it or you would have been mad at me forever. I noticed in your emails that what I said meant nothing to you. So I was sure I was doing the right thing. I didn't sign the papers until the next Friday when you were getting ready for your date.

I can't believe that I was that stupid. Is there any chance that you could forgive me.

Barb, I loved you so much that I might have been able to. Last night I gave you a last chance and you blew it. Oops, you wouldn't blow it, would you? I think I could possibly forgive you, but I would never trust you. I would be waiting every day for you to tell me you wanted to fuck somebody else. I can't live like that. It's better we just finish it right now.

She broke down and cried. I went on.

Unlike you, I have given this a lot of thought. But I always come up with the same answer. I am going to divorce you and I am going to destroy little Frankie like he destroyed my marriage. You can call him before you leave and share a place or whatever.

Don't try to use your credit cards. They have all been canceled. I left half the money in our checking account for you, but I took my name off of it. I will split our savings with you. You can keep your car but you will have to make the payments on it. You can have all of your clothes and personal things also. Once you find a place to live you can have as much furniture as you need. The house is mine. If I do sell it I will split the proceeds with you. This is all spelled out in the divorce papers. If you want to fight it I will use all the evidence that I have and it will destroy you. I don't want to do that but I will if I have to.

I won't fight it. This is all my fault. I just wish I could take it back.

Well, you know the difference between a cheating wife and a light bulb don't you?

No, what is it?

You can unscrew a light bulb.

She didn't think it was very funny. I told her that it was time for her to go and led her out of my house. I put all her things in the car as she watched and cried. When it was packed I opened the door for her then handed her one last thing. It was her wedding ring which I had flattened with a hammer. I told her that it was now just scrap gold which should bring her a good price. I closed her door then leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. I said my last words to her.

Good Bye my love.

I turned and walked back to my lonely house. I didn't even watch her drive away. I couldn't have even if I'd wanted to. My eyes were filled with tears and I cried for another hour until I was totally drained.

It was time to consider my options. As I saw it I had three:

1. I could crawl inside a bottle and drink myself into a stupor. I barely drink and don't like the morning after so that was no good.

2. I could make everyone happy and kill myself. I would not give her the satisfaction of doing that.

3. I could stand up tall knowing I had done nothing wrong and move on with my life. One vast improvement would be the absence of Barb. That brought a smile to my face.

I stood up straight and still smiling called Linda's number. We made plans for dinner that evening and I knew I was on the way to being healed. We might end up being just friends or maybe I could trade up because the vision of her still lingered in my mind.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"Little Frankie" didn't ruin his marriage, she did!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Just a thought, what if the we have to talk, talk when the husband said no way, what if the wife responded then I won't do it because I value our marriage?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Frankly I think if I received the we need to talk, the talking would be over. Regardless what she did from then on would not matter, unofficially at that moment we were no longer married with divorce ASAP. With this said if there was no hidden schemes, and she wanted to spice up the marriage, I'd certainly welcome that discussion.

James G 5James G 55 months ago

"I also came to the conclusion that if she went through with this we were finished."

No, jt was finished as soon as she asked. None of this "if she changes her mind" bullahit.

That would just leave her sneaking around behind jis back.

Also RE the "his wife is ok with it" part, why don't the women in these stories EVER check that?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You were doing so well until the last paragraph.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So so…. No basis for anything..and no common sense!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

She was delusional beyond all reasonable measure. There was absolutely no reasoning with her. Hard to believe someone can be that fucked up in the head but these stories tend to portray the wives like that. What a waste.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

If my wife came to me with this same proposal I'd let her. I'm more like little Frank as I have a small penis and never get my wife off. The other man would ideally have a big cock which my wife's pussy would fall in love with and become completely his.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

So many of these stories require the wife to be dumber than a box of rocks. This one had a real doozy of a dummy. But it was decently told.


3 ***

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

To the last Anon commenter- I am sure the husband left the door unlocked, so they could talk. He didn’t want her to know, about the figurative screwing HE was going to give her tomorrow! 5 stars.

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