Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 16


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Victoria Valentino welcomed her back next, followed by Bruno.

Bruno said to her, "My son tells me he is talking with your mother quite often, and you are also. I will speak to him, but if you have that opportunity, again, would you tell your mother how sorry I am for having her killed."

"I will Bruno, but it is a double edged sword."

"What do you mean, Patricia?"

"You did a terrible thing, and I lost my mother, because of it. It also caused a wonderful thing, because I met Stephano. I would not have under any other circumstances. She seems to like him."

Doctor Nall pushed everyone aside and said, "I am your doctor, I need you inside this minute, and I will not take no for an answer."


"Okay, that's all you have to say, okay?"

"Why Doctor, did you want an argument? I am very good at it."

Stephano warned Doctor Nall not to accept the argument proposal because she would lose.

Doctor Nall reminded Stephano that she was a neurologist, and Patricia was a layperson.

Stephano replied, "Doctor, I am warning you, do not bet your license against beating her at anything from checkers to nuclear science. You will lose."

"She can't be that good."

"Doctor, she has one man working for her as an indentured servant for one year. He is an architect and he lost a bet. Please don't do it. She could have you weeding 35 acres of land on your hands and knees."

"Let's get you into a wheelchair, and into the hospital. I will give you a short test to see if I want to bet with you or not."

"Doctor, I could cheat and give you all the wrong answers, just to get you to bet with me."

"If you are as good as Stephano says you are I will know if you are lying."

Patty sat down in the wheelchair and Doctor Nall started with her questions. "Who is considered the father of neurology?"

"Come on, Doctor, ask real question."

"If you can't answer this one, there is no sense asking anymore."

"Jean-Martin Charcot."

"What is The Circle of Willis?"

"It is a circulatory anastomosis that supplies blood to the brain and surrounding structures."

"What is Palliative Care?"

"It is managed care for pain and suffering for those at the end of life."

"I am not betting with you. If you know the simple stuff; you know the hard stuff, too."

"Damn, just think, I could've had a neurologist checking the brains of my horses to make sure they were happy."

"I can see, there is no problem with your sense of humor, Ms. Parent; how about the rest of you?"

"The only noticeable thing I found is a weakness in my left leg. I don't know what else you're going to find, when you test me, but that is the most evident sign I have so far."

"Okay, we will start you with an MRI, and then an EEG and a CAT scan. We will take blood from you, as they are getting you ready for your tests. I gave the nurses hell this morning, because they did not know you were missing, until shift change. You never caused any problems, and no one noticed that your monitors had been turned off. They know they are supposed to check every room twice a night, even if they just stick their heads in, for one second. They slipped up this time, and they paid for it dearly."

The technician took four vials of blood from her arm as they prepared Patty to be rolled in to the MRI doughnut. It was one of the new GE models, which took much less time, but still was as noisy as the older models. She wore the headset, and listened to the music, which was barely audible, when the machine was working. About 15 minutes later, they rolled her out, and placed her back in her chair.

The CAT scan was available in the next room, and they ran her through the next. Then it was the Electroencephalogram (EEG), Angiograph, Duplex Scan, MRA, Echo, TTE, and TEE tests, which lasted through 6:30 PM.

Finally, Patty's good humor ran out. She looked at the next technician that came into her cubicle and said to him, "If you tell me you are taking me for another test, I am going to rip your arms out of your sockets."

He backed away, and said, "I'll get Doctor Nall."

Moments later, Doctor Nall walked into the cubicle and said, "Do you have a problem, Ms. Parent?"

"No Doctor, not at all; you do. I am not taking another test today. I am tired. I need a shower, I need a change of clothes, and I am hungry. Now do we do this my way, or do I go home, again."

"Your fiancé said you could be a pain in the ass, when you wanted to be. I guess you want to be one now."

"I think I have been quite accommodating today, Doctor. I have been put through tunnels, been poked with needles in my hands, forearms, biceps, calves, thighs, and feet for your Electromyogram studies. I've had electrodes strapped to my head. I have had an electrocardiogram for my heart. I have been blinded by lights, to test for epilepsy, and had enough blood drawn to make me anemic. I believe I have done enough testing done for one day. If you do not agree with me, tough, find another patient to play with for the rest of the day, or go home, because I am not doing anymore today."

"There are only three more tests to be done, and you will be finished. It will take no more than 30 minutes to complete them. Can you hang on for that amount of time?"

"Doctor, how many times have you told that lie to patients? You couldn't even keep a straight face when you said it. I would love to play high-stakes poker with you, I would wipe you out in an hour."

Doctor Nall said "I have been warned not to bet with you, so I will heed that advice. I will have someone take you to your room, and help you with your requests."

Doctor Nall left the room, and suddenly reappeared. She said, "The three tests I talked to you about would take a minimum of 2 hours and 20 minutes."

Patty laughed at her and said, "Work on that poker-faced Doctor, either that or take up a chess."

"I play a mean game of chess Ms. Parent. When you're up to it, I would like to play a game."

"You know my room number, Doctor. Bring your chess set, and prepare to lose. It will not take that long."

"You are very full of yourself, Ms. Parent. I would like to take you down a peg or two."

"You could always call me from home tonight, Doctor. I don't need the board to play the game."

"You are full of crap."

"Would you like to place a bet on it?"

"Yes. What would you like to bet?

"Tell me something about yourself that you've always wanted to do, but were too afraid to do. Don't lie to me, because I will be able to read it in your face."

"What do I get if I tell you?"

"What would you like?"

"Stephano told me you had a man working for you for a year on your property, because he lost a bet to you. I want you to be my assistant for one year."


"Just like that, Acceptable! You are that sure of yourself. I will have the chessboard in front of me. I could have a computer helping me along with my game, and you say 'Acceptable?'"

"Yes, Doctor, do you have a problem with it?"

"I withdraw my offer to bet with you. I want to watch you play in person. I have to see this."

"Tell me what you wanted to do Doctor."

"I always wanted to go flying in a glider."

"I will arrange it for you."

"I did not lose the bet."

"I know, but you can't go around in life fearing something that is so simple. I will take you up there myself, after I read the manual."

"You have never flown a glider, and you want me to fly with you, after you read the manual?"

"I was just joking with you, doctor. You have to learn to loosen up a little, and have some fun in life. Can I go to my room now?"

"Yes, and I will send that pain in the ass fiancé of yours up there too. He asks about you every five minutes."

"Good, he can help me shower."

"We do not allow fooling around in the shower."

"I am still a virgin, Doctor. We will not fool around, until our wedding night."

"I don't believe you. You are a 24-year-old virgin, in this day and age?"

"Yes Doctor, there are still some of us around."

"Patty, you look like an angel, and Stephano looks like the devil himself; he is so handsome. How did he not get into your pants by now?"

"I didn't say he has not gotten into my pants. I just said he has not gotten into me. It is a joint decision we made, before we went that far."

"Are you sure you two don't want to see a psychiatrist? You are as crazy as loons."

"No Doctor, we are very sane. It took us a long time to get to where we are, and it was a torturous road. Finally, we are at peace with each other, and madly in love. Sex can wait until we are married."

"I will see you tomorrow, Patricia."

71. Marriage; in an Alternate Universe

After six hectic weeks of planning, today was wedding day. Callalily Callaway, the hard nose nurse, and the fun-loving woman, could not stop crying. Her mother and sister had reapplied her makeup twice already, and finally gave up.

Her mother said, "Callie, if you don't stop crying, Harold is going to think you don't want to get married."

"Mom, I don't know why am crying. I am so happy, I am floating on air. I just can't stop the tears."

"Callie, are you pregnant?"

"No mother, I am not pregnant."

"Do you want me to call Harold, so you can talk to him?"

"No, I don't want him to think he's marrying a crazy person."

Her sister said, "Everyone knows he is."

"Listen sis, Ted married you because you look like mom. He thought you could cook like mom, too. Thank God you didn't cook for him, until after you got married."

Claire said, "Ted gave me a present, after our father's trial. He is sending me to Paris for two months. I am going to have a private tutor teach me how to cook. When I come back from France, Ted will eat wonderful meals for the rest of his life."

"Congratulations sis, that man loves you to death. Heaven knows your cooking nearly did it."

Claire took a swing at her little sister, who stepped back just enough to let the right cross fly by, without hitting her.

Callalily said, "Missed me!"

Claire said, "Fuck you, Callie!"

Her mother remarked, "Callie, you stopped crying."

Callaway looked into the mirror, and even though her eyes were puffy, the tears were gone. "Mom, quick, the makeup, we are running out of time."

On the other side of town, Harold Chase, was leisurely putting on his tuxedo, as if he did not have a care in the world. He graduated from Stanford at the age of 19, and started his own software company at the age of 21. His company was bought out by Microsoft at the age of 25, for $6 billion. Now, he was a venture capitalist, helping young entrepreneurs make their way in the business world. He could afford anything, and live anywhere, but he preferred living in a small town, in a very nice house, but nothing ostentatious. He was a confirmed bachelor, until today that is. He always thought women were after his money. He had been in love with Callalily for a long time, and he admired her independence. He offered to pay off student loans, if she married him, but she flatly refused. When he asked her why, and she said "It was her debt, not his," he loved her more.

However, this did nothing to change the way Callaway thought or lived her life. They dated every once and again, but when she came back to him and told him about her $3 million windfall, he knew that her feelings for him were real. They live together for 5 months, before he asked for her hand in marriage. They had not set a date, until that Sunday afternoon, when they returned Callum to his parents. After that, it was like a tornado ripped through Cottonwood. A guest list had to be drawn up. The church had to be reserved. A venue for the party had to be picked and reserved. Invitations had to be printed and mailed out. Most important of all, Callalily and her bridal court needed dresses fitted, made, and ready, in less than 6 weeks.

Harold stepped in, and told everyone he would take care of that tiny problem.

Callalily looked at him and said, "Harold, don't fuck with me. This is not a tiny problem. I don't want to go to 'Toys r Us' and get a Barbie dress. I would like to wear a nice dress to our wedding."

"Callie, do you love me?"

"Yes, I love you, Harold, but what does that have to do with getting me a dress?"

"Callie, do you trust me?"

"Harold, you are fucking with me, again."

"Answer the question Callie. Do you trust me?"

"I trust you, with Alan's life."

Alan said, "Man is that a relief. I don't have to worry about her giving me CPR after she shoots me."

"Shut up, Alan. Harold, how are you going to get me a dress, in less than six weeks?"

"Callie, I am going to make a phone call, and that will take care of everything."

"Fuck you, Harold."

"Here; now, in front of everyone? I knew you were easy, but I did not know you were an exhibitionist." He took up a defensive posture and waited for her attack. When it came, it was loud, fast and furious. He blocked all of her swings with his arms, and not one hit, his body.

Finally, he grabbed her and said, "Callie, stop this right now. You are acting like a two-year-old."

Alan laughed. "She is younger than Callum."

Harold said, "Shut up, Alan. Callie, the more you fight with me, the more you are delaying me from making my phone call. The longer you delay that phone call, the longer you delay your dress. Are you going to act your age now, or on my going to have to put you in time out?"

"You are not kidding me about making a phone call Harold?"

"No baby, I know someone who owns a company that makes gowns. If they are not inundated with previous orders, I am sure he will be able to make your gown, within the right timeframe."

"Harold, why are you still talking to me? Make your phone call, speak to your friend, and see if he can make it happen."

"You stay here. I will go inside, and make my phone call. I will be back shortly."

Everyone knew Harold was wealthy, but no one knew how wealthy, because no one ever asked. Cottonwood was that kind of town.

Harold made a phone call to a friend, in Charleston, South Carolina. They met many times, at business meetings all over the world, and they had one thing in common; they were always the youngest people in the room. They always gravitated towards one another, because of their ages, and developed a friendship because of it. When Harold was told about the computer Dycke was using for his businesses, and how he acquired it 'FREE,' they sat down and talked about the M&M for hours, over coffee and soft drinks.

The main difference between them was Dycke was married at the age of 18, and Harold was a confirmed bachelor. Dycke told Harold the stories of his wedding, and their week at Disney World. Harold was hysterical. The reason Harold called his friend was the story Dycke told him about the wedding dresses; and the video afterward. He opened his phone and called him.

The first thing he heard, when Payne picked up the phone, was a scream, "Robert put your sister down, before I put you in the corner."

"Schneider residence."

"Hello Payne, this is Harold Chase. Have I called at a bad time?"

"Hello Harold. Any time Robert has his horns twisted is a bad time. Right now I want to throw him off the balcony, and hope he hits his father on his way down. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes, there is, Payne. I am getting married. I want to know the name of the designer of your wedding gown, and where it was made."

"I thought you were confirmed bachelor. I guess you met the right woman."

"Yes, I did, Payne. I want to marry her, before she gets away from me. The wedding is six weeks away. Do you think I could get a dress made for her, by the company that made yours in that time frame?"

"I will call Suzette and find out for you. Then I will call you back, if that is okay?"

"I would really appreciate your help, Payne. She is a gorgeous young woman, and I want to treat her like a Queen."

"I will put Robert in timeout, which he richly deserves, and call Paris right now."

"Your gown was made in Paris?"

"My entire wedding party had their gowns made in Paris, Harold."

"If your designer is available, I will make the airline arrangements to send her there."

"Don't do that Harold, I will send my Gulfstream to you. It can fly you nonstop from California to Paris, nonstop."

"I don't live in California, Payne. I live in Arizona."

"Okay, that makes it a shorter trip. Let me make the phone call, and I will get back to you."

20 minutes later Payne called him back. "Harold, Suzette said it would be no problem to make your bride her dress. She also asked about the mother of the bride, and any of the bridesmaids, would they need any dresses made?"

"Payne, you are way over my head here. I am only a man; that is women's territory. Let me run over to my future mother-in-law's place, so I can be involved with this decision-making process, without turning this into a zoo. I will call you back in an hour."

"That will be fine Harold. Dycke should be home by that time, and I may be short one child by then."

"You wouldn't know what to do without that little rascal running around, Payne. He is just like his father. He runs around the apartment and has hiding places everywhere."

"Dycke told you that story, didn't he? It took me over an hour to find that little bandit. When I did, he was sleeping. I wanted to shoot him, but he looked so cute, I took his picture instead."

Harold laughed. "I will call you later, Payne. Goodbye."

He did not want to get into this area with Callie, because he did not know how many people she would want to have dresses made for. He wanted to keep this under control, and there was only one woman, who could do that; Catherine Callaway.

On his way to Callie's mother's house, Harold received a text from Dycke. He read it while he was at a traffic light. "Harold you are not allowed to get married until I see a picture of the prospective bride. If she is after your money, she had better look like $6 Billion, Dycke.

Harold was typing away on his cell phone, when cars started beeping their horns at him. The traffic signal had turned green and he was standing still. He put down the phone, put the car into gear, and proceeded towards his future mother-in-law's home. When he arrived, he finished his text saying, "She means as much to me, as Payne means to you." He attached a file with several of Callie's photos on it, and hit send.

Dycke sent Harold and immediate reply. "My friend, remember one thing, as she walks down the aisle to you, in the white dress. After you say 'I Do', she takes off the gown, rips the dress into little pieces, and uses it as bandages for the wounds she is about to inflict upon your person. Payne loves to hit me, and she has done so, since the moment we met. So when you hear the expression "Love Hurts," believe it. If you love Callie, as much as I love Payne, make sure to get a gown that is big enough to cover a lot of bruises." Dycke "Ouch! Payne just read my text message; and she hit me, AGAIN!" Dycke

Harold laughed at Dycke's comment, put his cellphone away, and he rang the bell on Catherine's door. Then, he waited. He was about to leave when she opened the door, wearing a robe, in the middle of the afternoon. She looked flushed and embarrassed.

He blanched. Harold thought, "Oh my God, I just interrupted her."

Catherine said, "Harold, I wasn't expecting you today."

"I know; why don't I come back later. I had a question about the wedding gowns. It's not that important. When you're not busy call me, and I will come back."

"Harold, I am a big girl, and I am above the age of consent. Both you and I know what I was doing. There is a man in my bedroom. He is dressing and will be leaving soon. I would prefer that neither of my daughter's know about him. Why don't you wait in the kitchen, until he leaves? This way neither of you will be embarrassed.