Horsehead Day 01: Pt. 01


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She put her sunglasses on her head and held both of my hands again. "I thought so. Now, I do not think you need to be a mind reader to know what I need from you next."

I studied her eyes and couldn't discern what the next test would be. "A race back to shore?"

She smiled wide but her eyebrows knit intensely. "No, but we shall do that too. You are going to take me back to your home, and you are going to fuck me, Roman." She lay back and let the sea swallow the back of her head.

I hadn't heard her swear yet, so it caught me off guard and scandalized me at the same time. I felt myself grow hot, despite the literal ocean of cold water around me. "I-I-I am?" I sputtered.

She opened one brilliant purple eye. "I thought you wanted to. You are no longer a coward, Roman." She shut her eye. "Will you continue to act one? Or will you take me with you?"

Another test, but one that I needed to pass only to prove to myself that I could. Was I a coward still? I didn't believe that it was as simple as she believed. But I wanted to. I was only clinging to my old ways. "I will. I will."

She smiled. "Good. But first, we must race."

She righted herself and we locked eyes for three heartbeats before we started back for shore. I splashed furiously ahead, unbelieving I could beat someone with such built arms and legs in any physical contest. I found my feet first and trudged forth as fast as I could but she soon landed and made up the distance with those glorious legs of hers. She got to the knee high water first but a wave stole her balance and she fell to her knees. I had heard it approach and steadied myself for it. I ran ahead and the damp sand at the farthest reach of the tide marked me the winner. I felt like one too. I turned back and Horsehead was just crossing over, her glasses replaced over her eyes and a grimace on her face that said she wanted a cigarette.

"I did not expect you to win, truly," she admitted as she came over to me. "But it is for the best you did, and, I may reward you."

"Well." I didn't need to see her eyes to know what she had in mind. "Taking you home would be reward enough, if, you still want me to, of course. And besides, that wave won it more than I did."

She drew near and stared through her glasses into my eyes. I wondered who made them, to be as strong as to conceal such bright eyes. "I do. I remind you: you are no longer the coward, and you need not fear the truth." She kissed me again, but longer this time, and she dipped her tongue into my mouth just a little bit. I instantly moaned and she broke away laughing that free laugh again. "The truth," she confirmed. "Let us gather our things and be off."

"Alright," I replied, higher than high off that kiss.

She went to her towel and I went to mine. I put my shirt and sandals back on and took up my towel, shaking the sand from it and then using the topside to dry off. I retrieved the ziploc containing my car key I had buried under my towel and went over to Horsehead. She had just finished drying off and was pulling up her jean shorts over an ass I had yet to catch a glimpse of and one I knew was the greatest I would see as long as I would live. I should have known from the sight that was her thighs that her ass would be a wonder not of this world. My mind went to porn immediately, but I knew it was infinitely more special, more important, than some hot woman's ass to stare at to facilitate an orgasm. This was Horsehead's ass. It looked softer than any soft sand and smoother than her seemingly easeless seduction of me. The cheeks looked like they would spill from my hands like a mad pirate digging into a giant pile of doubloons. I imagined the sound created if they were to be slapped would be louder than any raging wave. But I only had the moment to catch an eyeful of it before her shorts came up to conceal it and the revealing lime green bottoms. She pulled on a gray cardigan that she left open and got herself a cigarette. I found it odd that she didn't offer me one, because that's always what smokers did, but I presumed she could feel that I didn't smoke and didn't see the point in asking.

I felt lame standing there staring at her again so I asked her if she needed help.

"No, thank you, Roman," she replied, pulling on her little backpack.

There was nothing more to be done. "Oh, how did you get here, by the way?" I asked, holding my arm, trying and failing not to feel awkward.

She pointed to the hill that backed the beach where her bike was leaning. She shook out her towel and asked, "Can your vehicle carry it?"

I rubbed my head. "No, it's just a car. If you want--"

"It is no matter," she said, exhaling smoke, starting toward the parking lot.

I looked between her back and her bike and jogged over to her. "If you want--"

"I do not give a fuck, Roman. Here." She offered me her hand, which I took before she could change her mind. "You would give up a bike and more for something like this, would you not?" she asked me, knowingly.

I felt my mouth dry up. "I... yes, I would. I'm just sorry is all, that you'll have to."

She squeezed my hand and we continued on toward my car. "You are an odd one, Roman. But I find it enjoyable." She took one last drag and smushed the rest of her cig under her boot.

"Oh, I'm glad. Most people just find me odd."

I unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for her. I tried to think of who the last person to sit in that seat was while I rounded the car and took my seat. It didn't matter. If Horsehead only sat in it once, that would be the penultimate significance attributed to it. It would definitely be the nicest ass to sit in it. I pulled my seat belt on and turned to find her shining eyes watching me. I eyed her seatbelt hanging ready to be equipped, and she saw that I saw, and she saw me think better of bringing it up. She reclined the seat and chuckled to herself. "I trust you, Roman. Proceed."

"Yeah, right. I trust you too. Not, uh, entirely sure if It's wise, but I do." I started the car and backed out. "May I ask you some things, though?"

Her head lolled over and she thought about it. I was driving us toward the exit gate so I couldn't look at her. "I will answer what I can. Proceed."

"Thank you," I said to her while gesturing the same to the ranger in the booth. "Well, to address the elephant in the room. Car. You're an alien. Could you tell me what kind? Where you've come from, when... why?"

She didn't answer until I glanced over. "I am an alien to your world, but no, I cannot tell you these things. I have just met you, besides. Buy a girl a drink first, I think it is said."

I felt both relieved and disappointed that she wasn't gonna fill me in on the alien agenda just yet. It really did begin to sink in, then. She was an alien. Who else would look like she did with a name like that? "Well, uh, we've just met, aside from that time I almost ran you over, and you're ready to let me uh, fuck you." I got us onto the winding road and was glad I had to focus entirely on keeping us within our lane, so I wouldn't have to face her.

She made that almost-purring sound and said, "Sex is much more simple than the matters of our differing species and homeworlds and reasons. What did I tell you? There is no this, it is just us." She turned to the window and watched the trees and cliff sides go by. "I am not letting you fuck me, either. I am going to fuck you, and you are going to fuck me. I can feel and see that you are young, but surely you must understand these things, Roman." She turned back and I caught the curious look on her face before returning my eyes to the road. "Listen to me lecture you. Forgive me."

I enjoyed lectures, for the most part. I didn't have to say anything, just listen and evaluate. There was always something interesting to be found in what people went on about, even if it wasn't what they were talking about. This applied to even Bernardine, but I had yet to find a positive interesting in her tangents. I had never heard anyone speak like Horsehead did. I didn't mind her speech one bit. "No, forgive me," I said, glancing at her again and finding her eyes looking at me earnestly. "I need to start taking this seriously, like it's really happening. Because it is."

She applied her fingers to my head, cautiously at first, and finding no protest from me, started to play with my hair. I had just started to grow it out, after years and years of pragmatically shaving my head. Her touch relaxed me immensely. I had only held her hand and kissed her lips, thus far, and every new sensation was wondrous and striking. "Seriously... would not be my proscribed demeanor but I appreciate your resolve to be here with me, with us."

I nodded back to her and found myself terrified to allow a silence to settle between us. "So. Can I ask another question?"

"Hmm... one," she allowed, twirling her finger around a lock of my hair.

"Would your mission have anything to do with reproduction or finding virile males for a population boosting thing back home? Is that why... you've selected me?"

She chuckled and sat up to turn up the radio. "I did not select you." She looked shocked all of a sudden.

"What... what is it, Horsehead?" I asked, glancing over at her triple.

"What is this?" she asked, her voice full of hurry and alarm.

I couldn't tell what was bothering her so I reached to turn the radio down and she grabbed me. "Oh. The radio. It's just an Eighties station. I can change it if you want."

"No! Tell me, what song is this?" she demanded, her wide eyes beseeching me impatiently.

"It's You Can Call Me Al. By Paul Simon. You... like it?"

She let go of my hand and turned up the volume so that the song boomed through my car. "Yes!" she shouted hardly over it.

I just laughed and let her have the song. She started doing this little dance in her seat that looked like... dancing in your seat. I felt the distant despair within me, seeing someone who felt so free even in the car with a stranger. But then I remembered all she had told me, and that she was a fucking alien. Of course she wouldn't be oppressed by customs that were as alien to her as she was to me. I had always irrationally despised dancing, because it was something unhampered people did. That, and I couldn't dance, probably. I don't know why, but I was afraid of what would happen when the song ended. It did, and another oldie started but she didn't favor it as much, and turned down the volume.

"'You can call me Al'. What does that mean, Roman? It sounded so upbeat, triumphant, but half of the words... were not." Her big eyes were shining on me again, waiting for an answer.

"Well, from what I heard, he was at a party with his wife someplace, and someone called him Al, and his wife Betty. Apparently it bothered him that someone didn't know who he was." I glanced at her and she was lost in thought gazing through the windshield.

"Would that bother you, Roman?" She made a face and added, "Only the truth."

I looked at her again and saw she looked mostly serious, if not a little curious. "I would say no, but I have a feeling I would. I don't have much experience with fame, though, so I'm uncertain."

Her hand left my head. "Not the truth."

"Not the truth?" I repeated. "I'm not famous. People usually don't remember or recognize me let alone mistake my name."

"You have had some experience being known. I can feel it. What was it?"

My jaw hung open. She could feel that, what I knew only secondhand? "Well, people knew me in high school. They didn't know that other people knew me, though, so it doesn't count."

She was quiet a moment. "I feel no lie in that."

But don't forget, it's me who put you where you are now. And I can put you back down too.

"Can I ask another question, Horsehead?"

She slid back down in the seat. I could hear the leather seat creak against her shorts and her sweater. "I will allow you another, because the other was not a real question."

I hoped that was the truth. "Your name is... Horsehead. Is that where you're from? The Horsehead Nebula?"

"Very good, Roman. What do you know about it?" She sounded serious again. "I asked you what you saw earlier because I feared my form was failing me."

"Oh, I don't know anything. I've just heard the name." I paid her another look. "This isn't... your real body?"

She chuckled. "Do not fear. None were harmed in acquiring this form. I have said too much. But yes, that is where I am from, I will award you that. Now, no more questions. Only the Eighties."

I looked over and her eyes were shut. I turned up the volume and her little smile graced her beautiful face in repose.

It's much too late to find you think you've changed your mind.


Horsehead stared out the window all the way down the private road. Properties much more elegant and certainly more clean than the one I lived on caught her eye. I began to worry about what she'd think of what I was going to present to her. She glanced at me, but didn't mention whatever she may have felt from me. Squirrels darted across the dirt road ahead and dust clouds ballooned behind us. Horsehead squealed and watched the stupid little things risk their lives to cross and reach their holes instead of waiting for the car to pass. I followed the fence until the white paint faded more and more and I was home. I pulled through the gate and slowly we crawled past the dilapidated chicken coop and the derelict guest house and the many, many piles of junk. Chickens and roosters, too, we passed; some stood in the way and required much honking to displace. Horsehead stared at these creatures too, but her look was a more cautious one.

I parked beside the house and turned to Horsehead. "Are you ready?" I asked, more shyly than I had wanted.

"I am, Roman. Please, lead on." She sounded suspiciously sweet.

We got out and gathered our things. The goats chorused a greeting, ever optimistic that visitors bore gifts for them. Horsehead's mouth hung open while she stared at them. I chuckled uneasily and took her hand, leading her to the open garage. Chickens panicked and evacuated the hoarder's hoard that was the old lady's garage, screaming murder. Rotten wooden furniture was piled into a castle for the likes of chickens and the farm cats all the way to the wall. It made it impossible to reach anything past halfway into the space, where my door was. I shooed the flies away that ran their airlines to and from each pile of droppings in there to reach the door and unlock it. I opened it and went in, holding it for Horsehead. She entered and looked around the big and empty room. I shut the door and the echo resounded off the walls of the great square space to exemplify how open it was. She looked around, but there wasn't much to see. A great white stand of shelves dominated the center of the room and separated it into my sleeping space behind it, the kitchen to the far end of it, and my sitting area toward the face of the house. She walked here, and sat herself down into my folding chair. She stared out the four French doors at the trees that swarmed the hills above while she absent mindedly took off her boots.

"I see, now," she said.

"Ah, you do?" I came over beside her and looked out.

"You do not like the exterior of this place, but from this interior, you may observe in comfort."

"I wouldn't say comfort," I said, gesturing around the room. There was no furniture. Nothing soft in sight. She looked around and noticed this.

"In peace, then."

"I wouldn't say peace either." The howls of roosters outside erupted to punctuate my protest.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she was about to say something when the ceiling began to pound and a voice dully seeped through the ceiling. "What would you say, then?" she asked, grinning.

I went over to one of the doors and looked over those trees like I had done over and over and over everyday that I had been there. I turned back to Horsehead. "I don't know yet. That's why I look, I suppose."

Horsehead nodded low and stood. "I feel that is more true than you may realize." She laid her arms on my shoulders. "Show me where you take your rest."

I led her around the shelves and showed her.

"Oh, it is not..."

"Yeah. Just a cot." When she said we were going to fuck, my first thought was of my cot, but I couldn't act the coward anymore, or allow her to slip out of my life. She was the first person to ever come into my place.

"Surely it cannot--"

"No, it definitely can't. It creaks when I turn to my other side. I was thinking we could do it sitting down. If that's okay with you." I bit my lip.

She shrugged and smiled at me mischievously. "It is fortunate that the human body is designed to be ready to mate at a moment's notice--" Muted shouting above. "--and anywhere."

I made a sort of empty coughing noise, and my breath caught in my throat. I hadn't realized how close we were standing. Her posture was fantastic; the way she stood displayed her breasts proudly from between her ajar cardigan. Her chest and belly and waist were there, right beside me, so seemingly perfect in proportion I wanted nothing more but to run my hands over them, to feel her skin and what there was to be felt underneath. She saw my eyes struggling to swallow her and bit her lip, fluttering her eyelashes over those gorgeous eyes no gem could compare to in their luster. She set her backpack down on my cot, and then her sunglasses, and then she slipped out of her cardigan, and deposited it as well. Her hands moved as slow as if we were underwater in some kind of dream and she put one arm around my waist and her other hand stepped up my chest to rest on my cheek. She just left it there, slowly caressing up and down ever so slightly. I cupped that hand to my face, I could feel my heart start to race.

I sent my own hands over her stomach, almost pained by how soft she was. The firmness underneath lit a fire in me, making my mind rise above me like a hot air balloon. I spread my hands over onto her back and she made a little sound. She was still biting her lip and looking at my eyes, one and then the other, until she shut them when my hands rose and swept over her chest to alight on her boobs. Her head fell back and I took that as a good sign. My fingers closed down softly over her breasts, squeezing her just a little before releasing and pushing them in circles before squeezing again. She pushed her chest out against my hands and her own went up to my back and the other down to my neck. I pulled her to me and she let out the forerunner of a moan. Her eyes flitted open again and she smiled at me like an angel. It made my heart melt, but she felt it, and her features hardened and she whispered into my neck, "Not that, not that."

I nodded and tried to reinforce the idea: it is just us. My hands slid behind her back and I tugged on her bikini tie. "Is this okay?" I murmured into her hair. She nodded and moved back. I untied the tie and the strings hung down her sides. She watched me, so intently, as she held the coverings over herself. She let it fall and the fire within me soared. I could feel my hand shaking as it reached out to her. Her nipples were big and dark and hard. My hand cupped one breast and I could feel the erect little nub dig into my palm. She hissed and shook her tits into my grasp. I took my other hand to the other breast and rolled the nipple between thumb and forefinger, just tightly enough to elicit a moan from her. I pushed her tits up and came down to place my lips on hers. She moaned even harder into me and shot her tongue into my mouth. Lightning shot through my body, it hurt so fucking good. I could feel nothing but what parts of me were touching her. We kissed deep and long; her tongue explored every tooth and cranny in my mouth all the while batting my own into submission when I tried to send it into her mouth.