Hostage to Fortune


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Samantha felt uneasy as the inspector walked away. Ryan hadn't said anything about an inquest or forensic examination. She wanted to call out to the inspector` It was murder. I saw him do it. I couldn't stop him. I tried to make him go back.' Then she thought about what Ryan had said. They'd been having an affair. She would be the main beneficiary of Will's death. No one would believe she wasn't involved especially now she'd lied to the police. All she could do was to wait for the forensic team and hope that they found nothing.

Ryan sat with the doctor who was examining the X-ray photographs.

'And this accident happened two days ago you say?' asked the doctor.

'Yeah, two, nearly three days now. The rear boom swung over and I put my hand up to protect myself.'

'Hmm, most curious. Oh well, it's my job to patch you up, not start the inquisition. What I can tell you is that you've definitely broken the radius. We will have to set that and put on a plaster cast to keep it still while the bone grows together again. If you feel up to it we can give you a local anaesthetic, and you'll be able to walk out of here today. If we have to put you to sleep, you won't be getting out until tomorrow.'

Ryan opted for the local, he wanted to get back to Samantha before they had to start explaining to everyone. He was glad this was Gibraltar, the police wouldn't be so thorough here. If he'd done it on the homeward journey, it would have been the British Police. He'd dealt with them before and didn't think Samantha would have stood up well against them.

Within half an hour, his arm was so numb that he could feel nothing. The doctor came and manipulated the bone so that the broken ends now butted up to one another then left it to the nurses to apply the plaster cast. Walking away from the emergency room the doctor was not entirely surprised to see Inspector Garcia coming in.

'Good afternoon Dr Etheridge. I gather you've just treated young Mister Betts. What can you tell me about him?'

'Good afternoon inspector, I had a feeling I'd be seeing you. Something about that young man doesn't add up. Come, I'll show you the X-rays.'

Once in his office, the doctor got out two X-ray film folders. 'Here inspector look at this.' He put a picture on his lightbox. 'This patient broke their arm two days ago I set it myself. You see this grey area around the break. That is callous forming around the break. The bone is starting to mend already.' He changed the film. 'This is Mr Betts arm which he claims was broken two to three days ago. You can see the break is still clean, no callous has formed. After two days I would expect to have to re-break the arm before I could set it.'

'So you are telling me that his break is more recent than he says.'

'I think so, inspector. If you asked me to guess I would say it happened sometime in the last 24 hours.'

'So when will you be discharging him?'

'As soon as his plaster has hardened and we've sorted out some pain relief for him. Certainly within the next hour.'

'I'll leave a uniformed officer here to bring Mr Betts down to the station. Thank you, Doctor.'

On his way back to the police station inspector Garcia weighed up the situation. A man had supposedly gone overboard and disappeared without a trace. There were two other people on the boat, both of whom claimed to have seen nothing. He now knew that Ryan Betts had lied to the coastguard about being injured and Mrs Wainwright had lied about his injury. On the other hand, Mrs Wainwright seemed genuinely distressed. It was the lies that worried him. Experience had shown him that where there was a lie there was usually something else to find.

Once in the station, he went straight to his desk, picked up the phone and called the forensic team.

'Hello Dennis, have you got anything for me?'

'Give us a chance Joe. We haven't been here an hour yet. It would help if we knew what we were looking for.'

'I appreciate that but I can't really tell you. Foul play, suicide, I don't know but something is wrong here. They're covering up something and I want to know what it is. Have you got the Luminol out yet?'

'Don't tell us our job, Joe. If there is something here we'll find it.'

'I'm sure you will Dennis, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to get something to work with here. I know there's something I just don't know what it is yet. --Where is Mrs Wainwright?'

'She went off to the hospital to see what has happened to their deckhand. She left just after we arrived.'

'OK, Thanks Dennis'

His next call was to the constable he'd left at the hospital.

'John, has Mrs Wainwright shown up there.'

'Yes sir, she arrived just after you left.'

'Good can you bring her in when you pick up Mr Betts, and John make sure they know they are not under arrest, just helping us with our enquiries, okay?'

'Right you are boss.'

'Thanks, John.'

Chapter 8

Ryan made it clear that he was not a happy bunny when he arrived at the police station. Inspector Garcia had him and Samantha taken to separate interview rooms. As Joseph Garcia walked into the room Ryan made his displeasure known. The inspector said nothing until he was sitting at the table opposite Ryan.

'Now Mr Betts why don't you tell me all you know about the disappearance of Mr Wainwright.'

'I've already filed a report with the Harbourmaster.'

'Yes I know that sir, it was the Harbourmaster who passed the case on to me'

'Then you know what happened.'

'I'd just like you to go through it again, sir. A man is missing, maybe dead and we need to get to the bottom of it. I'm sure you don't think a couple of hours of your time is more important than finding out what happened to him? Now sir can you please tell me, in your own words, what happened on the night Mr Wainwright disappeared.'

Ryan started to tell the tale and the Inspector noted the fact that it was almost, word for word, the same as Samantha's story. The inspector let him finish before asking questions.

'Whereabouts on the ship do you sleep Mr Betts?'

'What? What the hell has that got to do with anything?'

'Just answer the question if you would sir.'

'In the crew's cabin, where do you think?'

'That's what puzzles me, sir. You see when I went around the ship this morning, I could see no evidence of anyone living in the crew's cabin, nor in the heads, that is what you call the toilets on a ship isn't it sir?'

'Yes it is, but I still don't see what you're getting at.'

'it's quite simple, sir. When Mrs Wainwright showed me around the boat this morning, the only room that showed any evidence of occupation was the main cabin occupied by Mr and Mrs Wainwright. Now if Mrs Wainwright slept there, where did you sleep? I'm just trying to understand how it was that you didn't get up on deck until after Mr Wainwright got washed overboard.'

There was a knock at the door and a uniformed officer came into the room and gave the inspector a piece of paper. Joe Garcia read what was on the paper and returned to the interview.

'We've got another little problem now, sir it seems that there is evidence of blood being spilt in the cockpit area of the ship. Could you shed any light on that sir?'

'What. No. I don't know, perhaps Will was injured before he went over the side. Perhaps, like me, he got hit by the aft boom.'

'Ah yes sir, your injury. That happened at the same time as Mr Wainwright disappeared, did it not?'

'Yes you know it did.'

'The strange thing is, sir, Dr Etheridge says it happened less than 24 hours ago.'

'No the doctor is wrong.'

Another knock at the door and an officer came in with another note. The inspector read the note and looked at Ryan.

'Excuse me, sir.' He got up and left the room.

'All right! So when did all this happen?' He shouted as he walked into the squad room.

'It's just been on the news sir,' the duty sergeant replied. 'They just showed him leaving a French hospital.'

'Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Has anyone called the forensic team?'

'Not yet sir, no'

Inspector Garcia walked to the nearest desk picked up the phone and punched in the number

'Dennis, gather up what evidence you've got and pull out.'

'What do you mean pull out. We're getting somewhere here Joe. We've found an oar with blood and hair on it and blood on the floor. I thought this was a waste of time but now I think we're on to something.'

'He's been found, Dennis. So it looks like there's no crime to investigate. Just pack up what you've got and pull your crew out of there.'

'What about the oar Joe? It's got fingerprints and palm prints on the blade. If there had been a murder, I'd bet money that the oar was the weapon.'

'Bring it back with you Dennis. Who knows maybe when we find out what happened, the evidence could be useful. In the meantime, I'm going to have to let these two go. I don't like doing it, but until I've got a crime, I've got no reason to hold them'

'Okay, Joe we'll see you later.'

The inspector put the phone down and went down the corridor to the interview room, collected Samantha and took her to the room where Ryan was waiting.

'Well Mrs Wainwright, Mr Betts, I have some good news for you. Mr Wainwright is alive and has just left a hospital in France. Quite how he got from Portugal to France I don't know, but I'm sure it will all come out in the fullness of time.'

Samantha seemed to go faint and had to be supported while Ryan just sat quietly. As she regained her composure, she looked at the inspector.

'This is not some cruel joke is it inspector. Will really is alive?'

'Yes madam it was on the afternoon news today. I believe he is being flown to London as we speak.'

'Thank you, Inspector, thank you.' She went to Ryan. 'He's alive Ryan. He's alive'

'Yeah that's really good news thank you, Inspector. Does that mean we're free to go now?'

'You've been free to leave at any time, sir. We appreciate you taking the time to help us with our enquiries. We have nothing more to ask you at this stage. Thank you again for coming in.'

As the pair left the police station, Joe Garcia looked at his sergeant.

'I'll tell you now John, there is something that doesn't add up with those two, but until I've got a crime to investigate, there is nothing more I can do.'

Ryan walked quickly out of the station with Samantha almost running to keep up.

'Ryan slow down. It's all over he's alive. Ryan.'

'Shut up you silly cow, and get a move on.'

'We don't have to run anymore. He's alive.'

'Don't be stupid, of course, we have to run. Once he tells people what happened we'll both be charged with attempted murder. I have no intention of spending the next five or ten years, locked away.'

All the way back to the boat Samantha pleaded with him but Ryan kept walking. As they reached the boat, Ryan lifted the bow rope off the cleat and stepped on to the boat.

'Get the stern rope,' He yelled at Samantha as she reached the boat.

She picked up the rope and standing on the edge of the dock, threw the rope into the cockpit. He held his hand out to help her aboard.

'I'm not coming, Ryan, I'm staying here.'

'The hell you are.' He said leaning forward and grabbing her legs. As he pulled her onto the boat, they both fell down into the cockpit. Ryan scrambled to his feet, started the engine and pulled Bee Jay away from the dock. As Sam got up, he told her to get below and stay there. Turning the boat around he pushed the throttle forward and headed for the harbour entrance.

'What are you going to do about Sam and the lad?' Tom asked once we were aboard the plane.

'I'm not sure yet. --Where are they Steph?'

'I can't tell you right now since we don't have an internet connection on the plane. I can say they docked in Gibraltar earlier today. --Have you remembered anything about what happened.'

'I don't know whether it is a memory or a dream but I think I've remembered something. One minute I'm standing at the helm, the next I'm on the floor being dragged to the side. I think foul play was more or less certain after they reported me lost off Portugal. As soon as we get home I think I'll call New Scotland Yard.'

'Shouldn't we have reported it to the gendarmes France was the nearest country?' I asked.

'No it's not their problem. We weren't in French territorial waters. Bee Jay is registered in Southampton, which makes her British territory. With any luck, they'll still be in Gibraltar.'

'We do have a problem, business wise. When it was announced that you were missing Henry and Charles jumped ship. They are going to work for Geoffrey Endicott.'

'Not much of a loss there then, Endicott is welcome to them Robert, James and Rebecca still on board?'

'Yes, I asked them to be patient. They know they'd have no trouble finding something else so they decided to wait and see.'

I was worried that Will was trying to get back to work too soon so I was relieved when he accepted the fact that I had booked him into St Mary's hospital to be checked out and for physiotherapy. I was relieved when he just accepted it. Having an ambulance meet us on the tarmac at City Airport meant that we had no problems with the press. As soon as I got him settled in St Mary's I called Scotland Yard Within an hour I was sitting in an interview room telling them what I knew about what happened to Will. First, it was Sergeant Robson and then Inspector Davies. I explained to each of them what had happened, as I knew it. Of course, they wanted to know why I'd kept quiet about Will's survival but accepted that it actually led to Ryan and Sam showing that what happened to Will was no accident. When I told them of my suspicions of an affair, they asked me to give them all the evidence I had and they would check it out. As I was about to leave I asked the inspector what would happen next, he seemed in little doubt.

'Well Ms Fletcher, it looks like we've got enough to issue an arrest warrant for attempted murder and maybe conspiracy to commit murder. I will have to get a statement from Mr Wainwright, but I can come to the Hospital for that. You say the boat was docked in Gibraltar?'

'It was when I checked this morning, Inspector.'

'I'll get on to the Gibraltar police and have them picked up.'

When he left Gibraltar Ryan set in a course for Casablanca. He was an angry man. Angry that Will had survived, and angry that Samantha had wanted to stay in Gibraltar. Why couldn't she see how stupid that was, unless, of course, she was planning to turn Queen's evidence. That thought irritated him further still. Why couldn't she see that everything he'd done had been for her? Somehow, he had to make her understand. He knew that he needed a new plan, maybe a day in Morocco would give him the chance to sort something out.

The only thing Samantha knew of Casablanca was from the film starring Humphrey Bogart. For her, it had a romantic image. Ryan had been there before; he knew that it was just another commercial port. He took her through the town as they arranged to restock Bee Jay's larder. Sam's mood was already low. Ryan's behaviour in Gibraltar had upset her. She was starting to feel like a prisoner. Now as they walked the dirty streets of Casablanca another dream was being shattered.

With Bee Jay fully stocked and fuelled up, he worked out a plan. Being unaware of Bee Jay's tracker constantly giving away their position Ryan thought he'd come up with a way of giving the authorities the slip. In the morning, he set sail and headed out in the direction of Madeira. Four hours out he turned and shadowed a cruise ship as best he could back towards the African coast. From there it was a matter of mingling with the coastal traffic back into the Mediterranean. By nightfall, they were back in the straights of Gibraltar.

Ryan considered nigh time sailing in the Med to be too dangerous so he dropped anchor just off Tangier. His mind was still in turmoil. The only thing he could think of was to run.

All day long, he racked his brain trying to figure out how Will could have survived. He'd thought the blow was hard enough to kill him. Then again, the Atlantic Ocean should have killed him. He'd checked the radar, he didn't think there were any vessels that could have reached him in enough time to save him, not even if they'd known he was in the water.

Perhaps it was a trick. Maybe the police had told them Will was alive, to see what they would do. If that was the case, he'd really blown it. The more he thought about it, the less credence he gave it. After all, if that had been the plan, surely they would have been apprehended trying to leave the harbour.

Once he'd dropped anchor, he went down to talk to Samantha. He had contemplated letting her go ashore but quickly dismissed it. He could understand that she was probably frightened and was desperate to get back to people who could help her. He convinced himself that, given time he would make her see that he could and would protect her.

What he needed was a plan. By sailing back into the Med, he'd already done something that no one would expect. Now he would continue along those lines by giving Samantha the Mediterranean holiday she'd been promised. The only restriction would be that he would have to steer clear of countries where the port authorities might be on the ball. He'd ruled out Spain and Italy. The Greek authorities tended to be more laid back and on the islands even more so. While people were looking for them in the Canaries, they would be swanning around the Med before slipping through the Suez Canal.

He knocked on the door of Sam's cabin.

'Sam, let me in we need to talk.'

She came to the door and the look on her face told him he would have a tough time convincing her of anything.

'So now you've added kidnapping to your list of crimes. You needn't think you're spending the night with me unless you fancy adding rape to the list.'

'Calm down Sam, just calm down. You know as well as I do, that you would have got on the boat. I just didn't have the time to persuade you. We had to leave in a hurry before the police got the whole story.'

'That's where you're wrong. I wouldn't have let you persuade me. I was going to get on the first plane home. He needs me now, I was going to him.'

'You'd have been going straight to a prison cell. I saved you from that. Now let me in.'

'No, you've made me your prisoner but you won't be my lover any more.'

'Oh come on Sam you're not a prisoner.'

'Then let me go ashore.'

'You can and you will, Let me in and let's talk.'

'No, now leave me alone.'

She closed the door on him and Ryan made his way down to the crew's cabin. He lay on a bunk and tried to sleep. Sleep didn't come easily. His mind was full of scenarios for him to analyse. He thought about what would happen if they were caught. In a way, it was good that Will Wainwright had survived the penalty for attempting murder is much less than the penalty for succeeding. He tried to imagine what it would be like in prison. He'd heard tales about younger men being buggered by the larger long-term prisoners.

Once he'd decided that they weren't going to be caught, he started to think about how they would survive. They couldn't live on Bee Jay forever. Turning over in his bunk an idea occurred to him. Perhaps the solution was beneath him at that very moment. Bee Jay cost Wainwright a pretty penny, millions his dad had said. All he had to do was find some way of selling it. He had a few contacts in the yachting world, and he knew there were some shady types around. It was just a matter of finding one. He decided to start calling people as soon as he went ashore.

Chapter 9

Inspector Garcia brought his fist down hard on the desk as he put the phone receiver back on its cradle.

'YES! I told you, John, I said they were hiding something.'
