Hostile Takeover Ch. 02


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I called the plant and Myra picked up the phone on the first ring. She was going crazy asking me question after question before I could answer any of them. She had me call the police detective who had been assigned our case. I called him and told him everything that had happened. I left out the part about Anna being Charlotte.

"You did the right thing," he said. "I don't want to know where you are. Keep moving and don't stay in one place for very long. Call me every few hours. I'll let you know when we've picked her up and it's safe for you to come home."

Amanda came out of the bathroom in jeans, flat heeled shoes and a white sweater. It was a classic look, but she looked beyond classic in it. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail behind her head, and it gave me a totally different take on her. She was ageless. Her appeal was timeless.

"What?" she asked, as she caught me staring at her. "Old ladies can't wear jeans?"

I shook my head vigorously, but words failed me.

"Let me guess. I'm hot in jeans too?" she asked smiling. I just nodded my head.

"Preston, thank you so much for everything," she said. "If you hadn't come for me, I'd be dead. You saw how long it took for the fire department to get there. And when we left, the police still hadn't arrived. We need to talk about this and plan our next move, but to tell you the truth I still don't fully understand what's going on."

"Let me take a quick shower, Amanda," I said. "Then we'll talk over breakfast."

She nodded and busied herself packing our stuff. A few minutes later I was showered, shaved and refreshed. I grabbed our bags and stowed them in the Mustang's trunk. I took the cover off of the car and joined Amanda inside it.

I checked the car's GPS unit for restaurants near us.

"Is IHOP okay Amanda?" I asked. She smiled and told me it would be fine. Twenty minutes later we were talking over stacks of pancakes and fruit.

"I don't remember much of anything that happened until I woke up this morning and you got in bed with me," she said. "So maybe we should both tell what we know."

I nodded my agreement and took a bite out of a slice of bacon.

"Yesterday after I dropped your car off in front of your apartment, I drove my rental car back to the house. I started to make something for Anna and I, to eat. Anna was on the phone. She went from one call to the next for over an hour. I stuck my head in to tell her what time dinner would be ready and she said, "Okay." began Amanda.

"About a half hour later, she was really letting someone on the phone have it. She was telling them exactly what she wanted them to do, or else. I've never seen Anna talk to anyone like that, but I guess dealing with people can sometimes be funny. I let her know that dinner was ready and she said, "I'll be in, in just a minute, mom." It was really shocking to have her call me mom, but in my mind it was kind of nice too. Besides I figured, you're my son in law, if you marry Anna, she'd kind of be my daughter in law."

Anna came out of the living room after hanging up the phone, and ran upstairs. To tell the truth, I was a little bit concerned about her running and exerting herself so soon after getting out of the hospital, so I went up after her. I looked around for her and couldn't find her. Then I smelled smoke. I looked around and the upstairs library was on fire. I ran to get a bucket and Anna jumped out at me with a knife in her hand. She tried to stab me but I slammed the door. She wasn't strong enough to force it open. I guess I'm stronger than she is. It's probably because she hasn't fully recovered from the surgery."

"Preston, I was shocked. I can't figure out why Anna would try to hurt me. Do you know?" she asked.

"Because she's not Anna, Amanda," I said. "I should have told you sooner, but I thought you'd think I was crazy,"

Amanda looked at me strangely. I could tell something was beginning to form in her mind. "Anyway," she said. "Anna or whoever she is, left the house and slammed the door on her way out. That car arrived and she went over to it, and some men got out and started talking to her. That's when I called the police and the fire department. After a few minutes the smoke was so thick I knew I had to get out, but as soon as I opened the front door, a bullet hit the door frame. I could either go out and get shot, or stay in the house and burn. But if I stayed in the house, I'd have died from smoke inhalation long before the fire got to me. I snuck out through the back door, but some of the men were in the back looking for me, so I started hiding in the bushes. I tried calling you Preston, to warn you not to come, but I couldn't get you. You know the rest." she said. I could tell that just remembering it was hard on her.

"Amanda last night you said something to me. You said that I was all you have left. Well you're all I have left too. I couldn't go along with Anna's plan to hurt you. So, Anna had some guys knock me out and hold me until she got done with you. They took my phone." I told her.

"But why is she doing this?" asked Amanda.

"Amanda, she isn't Anna anymore," I said. "She's Charlotte. I don't understand how it's even possible. I think that somehow, when they transplanted Charlotte's kidney into Anna. Charlotte's mind and personality went with it. I guess there was a very brief battle, and Anna lost. That body is one hundred percent Charlotte now,"

"How long have you known this?" she asked.

"Since that first day in the hospital," I said. "Charlotte told me that nothing could ever separate us, before she died. Shit, she always said things like that. But she sat back up and said it after her EKG went flat line. Both the nurse and I were shocked. Then a few hours later, Anna's first words to me when she woke up were "I told you I'd be back." I felt like I was locked in one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator movies."

"Well if she is Charlotte," asked Amanda. "Why would she have them knock you out and hold you prisoner? Charlotte loves you. I can't imagine her ever trying to hurt you."

"It's you she wants to kill Amanda," I said. "I just told her that I wouldn't be a part of it, and I'd stop her. I guess I didn't really believe that she'd try it. It seems like something out of a bad movie."

"She also wants us to sell the company or at least let someone else run it. She thinks the company is evil and it killed Sam and is trying to take me away from her." I started eating again and Amanda didn't say anything, for a while.

"I called the police, they're looking for her. The detective I spoke with thinks it's a good idea for us to keep moving until they catch her. Then we can go home."

Amanda reached across the table and took my hand gently. "Well if I'm on vacation, I can't think of a single person I'd rather be on vacation with."

Chapter 5

We spent most of the day just talking, as we criss-crossed the state. We never went in the same direction twice. We looked for things to do and see. We saw the Mecca of Albino squirrels in Olney, Illinois, and the hometown of Superman, in Metropolis, Illinois. We drove and walked around, seeing one odd ball attraction after another. We talked a lot, and laughed a lot too. When we got hungry enough to actually eat, we were passing through Grant City. We stopped in at a place called the Grant City Bar and Grill. I think that place changed us in ways I wouldn't realize until later. Our waitress, a woman named Clara, had a very no-nonsense manner about her. She was barely older than Amanda, probably in her early fifties. But Amanda looked much younger. Clara seemed as if she wanted us out there as quickly as possible. It wasn't likely, but it was almost as if she knew we were on the run, and wanted us gone, to eliminate the risk of harm to her friends and family. She dropped menus on the table and told us she'd return.

Amanda got up to use the restroom. That gave me the chance to look around the place. I guess I was worried too, about whether or not we'd been spotted. Most of the people there seemed like locals. No one was the least bit interested in us. There was a guy sitting in the booth near us along the back wall. He was talking to the most well behaved little boy I'd ever seen. He noticed me looking at him, and got up and came over to my table.

"Forgive Clara," he said extending his hand. "She can be a little brusque sometimes. I'm Tim Franklin. I'm the owner." We talked for a while, he made suggestions about appetizers, and I actually ordered some skewers of chicken skin that he recommended. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Amanda come out of the ladies room and head back for our table. Before she got there, a tall thin woman, with a world class butt, intercepted her. They spoke for a few minutes and I saw Amanda taste something the woman had been concocting. Amanda nodded her head and spoke to the woman for a while. I found myself wondering what she could be talking about for so long with a complete stranger. I later realized that the Bar and Grill, had a way of bringing strangers together, and making them into friends.

"That's my wife Nicole," offered Tim. "Your lady is perfectly safe with her," he laughed. "Unless of course she doesn't like the sauce, Nicole is working on. Then there might be trouble for all of us. Nicole takes her cooking seriously." He smiled as he spoke of her. His whole face somehow lit up without even smiling. Nicole did the same, as her eyes met his across the room. I was instantly jealous.

"She's not my lady," I said.

He waited a while, and looked at her and then at me. "Are you sure?" he asked, as he went back to his table.

I never got the chance to answer or to explain, because Amanda came over and joined me at the table. She sat down next to me and put her hand in mine. She was smiling, and kept looking at me as if she'd found a winning powerball ticker and didn't want anyone to know it.

"I know what I want to eat," she said. Clara appeared, as if she was psychic. Amanda ordered a Roast Beef Po Boy Sandwich for us to share. She told me that Nicole had let her taste the sauce she'd just made for it and we could be the first to sample the new version of the sandwich. She was more relaxed than I'd seen her lately. She smiled more, and touched me often. As Amanda started devouring the chicken skewers that I'd ordered, Tim came back and introduced Alistair, the little boy he was with to us.

"Do what you have to, Preston," said Tim. "But don't let this one get away." I laughed at that. Amanda wanted to know what I found funny.

"He thinks we're a couple," I said. I had a slight smile on my face, so she wouldn't think I agreed with him.

"Well stop laughing," said Amanda elbowing me. "His wife, Nicole, the chef, whose butt you were staring at, thinks the same thing. In fact she told me exactly how to handle you." The food was plentiful, reasonably priced and wonderful. We really enjoyed the atmosphere there and felt good. Tim's dog Ernie came out of the back and whined for the scraps from the huge sandwich. Amanda watched as Tim went to the kitchen and played grab ass with Nicole. It was obvious that Amanda envied Nicole. My heart lurched as I realized that after this was all over I would lose Amanda. She'd probably start looking for someone herself.

Despite all of the things, we'd seen that day, the visit to the Grant City Bar and Grill did more relax us than all of the other sites and oddities combined. It was a great ending to a fun day, despite the fact that we were on the run from a lunatic.

When it got dark, we just pulled into the fourth motel listed on the GPS. We figured that the first few might be places they'd look for us, if they were still looking. The good news was that we hadn't seen the Charger, or the other car, all day long. The bad news was when I checked with the police, they still hadn't found Charlotte yet.

As we got out of the Mustang, Amanda told me to put the cover over the car, just in case, and she'd go check us in. Just as I got the bags out of the trunk and got the cover over the bright orange paint, she returned pointing at a unit a couple of doors down from the car. That was a good thing. If they did find us they'd assume that we were in the unit right in front of the car. Why didn't I think of that?

We walked into the room and looked around. "Oh shit," I said. "There's only one bed again. We'd better get another room."

"This was all they had Press," said Amanda. "Besides, it wasn't that bad last night, was it?"

I let it go. "I'm gonna make a couple of calls," I said. Amanda just nodded and headed for the bathroom.

"You can have a shower after me," she said. The tone in her voice was strange. I started to tell her that I liked to shower in the morning, but decided not to argue with her. She was after all the closest thing I had to family, so if she wanted me to take 8 showers a day, I'd do it.

While Amanda was in the shower, her phone rang. I picked it up.

"Hello mommy," hissed Charlotte. "You're still alive, I see."

"Amanda isn't available, Psycho, can I take a message," I snapped back at her.

"Oooh it's my husband," she sneered. "You must be missing me badly after having to spend a whole day listening to my mother whine about her precious company. Where are you? I'll send someone to take her off your hands."

I hung up the phone. The call was a good one. Charlotte had to be getting desperate, to even try it. The police were probably closing in on her. Since she didn't seem to know where we were, that made us safer. And since we'd been on the phone for less than thirty seconds I didn't think she could have traced the call, even if she had the equipment to do it.

"Press, was that my phone?" asked Amanda. "Who was it?"

"A wrong number," I said.

"Are the lights still on out there?" she asked.

"Of course," I said. "I have trouble seeing in the dark."

"Well, you'd better turn them off," she said. "Or you might see something you don't want to look at."

I turned off the lights and Amanda slipped by me and got into the bed. I went into the shower. I scrubbed myself raw trying to remove the rage I felt towards Charlotte. I guess I'd always liked Amanda, but Charlotte had been wrong. Because, after spending a day with Amanda, I'd kill Charlotte if I had to, in order to protect her. I'd kill anyone. It felt weird. I'm not a violent person. I'm a maker, a creator; I make things to improve people's lives. I'm not the warrior type. Sure, I can fight if I have to. But I found myself thinking about doing whatever I had to do, to protect Amanda. I'd even die if necessary. I had never felt that way about anyone before. I hadn't felt that strongly about Charlotte, or Anna, though I'd thought I loved them both. I thought about Tim's words to me about not letting Amanda get away. If I had the choice I wouldn't. Unfortunately to keep her, I had to get her, and that just didn't seem possible.

"Long shower, Preston," said Amanda. "Were you thinking about something, or just dreading having to sleep next to a scared, wrinkled old woman?"

"Amanda," I said. "You're not a wrinkled old woman, you're..."

"Hot," she interrupted. "You keep saying that, but you don't act like it."

"Amanda, I lied to you," I said, trying to change the subject.

"I'm not hot?" she said with mock surprise.

"No, when your phone rang before, it was Charlotte or Anna or whatever she is. I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to be afraid, or worry about it."

"Preston, I lied to you too," she said. "I asked for a room with only one bed."

I didn't say anything, and neither did she. I was sure I understood her reasoning. Someone had tried to kill her only twenty four hours before. She was probably terrified. If sleeping next to me brought her any measure of peace, I'd do it. No matter how uncomfortable it made me.

I think we just laid there quietly, for over an hour before I felt anything. It was after midnight when I noticed that she'd rolled up against me.

I could feel her breasts against my back. She was pressed against me the same way she had been that morning, and her arm was around me again. She was holding my hand and she pulled it and rolled over in the other direction so I was behind her and my arm was around her.

"Sorry," she said. "This is more comfortable, I feel safer with your arms around me, Preston."

Another hour passed according to the clock it was one a.m. when I noticed she had scooted her ass in line with my dick and it was as hard as a rock. I thought that her bra had come loose as it had this morning because I had one of those soft breasts in my hand. I wanted this woman more than I'd wanted anything in my life. But I knew that it would be a mistake I'd regret for the rest of my life.

"Preston, what are you thinking about?" she asked.

"I wasn't thinking, I was sleeping," I said.

"You're making a career out of lying to me aren't you?" she asked laughing. "I think that you're thinking about how soft and saggy my breast is compared to Charlotte's fake ones. Or you're wondering how you got that log between the cheeks of my ass, and how you're going to move without embarrassing yourself or me."

"I guess it's something like that," I said. "You were right about the soft part, but not the saggy part."

"Go on," she said.

"I mean, your breast feels really good... I mean, I like it better than the way Charlotte's feel...I don't know what I mean," I stammered.

"Preston, do you know how we got into this position?" she asked.

"I guess we rolled over in our sleep," I volunteered.

"I rolled us over, and put us in this position, for a reason," she said. Then without warning she turned towards me and kissed me.

The first kiss was soft and warm, like she was testing the waters between us. The next was no longer testing. It was seeking, as her tongue gently parted my lips. The third could no longer be termed warm and friendly, it was pure heat and it ignited the passion I'd felt for so long.

I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her face against mine roughly. Then I rolled on top of her. For a second I remembered who she was and I hesitated, expecting to find her shocked at my actions. But her eyes told me all I needed to know. She wanted this as much as I did. I began gently rubbing her legs and her sides but she didn't want that at all.

"Preston, you can do all of that romantic stuff, some other time," she said. Her voice had a sense of urgency in it. She clawed at my waist pulling my boxers down around my ankles and freed my erection. I was already on top of her and she just pulled my member into her steamy depths.

"Ohhh God!" she cried. "Hold it, for just a minute, Press." I could feel her warmth, but also her tightness. Her pussy held my dick like a vise. After a few minutes she relaxed and started to hump me. I began to slowly stroke in and out of her. She wrapped her legs around behind my thighs and pulled me further into herself. Then she started rubbing my back while she tilted her pelvis up to meet me on every stroke. I was in heaven, and then things got even better. Her lips sought mine and we started kissing deeper and more intensely as our bodies slammed together faster and harder with every stroke. She started licking the outside of my neck and nibbling on my ear. She was driving me crazy.

I slammed into her so hard that I thought I might hurt her but she just urged me on. She was making these strange little mewling noises in the back of her throat, and it turned me on even more. Unlike with Charlotte, who needed to scream out her passion to the world, Amanda's vocalizations were intended only for me.

Suddenly she tightened her legs around me and started rolling her hips even faster. Her head stretched back onto the pillow and she closed her eyes and just screamed.

"Ooooohhh, sooooo good!" she said. At nearly the same instant I just started pumping my seed into her as deeply as I could. In the back of my mind I had the weirdest thought. One I had never felt in my life. I wanted this woman pregnant. I wanted Amanda to have my child. I didn't know if it was even possible or likely at her age, but it was what I wanted.