Hostile Takeover Ch. 02


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As the last spurts left me, I felt Amanda spasm under me. Her body was still making little jerking movements every few seconds.

Then the lust was over and the guilt began. She searched my face to see what was wrong and then started laughing. I quickly jumped out of the bed and away from her.

"I'm so sorry, Amanda," I spat out. "Please forgive me. I just lost control. I couldn't help it. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you in a million years. I just..."

"Preston," she said with the ghost of a smile playing on her lips. "Come back to bed, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

I tentatively got back into the bed saying sorry, over again. I tried to stay as far away from her as I could. Thinking back over what had just happened. I was sure that Amanda had just tried to give me a motherly kiss, and I had viciously attacked her. I had for all intents and purposes, raped my mother in law. I deserved to be placed in the worst prison on earth.

I stayed on the far edge of the bed from her, making sure that there was no chance for even incidental contact.

"God Damn it Press, get over here," she laughed. "No wait, I'll come over to you. There's some kind of goo all over this part of the bed." She settled in right in front of me and spooned herself into me. "Much better," she said, pulling my arms back over her. One of her arms reached around behind me, holding onto my thigh. I fell asleep with all kinds of new thoughts going through my head.

I dreamed that Amanda forgave me, but was always cold to me for the rest of my life and made sure that we were never alone together again.

I dreamed that when Charlotte in Anna's body, was finally captured by the police, Amanda reported what I'd done, and I was sent to prison as well. I think the best one was the one where when the whole thing ended she just fired me, and made me leave town after signing all of my stock over to her.

None of my dreams prepared me for what happened next. I thought I was dreaming again. In my dream, Amanda had rolled over on top of me and pulled me inside of her again. This time wasn't as animalistic as the previous coupling or as brief. She was gently riding me, and stroking my face as she did it. Her breasts swung tantalizingly just out of reach of my tongue and she was smiling down at me. Then she lifted her arms in the air and started rocking her pelvis quickly back and forth, while making little oohing sounds again.

I opened my eyes and realized that it wasn't a dream. When she saw that I was awake she leaned down and started kissing me. Long slow wet kisses that stretched on for minutes at a time while our bodies gently stroked each other on auto pilot.

I don't remember feeling anything like that in my life. I once told Amanda's husband Sam, that when I met Charlotte I had felt different about her than anyone else I'd ever known. The way I began feeling about Amanda at that moment dwarfed that. Amanda was like air to me. I didn't think I could live without her any more.

She gently rolled me over so that we stayed coupled but I was on top. "I like to feel your weight on me," she whispered, before starting up another round of kisses.

If the first time we came was like an explosion, the second was far more memorable. It was like the ocean, it rolled over us in waves and left us spent and clutching each other for life. Again I found myself wishing, with all of my might that Amanda would have my child and we'd be together forever.

"Aman..." I began.

She put a finger over my lips to silence me, then quickly kissed me again and told me we'd talk in the morning. The she spooned herself back against me and went to sleep.

Somehow though, sleep eluded me. My mind simply refused to surrender and I found myself thinking about everything and nothing. Mostly I thought about emotions, love in particular. I was sure that I loved Charlotte once. I'd also been sure that I'd loved poor innocent Anna. But the way that I felt about Amanda in comparison to either of those, was like comparing the brightness of a supernova, to a candle.

Would there be someone else, further down the line, whom my feelings for would exceed what I felt for Amanda? I highly doubted it, but it was possible. I guess the human species has infinite capacity to love.

I only knew that at that moment, the person lying in my arms was the most important thing in the world to me. And there was nothing I wouldn't do to protect her.

A single tear rolled down my cheek. It was unseen and forgotten in the darkness of the room. I realized that she probably didn't feel the same way about me.

How could she, even at 27 years old she considered me a child. Hadn't she told me so several times? As soon as this was over I'd have to watch, as she fell for some silver haired asshole who wasn't worthy of her.

Suddenly Charlotte just didn't seem so fucking crazy to me. Maybe Charlotte was the sane one, and the rest of us were crazy. I swear to God, at that moment Charlotte and I were in total agreement. Or perhaps, madness lurks in the arms of love, because in my mind, I saw Amanda stretch up onto her tiptoes to kiss that imaginary silver haired asshole. And scant seconds later I saw myself squeezing the life out of him bare handed. I could feel the life ebbing from his broken, useless body as if it were real. I ground my teeth together from the strain of choking the life out my imaginary rival.

I must have moved in my sleep from the effort of killing that phantom bastard who haunted my imagination though. My movements caused Amanda to stir in her sleep.

"Uhm," she murmured, reclaiming my arm and pulling it back around her. "Love you..."

My heart exploded, and my smile was probably so bright that it lit up the room briefly. But then my mind took over, and before she could complete the sentence, sanity made me realize, that there was no way she could be talking about me. She was probably dreaming about Sam.

In some ways our minds only serve to kill our dreams. Rational thought murders hope in the mind of the reasonable man. And such was the situation I found myself in. Instead of accepting what I truly wanted, I found every possible reason to believe it couldn't happen.

I convinced myself, that what had happened between us was simply the fact that Amanda had grieved for nearly a year, and was now ready to move on with her life. What happened between us was only her seeking comfort from whoever was available and meant nothing to her. It was a memory that I would of course cherish forever, but again it couldn't possibly mean the same thing to her. I wanted to cry. All of those thoughts occurred in the second it took her to complete her subconscious thought.

"Uhm," she murmured, reclaiming my arm and pulling it back around her. "Love you...Press."

What good did it do me to smile that big in the dark? None really, but at that moment nothing mattered, except for what I'd just heard. Finally I went to sleep.

More than several hours later, let's face it, it was damned near noon. I tapped her on her shoulder. I'd been awake for at least an hour, and had been just watching her sleep. Just seeing her breathing in and out again fascinated me, and entertained me better than any movie ever could. I etched each countour of her face indelibly into my memory. The phone had rung several times and I'd ignored it. I hadn't wanted to move. I guess I thought that I could just lay there with her forever. Unfortunately nature was calling, and I really had to answer.

"Amanda, we should probably wake up," I said gently. "We should probably get something to eat and have a talk."

"Why would I want to talk to you, ever again after what you did to me?" she asked.

Oh, God. I jumped out of the bed. I had probably imagined or dreamed it all. I really had attacked my mother in law. I looked at her and saw only amusement on her face. I turned and went into the bathroom to answer nature's call. When I came out she was sitting on the bed with a pillow pulled up in front of her watching me.

"You know, you're just too trusting, Press," she smiled.

"So you're not upset?" I asked.

"Preston, come over here and sit down," she said pointing to a spot on the bed right next to her. I slowly went over and sat down near her but not touching her.

"So we're back to that huh?" she asked. "I guess I'm your mother in law again." I think she could tell from the puzzled look on my face that I didn't have a clue.

"Preston, what do you think happened last night?" she asked. "Tell me everything you think happened."

"Well," I said trying to get my thoughts together. "We were in bed, and you moved over near me. I can understand that because you're still going through grief over Sam. Then this weird situation we're in now, with Charlotte, and there not being very many people that you can trust happens. So you reached up for an innocent good night kiss. I guess it started out as a gesture that you trusted me, since we're in the same bed and all. But I got kind of carried away. Amanda I couldn't help it. I...and you're so..."

"Yeah, I know," she smirked. "I'm hot. You tell me that all the time."

"So what you're saying is that you admit to taking advantage of me?" she asked.

"Yes," I admitted slowly.

"So you know that it was pretty close to rape, right?" she asked seriously.

"Yes Amanda, but I'm really sorry. I don't know what I can do to make up for it. But, I'll do whatever you want." I said looking at the floor.

"Preston, do you know what I think?" she asked.

"No Amanda, but I'd imagine that you're pretty upset with me and I've lost your trust."

"I think, I'm in love with a moron, Preston," she said. "Nicole, the chef from the Bar and Grill, told me what to do, but I started this, because you never would have. I was the one who kissed you, idiot. I pulled your shorts down. I even helped you fit your thingy inside of me. It was a little bit bigger than what I'm used to. So you even stopped until I got used to your size, or don't you remember that?" she asked.

"Then I was the one who started rubbing up against you," she said. "And once you got started, it was wonderful. No one has ever done that to me. No one has ever made me feel that good. I guess you really did want me because, excuse my language, but you were pounding the shit out of me. And Preston, I loved it." She was looking straight into my eyes as if it was important for her to convince me of what she was saying.

"Preston, I loved the first time we did it," she said. By the tone of her voice I was expecting to hear a "but," coming up and I wasn't disappointed. "But the second time, was just magic. It seemed to last forever, and my orgasm just kept hitting me over and over. I was thinking some really nasty things then, and when I went to sleep, and you held me; I just felt warm and protected. I think I understand one of those really vulgar phrases Charlotte used to talk about with her friends, now. For the first time in my life, I was a well fucked woman. I think the first time we did it, we just fucked. The second time was even better, but I liked both. I was hoping that after that, you'd let me down off of the pedestal you've put me on. I don't want to be some fantasy you have Preston. I just want to be a woman, hopefully yours." she smirked.

"After that, I just wanted to lie there in your arms and think about what happens when this is all over. Maybe even think about what happens to us. I might have even told you about my nasty thoughts. But I was worried about you, Preston. You seemed to be fighting someone or something in your sleep."

"Then I realized that you young people today are so different from my generation, and the rules are different today. I know you're struggling with a lot of things and maybe this was just recreational sex to you. Maybe it didn't mean the same thing to you that it did to me. So I decided to let you know that whatever you need Preston, I'll do. So I told you I love you. So you'd know that I don't want or need to force anything on you. So if you want to be with Charlotte, or try to save Anna, if that's even possible, I won't stand in your way. I just want you to be happy Press." She said. "So what were you fighting over in your mind?"

"You," I said slowly. I guess I was trying to be macho and worthy of her, but I started crying anyway. "I kept thinking that some old smarmy, silver haired bastard would come along and take you away from me. But I'd kill him first." She laughed at me then.

"Preston, is that why when I told you I love you, you just calmed down and went to sleep?" I nodded my head.

"Okay, Preston, we now know that we love each other. You're still 27 and I'm still 49. Where do we go from here?"

"That's too easy to even think about," I said. "You're single, I'm single. I really don't care what anyone thinks or how we do it. We stay together forever. I'm never going to be as good as Sam was, but in a way I don't think he'd want you to be alone. And he did tell me to take care of his girls. Amanda, it would be painful for me not to be with you."

"Preston, that's not exactly how I see it, but we'll work it out. I'm going to take a shower and wash some of you out of me. It's kind of stinky and sticky in there. And it's going to be a long shower too because someone was pounding on my old body like a drum last night. I'm going to have to get used to that."

"I'm sorry, Amanda," I said. "That won't happen again, I'll..."

"It will," she said. "And it had better happen a lot." Then she headed for the bathroom. I think she was trying to tease me even more than she had for the past few days. Only now the need for pretense was over. She slowly walked stark naked across the room, and I wanted her all over again, but there was no desperation, because she was really mine. I was on top of the world for about 12 fucking seconds.

Chapter 6

Amanda's phone rang and I picked it up without thinking.

"Hello," I said cheerfully.

"Preston, look I know you hate me, but I need your help badly. Please remember there was nothing personal in what I did. Well maybe there was. Maybe I was jealous of you, but what the fuck do you expect. That bastard gave you for free, after just a few years, something I worked all my life trying to earn," said the voice.

"Who is this?" I asked. I was on guard now. But I was confused.

"Alan Ellington," he said.

"Who's a bastard?" I asked. "Who gave me what?"

"Sam," he snapped. "Preston, Sam Stevenson is not the heroic figure that you think he is, and neither is his wife. I can't blame her for cutting me off at the knees, because she hates me. But I never gave her a reason to hate me, Preston. I can't help who I am. But Amanda, as you've seen with me, can be quite a bitch if you get on her bad side."

"Ellington, what did you expect? You tried to take over our company. And you tried to do it through a sick woman. Hell, you were probably fucking her too. You even stayed in contact with her after we banned you from visiting her. You tried to buy her stock out from under us. You had to be stopped."

"Preston, I deserved that stock. It should have been mine anyway. I'm not out to destroy the company or wrestle control away from the family. I just wanted to be included. I have that right or I should have that right. The only reason I don't is because Amanda won't allow it," he snapped.

"You wonder why Charlotte turned out the way she did? It's fucking genetic. She got a double dose of it. Sam was ruthless when it came to getting what he wanted. He followed all of the rules most of the time, but he occasionally swerved. Amanda, she's class personified, but don't get on her bad side, or she can be worse than Sam. Charlotte is just fucking ruthless all of the God Damned time. I thought that our connection would have protected me from her, but it didn't," he was ranting now. I still didn't understand any of his words.

"Charlotte is somehow not dead, Preston. She's in that other girl's body and she's after me. The police are after her and those thugs she hired to kill Amanda. They're trying to force everyone connected with this, to help her get Amanda. She's desperate now Preston. The police are getting closer to her. She's striking out at everyone. I don't know where you are, but have you heard? She killed Hiram Berkowitcz, because he couldn't sign over all of her mother's stock to her. She wants to sell off the company, kill Amanda and marry you again. At first I was all for it, especially after Amanda kicked me off the board. I thought that I'd be safe from her. But Preston, she came to my house and threatened my wife and my kids. She's crazy," he said. He was nearly hysterical.

"That's what you get," I snapped. "I guess you thought that because you fucked her, you were safe from her."

"Preston, I told you I never fucked Charlotte. That would be gross. She's my sister, for God's sake. That's why Amanda hates me. I'm 32 years old, I was born 11 months after Sam and Amanda got married. Apparently Sam liked a little more spice in the bedroom than Amanda could provide. That's why she hates me. I'm a constant reminder that Sam cheated on her. But Preston, that was between her, my father and my mother. It wasn't my fault. I've worked my entire life to win my father's approval. It didn't matter. I always thought that someday he'd need me to help run the business, so I wanted to be ready. I don't have a head for the technical end of things but I figured he'd do that, and I'd run the business side. When Charlotte was born, I figured that dream was over," he said sadly.

"Then Charlotte turned out to be, well, Charlotte. So I knew he'd need me. I started buying some of the company's stock, and through a few connections got on the board. Imagine my surprise when you came along. You and he talked about all of the same stuff. You both speak that weird machine talk. You were a slap in my face; especially, the times when he'd bring you before the board. It was as if he didn't have a son, so he decided to make one. Then he married you off to Charlotte, and I suddenly realized that I didn't matter to him at all." Ellington started breaking down, and his words alternated between anger and pain.

"Anyway Preston, Charlotte or Anna, has gone crazy, besides Hiram, they think she or her thugs have also shot that police detective who was working the case. She wants you to call her. And please tell her that I asked you to call her, if you don't she may kill my family. Preston, if you do this, I'll GIVE you my stock. I swear it. Can your phone record conversations?"

"Yes," I said.

"Okay record this," he said and then he paused. "Preston Collins, if you call Charlotte, I Alan Samuel Ellington, promise to sign over all of my holdings in Runaway Technologies." Then he paused again.

"Okay," I said. "I'll call her." then I hung up. I listened and heard Amanda humming in the shower. I dialed the number where I'd spoken to Charlotte before.

"What do you want psycho bitch?" I asked.

"Is that anyway to speak to your loving wife?" she crooned. "I've missed you baby. I've missed you so much. But we're going to be together soon. I can just feel it. If we aren't then a whole lot of other people are going to be just totally fucking unhappy. Because, baby, misery loves company, and without you, I've pretty fucking miserable."

"Frankly, Charlotte, I don't give a damn," I said, trying my best not to laugh.

"Ha ha ha, lover," she sneered. "The Police are getting close to catching me so it's endgame time. Very soon you and I will be "gone with the wind." What I want is two things. Number one, I want my mother's head on a fucking plate. And number two; I want you and me in South-A-fucking-merica, STAT."

"Not going to happen," I said.

"Preston it will happen, because if it doesn't, neither, you or my mother, will be able to live with the guilt. You've probably heard about the little old lawyer we had to cancel? That nosy detective is singing with the angels too. If you and my mother are not back in this city tonight, your dear friend Myra and her family, plus my stupid half brother's family will all get to meet Saint Peter! Think about the children Preston. If I have to, I'll burn your fucking plant to the ground, with everyone in it."