Hot Kisses & Near Misses

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His first time getting turned on by another guy.
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***All the accounts in this story are 100% true***


I am a married man, 30 years old, and what I'm about to tell you is my true story about how I became curious about other men. It started about 5 years ago. At the time, I was dating the woman I would later marry. We had been dating for about 2 years. She was a good, virtuous, church-going woman; a virgin when we met, and a virgin when we married. I loved her very much (still do) and was very much ok with the decision not to have sex prior to our wedding night.

My girlfriend had left some books and some other items at my house, and had asked that I drop them off at her home, which she shared with her parents and brother. I had the day off, a nice, sunny summer day, and decided to go over in the late afternoon, in the hope that nobody would be home. As luck would have it, when I pulled up in front of the house, neither of her parent's nor her brother's cars were in the driveway, and I knew that I would be in and out in no time. I gathered her belongings and grabbed the key that they left under the mat out by the back door. I was all set to leave the items on the kitchen table, but heard some noise coming from upstairs. I figured since nobody was home, I ought to check it out, to make sure it wasn't a burglar.

As I quietly crept up the stairs, I could hear music and some muffled moaning. In my heart of hearts, I knew it was porno music that I was hearing, but with the driveway empty, I really thought I ought to take a peek as to what was going on, again, just to make sure it wasn't somebody in there that wasn't supposed to be. As I turned the corner at the top of the stairs, I could see into the family room, and could see the television and most of the couch. Lying on the couch was my girlfriend's brother, and from what I could see, he was completely nude. From the way he was laying on the couch, I knew he wouldn't be able to see me unless he either arched his head completely back or got up from the couch. The action on the tv was pretty hot – a big-titted blonde getting hammered by a black guy with a cock the size of a horse. But I found myself mesmerized not by that hot action, but by Andy stroking his big, fat, 9-inch cock.

I had seen plenty of naked men before, in the way we all do – in the showers in gym class, in pornos, etc., but I have NEVER found myself attracted to another man. I even once had a guy that I'm sure most women would consider a hunk hit on me at the beach, but I politely turned him down and forgot all about it a few minutes later. But this time, I couldn't pry my eyes away. I was instantly hard and found myself absent-mindedly rubbing my cock through my shorts. Maybe it was the combination of seeing him stroke it along with the action of the video; maybe it was the fact that it was somebody I knew and knew very well (he was only 2 years younger, and had become a close friend). Either way, I was turned on in ways I had never been before.

I needed relief badly (you'll recall that my girlfriend and I weren't having sex), so I decided to just pull it out and start jerking right there at the entrance to the family room. I was leaning up against the doorjamb and stroking in time with his rhythm. He kept making these guttural groans that I was suddenly finding very sexy. Thoughts of sucking on his cock, swirling my tongue around and around his head, and slurping up his precum permeated my mind. I wanted so badly to walk over to him, drop on my knees and take that beast of a cock in my mouth. But I knew that, knowing him, knowing he was straight and knowing that if he ever told his sister, our relationship would be over kept me from advancing at all. So I stayed back, mouth watering and cock about to explode. I didn't even think about what I would do when I came...where would I shoot it? In my hand? I didn't care. I was just in a blind lust to release my cum with Andy's beautiful cock in my sight.

But then the phone rang. Andy quickly jumped to his feet and spun around, cock standing out at full attention. He looked into my eyes and I froze. We both did. It was only for a moment or two, but it felt like an eternity. He suddenly seemed to shake himself awake, clicked the tv off, and ran to answer the phone, which was just down the hall.

I didn't know what to do. I decided I at least needed to apologize for startling him, and figured I could always say I was checking on the noise and was turned on by the video and got carried away. I pulled my shorts back up and headed over to the couch.

He was on the phone for about 3-4 minutes, which gave me time to work on my story, and, more importantly, to let my dick deflate back to its normal non-erect size.

When he came back in, he was wearing a pair of running shorts and was carrying a couple of beers. He handed me one and asked how long I had been standing there. He was in good spirits about it and didn't seem too upset. I don't think he knew that I could see him from my vantage point. We sort of shot the shit for a few moments, and then he asked me if I wanted to continue watching the video. I said sure.

We started watching again, and within just a few minutes it was painfully obvious that we were both raging hard again. I had never actually watched porn in the presence of another guy before, and I'll admit, it was difficult not to play with myself. About 15-20 minutes into it, I couldn't take any more. I started to get up and told him that I was going to go to the bathroom, and he said, "You know, we both just saw each other's junk...I'm cool with you finishing yourself off here, if you don't min me doing the same. Besides, there's an amazing scene of this girl taking it up the ass in a few minutes, and I like to, ah...finish up while watching that part, in particular."

What the he said, we had seen each other's manhood a few moments ago, when he got up to answer the phone. We were both grown men, we both knew what the effects of the movie were doing to each other, and we both shared the desired result.

So I sat back down, and pulled off my shorts, laying them on the floor at the end of the couch. He did the same, and we both began stroking together while watching the video. As hard as I tried, though, I couldn't keep my eyes on the screen, and kept trying to steal quick peeks at Andy's prick. And out of my peripheral vision, it really appeared to me that he was doing the same. I'm no slouch at 6 and a half inches myself, but still, I had nothing on him. The thought that he kept looking over was pushing me closer to the edge. I began looking at his a little longer, hoping to get caught. And I would try to catch him, too. Then it happened. He looked over at my cock, and then up into my eyes, and I didn't look away like I had been up until that point. We just stared into each other's eyes, and I began slowing my pace down. He followed suit. I licked my lips, and he looked down at my crotch for a good 20 seconds straight. I wanted to cum so badly right then, but I didn't want this to end. He reached over to the table for the remote control and flipped the tv off. Then he turned a bit on the couch so that he was facing me, and said, "This is hot." He draped a leg over the back of the couch, spread his legs far apart and leaned back, far enough for him to reach down with his hand that wasn't stroking his cock, and he started playing with his ass hole. Oh my god, he was driving me nuts! He came like that, shooting straight into the air and all over his stomach. A little even hit my knee. I don't know how the hell I was holding out so long, but it just wasn't ready to explode yet. He leaned forward and came up to kiss me. It was very tongue, just lips. Then he started to nibble on my lower lip. He pulled back and I could see the hunger in his eyes. He reached down and took my dick in his hand, and leaned back in for another kiss. This time, however, as our lips met, we heard a noise downstairs.

His fucking parents came were home! Luckily, since we were upstairs, they were completely unaware of our condition. I picked up my clothes and ran to the bathroom; Andy gathered his shorts and video and ran to his bedroom.

When I went downstairs, Andy was dressed and talking to his parents, who were blissfully unaware. I said a quick hello, explained I was there just to drop off some of my girlfriend's stuff, and had to leave. Andy didn't even acknowledge my presence – he didn't even look me in the eye.

I was so hot from that experience that I pulled over on the side of a secluded road and jerked off.


I didn't see Andy again after that for about a week or so, and strange as it sounds, we never discussed it again, until about a year later. I was still dating his sister, who was still saving herself for marriage, and I was still ok with this. Andy and I continued to grow close as I spent a lot of time with his family at holidays, etc. Over the course of the year since our "hook-up", if you could even call it that, Andy had a handful of girlfriends, all of which were drop-dead gorgeous. Judging by the stories I heard from mutual friends, it was clear he was not saving himself for marriage.

Again, it was a nice summer weekend, and my girlfriend and her parents went away to a family gathering. I couldn't attend due to work obligations, and it was the same weekend that Andy had some things planned with his girlfriend. One of these things was a party he was throwing at his parents' house. He asked if I would be interested in coming along, and figured that since we had some mutual friends, it ought to be a good time. The beer was flowing and the music was was a good time.

Around 1:30 or so in the morning, I decided that I better head out, since I had to work early the next morning. I had been asking around if anybody knew where Andy was, and I was told he might be upstairs. The family room (where our incident had occurred) was usually off-limits to party goers, as his parents had some nice vases and artwork in there – stuff he didn't want destroyed accidentally.

I called his name out as I reached the top of the stairs, and I heard him answer from his bedroom. He was on the computer checking some stuff out and asked that I shut the door behind me. I was in the process of telling him that I was about to take off when he got up from his computer to say goodbye and say that he wished I could stay longer. I don't know what came over us, but all of a sudden, we just sort of lunged at each other and began making out. Never in my life had I been kissed like this, or enjoyed a kiss as much as this. His tongue, sliding in and out of my mouth, seemed to awaken my cock. He started grinding his cock into mine, and we fell onto his bed, arms wrapped around each other. He pulled off my shirts and licked me from my lips, down my chin and neck, and then paused at my nipples. I grabbed his hair in my hand, shoved his mouth onto my nipple, and thrust my crotch up, grinding my jeans-covered cock against his.

We then heard his girlfriend calling out his name, and he told me to get into his closet, and quick. I did as he asked and made it in just enough time to hide myself from his girlfriend. Thankfully I didn't have time to start undressing him yet, but she still knew something was up. "Were you looking at that porn site on your computer again?" she asked, with a wicked grin on her face. He answered her by jamming his tongue down her throat. The quickly started to re-enact the scene that just moments ago he and I had started.

From my place in the closet, I could see and hear everything. His girlfriend was amazingly hot – model material, and he was taking full advantage of that. They fucked like rabbits while I watched. But since the closet was cramped, I couldn't relieve myself at all without making it obvious that I was in there.

After about 10 minutes of her riding on top of him, he made her get on her knees facing the closet. I could tell that he was looking in at me (I'm sure he couldn't see me), but the thought of me watching must have been exciting him. He started to get vocal, saying things like "Oh god, I can't wait to fuck your ass...I'm gonna fuck your ass so fucking hard." His girlfriend, between moans and grunts, kept saying, "Andy, I told you...I'm not into anal." He wasn't talking to her. That much I knew. He was looking right at me and talking to me.

They finally ended up passing out about 50 minutes later, and I quietly crept out of the room. I was as horny as I had ever been in my life, and I knew that I needed something more than just my hand tonight. I am not the cheating type of guy, but this night, I needed to get laid, for my own sanity. I knew that one of Andy's girlfriend's friends had a crush on me, and she was pretty fucking hot, so I quickly found her, snuck up behind her, making sure she could feel my hardness as it rested against her ass, and whispered into her ear, "I want to make you cum tonight like you never have before." She spun around and started kissing me, and we went up to my girlfriend's bedroom. I fucked her rotten, right in my girlfriend's bed. I did things to that girl that I had never done to any other girl, before or since. We both came multiple times. I came in just about every hole on her body, and more than once on her face. The sheets my girlfriend had on her bed had to be thrown away the next morning. She still has no idea what happened to them. I have never been with another woman.

But again, for the second time, Andy and I came close, but couldn't consummate out act.


Andy moved away at the end of that summer, and no other chances presented themselves to us. I had finally put it out of my mind; he and I were never going to hook up, and I was fine with that. I still hadn't found any other men attractive or anything, and I think that getting that last fuck out of my system was a good thing, as my soon-to-be wife and I were growing closer every day.

Finally, the week of the wedding rolled around. We were having a very small wedding, just family and a few friends. I decided to forgo the usual bachelor party and instead went camping with some of my closest friends, including Andy. Nothing happened here, except for some good stories being told, and a lot of beers being drunk.

About two days before the wedding, Andy called me and said that he wanted to have a talk. I figured it was going to be the obligatory "break my sister's heart and I'll break your face" talk, and I was right. Andy came over the new apartment that my girlfriend still hadn't moved into, and we had a pizza and a couple of beers. We just shot the shit, like two brothers might, and there wasn't anything sexual or erotic about it. But I had to find out what that was all about previously.

Andy confessed that he had always found me attractive, and that scared him a little, because he considered himself straight. He said that the first time we hooked up, he knew that I would be coming over, and that he purposefully parked his car down the street. He waited until he heard me pull into the driveway and ran upstairs to turn on his porn video. The little shit had planned the whole thing. He also said that afterwards, he felt amazingly guilty about it and couldn't face me for weeks. I told him not to worry about it, and told him that I had watched him for a good 15 minutes before the phone rang. He said he knew, and that he could see me in the reflection of the television. I asked him why he didn't approach me or anything, and he gave me the same reason I gave him – that he was afraid his sister/family would find out, and that it would become a big mess. I asked him about the night in his bedroom, too, and he said that he was really drunk that night and only has a blurry memory of what happened. I recounted the events for him, and could tell he was getting aroused. I even told him about how I fucked his girlfriend's friend (leaving out that I did so in his sister's bed), and he began blushing wildly, saying that he knew. He had apparently fucked her the next day (which eventually caused him to break up with his girlfriend) and that she got freaked out when he started to ask a lot of details of what I was like in bed!

Throughout all of this conversation, we were at the dining room table, eating out pizza and drinking some beers. I asked him if he had found himself ever curious about other guys, and he told me flatly, no. I said the same. We seemed willing to let it go at that, and started to clean up the table. We both ended up reaching for the same plate at one point, and a spark flew.

We looked at each other for a long time, hands still touching, not sure of our next move. Words weren't necessary. I leaned into him, and first our lips met, then our tongues. It was a long, slow, hot, passionate kiss that could have gone on for weeks. He cradled my head in his, looked deeply into my eyes and said, "I have wanted you for so goddamn long. I need to at least feel you once." We started kissing again, much more passionately and feverishly. I hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt and started kissing my way down his flat chest, which was just kissed with hair. I dropped to my knees and unbuckled his belt. That act brought out from him the sexiest moan I had ever heard. He placed both his hands on the back of my head and said "God, I want you."

In no time at all, I had his jeans down around his ankles. He had on white cotton briefs that were soaked at the tip of his cockhead. I put my mouth up to that spot and started to suck out his precum, right through the fabric. His knees started to buckle, and he came. I sucked some of his cum out and went back up to kiss him, so he could taste his own cum. We made out forever, rubbing our cocks together.

We started out 69-ing on the dining room floor, and then moved to the bedroom. He sucked my cock better than anyone ever had. He told me I did the same (even though I couldn't take that much of his 9 inches down my first, anyway). We eventually took turns fucking each other's ass. I found out that night that there is no feeling on earth quite like cumming with a 9 inch cock buried balls-deep in your ass.

My girlfriend had some last-minute wedding plans to attend to the next afternoon, and I called in sick. Andy and I made love all morning, and all afternoon. We fucked in the bed, in the shower, and even had a quickie in his car right before he left for the day. We were like wild animals.

Two days later, I married his sister. Andy was the best man at the wedding. During the small reception, he asked me if I would ever consider making love to him again. I answered him by dropping to my knees and blowing him off in the back of the kitchen of the hall we were in. One of the waiters came by and saw us, and flashed up the thumb's up. We fuck regularly now, and I'll be damned if he isn't a better lay than his sister!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
So Hot!

This is one of the sexiest stories I've read on here! So good! Please write more about you and Andy!

samsfantasysamsfantasyabout 14 years ago

Wow that was hot! Nothing better than a hot cock fucking you all over the place, one of my favorite activties! Thanks for the mental images, great stuff to jerk off to.

0ra11yfix8ed0ra11yfix8edalmost 17 years ago
True or not

this story works! Very nicely paced, bringing the reader in and then interupting the sexual stuff. Great device. The truely erotic stories build the tension and tear it down only to build again. My hats off to you, good work. I see you haven't submitted in about a year, is that kid thing working? Best of luck, maybe after little league, band or HS Footbal you'll find time to write again!

nz_marienz_mariealmost 17 years ago
Hot Stuff

Great story, very exciting stuff. Makes it hotter knowing its a true story. You could perhaps write a chapter 2 and change the ending from reality to fiction.....maybe Andy gets married but finds he cant keep away ;)

Thanks for sharing.

cheers, Marie

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

I love good stories, especially about fucking the sister's boyfriend. Great job and don't stop. We're all ready for MORE!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Get it when you can

I think it possible to love you wife and still enjoy the company of you brother-in-law as well. It seems apparent that you share a special bond with eachother. It is my feeling that when a man gets a taste of male to male sex, there is no turning back. So would it not be best to keep it in the family rather that going out looking for male satisfaction other places?

Good writing, please keep it up...and good luck in your marriage life in general.

Redbird1376Redbird1376about 18 years agoAuthor
For the anonymous chic who left feedback on 4/21

For the anonymous 'chic' who left feedback on 4/21/06 ("Hot Title/Hot Story")...first of all, thank you so much of ryour feedback! It is truly appreciated!! I owuld love to continue corresponding with you, so if you're interested, please email me! Please!

Second, the story really is true!

Third, please know (and this goes for all readers of this story, actually) that things between my wife and I are about as fantastic as they could be, considering the circumstances. I love my wife dearly. I cannot wait until the day that she becomes the mother of my children (something we're happily working on). I quite thoroughly enjoy sex with her. It's just different than it was with Andy. And you'll probably note the past tense there. It's true; Andy is now engaged to a very beautiful woman, and he and I have agreed that we ought to put an end to our affair, for lack of a better term. I love him very much, in many different ways. But I do truly love my wife more, as a "'soul mate.' Maybe someday I will confess to her the relationship her brother and I shared, but I do truly fear this would cause more harm than good. It's something that I am willing to put behind me now. But I appreciate your concern.

Thank you again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Hot Title/Hot Story

A title like this in the GM category will reel me in everytime. I also don't think you need to go back and add anything. Your story is fine as is. I'm not sure I'm really convinced this is fact, (all of it anyway ;D)but you say it's true, so being a chic I must speak. First of all I really wished you didn't marry his sister. You didn't do her any favors. Also being a chic I suspected she has a lot of issues esp. in the sexuality department. I feel bad because I think you love the brother more and now you have to sneak around.

O.K. no more soapbox. That was one hell of a first story. Two thumbs up!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Sexy, believable, well paced

Truth or fiction one of the best stories of its type I have read on here. Scored a rare 5 from me.

Redbird1376Redbird1376about 18 years agoAuthor
from the author...

Wow, thank you all for so much positive feedback! I really appreciate it. In time I may go back and "flesh out" the details of the sex some, but personally I have never been that big a fan of reading the same old tired sexual cliches over and over again (I mean, how many times can we get that excited by hearing how "I licked up one side of his throbbing prick and circled his cockhead with my tongue, savoring his first drops of pre-cum"...ok, maybe that is kind of hot...I'll work on it...)

Thank you all!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

I liked the teasing build-up. I love reading good guy-on-guy action. It gives me a good base for fantasies about my hubby!

Busty BerthaBusty Berthaabout 18 years ago

Great story, really made me hot whilst reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

One of the best cock-throbbers I've read in a while. Good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Very hot....

Great buildup and tease. Sex scenes could use some more detail and "fleshing out."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

I can well believe this tale is true, even though it reads like a porno movie plot. For once the ambiguous sexuality of both the narrator and his brother-in-law to be is completely believable. I rather pity the poor ignorant wife, though <g>. Best, Ken

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