Housing A Dragon


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They hadn't slept in the same bed, nor had they explored a sexual relationship with each other. As much as they thought they would enjoy beginning something like that, they both thought it best to wait until they knew each other better. Keri still had the memory of her escapade with Brian fresh in her mind and was still skittish about starting another sexual relationship, never mind it would be with someone whom she trusted and was beginning to love.

The game against the Timber Rattlers on Thursday turned out great for Zeke and the Dragons as he pitched a complete game shutout and allowed but three base hits. The Dragons' bats came alive for an 8-0 victory. Fran and Keri yelled until they were hoarse, as did the rest of the sellout crowd. Towards the end, when the victory was assured, Keri suddenly became sad as Zeke retired batter after batter and got closer to the victory. She almost hoped for the Rattlers to get a hit so she could watch him through Fran's binoculars some more, but she knew that was grossly unfair of her to think that way. Her heart grew heavy as the last batter was retired on a strike out. She let out a sigh and cheered with the rest of the crowd before she and Fran made their way from their seats down to the bus.

She had already told him many times before she left for work how much she was going to miss him when he left for Fort Wayne. She didn't tell him, but she had already purchased tickets for Saturday and Sunday's games to surprise him. Keri didn't care that it would be a long trip for her. It would be worth it to see the look on his face when he saw her. They had grown very close, very quickly in those few days. They had stayed up late getting to know each other that Monday night and didn't want to go to bed when the time came. She couldn't get over how soothing, yet exciting his kisses could be. He continually messed with her emotions as his kisses could be playful and teasing one minute, yet be sensual and send all kinds of signals between her thighs the next. He left her hot and bothered and wanting more when they finally disengaged at eleven o'clock. When she undressed for bed, she was hardly surprised at how wet and slick she was and longed for the day when he would be between her legs to satisfy her needs.

About an hour after the final out was made, there was a small crowd of friends and fans waiting for the ball players as they filed solemnly out of the ballpark to board the bus. Zeke saw Keri immediately and gave her a big hug and kiss. He waved to Fran before he put his gear in one of the luggage compartments. Since it was only a week trip, he only had one piece of luggage plus his equipment bag to pack. He came back to Keri, knowing they would have a few minutes before it was time for him to go.

"You pitched great," she said.

"Thanks," he beamed. "Everything just flowed and I couldn't miss."

"When do you pitch again?"


"I'll listen to it."


They stood and faced each other awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Keri looked up to the sky and tried to avoid getting teary-eyed. She sighed loudly and looked at him. "I'm going to miss you," she said, her chin quivering. She knew she would see him again in just a day or so, but her emotions were getting the best of her.

"I'll be back soon," he assured her, "next Thursday night or Friday morning. Don't wait up for me. My car is here."

"Don't be silly," she laughed lightly, "you know I'll be up until you get home."

"Come on, Keri. You have to work the next day."

"I know, but I don't think I'll be able to sleep knowing you're on you way home."

Soon, it was time for them to leave and Keri sighed audibly. They hugged and kissed quickly again before he left her at the curb. He boarded the bus with the rest of his teammates and they pulled out into the warm Dayton night. The only consolation she could take with her was the fact that in her purse, two tickets waited to be used that coming weekend and she would look forward to that.

* * * * *

The drive to Fort Wayne went quicker than she expected. She had made reservations ahead of time at the same motel where the Dragons would be staying. It was a Motel 6 not too far from Fort Wayne's ballpark. Keri arrived just before noon and the team had already departed. After she checked in, she was given directions to the ballpark.

Keri felt anxious and a bit nervous about what she was doing, as if she were making a rendezvous with a lover. She missed waking up with him and sharing breakfast. She missed waiting for him to come through the door after the game and having a supper waiting for him. She missed kissing him and being kissed in return. Most of all, she missed his touch when he held her close to him, breathing in his scent and feeling genuinely loved without him saying a word. Keri loved him and she couldn't kid herself about that anymore.

Keri found her seat, which was a few sections to the right of the visitor's dugout. From her vantage point, she could see a bit of the dugout and some of the players inside. It was still a half hour before game time and there weren't too many players around. A few had emerged to start loosening up and begin to throw, but she knew Zeke wouldn't be one of them. Keri walked over to the railing near the dugout and looked around for someone to help her.

A bat boy came out began to place items in the on deck circle; pine tar, rosin, weighted donuts. As he turned to go back in, Keri beckoned him to the railing. "Could you tell Zeke Monturo to come out for a minute so I can talk to him?" she asked sweetly.

He looked at her quizzedly as if he didn't understand. Keri smiled and reached into her purse. She produced a five dollar bill and handed it to him. "I'd really appreciate it," she said. "Tell him Keri wants to talk to him."

The boy took the money and put it inside the lining of his ball cap. "Yes ma'am," he beamed, "right away." He then disappeared into the dugout.

Keri waited impatiently as different players came out of the dugout and onto the field. Finally, the hulking figure of Zeke emerged and he looked her way in utter shock. Keri's heart skipped a beat when she saw him. "What are you doing here?" he asked as he reached up to touch her hand.

"I just had to see you," she replied. "I missed you." She felt as if she was going to start crying.

Zeke didn't know what to think. When the bat boy told him that someone named Keri wanted to see him, he thought it was a joke. He couldn't believe she would be there when he came out. When he did see her, he was overjoyed. "I missed you, too. When did you get here?"

"About a half hour ago. I checked in before I came out."

"Where are you staying?"

"Motel 6."

Zeke's eyes showed his astonishment, but his smile was what caught her eye. "What room?"


"Got anything planned this evening?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"I was hoping to take a certain pitcher out for dinner. Interested?"

"You bet I am," he replied. Zeke looked over his shoulder and saw that the game would be starting soon. "I have to go back in," he said, squeezing her hand.

"I know," she said. "Meet me at my room when you get back, okay?" She looked down at his face and smiled.

"It's so good to see you, Keri." His smiled broadened before he looked back at the field once again.

That was all she needed to hear. She kissed his hand before letting him go. "I'll see you back at the motel," she said as he began to turn and walk away. A smile and a wave was his reply before he was out of her sight.

The game mattered little to her as she wished for it to be over quickly. But, as she recalled Murphy's Law of baseball, if you wanted a quick game, it was sure to go into extra innings. The Wizards and the Dragons would battle for twelve innings before Dayton came out with a 4-3 victory. Antsy and frustrated over the amount of time it took, Keri hurried back to her motel room and waited for Zeke to arrive.

She took a shower to get the sweat and dirt off her. It had been a hot, windy day and the dust kicked up now and then. Keri felt much better after her shower and changed into the sun dress Zeke liked so much. A few minutes after six o'clock, Zeke knocked on her door dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. A hug and a kiss was her greeting as she pulled him inside and closed the door behind them.

"I couldn't wait for you to get here," she said breathlessly between kisses.

Zeke made no reply as he kissed her back and hugged her to him. He sniffed at her freshly scrubbed skin and wanted nothing more than to bury his nose in her neck and take in her scent. He still couldn't believe she had come to Fort Wayne to be with him. He had missed her, too, and found himself wishing that the road trip would go by quickly.

After their lips parted, Keri moved back slightly and looked at him with her misting eyes. "I hope this doesn't scare you...." Her voice trailed off.

"Scare me?" He looked at her puzzled.

"I love you."

Zeke blinked. He had been trying to think of a way to tell her the same thing. Slowly, he pulled her to him once again and hugged her. "I've been wanting to tell you the same thing. I just didn't know if I should say it."

"Please, say it," she said softly. "I want to hear it. I need to hear it."

Zeke let her go and placed his hands on Keri's shoulders. He smiled at her before he took her face in his hands. Her face felt soft and delicate as he held it tenderly, massaging her cheekbones with his thumbs. "I love you, Keri," he said before he kissed her again.

Within minutes, dinner became an afterthought as his kisses began to have an effect on her that she wasn't expecting. Her breathing became raspy and hot as she returned his kisses with fire and passion, an urgency that even she didn't know about. Her little groans surprised Zeke as he realized what was happening to her and that he was the cause. He became even more surprised when she slowly moved her hand down his muscular thigh and began to rub her hand against the growing bulge hidden behind denim cloth. Zeke sucked in his breath to suppress a groan of his own.

She felt him through his jeans and sighed as she gave him a gentle squeeze. A small groan escaped his lips this time. Zeke found her forwardness refreshing and deliciously naughty as he hadn't seen this side of her. They continued to exchange kisses as his own hand slid down from her face and cupped her left breast. He kneaded it tenderly as she began to melt from his touch. As good as it felt, she wanted to do more than become putty in his arms. She wanted to explode.

Keri took his hand from her breast and stepped back. She quickly undid the buttons of her dress and let it fall to the floor. Zeke looked at Keri and became more excited by the second. She was wearing a lacy white bra that pushed her breasts together and out, showing beautiful cleavage. His eyes traveled down her body to a matching set of panties that hugged her shapely hips wonderfully.

"You're beautiful," he said, barely able to speak. His eyes were staring at her face now and taking in her features.

Keri smiled and blushed from the compliment, something she wasn't used to hearing from her previous boyfriends. Feeling confident, she moved forward and began to unbuckle his belt. Zeke watched in disbelief as she tugged at the button at the waistband before unzipping his jeans. Coming out of his stupor for a brief instant, Zeke pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to a nearby chair as Keri slowly pulled his jeans down to his ankles. Zeke sat down on the bed and pulled off his shoes and socks before tugging off his jeans as well.

He stood up once again and looked at her. Keri looked frail and much more delicate to him now, but he thought she never looked prettier. Her hair wasn't pulled back, but hung loosely about her broad shoulders. Her smile was radiant as she gazed back at him. Zeke gathered her into his arms once again and hugged her, his erection poking her. She took his hand and guided it to the beginnings of her underwear, already becoming damp from her excitement. She placed his hand over the outline of her clitoris and pressed it there. Zeke took it from there as he began to rub her gently and evenly, sending shivers through her and almost buckling her knees. Her hand found his erection again and she began to pull on it carefully.

Keri placed her head against his chest and let her feelings and emotions take over. He was pleasing her very much as his fingers continued to play music, his sweet touch sending tingles and shivers through her as she continued to fondle him. She wanted him very bad at this point and wanted him to take her without any resistance, but his fingers were working their magic and she knew it wouldn't be much longer before the build up would be too much and she would begin to ride that rolling wave of passion.

Without warning, he scooped her up in his arms and gently placed her on the bed. He placed both hands under her firm butt and slowly pulled her panties down her curvy hips, past her soft thighs and down the rest of the way to her delicate toes. He lingered near her ankles before he began to kiss her legs. Keri kicked her panties unnoticed to the floor. He started at her calves and made his way up to her knees and to the beginnings of her thighs. Zeke kissed her outer thighs first, taking his time and savoring the thought of pleasing her with his tongue and mouth. His kisses were light and soft as he gradually moved forward and inward. Her inner thighs were amazingly soft and Zeke's mouth lingered there for a few seconds. Keri knew what he was about to do and shivered uncontrollably in anticipation. She had never been pleasured orally before, but Keri wanted Zeke to do that for her, trusting him with her love not to hurt her. With that trust in mind, she parted her legs and opened herself to him for the first time.

His first taste of her was sweet and musky as his tongue swept through her small opening and flicked the hood that shrouded her clit. Keri gasped at the pleasure it gave her and opened herself wider still. Zeke inwardly groaned at the sight as he stopped for a second or two to admire. Her thighs and labia were a bit fleshier than the two girls he had been with before, but he thought it only made her sexier and more desirable. This was a real woman he was loving, not some teenage girl in college.

Zeke pressed his face into her again and began to love her with his mouth and tongue. Keri inhaled sharply and groaned loudly before gently placing her hands on his head to guide him. It wasn't long before the tremors began and Keri felt the sexual tension within her begin to release. The first spasm hit her with tremendous force and made her arch her back and buck against him. She squealed uncontrollably as her hands held him in place. She alternated between gritting her teeth and calling his name over and over. Zeke kept teasing her clit with gentle nips from his teeth and flicks of his tongue as she continued to writhe and grind her pelvis into his face. It seemed to go on forever as spasm after sweet spasm ripped through her. After a while, though, the spasms subsided and was replaced by delicate, feathery waves. Keri relaxed her thighs, moaning softly as Zeke's tongue started to massage her, gently licking her swollen, sensitive clit as lovingly as a mare taking care of her newborn foal.

They lay side by side whispering sweet things to each other as her breathing returned to normal. Zeke reached behind her and unfastened the hooks of her bra. Keri wriggled free as Zeke pulled it away from her, showing him her small, cone-shaped breasts. Her aureoles were puffy and extremely soft to the touch, while her tiny nipples were hard from her orgasm. Zeke buried his face between them, touching them, holding them, kissing them, tasting them, loving them. Keri felt the familiar stirs between her thighs as she watched him devour her breasts with love. Her other lovers had never taken much interest in them and she thought them to be unattractive, but she now knew that to be untrue. His tongue swirled around her tiny little nubs as Keri squeaked from their sensitivity, causing Zeke to refrain from nibbling on them with his teeth.

He came back to her and kissed her lips again, relishing their fullness. They kissed for a few minutes before Keri pulled back. "I love you so much. Noone's ever loved me like that before!" She pulled him close and hugged him. "Please make love to me," she whispered in his ear.

Zeke continued to hold her, feeling her small breasts poking his chest. He could have held her all night and be satisfied with that. He loved the feel of her soft nakedness against him and wondered if he deserved to have someone like Keri. Zeke inhaled deeply before he kissed her forehead. Looking deep into her shining brown eyes, he said, "There's nothing else I'd rather do."

* * * * *

Thoughts of Zeke never left Keri as she tried to sleep. She could feel his sperm trickle down her thigh and onto the mattress. She pressed them together in hopes of keeping his precious juices within her, but the oozing continued. She begged him to stay in her room, but the team had a curfew and he could get in a lot of trouble if he wasn't in his room when it was checked.

They made love twice more after their late dinner at a local restaurant. Both times, her orgasms were so strong that she thought her insides were being ripped out. There were times when she couldn't distinguish between the pleasure and the pain, crying out with joy and wanting both to last as long as possible as her vaginal muscles contracted around his penis.

She had a very hard time letting him go when it came time for him to leave, but she did. Keri knew he didn't want to go, either, and she could take some consolation in that. She would never forget their first night together, nor would she ever forget how he felt inside her for the first time. It was every bit as wonderful as she had imagined in her secret dreams about him.

Just as sleep was about to overtake her, there was a soft knock at her door. Looking through the peephole, she saw Zeke standing there. Keri opened the door quickly and let him in. "What are you doing here? Won't you get in trouble?" she demanded.

Instead of answering, he swept her up and carried her to bed. After laying her down on the mattress, he said, "Don't worry. They did their bed check and I don't have to be back until six o'clock." He placed the back of his hand against her face and rubbed it delicately before kissing her. "Mind if I stay for a while?"

* * * * *

The days that followed their tryst went by slowly as Keri waited for him to return. Their good-bye was long and sad, but each would carry the memory of their night together in their hearts. Zeke would pitch well in his next outing. Although not getting the victory, he allowed only two runs in seven innings in the Dragons 4-2 win over South Bend. Now that his assignment was over and his next start would be Sunday in Dayton, Zeke turned his thoughts to Keri. His time with her was the best he had ever had and he replayed it over and over again in his mind. He would always remember how her muscles enveloped and gripped him while he was inside her. Her eyes were always fixed on him, trusting him more than anyone else she had let inside her secret place, trusting him not to hurt her like the others had. Her kisses had been hot, fiery, and passionate as he took everything she could give him and he gave himself wholly to her.

Only with the mightiest of efforts could Zeke push her out of his mind, and that only happened when he was pitching that Tuesday evening. The rest of the week went slowly for him as well, as he knew it would. He wanted so much to be back in her arms so he could touch her, explore her body, and make love to her all over again.
