How Far Will You Go?


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After another twenty minutes of small talk and the guys gawking at our boobs, Susan announced to them, "Well, we need to get going. We may be going out tonight, but we're not sure when or where. If you give us your numbers, we'll send you a text."

Of course, none of the four of us had a pen and paper, so Red jumped to his feet and ran toward the parking lot. He had a very impressive bulge in the front of his shorts. He was back in one minute flat with a pen and small notebook. They wrote their numbers on a page, and then tried to hand Susan the pen for ours.

She chuckled, "C'mon, guys. You're not in high school any more. You should know how the game is played by now. We'll call you."

* * *

"Oh my fucking god!" I squealed when we were back in Susan's Mustang and wheeling out of the parking lot. "I can't believe we just did that."

She glanced over at me, "It was fun though, wasn't it?"

"Maybe." I confessed hesitantly. "Can you imagine how much cum is going to be flying around their apartment tonight?"

"Shit! Neither one of them is going to wait till tonight. They'll be beating off within seconds of getting home."

A funny thought hit me, and after laughing out loud, I said, "What if they don't wait? What if they go to the restrooms at the lake and take care of business right there."

Susan began laughing too, and we didn't stop until we were wheeling into the underground garage of our building.

While she was negotiating the tight turns down to the lower levels of the parking garage, a thought hit me. What we'd done had been fun, and neither of us was worse for the ware.

I didn't tell Susan about my revelation though. I didn't want to encourage her to get even bolder . . . and insist I do the same.

* * *

That night, after a very hot and steamy sexual bout, we were just laying there recovering when I said to her, "Wow! What we did today really got you hot, huh?"

"No, that was all you."

I called her out, "You don't have to lie to me. I know it really got you going."

"Okay, so what if it did?" She defended.

"Nothing, I was just making an observation."

"Then yes, it got me going. I can't imagine that going to a nudist camp will be nearly that much fun."

That surprised me, "Oh, why? There will be a lot more people there to see us naked."

"Yeah, but those people are used to seeing other naked people. Those two guys today were blown away by just getting to see our boobs out in public like that. I'm sure it's not going to be that way at a nudist camp."

I thought about that for a minute, "That makes sense. So, if you want to do something else some time, you can count me in . . . just as long as I don't have to fuck anyone other than you."

Susan turned her face toward me. She put her hand on the back of my head and drew me in for a passionate kiss, "I love you."

* * *

"You didn't!" Sandy and Bren both gasped at the same time when Susan told her what we'd done at the lake. It was Sunday. Susan and I had finished our laundry, and then invited the other ladies over for a naked drink. Their husbands were both out playing golf together and wouldn't be home for hours.

"We did." I confirmed Susan's account of what we'd done.

"Oh my god! That's so hot! I don't think I could ever do anything like that." Bren said.

"Personally, I wish I'd been there with you." Sandy piped in.

Bren challenged her, "Would you have shown those guys your boobs?"

"I think I would have." Sandy confessed, "If I wasn't alone—if there were other boobs hanging out there too."

"I'd like to think I'd have the guts to do it." Bren told us, "but I'm not sure I could be that bold. Maybe if we were someplace where people are expected to be naked, but not out in a public place like that. Besides, I'm not twenty-one any more . . . and I've had two kids."

"Like I'm twenty-one." The older Sandy shot back at her.

I couldn't hold my tongue, "Well, at least from my perspective, neither one of you have anything to be concerned about in that department. You're both still really sexy."

Susan shot her head around and showed me an astonished look, and then she said, "I second that, of course, but coming from Jan, well, let's just say she has the hots for both of you since the last time you were over here."

I slapped Susan on the arm and gave her a playful shove, "I did not . . . okay, well maybe I did, but she shouldn't repeat everything I say." And then I looked at Susan and scolded her, "Am I going to have to start watching what I tell you?"

"Hell," Sandy said, "When it comes to Bren, I've had the hots for her since the first time we got naked together. She knows it too, but she's still playing hard to get."

Susan spoke up and said to Sandy, "There's nothing wrong with your body either. I think it's sexy as hell."

"Me too." I added my support.

Sandy had her back to Bren, so she didn't see Bren get to her feet and sneak up behind her. It startled her when Bren reached around her and cupped her heavy boobs, lifting them with her hands.

And then Bren said in a playful voice, "Yeah, I think these babies are sexy as hell too."

Sandy played along, leaning back into Bren, "Damn, sweetie, I'll give you an hour to stop that."

Susan said with a giggle, "We have an extra bedroom if you two need some time to yourselves."

Bren was still cupping Sandy's boobs. She laughed, "Hey, I don't have to be gay or bisexual or whatever to appreciate a nice set of tits, and this is definitely a nice set of tits."

Sandy looked over her shoulder, "Okay, but just remember this when I lose control and grab your tits."

And that's when Bren shocked all of us. She released Sandy's boobs and stepped around in front of her. She held her arms out from her sides, "Okay, go ahead. You might as well get it over with."

When Sandy reached out and felt of Bren's boobs, Bren looked up at the ceiling, "Ummm, that feels nice."

But then Sandy shocked all of us by lowering her head and sucking one of Bren's nipples into her mouth."

"Hey!" Bren protested, "I didn't do that to you."

Sandy grinned up at her and said, "You were welcome to. I wouldn't have stopped you."

I wasn't sure how far they would go, but I got my answer soon enough. Bren stepped back and returned to her chair, "Whew! Ted just might get lucky tonight."

That caused all four of us to laugh for a long while.

* * *

That night, just after Susan and I crawled between the sheets, she asked me, "They were even more fun tonight than last time, weren't they?"

I giggled, "Hell, for a minute, I thought they were going to get it on right there in front of us."

"That would have been really hot." Susan said in a reverent tone.

"Yeah, when Sandy started sucking Bren's nipple, it was all I could do not to get up and do the same to her other one. BUT, you'd better not go telling them that."

"Oh chill. They didn't think anything about it. They're both cool."

"Yes, yes they are," I said just before giving Susan a passionate kiss."

* * *

I was soaking in a nice hot bubble bath with a drink when Bren came into our bathroom. She was naked.

I didn't even know she was in our apartment. It was Friday night, and Susan hadn't told me she'd invited anyone over. Bren said, "I hope you don't mind, but I really need to pee."

"Not at all." I told her honestly. "I didn't know you were here." I knew Susan had a late meeting. "Is she home yet?" And then it hit me. Of course Susan was home, else Bren couldn't have gotten into our apartment.

"I ran into her in the lobby and she invited me over. She's in the kitchen making us a drink. Ted took the kids out to a movie."

"When you're done, will you take her my glass? I'm almost empty."

After cleaning herself and flushing the toilet, Bren took my glass and left the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, she returned with a fresh Screwdriver for me and one for herself. She lowered the lid on the toilet and sat down.

Out of no where, she giggled, "Susan said you thought me feeling Sandy up was really hot."

"I'm going to kill her." I said, feeling a blush wash over my face.

"No, no, don't do that," She said with a chuckle. "I think it's cute. Is it so difficult to believe that a straight married mom can have a little innocent fun now and then?"

"No, I don't. It wasn't that long ago that it would have freaked me out though." I confessed.

"Hell, it's all in good fun. No harm, no foul."

I considered her words, "She really does have the hots for you, you know—Sandy, I mean."

She chuckled, "Yeah, I know. And I'm sure what I did here a couple of weeks ago didn't help any. I probably shouldn't have done that, but I just had the urge, so I did it."

"I can understand going with your urges." I confessed. "That's how Susan and I ended up in this kind of relationship. Neither of us would have ever guessed we'd end up like this."

"I think it's wonderful, especially since both of you still like men. I'm not sure I'll ever understand it totally, but I admire you for going for it. Please don't say anything to her, but I've been tempted several times to have a go at Sandy."

"I think it's great that we can talk about it like this." I said honestly. "I can't explain it, but it just seems very natural to me now."

Susan appeared at the door. She hadn't even undressed yet. "Hey, are you two going to stay in here all night?"

"We were just talking." I told her. "Why aren't you naked yet?"

Susan chuckled, "I was protecting myself from Bren. Last time she was here, I got the feeling she was lezzing out on Sandy. I didn't want to tempt her."

"Very funny," Bren laughed, "I think you're safe from me."

Susan acted offended, "Oh, you don't think I'm hot and desirable?"

"I didn't say that," Bren defended herself.

Susan wasn't going to let her off the hook, "Oh, so you do think I'm hot then, huh?"

"I do." Bren said in a tone that let us know she was just playing along. "In fact, perhaps it's better that you keep your clothes on so I'm not tempted to jump your bones."

"And now the truth comes out." Susan said with a laugh as she walked on down the hallway.

The water was getting too cool for me, so I stood up and grabbed a towel. I was surprised when Bren said in a voice only loud enough for me to hear, "I do think she's hot . . . and you too, and Sandy. I'm just really conflicted right now."

"God! I know that feeling all too well." I told her as I was drying off.

"How did you sort it out?" She asked me in a serious tone.

I thought about that for a minute before answering, and then I told her, "I didn't. I just went with it. I felt it, and I let myself experience it. Bren?" and then I waited for her to look up at me, "I'm not sorry I did, but if it hadn't been right for me, I wouldn't have enjoyed it so much."

Still looking me in the eyes, she said, "God! That's so awesome."

I felt the need to help her explore her emotions, "Bren", I asked her, "The other night, how did you feel when you and Sandy were playing around?"

She gave me a one word answer, "Horny."

"Well, there you go." I said as I tossed my towel aside and helped her to her feet.

Without warning, Bren reached out and felt of my boob. "Do you mind? I just want to see if it makes me feel the same as with Sandy last time."

I almost ran out of the bathroom, but I forced myself to stay and turn toward her. "No, Bren. Satisfy your curiosity. I don't mind."

She put her other hand up and cupped my other breast. "I just love the way they feel." She confessed.

I giggled, "Susan does too, although hers are a lot nicer, just like Sandy's. Yours and mine are different—nice, but different."

Finally, I moved away from her. "We'd better get out there."

"Yes" Bren said in a raspy voice.

I don't know why . . . or maybe I do, but I felt a little guilty about sharing that intimate moment with Bren in the bathroom without Susan being there. So when she was naked and joined us in the living room area, I jumped up and urged Susan to stop in the middle of the room.

I was behind Susan. Bren was sitting in one of the stuffed chairs. "Close your eyes." I whispered to Susan, and then I crooked a finger to Bren.

I purred to Susan, "Bren is curious, so just stand there." And then I said to Bren, "Go ahead, satisfy your curiosity, it's okay."

Sure enough, Bren reached up with both hands and began feeling of Susan's boobs. She was looking me in the eyes the whole time. After a minute though, with her face red with a blush, she backed off and returned to her chair.

"Okay," I said to Susan. "She's finished."

Susan must have thought the whole thing was humorous, "What? I don't even get a kiss? I feel so used."

"Get over yourself." I told Susan, but Bren jumped up and asked me, "Is it okay?"

I gestured to her that it was. Susan was feeling her oats. She wiggled her body and giggled like a school girl. When Bren stepped in front of her, Susan was wise enough not to initiate anything.

Bren needed to do that for herself. If she didn't want to do it enough to initiate it herself, she had no business doing it at all. After hesitating a few seconds to gather her nerve, she moved in and initiated a kiss with Susan.

The instant their lips met, Susan put her hand behind Bren's head and pulled her in tighter. I couldn't see it, but I knew their tongues were mingling. I was jealous, not of Susan for kissing another woman, but because it wasn't me sharing a kiss with a woman who had never done it before.

When they broke their kiss, I couldn't help myself. I grabbed Bren's hair and pulled her to me. We shared a similar kiss.

"Whew! Holy fuck!" Bren said when I finally released her. Susan and I both laughed out loud, and Bren joined in.

The mood over, Susan went to the kitchen and began making us some turkey sandwiches. Bren and I sat and discussed her feelings about what had just happened. "Well?" I asked her.

"What can I say? I'm beginning to understand the allure."

* * *

It was Tuesday evening. Susan and I had just finished our workout and showered before Sandy and Bren arrived for snacks and drinks. Shortly after entering our apartment and getting naked, Sandy listened to Bren brag about having kissed both Susan and I.

"Hey, where's mine?"

Bren laughed and told Sandy she'd have to wait until she'd had a drink or two.

When we were all seated in the living room area with drinks and munchies, Sandy filled us in on the results of her research.

"Okay, here's the deal on the nudist camp, it's about an hour and a half north of here. They accept visitors on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It has two pools, a large hot tub, nice clubhouse, huge building where they have dances, and cabins to rent."

"We should rent a cabin so we don't have to appoint a designated driver." Bren interrupted Sandy.

"Can you get out for the night?" Susan asked Bren. "What would you tell Ted?"

"I'll think of something." Bren told us.

All eyes turned back to Sandy. I asked her, "Can you get a kitchen pass for overnight?"

Sandy tilted her head, "I was thinking we could go on a Saturday morning and spend all day there, but they do have dances on Saturday nights, so staying overnight might be a lot of fun. I'll see what I can do. I'm sure I can come up with something."

"How much does it cost?" I asked.

"That gets a little tricky." Sandy told us. "Singles are $30 each, but couples are only $35." And then she looked at me and Susan, "If they accept that you're a couple, you'll save some money, but if they don't, you'll still get in cheaper because you're under twenty-nine. It would only cost you $25 each. I didn't check the price of a cabin, or even if they have one big enough for all four of us, but I will."

Out of nowhere, Bren started laughing. When we all looked at her, she composed herself and said, "I'm sorry, but I just got this image in my head of a hundred men all walking around with hardons, and people fucking everywhere."

Sandy rolled her eyes, "That won't happen." She told Bren. They have strict rules about that kind of thing. And if a man gets hard, he's supposed to cover it up until he gets himself under control."

"What fun is that?" Susan spoke up.

"I know." Sandy answered, "It won't be like skinny dipping in the lake when we were in high school. The boys usually stayed hard all the time until dark and we paired up to take care of them."

"You did that in high school?" I gasped.

"Sure, you didn't? Don't tell me you didn't have any sex during high school."

"No, she didn't." Susan answered for me, "And neither did I."

Sandy looked over to Bren and they both laughed, "We were real sluts by their standards."

Bren defended herself, "Hey, I only fucked two boys in high school. I didn't turn into a slut until college."

That caused us all to laugh. Susan got up and fixed us all another drink. Sandy turned to Bren and asked her, "So, what brought on all this kissing I'm hearing about?"

Bren shrugged, "Nothing. I just expressed some curiosity, and they were both nice enough to let me satisfy it on them."

Sandy shot back at her, "Damn, girl, I've been after you for over a year, and you wouldn't give me the time of day. Now you're off kissing every woman in the building. Slut!"

Bren laughed, "Maybe I was just practicing up for you."

"Ooooo, I love the sound of that." Sandy responded with a giggle.

* * *

Sandy stopped by our apartment Wednesday evening to fill us in on the nudist camp. As it turned out, Friday was off the table. Evidentially, to get a cabin, you had to reserve it a couple of weeks in advance.

I volunteered to be the designated driver on Saturday, but Sandy let me off the hook. "If you'll drive there, I'll drive back." She offered. "That way, I can have a drink or two on the drive there. We're going to be there all day, so I'll be fine to drive back."

Bren and Sandy arrived at our apartment at eight o'clock Saturday morning. They brought with them a large ice chest on rollers filled with ice, two one gallon jugs of orange juice, and two fifths of Vodka.

It was a beautiful, warm, sunny morning, so we had the top down on Susan's mustang. It was the first time I got to drive it, and it was a lot fun. Prior to leaving our apartment, the three of them had mixed Screwdrivers in large plastic cups with lids and straws sticking out the tops. Of course, they were drinking during the drive, hoping to get some liquid courage for our arrival at the nudist camp. I was jealous.

We were all wearing bikini tops and shorts, and that got us honked at now and then. But when we were about half way to the camp, the other vehicles on the highway began honking their horns at us almost constantly, especially the truckers. I didn't know why until I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw that Sandy and Bren were making out.

I adjusted the mirror lower to get a better view. Susan asked what was up with all the horn honking, so I tilted my head toward the back seat. When she looked back there, she showed me a big smile before having to cover her mouth to stifle a laugh.

Sandy and Bren had shared a passionate kiss prior to leaving our apartment on Tuesday evening, but they hadn't gotten carried away. Now though, Sandy had pushed Bren's bikini top up off her boobs and was feeling them up while they kissed.

"Damn, girls!" Susan said to them after she'd composed herself somewhat, "You're going to cause some car wrecks if you keep that up."

They broke their kiss and both started laughing. I know for sure they'd just had one drink, so I was shocked when Bren reached behind her back and unhooked her bikini top. Seeing that, Sandy laughed and did the same. And then they went right back to making out and feeling of each others boobs. That only served to increase the horn honking.

"Fuck it!" Susan said with a giggle, and she reached back, unhooked her bikini top, and pulled it away. And then she looked at me with a naughty grin, "Lean forward." When I did, she unhooked my bikini top as well. "Just be careful when passing truckers. We don't want to cause an accident." And then she giggled again and added, "But don't go by them too quickly either."
