How I Saved My Marriage

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A fight to save my marriage and my wife.
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Hi, my name is Joe Defazio. This story is about what I did to keep my marriage.

My height is six feet; my weight is about one hundred sixty pounds. I have average looks with a much above average IQ. I work as a hotel desk agent. My age is the same as my wife's, twenty-five years old. I graduated from high school. I took two years of college majoring in restaurant management.

My wife is very pretty. Not in a sexy way but the Mary Tyler Moore type of look. She is very naive. She works as a waitress in the same hotel restaurant as I labor. Many enjoy pulling her leg. She always laughs and looks innocent. However, many times she realizes she is being put on but acts stupid. It often results in a bigger tip. She is a high school graduate but does not have any college.

We met in high school. Both of us were greatly attracted to each other. It never diminished. We married when I finished college. We rarely argue. Our likes are similar. I would do anything for her. I am sure she would do anything for me.

I have to mention, "I have a very bad temper." I rarely lose it but when I do I can do real harm.

My father was an alcoholic and was abusive to both me and my mother. One day he went too far and gave her a black eye. When I saw my mom's eye I decided I would do something about it.

That weekend my father and I went on our annual camping trip. The camp was at the top of a mountain. At the far end of the camp was a huge rock behind some trees. People would stand on the rock and had a fantastic view. At the end of the rock was one hundred footfall. No one went closer than two feet to the last part.

After we had supper I asked my father to join me at the rock. He was already drunk. He agreed.

We stood for a short while. I asked him to pose for a picture of him looking at the view. He did. I ran toward him and gave a hard push. He went flying.

No one saw anything. I said he insisted on going to the end of the rock. He was drunk, slipped, and fell.

Rangers investigated the accident. I was fourteen years old. They readily agreed. His blood-alcohol level was high and made an accident a plausible explanation.

At the hotel/restaurant where we are employed Mary works from 3 pm to 9 pm. I work from 3 pm to 11 pm. She makes supper for us when she gets home.

The Hotel is located just outside a residential area. We live in an apartment in that area, a short distance away.

We had been married for five years. All five were good years. We are making enough money to put some away to buy a small restaurant; we lived a modest existence.

This morning as we entered work our boss Bob asked us to join him in his office. A major change had occurred. The place was bought out and had a new owner.

The new owner was Peter Orzinie. He did not plan on making any changes. He wanted all the employees to stay. Bob said we all know his reputation as a mafia boss. He wants to keep this place clean. He wants a place where the part of his family that is not connected to the mob would have a place to work.

That does not mean he will lay off all our people it just suggests he will just replace the people who leave with his family members.

No mob business will ever be transacted in the hotel or restaurant.

Immediately, a table was set up in the back of the restaurant. Orzinie's seat was back to the wall. He could see the entire bistro.

He was an attractive man. Forty-two years old. Well dressed. He was married with two girls. He had a reputation as a ladies' man.

He was attracted to black haired married women who were naรฏve, a perfect description of my wife. He was not concerned about the husband. When a husband objected he was told it would only be for a short time and the wife would be adequately rewarded when it ended. He sometimes was also told the alternative which nobody wanted.

A conversation with my wife was in order. I said, "This man is a criminal. He takes what he wants. He will want you. We are going to have to be prepared. Avoid taking his table. Be very short with him. Do not allow him to think you are interested. Our marriage is at stake.

Mary replied that, "She will do whatever I ask to avoid him."

Three days later Bob asked Mary to take Orzinie's table. She said, "I would prefer you assign that to someone else.

Bob said, "He requested you. You have to work at his table."

That night we discussed our alternatives. Mary said, "We both should quit." I agreed.

The next day we handed in our two-week notice. We said that since Pete's family would eventually have our jobs anyhow so we would move now.

Both of us were called to Bob's office. He had mentioned our resignations to Pete. Pete had told Bob he recognized our experience and wanted us to stay. He said maybe one of us could leave and the other stay. He specifically wanted Mary to stay. He felt she was a strong attraction for the restaurant. I said, "It is out of the question. Mary and I always work together."

Later in the shift, Pete's bodyguard visited me at the front desk. He said in no uncertain terms, "You can leave but your wife is staying. If Mary leaves Pete will make sure neither of you will find work in any restaurant."

I said, "Since Pete feels so strongly we would stay."

Mary and I were aware of what was in store. I obtained a gun, a thirty-eight with a silencer from a source on the street. We decided if Pete insisted that she go somewhere with him then she would be firm on stopping by the desk before she left.

For a while, all seem to be going well. Mary was very professional when she served his table. She listened to Pete but limited what she added to the conversations.

A month later during our supper, she then dropped a bomb.

Joe, "I have to tell you something. Two weeks ago Bob told me to deliver Pete's supper to his room. I refused.

He insisted and said, "I did not have a choice. Pete requested it."

"When I bought him his supper I was trembling."

"He asked me why are you shaking?"

I told him the truth. I told him that I heard about his reputation. I was nervous about being alone with him.

He smiled and said, "You have nothing to worry about. I never pressured anyone for sex." He asked me to sit down and talk for a few minutes.

We were together for about thirty minutes. He never made any suggestive comments. He was a perfect gentleman. In the end, he gave me a big tip and thanked me. Since then I bought him supper about five more times. Sometimes I would have a drink while he ate his dinner. I always stayed until he finished eating. He was always a gentleman. He always complimented me about everything I did. I always left his room feeling good about myself. "I do not have any problem being alone with him."

Pete asked her several times to have a drink when her shift ended. She said, "I have to get home and make supper."

Finally, he asked her to sit down. He said his wife was sick and he often required an escort to join him on different occasions. The escorting did not include anything that would embarrass me. It was strictly platonic. He would double what I normally earned per hour. When it ended I would receive a large reward.

I told Pete I was thankful for the offer but would have to talk it over with you. He said, "He would gladly talk it over with Joe." He said, "Your shift has ended. Go home. I will speak to him."

Before Mary could respond, Pete went to Joe's desk. He asked Joe to join him in his room at the end of the night. Pete said, "People normally do no reject my suggestions or requests. I have an important one to make of you."

I did not mention anything about going to see Pete to my replacement. I left by the front door. I re-entered by the back entrance. I went to Pete's room and knocked. Pete's bodyguard answered. At this time no one had seen me. I went into the room.

Pete asked him to sit. He said, "There is a request I have to make of you. My wife is ill and I require an escort to join me on many occasions. I have offered your wife double her salary to take the job."

I said, "I love my wife. You are a known womanizer. I do not have any intention of allowing you the opportunity to seduce her."

Pete said, "There isn't anything you can do about it."

"Mr. Orizinie if you force my wife to be your escort. There will be unfortunate things that will happen. Do you still insist that Mary be your escort?"

Pete said, "Yes, starting tomorrow." I stood up and immediately drew my pistol. I aimed the gun at Pete's head and shot. I pointed at his bodyguard and shot him between the eyes. Both died instantly

I then moved both bodies on to the bed. I positioned them kissing.

I left the apartment. I walked home past the river. On my way, I dropped the silencer in one part of a river. The gun I left in another part of the river. The last thing I dropped was the shells in a new part of the river.

When I arrived home, Mary rushed to me and asked, "What did Pete say?"

He asked me about you being an escort. I told him that you were pregnant. "If you were always with him then some people including his wife might think it was his. That he should wait until after the baby was born to consider you as an escort." He agreed.

Early the next day I received a call from Bob. He told me, "All hell is breaking out. They found Pete and his bodyguard dead in Pete's room. The cops are anxious to speak with you. They are on the way to your place."

Immediately, I told Mary what Bob had said. I told her, "Do not lie under any circumstance to the police. Just tell them the conversation with Pete exactly as you remember it."

Two detectives came to the door. They questioned both Mary and me. She repeated everything as close as she could remember of Pete's conversation.

The conversation with me was much longer and much more complicated. I told them what I told Mary about Pete's and I discussed at the desk. I added that the last thing that Pete said was, "Ring my room twice and hang up if anyone comes asking for me. Anyone, even if I know them."

They asked me, "Did I suspect that Mary and Pete were having an affair?"


"Did I think the baby was mine?"


They continued to ask questions about what I knew about Peter and Mary's relationship. "I told them other than boss/employee there was none."

They asked me if anyone did ask for Pete. I said, "No one that night asked for Pete."

The final questions surprised me. They asked if the bodyguard and Pete had a homosexual relationship. I laughed and said, "Hell no, Pete was a womanizer through and through." That ended our conversation.

After the police left, Mary asked me numerous questions about last night. After our talk, I doubt she thought I had any connections to the deaths.

We both went to work the next day. Bob told us, "Pete's brother Tony inherits the hotel and restaurant. He does not have much interest in running the business. He plans on allowing me to continue the management. As long as we do well he won't make any changes or sell the hotel/restaurant."

As I was walking home that night a car pulled up to the curve next to me. A tall broad-shouldered man stepped out and said, "Mr. Orzinie would like to speak to you."

I got in the car. He shook my hand and said, "I am Tony, Pete's brother." I replied, "I am very sorry for your loss. Everyone liked Pete. He was a good man."

He then proceeded to question me about everything that happened the night of the murder. I told him the same story I gave to the police. He especially wanted to know if any men were hanging in the lobby. He also described certain men he was interested in.

He then asked about his brother's interest in my wife. I told him, "I had concerns. Pete had a reputation as a ladies' man. He also specialized in married women. My wife is pregnant so I was hoping that it would discourage him. It seemed to. I kept a close watch but I wasn't overly concerned. "

He then asked, "If my" brother made a move what would I do?"

I answered, "My wife and I would both leave our jobs and move. I was afraid of Pete."

He told me, "My brother would never force his attentions on anyone. He loved to seduce women. That was what excited him. He always picked an innocent married woman. He loved the game. After he succeeded he would soon drop the woman.

Pete's wife knew this. She allowed it to happen. He would pursue women for as long as it took. He was always pursuing several women at the same time. Sooner or later he would succeed."

My answerers appeared to satisfy Tony. He said, "He hoped that both of us stayed in our jobs. I could feel safe. He had no interest in married women. He asked me to pass on any information I might learn about Pete's death.

I said, "Anything I could do to help find his killer I would do."

He then asked his driver to step outside the car. "He asked me if I ever saw anything that would leave me to believe Pete or his bodyguard were gay."

I said no."

He asked, "Were there any gay men hanging around the hotel that night?"

I said, "No but I sometimes suspected Bob was gay." That ended our conversation and I went home.

When I got home I told Mary about my talk with Tony. I asked her to," keep her ears open for anything that might help identify Pete's murderer."

Tony stopped at the hotel occasionally and always wanted to talk to me. I would pass on any rumors about Pete's murder. We slowly got to know each other. I started to like him. He was a fairly ordinary guy.

I knew through the rumor mill that he had taken over Pete's job as a mafia boss. We never discussed that part of his life. I do not think revenge was his main motive for trying to discover Pete's killer.

Since the motive for the killing was unknown, I believe he wanted to find the killer for his safety.

Sometimes he would have me join him for supper. He was always interested in cooking and how to prepare food. I had studied both to prepare myself for when I owned my restaurant.

One day he asked me to manage the restaurant. The current manager was leaving to manage a large popular eatery. I did not even ask for the salary but immediately accepted. Life was good.

The only thing that was bothering me was I wanted to have closer to Pete's murder. I wanted to make it looked solved without sending someone to either death or prison for something I committed.

I asked Tony if he had any clues to what happened to Pete. Tony responded, "Pete pissed off a lot of husbands and wives. I think it was someone he knew.

I am almost certain it was a man. I have checked out the wives he had been sleeping with the last few years. Two of the husbands would have the ability to get a gun and the knowledge to use it. Both were very angry about Pete screwing their wife.

The other reason it was probably a man is how could a woman put the bodies in the bed? The person who did it was very angry. He did everything he could to humiliate Pete.

Neither of them would be a threat to me. I decided that unless some new evidence shows up I will let it rest."

Mary faked having a miscarriage. No one suspected she was never pregnant.


Mary confessed to me after a month or so that she suspected I killed Pete. She was afraid of Pete and would have gone to bed with him to protect both of us. She loved me dearly and would do anything to save our lives. She has never encouraged a man. She ignores all comers.

I am still crazy over her. I would have eliminated the entire gang to protect our marriage. I never admitted to her what I did but I never denied it to her either.

Mary and I are happy about working together. She still plays naive and makes good tips. We are planning on having children in the next year. She will then stay home. I hope I will be the manager until I retire. I also hope I never get that angry again.

The mystery of Pete's death remains unsolved.

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

.380 with a suppressor, the a well aimed .22 would be effective and much quieter.๐Ÿ’€

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

If only eliminating the predatory vermin was so easy.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ‘ฟ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ’€

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Not awful. Four stars.


Schwanze1Schwanze15 months ago

A bit Joe Friday but a good story.

Schwanze1Schwanze15 months ago

Closure not closer.

Schwanze1Schwanze15 months ago

Google is your friend. Google .38 with a silencer.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

An okay story overall, but I respect the protagonist and the actions he took to save his marriage. And his wife didn't seem like some high school freshman swooning over the QB either. She may have been written as a simple naive woman, but she seemed to genuinely love her husband and was as worries about their marriage as he was.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Sort of a tepid flow to the story. Liked just the same.

HighBrowHighBrow6 months ago

I really enjoyed this, but would rather his wife had been taken before the murder.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19818 months ago

I do have to agree with some of the other comments though when she said she would have gone to bed with him to supposedly protect her husband is a marriage breaker if she was so scared of this pete guy why didn't she go straight to her husband the fact that she didn't tells me she wasn't that scared of him and the fact she chose to have drinks with him alone in his room also says a lot nature of it she wasn't worth keeping around much less killing for while if the dialogue was fluent and not stiff would have been good story it wouldn't have been my cup of tea if you are going to write a lw story either write it with the way norm is with the wife being a cheating slut or write it about a actual loving wife not a wife like the 1 in this story if she was truly a loving wife she would have went to her husband right away if she was supposedly scared and she would have never have went to his room alone and had drinks with him and she would have never even considered going to bed with him for any reason she wasn't a loving wife but not quite a cheating slut

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19818 months ago

When writing just go with the flow basically as another reader said just relax so your stories don't come across reading stiff over thinking when trying to write makes for a horrible story when it comes to reading it can ruin a story with a plot line which this story did have but the stiffness of the writing hurt the plot and the story line there was no fluent flow to it would have been a really good story if not for that its a simple fix for your next story just relax and go with the flow don't overthink it

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The story is ok, but your writing is stiff. Try to relax your dialogue.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Not really

As another comment

She would have went to bed with him having a drink with him! Hell no

Sends wrong message

Cut off privates and stuff them

Use your imagination

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

so she would have gone to bed with Pete? After all her husband said and what they discussed? I would not kill for her. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Getting one over a Mafia Boss is a great feat especially if itโ€™s done for love! Like the story because the good guy wins! Full Marks!

redboat7redboat7over 1 year ago

Great Story!! loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

According to Mafia rules of honor, YOU DON'T FUCK ANOTHER MAN'S WIFE, MADE OR NOT! The world is full of juice, you don't sip from another man's cup.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Loved the storyline, mafia boss threatens Joe's marriage and after that Joe takes action and eliminates the threat. As they say, you got to do what you got to do to protect your family and that is what Joe a protective husband did. End of story. Gets my 5-star vote.

GarySmith69GarySmith69over 2 years ago

Well done that husband. Protected his wife and killed a scumbag well done.

tazz317tazz317over 2 years ago

someone has to pay the piper for all transactions. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

he did the right thing but a silencer would not cover the sound as well as one would think unless there was a noisy bar or something good read though

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