How Impulse Buying Changed My Life

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Small purchase turns his life upside down.
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What are you supposed to feel when you find out your spouse is creeping with someone else? Does it make you feel inadequate, shamed, confused or like you need to kill everyone that is in the room. I wish I never had had to find out firsthand for myself but nothing ever happens the way you want it to.

My wife always used to tell me that my love for impulse buying would lead to my financial ruin but I always laughed her off. She was right as it turns out but only about the ruination that is.

The entire thing was started innocently enough with me glimpsing an advertisement on TV about a voice activated recorder. They promised any buyer long battery life, superior audio and total satisfaction with the product. I fell in love and ordered it immediately.

It took one week to arrive even though it was charged to my credit card in less than a day. I tore open the box immediately and was shocked at just how small it was. I put in the batteries immediately and proceeded to do my best impressions for the next hour or so until I ran out of tape. Imagine my surprise upon playing them back to hear how dumb I sounded. I was laughing heartily at myself until I realised that everyone who I had done them for had probably been doing the same thing.

I rewound the tape and placed it in my sock and underwear drawer where my wife would be sure not to find it. I heard her car pull into our driveway so I threw the packaging into the garbage and was on my way to the curb with the bag in hand as she got out of her car.

As I ran to help her take the groceries out of the car she was grumbling out loud about how expensive groceries were getting these days. I just smiled and took the bags inside the house and went back out for the rest. She walked back inside with me this time and I realised that as usual there was no kiss of greeting or any acknowledgement of me on her part.

As we were packing the groceries away I tried to tell her about my day but from the expression on her face it was obvious she just did not give a damn. I realised at that point that my marriage really might be in trouble.

I lapsed into silence and she immediately started up about the assholes she was working with and how underpaid she was as well. I said nothing but just kept packing.

The amazing thing was that this attitude of hers had only started after Saint Judy had joined the company over a year ago.

Judy was a bright young lawyer who joined the firm of Knutz and Boultz and had immediately started trying to make a name for herself. She did at that alright, as one of the most ruthless and tenacious lawyers that you could tangle with.

She was rude, obnoxious and overbearing and also my wife's newest best friend from day one. She was a Bitch yes with a capital B and was not afraid to let you know it.

After listening to my wife bitch and moan for a while I gently reminded her that she could quit and work somewhere else or stay home if she so desired. After all I did own the biggest contracting firm in the state Dream Homes Inc, and we would not need the money.

She was putting some canned goods into the cupboard as I spoke but stiffened and turned slowly around. "Look Tom. I do not intend to stay at home and be a fucking housewife while you are out gallivanting from job to job. I do not plan on staring at the walls in this house you arrogant overbearing asshole." she spat at me.

My eyes widened in shock as I realised what my wife had just said. I fought to keep my voice down and barely succeeded as I choked my words out. "I am going to take a shower and cool off before we both say some things we regret." I turned and walked away slowly with my hands clenched into fists as the blood rushed to my head.

She screeched at my retreating back. "You fucking coward. How dare you walk away from me when I am talking to you? Get back here now if you value your sex life. Now asshole if you know what is good for you."

I stopped and slowly turned around and gave up on not raising my voice because she had just jumped all over my last nerve.

"Listen Carol to every fucking word that I am going to say." Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief when she heard me swear for the first time since she knew me. She took one step back as I started in on her.

"I proposed to you because I fell in love with you and because I believed that you were the woman who I wanted to have and to hold for the rest of my life. Our marriage was great for the first five years but recently you have changed into someone who I do not even wish to know.

She started indignantly, but I raised my hand before she could get a word out. "I am not finished yet. For the last year you have tried your best to imitate a dead woman whenever I try to make love to you. You make it seem like a chore instead of an act of love between two married people. If you think that no sex is really a threat then you need to realise that I knew my hand intimately before I met you and if necessary I will reacquaint myself."

I paused and took a deep breath to control my anger before I spoke again.

"I am tired of being constantly put down by you and I no longer feel welcome in my own home. You need to make up your mind about whether you are interested in making this marriage work or not and take the necessary steps to do so. Now I am going to take a shower and you need to make a decision now or later, it is totally up to you."

When I came back down the stairs about half an hour later my wife was sitting staring through the kitchen window. She refused to acknowledge my presence. When I got back downstairs she walked past me and up the stairs without saying a word.

I sat down in the living room and tried my best to enjoy some NBA basketball but after a while the TV was watching me as I stared off into space. I snapped myself out of it as I heard my wife coming down the stairs.

When I looked up and saw her I noticed immediately that she was carrying her overnight bag. She stopped in front of me and in a cold and detached voice told me. "I am going over to Judy's apartment and spend the night there, unless you wish to object."

I said nothing as she turned and stormed out of the house.

I walked out to the patio and tried to figure out just how I had ended up at this stage.

I met Carol about seven years ago when I walked through the doors of her law firm to set up a trust. I had won the lottery and I wanted the money set up so that no one could touch it. I wanted to use the money to expand my contracting business and I had some other details I wanted worked out.

I had been working at a construction company about five years ago when my buddy Jason who was a carpenter like me had fallen from the roof he was working on. The company I was working for refused to even acknowledge him in any way.

The bastards refused to take liability for the accident even though they did not have any proper safety equipment in place and if you asked about it you were gone. Even with my testimony and his, against everyone on the site we did not stand a chance.

He recovered eventually but the bills and being laid up really put him out a lot. Because we had both lost our jobs we decided to start up a small contracting company together to earn money.

It was tough at first but things were now starting to even out when I won the lottery for the largest jackpot ever in the history of our state. I discussed my plans with Jason and we both agreed that investing in our business was a good plan but we decided that we should ensure that the money was protected from any future relationships so he had recommended Knutz and Boultz to me for setting up a trust.

I was on my way out after signing the papers when I bumped into Carol and for me it was lust at first sight. She was short about five feet four inches tall and every single inch was curved. She was just beautiful and I just had to try my luck with her.

She gave me a hard time at first but after a little coaxing and a lot of flowers she finally decided to go out with me. She was bright and very articulate and she was a joy to talk to. They were few things that we could not discuss without her being well informed about them except for sports and my bedroom décor. The latter she took quite a while to get to know and it was only after I proposed marriage to her about six months after dating her that she became as well versed in it as me.

She told me a lot about her childhood and how hard it had been growing up on the wrong side of town. She had realised from early that the only way to pull herself out of there was with an education and she had buckled down with her schoolwork and was soon top of her class.

She was very shy at school and after her body had started to develop she had soon captured the interest of the boys but after a disastrous first date in which the guy had tried his best including force to get in her pants she had given up dating in high school.

She had found after graduating that she did not have enough money to go on to college even with a scholarship. So she had started working at the law firm as a clerk/typist and completed a paralegal course at the community college. She was immediately promoted and had been doing the job for the last five years until she bumped into me.

She always refused to discuss her previous partners with me but just smiled and said you will never lose me to any man. Her reluctance bothered me a bit at first but I decided not to dwell on it for too long. After all it's all in the past right.

We often discussed my development plans for the business and she was in agreement with everything I wanted to do even suggesting that I set up a company owned nursery for my employee's kids.

Well I took her advice on all that and after discussing it with Jason we started to slowly implement our long term goals for our company. The first thing we did was to set up full medical insurance on all employees and their families and hired a safety engineer to cut down on any accidents on our worksites.

We also set up a pension plan with contributions being voluntary and provided free independent financial advice to all employees. We also set up a credit union for staff and family members only, which allowed them low interest borrowing. Well needless to say our employees were very happy and we had very few people quit except those who were going on to further their studies.

When we had started the business our company's quote was "You give us your money and we will give you your dream home." Our competition had laughed at us but after the customers started to realise that what we said was what they got, they were scrambling to keep up with us.

The implementation of all these things took time and a lot of mine at that but I always tried to be there for my wife. It took about five years before everything started paying off but eventually it all came together.

Strangely enough when the business was going well is when my home life started to deteriorate. It started for me when Judy started spending all her free time over at our house.

She and I never hit it off at all. I mean she just rubbed me the wrong way from day one. Any argument or debate she had to win it and her opinion was the only one that counted. You could give her facts and statistics but nothing could change her mind when she believed in something.

She was always crying down men and soon I never even bothered to speak to her any more which pissed her off even more. I just did not care. The last straw came for me one day when I was sitting on my patio trying to relax and take a nap.

She and Carol both came out and sat down beside me. I tried to ignore the both of them but Judy soon started up a conversation about how all men were all dogs who needed to be castrated. I waited for my wife to leap to my defence at least but when I opened my eyes I was surprised to see her nodding her head in agreement.

I almost blew a fuse right then but just when I was starting to get control of myself Judy started up again. This time she was going on and on about how me could not properly satisfy women and staring me right in the eyes as she did.

Now this combined with the fact that my loving wife was there nodding her head like a Chinese mandarin while Judy spoke set me off.

I rose slowly to my feet and holding my hand out I pointed to the road.

"Listen here you little man hating piece of shit. I put up with you because you are my wife's friend but I will be damned if I am going to sit here and listen to you try to emasculate me in my own home."

Her mouth drooped open as she stared at me and she went inside to pick up her belongings and left in a huff slamming the door as she came back through it.

My wife started after her but was too late to stop her from driving off. She ran back to me and started to read me the riot act about me being so rude to her friend. I raised an eyebrow and asked her "Where were you when she was here mouthing off to me trying her damn best to make me uncomfortable in my own home."

She spluttered and turned on her heels and walked away.

I got the silent treatment for about a week after this incident but seeing how little effect it had on me she started to imitate a dead woman any time I tried to make love to her and refused any attempts at foreplay.

It put me off at first but after some research on the internet and a little experimentation with her I became quite proficient at giving her vaginal orgasms which pissed her off even more.

All of this happened about six months ago until the argument me and Carol had just had which had escalated things to the point there were at now.

I sighed and got up and went upstairs to our bedroom. I went immediately to pick out my new toy and try to figure out how to improve my impressions and get my mind off my problems. When I hit the play button I nearly dropped the voice recorder in surprise as I heard my wife's voice coming through the speakers.

I was debating whether or not I had a right to listen in on the conversation when I heard my wife say "I miss you too sweetheart."

I pressed stop immediately and sat sown on my bed immediately as my hands started to tremble. What the fuck was going on here? I knew the best place to find answers were on the tape so I gritted my teeth and pressed play.

Carol Listen sweetheart I can't wait to see you tonight. I am going to munch on your pussy until you beg me to stop. Wait a minute. I need to put you on speakerphone while I pack my bag. Don't worry about that asshole overhearing us. The door is locked and this room is virtually soundproof once that door is closed so he can not hear a word we say. Hold on.

Judy Don't forget to bring our favourite toy Long John with you I just love the way it stuffs my pussy. Don't you love the powerful orgasms it give you honey. Wait a minute. Are you still fucking that loser, girl?

Carol After today no I won't be anymore. He had the audacity to cuss me out and tell me his hand was better after I threatened to stop giving him sex.

Judy (Laughing hard) Oh shit he did not say that. But good riddance right. Isn't he a lousy lay anyway.

Carol Actually no. He is pretty ok after all in bed. Even though I tried the corpse routine on him he was still able to get me to come and hard too.

Judy Well I guess he is not so useless after all. Why did you marry him anyway though? What I mean to say is you know that you are definitely a full fledged lesbian. So why the charade?

Carol Because he was pretty much my meal ticket. Once I found out he won the lottery I was hooked. Besides the relationship I was in was pretty much dead end anyway. She was just offering great sex anyway and nothing else. I decided to marry him, save some money, go to law school and get a degree then dump his ass. Besides no matter how many times he makes me come he is still a man and I prefer pussy.

I stopped the tape after that last tit bit because I was starting to see red. So that was why she never told me about any of her previous lovers.

I tried to get up and start packing some suitcases but when I tried to stand my legs gave out on me and I fell back on the bed. I lay there and cried and cursed the lie that was my life or should I say the liar who was my wife.

Eventually I managed to pull myself together and got up and started packing my suitcases with all my clean clothes. I packed up everything that I held of value and placed it in my pick up truck. There was no way I was going to stay in a house where I would be reminded of her and what she did to me.

I called my company's lawyers and asked for the most ruthless divorce lawyers they knew of. After they gave me the name and address of the firm I drove immediately over there to get the ball rolling. I gave them the tape and explained that I wanted a no fault divorce unless she fought it then the tape should be used and her adultery brought into the light.

I left the office after signing the necessary papers and went down to my truck and drove to the nearest hotel. None of my family lived close and I was glad of that as I had no wish for any one to find out that I had been horned by a woman. Had it been a guy I don't think it would have fucked me up as much emotionally.

I placed my suitcases in my suite and then went back down to my van. I drove over to Jason's house and asked him to keep my stuff in his garage until I had arranged for a new residence. I gave him a brief explanation about my pending divorce and he thankfully did not try to probe me for more information.

I cancelled my cell phone service and got a new one set up the next day. I explained at the office that my soon to be ex-wife was no longer allowed inside my office and other than a few questioning glances no one said a word.

The divorce papers were served at her workplace and she went into shock after receiving them. She tried calling me but got an out of service message on my cell phone and was told that I was not accepting her calls when she tried my office.

She found out where I was staying but after being slapped with a restraining order she gave up on that.

She and Judy did try to fight me on the divorce and demanded a hefty settlement. My lawyers called me and I showed up at their office to meet with Carol and Judy who was representing her.

I watched her face as the tape was played for the both of them and they both turned pale and slumped into their chairs simultaneously. After that there was no fighting on their parts and they were both eager to sign the agreement.

Afterwards when we were on our way out Carol did stop me and tried to apologise.

I held my hand up to let her know to shut up. "I put a ring on your finger over six years ago promising to forsake all others for you. I tried my best to be a great husband and to be your friend and your life partner but you were never interested were you. You betrayed everything I held sacred and dear and that can never be replaced. Goodbye and good fucking riddance."

"Wait please. I will do anything for you to take me back. Even arrange a threesome between you Judy and I if you want." She pleaded with me.

The look of disgust I threw at her before I turned to walk away broke her down and she just sat down and cried.

As I walked away I wondered why all of a sudden she was so interested in getting back with me but quickly pushed it from my mind. Who gave a damn anyway. Too little too late as far as I was concerned.

Before I turned the corner I heard her shout to me. "Believe it or not I did fall in love with you and I am truly sorry for the hurt I caused you."

I continued walking because it was too little to late as far as I was concerned.

I designed and had my company build me my dream home after that and settled down to live my life as a bachelor. I did hear that Carol and Judy broke up in less than a month but who cares. My life is in front of me and I will not be looking back to the past anymore.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Not bad. But, the ending needed to be fleshed out more. Don't know why authors insist on giving extended background on the couple. In this case, unless she was having a lesbian relationship prior to the marriage. There's no point and adds little, to nothing to the story.

RuttweilerRuttweiler9 months ago

Not good enough to bother with. Sort of a “third grade reading level” version of an LW tale.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very, very bad!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not worth writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why is it that so many writers on here feel the need for the husband to be a Seal, Green Beret or ninja warrior; or a construction worker with bulging muscles; or becoming extremely wealthy from a lawsuit or a lottery. The story could have been written a lot more realistic without him being rich. Let's get real .

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

He was too nice to her and birch (j)udy A wimp!!

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

The interesting, well-conceived plot got totally derailed by the distracting backstory. The only backstory a reader needs to read concerns anything germane to the present plot, conflict and action. Everything else is irrelevant. To wit, I skimmed your backstory and the story was very good without it. Great story, otherwise. 5/5!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

There are part of this story that makes it unbelievable. Like how she says she fell for him even though she was a lesbian and never showed him proper love or affection. Or how a supposedly close lesbian couple break up just because the mc wants them to

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Is there a script to follow on this site? Start a story ... stop the story for back story that means nothing ... and eventually get back to the story?

Your story was fine, just tired of everyone following the same routine.

kirei8kirei8almost 4 years ago
Good story

But the payback was very weak.

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