How Many First Times are There?


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"I can get Grandma and Grandpa to watch the girls. They can go to church together."

"While their parents are out screwing each other."

"I prefer to think of it as a weekend brunch."

"OK! Done."

"Call them. Put them on speakerphone and agree."

Jo discovered the other men were on the same page as I was. Patricia didn't want to go along. I said, "Ok. The secret remains a secret. Brothers, stay firm. If they break us now we are finished forever." I hit the button and disconnected.

There was nothing to say. I undressed, showered and got into bed. I kissed Jo a loving kiss with no expectations. We turned and went to sleep. The next day was filled with errands, phone calls and frustration for the ladies. I got three calls from Dad, who was enjoying the game a lot.

Jo spoke to Patricia in the morning and Patricia called her back in the afternoon. Carol spoke with her sisters more than three times during the day. She invited us over for dinner. Jo asked if I wanted to go.

"Sure. Paul and I are getting to be really good friends. Do you want us to bbq?"

She scowled and said we would be there. This time we brought the salad. Paul knew we were coming over so he called Jack and invited them to join us.

We men planned the camping trip over dinner. No mention was made of the possibility of it being a sex weekend. We had picked a nice quiet campground with pretty easy access, nice flat tent sites and a really small parking lot. The entire camp had only four sites. I promised to bring our two tents, Jack had a new tent and Paul borrowed a tent from his brother. It would look like we filled the camp. I called Dad and he agreed that they would take the girls for the weekend. Helen would pick them up from school and we could pick them up on Sunday afternoon.

We asked the ladies to help us plan the menu for the weekend. They picked light stuff, salads, cut up veggies to snack on and grilled veggies with either chicken or fish for dinners. I wrote all that down and wrote shrimp, jambalaya and cobbler as well.

Friday morning I took the day off after my morning meeting. I packed our SUV and called Jack. He agreed to pick Jo up and bring her. I would go to the campground and take all four sites. On the way I filled our really big (70 quart) ice chest with sodas, beer and a few bottles of wine.

By four o'clock I had the campground. Back at the road from the highway to the campground I put up a sign telling anyone that the camp was full for the weekend. I stacked the fire pits with charcoal for cooking and firewood for night time comfort. I pulled up my camp chair, opened a beer and sat down to wait.

A few minutes after four Jo called.

"You are there already?"

"Yup. Camp is set up, fires stacked, a beer is open and I'm just waiting for my beautiful woman to arrive."

"You brought the food?"

"I have it. Our 70 quart ice chest has beverages; the two forty quart chests have salad stuff, meat, condiments, and snacks. I have two boxes of items like matches, paper goods, and the like."

"Ok, then. Jack just knocked so we're on our way. Bye. I love you!"

The phone was dead but I said, "I love you, too" anyway. My hand touched the small box in my pocket and then I put the phone in the same pocket. I had another surprise for Jo.

By a little after five Jack parked next to me and in a few minutes he and Carol had their tent up. They put down a tarp on the ground first and then the tent on top. Jo and I found some good sized rocks for them to use as weights in the tent. The weather report said it might get windy later in the night. No rain in the forecast.

No sooner did Jack pop the top from his first beer and Paul drove in with Patricia. She went directly to the restroom and stayed inside.

Jo and Carol followed her there. Jack and I helped Paul set up their tent.

"What's the story, Paul?"

"She doesn't want to be here. She's angry about the secret. Camping is dirty. She thinks everyone is mad at her because she won't fuck both of you."

"Oh, that," Jack said. We all laughed, just a little, and not loud.

By the time we got the old Coleman tent up and shook it to clear some of the dust out Paul needed a beer. As he opened it he saw all the food and said, lowly, "We may have too much food for three guys camping alone."

"I'm staying." Jack said. "Me, too," I added. Paul looked at both of us and took a drink of his beer. We sat in our camp chairs looking down the road towards the big city. I didn't expect anyone to come down the road after I put the sign up, but stranger things had happened.

Jo came out of the restroom and motioned to me to join her. As I got up Paul whispered, "Good luck. I've seen that look before." I whispered back, "Me too. It means she's horney."

Both men laughed and Jo glared.

When I got close I attempted to put my arm around Jo. She shrugged it off. "You know that Patricia is angry and upset."

"What does that have to do with me putting my arm around you?"

"I'm upset too."

"You are upset on your own or because Patricia is upset?"

"Both!" I stayed quiet. She would tell me what she wanted me to know.

"She thinks you all are mad at her for not wanting sex with all of you. I'm upset because you want sex with my sisters. She's upset because camping is dirty. I'm upset because of how much work the three of us will end up doing this weekend."

"Did I ask for sex with your sisters?"

"No! But you wanted it for all three of you."

"You three had agreed to screw one of us. It was Ok with you to screw Jack or Paul. Have I said anything about that?"

"No! Don't change the subject. Patricia wants to go home."

"I'll get their car keys and she can go. I'll bring Paul home on Sunday. Patricia can go to church with her daughters and Mom and dad." I started to walk towards Paul.

"Stop! Nick, if she goes home, we all go home."

"We all is a collective term. How big a collective is it, exactly?"

"All of us." She waved her arms indicating the men and the ladies room.

"Look, Honey, I'm not going home until Sunday. If you want to go with Patricia and hold her hand while she cries or suffers or whatever she does, you don't need my permission. I see no need or even a request from her that I get anywhere near her. Why would I go to all the preparation for this camping trip, set up camp and then tear it down and go home?"

"Because I ask you to."


"Or what?"

"Exactly. You know my thoughts. Now, tell me why I should pack all this up and go home?"

"My sister is upset. I need to be supportive. You need to be supportive to me."

"You win. Patricia is in charge of the entire family. She needs your moral or emotional support and that means everyone must give up their weekend for her comfort. The thing you say she is upset about in now in large part why she is right. She, Carol and you offered to fuck one of us. She thinks we're angry because she said no. Patricia is a drama queen. I want nothing to do with her. Not because she said no, because she is loving getting the entire family to dance to her tune. You win. I'll start packing and I will go home. You get to decide if I move out after I get home. I am not going to let Patricia dominate my life."

I turned and walked back to the two men seated by the fire pit. "It has been decided that we are not camping. We, all of us, must go home because Patricia is upset. I am packing everything and going home. Paul, I'll help you take down your tent first."

Paul got up and walked with me to his tent. "I'm really sorry, Nick. I didn't know she would pull this."

"She hasn't they, the three sisters, conspired to have this happen. It will not work, for me. I love Jo more than I can even talk about, but I will not be run by the three of them. On my way home I have lots to think about."

The tent came down easier than it went up. We got it folded and stowed in the trunk of Paul's car before we saw a woman. We went to Jack's tent and helped him finish folding it. Paul helped him carry it to Jack's mini-van. The women reappeared.

I went to the ice chests and began loading them into my SUV. Jack and Paul started folding our two tents. The women watched and did not speak. When the tents were in the SUV and I closed the back our campground looked as if no one had been there, except for the premade fires still unlit.

I gave Jack and Paul hugs and said, "Give me a call on Monday. Maybe, if we ask nicely we can have lunch sometime." I got into my SUV, started it and heard a knock on my window. It was Jo.

"Are you leaving me?"

"Did you come to the dance with me?"

"Yes... no."

"Did you wait over there for me to beg you to come with me or did you decide you wanted to be with me and got in the truck?"

"I wanted you to ask me."

"I ask you, years ago. Live with me, share my life, let me love you. How much invitation do you want?"

Tears flowed down her cheeks. "I don't want you to go."

"This is a joke, right? You stood over there and watched us do what you asked us to do, pack up and now that I'm in the truck and it's in Drive you don't want me to go. Well, Sweetheart, what the hell do you really want?"

"I'm afraid that if you go you'll leave me. You'll move out and I'll be all alone."

"Buy a puppy."

"I don't want a puppy! I want you!"

"Bull! Up until the last three weeks you have treated me as a woman treats a man she loves. I got consideration, love, care and respect. What I want is no longer important. You are in the wrong relationship. What Patricia wants is more important than us. Next time you want someone to hold you in the night, call Patricia. Next time the hot water heater breaks, call Patricia. Next time you want your sweet pussy licked, call her! I won't be available."

She ran in front of the SUV before I could go. I honked the horn. She put her hands on the hood and looked at me with tears on her face. "Please, don't go!" She screamed.

I shut off the truck and got out. Paul, Jack, Carol and Patricia stood back fifty feet or so, watching.

I grabbed Jo's arm and led her back to the crowd. "Sit!" I said. They did. I sat on a log. I looked at Patricia.

"Do you love Jo?"

"She's my sister!"

"That doesn't answer my question. Do you love her?"


"Do you love Paul?"


"You caused all the tears flowing down Jo's face. You asked her to choose you over me. She loves me and she loves you. You demanded that she choose you. Ok. You have seniority. I lose. Let her move in with you. I cannot, will not compete. You have ruined two lives because you have to win. I would never be able to face myself as a man if I let you run me like that. You want control so badly that it extends to even the smallest of things. You are the only woman I have ever known who demands that she is always called Patricia. Every other one I have ever known is called Pat. I don't know what your weekend will look like. I know what my plan was." I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out a ring box.

"I was going to ask Jo to marry me. She already said "No" by choosing you." The box went back in my pocket and I turned to walk back to my truck. I heard Paul's voice.

"Pat, you have about twenty seconds before he drives out of our lives. You have that long to fix this! If you don't this could be the most expensive camping trip ever."

At was quiet. I took five more steps. Jo ran past me and jumped into the truck. I smiled. Just as I got to the truck I heard Patricia's voice.

"I am a bitch! Nick, please don't go! You are right. I want control and you took it away from me. Paul never would have kept a secret from me if you hadn't given him the idea. Now, he wants camping. He wants me to shave my pussy! He probably wants me to suck him, too!"

I didn't get in the truck, but I didn't turn around, either.

"My mother is like me. She needs control. Nick took it away from her too. Dad laughs every day because he knows a secret she doesn't. He hopes none of you ever tell. They've been together forty-two years and this is the first time he has had any power."

I got in the truck and closed the door. Jo was in and seat belted in.

"Hey, Nick!" It was Paul's voice. "Can I get a ride with you?"

"No!" Pat screamed. In my side mirror I saw her jump up and hug Paul. He said something, softly and she acted like she had been slapped. She stepped back and he walked to the SUV. He opened the back door and climbed in. I pressed the accelerator and we drove away from the camp. When we were on the highway I asked Paul where he wanted to go.

"Home. I need to pack."

Jo sat quietly and cried. At Paul's home he got out and thanked me for the ride. The last thing he said was, "I'll call you at work on Monday."

Less than a block from Paul I pulled over and shut off the truck. I didn't say anything. Eventually, Jo looked up at me and said, "I am a fool."

"It may not be permanent. Everyone's a fool sometimes."

"Paul is moving out. You are moving out. That sounds pretty permanent to me."

"Have I moved out?"

"No, but that's what you'll do when we get home."

"With a judgment like that where is there room for a conversation about fixing what's wrong?"


"It's a done deal. I'm already gone in your mind. Paul is already gone. You said so. What if Patricia rushes home and begs him to stay, blows him and begs him to eat her pussy for the rest of the weekend. Could that make a difference?"

"I don't know."

"But you pronounced them dead already and killed us too. If that's what you want, you got it."

"Can I borrow your cell phone?"

I handed it to her and she dialed. "This is Josephine. Shut up! Listen. Get home as fast as you can, tear off your clothes and suck Paul until he fills your mouth with spunk! Then take him to bed and let him have your ass! I know you don't like it! Will you like being divorced and raising two girls alone, better?" Pat talked. Jo interrupted.

"For the first time in your life, let a man be in charge! You may discover you like it! I do."

She hung up. "Stop at a motel, would you?"


"Home is almost a half hour from here and if it's Ok with you, I don't want to wait. I also don't want to be arrested here on Slauson Avenue."

We stopped at the Hilton in downtown Whittier. We made it to the room. An hour later we had another first. First time as an engaged couple. The next day Paul and Pat joined us for breakfast in the hotel dining room and after breakfast we had another few firsts. Our first time watching sisters fucking us. Our first time fucking both sisters on adjoining beds. Their first lessons in giving and receiving oral sex.

Seconds aren't bad either, you know?

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reader_3634reader_3634over 8 years ago
Not up to your usual standard

Started well but sort of petered out. Quite a throw away ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

A delightfull story.Told with flare and panach,you have described the experience with sensitivity,and a rare use of good prose.Thank you.

dolgrathedolgratheover 14 years ago

I have to be honest and say I did not expect that, camping trip sisters and yes your intro was clear.

However I am in all honesty stunned by how clearly i know these people.

Thank you for sharing what is one of the best stories I have read on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Another brilliant story

loved the way they all got together and taught the other sisters how to treat their daughters with love and respect and how to handle the 'possible embarrassing' subject of having a period - not sure I agree with you about shaved pussies - eating out an hairy pussy is just as much fun and sometimes better as you get to rub your nose and face in it. Like many others I learnt about sex in the school yard and girlie mags. Just one point - while they were camping and swapped sisters to teach them about oral sex where were the girls during this time as no mention is made of what they did while it happened even though they were along on the trip? Loved the idea of the men having a 'boys' night out and keeping it quiet which pissed the women off - nice to turn the tables but men rarely get the chance. What got me though was the fact the three women had conspired to offer sex with all three of them to the one who ever spilt the beans first but were not up to fucking all three men - why not - what was the difference - glad the men stuck together and held out for either everyone gets to fuck all three or no one does.At least it broke down Pat needing to be in control. A touchy subject about periods but handled with care and sensitivity. Well done - another good read.

northbaybearnorthbaybearabout 16 years ago
What a concept--done well

Once again, Scorpio (wonderfully) surprises me with his imaginative twist in an erotic story. Who woulda thunk young female menses education could be incorporated into an appealing story of family dynamics, unusual sexual arousal and hot love? Another fascinating tale from a fascinating writer.

PEATBOGPEATBOGover 16 years ago
Superb story telling!!!!!

Well SCORPIO you have again blessed us with your creative skills. Nick and Jo's skill in educating and preparing the girls for one of the important stepping stones in life was truly a pleasure to read. Yes, romance with more than a touch of comedy – what more could anybody ask for? Stories of such high quality are not what we expect from LITEROTICA these days. Pete.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
a good lesson for girls

need more of this at home and school.

putkosputkosover 16 years ago

This was fantastic story, but that lived some questions open, that could be fixed in second part?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
As always...

a first rate effort from one of the authors who never disappoints. Thanks again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Way to go Nick!

Wonderfully done! I hope that I could be as level-headed as Nick in those circumstances. It's hard not to get drawn in to someone elses' drama. Too bad my wife is an only child - no chance at an all-sister round robin.

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