How to Become a Hucow

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Amanda James investigates a farm outside the city.
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Amanda James' small Prius drove down the long well worn state highway. She looked down at her open laptop in the seat next to her and the story she had finished just three days before. White Slave Ring Exposed was the headline she had chosen. Amanda had been undercover and worked her way into some pretty deep white slavery circles and even got to witness a female slave auction for her story. She had somehow managed to smuggle a list of high volume buyers off one of the computers at the auction site.

That was reason for this current trip, one of the bigger buyers was actually less than two hours drive away. His address was located a good distance from any authorities that might suspect something wrong. Amanda was still trying to formulate a plan in her mind on how to approach him. She had no idea who he was or what he did with the women he purchased.

Amanda's GPS indicated she was close and she pulled off the highway and onto a long gravel driveway. She drove up to the large farmhouse and opened her car door to step into the fresh country air. It was still summer and the warm sun felt good on her skin. Amanda had dressed quite casually wearing jean shorts, a t-shirt and tennis shoes with her dark brown hair back in a ponytail. Her small 5'2 frame stretched her arms up high to relieve the tightness the long car ride had produced. Her bright blue eyes peered toward the white farm house looking for life from inside.

She waited a few moments before deciding to take a look around. She could see in the near distance a large metal building or barn. "Perhaps that is where the owner is or the poor slaves he bought." She said walking headstrong in the barns direction.

She reached the barn and instead of opening the large door she decided to snoop around the corner to a window and get a peek inside. She stealthy peered her head over the corner of the glass pane to see inside. Her jaw dropped at the scene inside the barn. Somewhere in the number of thirty or forty naked women were in different restraints inside. She gasp watching that over half of them had their breasts hooked to different types of milking machines. Taking a longer look, she realized that almost all the women were in different stages of pregnancy.

She ducked back as she breathed deep to try and calm her nerves. These farmers had turned the free women into nothing more than cattle. They were using them to produce milk and breed. Amanda heard voices inside the barn.

"Jon, spend some time with Sow 37 today. She's ripe and ready for another session with a stud." A deep voice said.

"Sure thing boss. I can't think of a better way to spend the morning than slamming my hips into 37's ripe round ass." Jon could be heard replying.

Amanda heard a different voice break up the conversation. "Boss, Who's silver Prius is that sitting in the driveway? We expecting a delivery or sending out a shipment?"

"No." he said sternly. "I'll look into it."

"Shit..." Amanda muttered under her breath. She sprinted as fast as she could to her car and made it a few feet from the hood when she heard a big booming voice behind her.

"Can I help you miss?" The farmer said surprisingly close behind her.

Amanda had to think quickly. She hadn't exactly planned to run into this situation and spun around to face the man.

"Oh Hi!" She said with her usual perky personality. "I thought no one was home. So glad I caught you." She extended a hand. "My name is Amanda James and I work for the Central Tribune. I'm writing a story on the local agriculture and its impact on our quickly growing city."

The man met her with a big smile of his own. "Nice to meet you ma'am. I'm Bob Thomas owner and operator of Thomas Dairy Farms. We provide the city with some of the finest milk products this side of Texas."

She half expected for him to assault and grab her and his response had taken her slightly off balance. "Would you let me interview you for my story?" She asked "Let me get my notes, pen and phone so I don't miss any thing."

He further surprised the beautiful dark haired reporter by nodding his approval. Amanda felt much safer knowing she had her phone with her and she grabbed everything from the car and started the interview.

"Mr. Thomas, what kind of products does your dairy produce?" She asked.

He smiled and opened his hand gesturing towards the barn. "Allow me to show you, but let me have a disclaimer." He paused. "We don't deal with the typical cattle and products. Our products are more... Specialized."

The pair made their way to the barn and Mr.. Thomas opened the door ushering Amanda inside. Amanda now saw close up what she had spied through the window. She froze in her tracks being so close to the slave women and hearing the humming of the machines that milked their breasts.

Mr. Thomas noticed her paused and broke the awkward silence. "No fear my dear. Nothing will happen to you here as long as you simply observe and record. We run the largest human milking dairy in the county."

His words didn't ease Amanda's fears and her vision caught the farmhand on the far end of the room breeding Sow 37 like he'd been instructed to do earlier. She felt a strong hand on her arm.

"Be calm my dear. No one here will hurt you. We are providing the city with a vital service. Do you have any idea how much baby formula is consumed by newborns? Can you imagine the thousands of mothers who can't naturally lactate but don't want their precious babies drinking a manufactured formula? We are simply providing a much needed service." He concluded.

"What about the pregnancies? Almost every woman here is pregnant." She replied continuing the awkward interview.

"We prefer to use the terms breeding and bred." He corrected her before continuing. "Adoption agencies are the worst. Imagine giving a couple a healthy baby without all the red tape and complications of adoption from an unhealthy mother. We can eliminate that by taking such good care of the mothers here."

He had started walking down the center of the barn and Amanda slowly followed him. "Where do the women come from?" She asked quietly the fake perkiness from before vanished from her voice.

"You may not believe me but most are volunteers. There is actually quite the erotic fantasy online of being a Hucow. We just simply offer that fantasy to be fulfilled for some of the eager recruits. We do have to supplement with other less legal sources when supply is less than demand." He said leaning in. "That's strictly off the record."

Amanda was shocked he was allowing any of this conversation to be "on the record". She followed up the previous question. "If they are mostly volunteers then why are they restrained and bound?"

"It's all part of the fantasy my dear." He said as the pair neared the farmhand who was performing the duties of stud for Sow 37. "I'm sure even you have some fantasies that you'd like to live out. Some might even include different forms of bondage." He turned to her and winked.

Amanda was actually starting to buy his story. She was no prude and had spent several hours browsing though her own sexual fantasies online. She began thinking who was she to judge these women for being into lactation, breeding and bondage.

She watched closely as Jon's pace quickened on Sow 37. The blonde woman was on all fours and restrained. She seemed to be moaning and grinding her hips back to meet his deep thrusts. Soon his pushed deep and held inside the woman and her breeding session was complete.

"Who's this doll?" Jon said as he withdrew his member and rose from his knees.

"She's a reporter from the big city. Came all the way of here to check out our farm and I'm giving her a friendly tour." Mr. Thomas said.

"Take her to the back. We just got those three fresh volunteers. Watching them processed would make for one hell of a story." The man said as he pulled his jeans back up.

"Excellent idea. This way Ms. James, you'll get to see the whole process from volunteer to hucow." He said placing his hand on the small of Amanda's back and ushering her past the hucow pens and towards double doors in the back of the large barn. Amanda sheepishly allowed herself to be led deeper into the human dairy's operation.

The double doors boomed open and into another room Mr. Thomas and Amanda went. This room was different from the one will all the stalls. It was almost clinical with while tile floors and white walls. Amanda was immediately introduced to another man.

"This is Dr. Allen. He is responsible for the health, well being and processing of our Hucows. Doctor Allen this is Amanda James a reporter from the big city doing a story on our little operation." Mr. Thomas said introducing them.

Amanda looked at the middle aged man in the white lab coat and shook his hand. They exchanged pleasantries and the doctor turned to the three new specimens hanging from the wall. Amanda looked closely at the three women. They were all in some state of unconsciousness while two were still dressed in street clothes like Amanda but the third wore a familiar attire. A short single black loincloth was the woman's only covering. Amanda recognized it from the slave auction she had witnessed the week before. It had been explained to her that all slaves were sold wearing the same standard outfit.

She immediately knew that at least the brunette on the end was not as eager a volunteer as the farmer would have her believe but she pressed her questions. "How are these new Hucows processed?"

The doctor stepped forward with with a smile. "Let me show you my dear." He said stepping to the brunette slave. His hands untied her loincloth string and it dropped to the floor leaving her completely naked.

"Each Sow is cleaned and shaved but it looks like this one has already been cleaned well." He said pointing out her clean shaven mound. Amanda shuddered thinking about the humiliation of her own mound being shaved like a portals or sex slave. The doctor then began recording measurements of her thighs, waist, hips, and breasts. Her weight and height were already recorded and the doctor showed Amanda some syringes. "One is a hormone that will induce lactation. The other is a fertility treatment."

He plunged one treatment into the woman's chest emptying half the syringe before repeating the process on her other breast. The woman stirred from her bondage but not enough to stop him from plunging the fertility treatment into her closest ass cheek.

The woman slowly awoke and the doctor unrestrained her from the wall and called for a farm hand to help her into the next room. "Well that's the initial process. If we find a Sow is worth keeping long term they often have a barcode tattooed to their lower back so we can track them easier." He said.

"Thanks so much Dr. Allen!" Mr. Thomas said. "I think you might have left something out. Before each slave is even brought in they are often evaluated based on their typical milk and breeding output." He paused for a moment. "I have an idea. Why don't we evaluate you Ms. James? Just to give you an idea of the process of course."

Amanda stepped back slightly. "Oh. I don't think that's necessary. I get the idea."

"Oh come on. Just for fun. Don't be such a prude, it's just the three of us and we've seen everything you've got before." He responded.

Amanda shuddered at the thought of these men "evaluating" her for her potential as a breeding slave. It was an exciting thought to her. She was definitely becoming aroused at the thought. "Well, it's not like I'm going to be stripped or anything?" She said.

"Oh no. Well keep it very professional." The doctor chimed in.

Amanda nodded her acceptance of the evaluation and the doctor moved close to inspect her. His hands roamed over her t-shirt getting a firm grasp and feel of her breasts. His hands trailed down her flat stomach and then around to grip and squeeze her round ass cheeks. His last movement was to slide his hand down the front of her shorts. Amanda gasp as she felt his fingers probe her labia lips and then push inside. She blushed knowing he could feel how wet she was from the situation and his hands. Finally he withdrew and stepped back to his clipboard.

"Well Doc. What did you think?" The farmer asked with a devilish smile.

"While her breasts are on the smaller side, I know the hormones would make her at least an adequate producer of milk. Her hips are excellent for birth and breeding and not to embarrass the young lady but she's absolutely dripping in excitement. I bet with a little encouragement she'd practically bend over and let us breed her now." He said jotting down his notes.

Amanda knew he was right. All the bondage and humiliation surrounding her had aroused a darker side of her she couldn't control. She looked up with begging eyes to Mr. Thomas. "Please don't..." She begging knowing her fate was all but sealed.

"Take your place where the other girl was." He ordered.

Amanda's heart raced and her feet felt heavy as she slowly made her way to the wall. She submissively turned her back to the wall, raised her wrists above her head and felt the cool shackles locked around her wrists. She watched the farmer whisper something to the doctor before leaving and the doctor begin processing the other two new slaves.

Once the two were ushered into the next room Amanda was alone with the doctor. She had watched him cut through the women's clothing easily and he did the same with Amanda's. In moments her jean shorts, shirt, bra and thong all lay in shreds at her feet. She blushed uncontrollably as he rubbed his hand through her small patch of neatly trimmed pubic hair. She felt the shaving cream applied and a razor cut away her last shreds of dignity.

She was about to become a real sex slave, and not just used for pleasure but her body would be put to work as little more than a dairy cow. She knew she would be bred and milked, bred and milked, over and over until she couldn't produce any more. She flinched as she felt the prick of the needle to her right breast. Her left followed shortly afterwards as she knew the hormones would soon induce lactation. She awaited the fertility treatment to further seal her fate but the doctor unchained her and called for a farmhand to take her away.

"No need for fertility treatment. I'm almost certain you're ovulating and I have a hunch Mr. Thomas just wants to teach a snooping reporter like you a lesson. But I can always give it later if we decide to keep you." He whispered in her ear. Amanda caught a glimpse of his clipboard with the measurements of her body. She was humiliated seeing the grades and notes made by the doctor.

Subject: Amanda James

Hucow designation: Sow 71

Height/Weight/Age: 62 inches/115 lbs/25 years

Breeding potential: Grade A, bondage and degradation seems to arouse Sow 71. She appears healthy and fertile, no fertility treatment at this time.

Milking potential: Grade D, initial breast size measured 32B, with hormones D or DD cup size can be achieved placing her below potential average production. Monitor output for resale if production is too low.

Amanda shivered at the words on the paper as she was handed off to a farmhand and he forced her to follow him. Amanda's vision was becoming blurred and she stumbled around as the man led her to an empty Hucows stall. He pushed her to the hay covered floor and began placing her in restraints.

Amanda knelt on all fours as she felt heavy metal shackles locked around her ankles. The ankle restraints were attached to the floor by very short chains allowing barely any movement in the stall. Next wrist restraints were locked with similar restrictions to her mobility. She then felt a leather strap looped around her lower stomach and buckled behind her, another strap placed below her hanging breast and a last one above them. The three belt like straps were then attached to a chain pulley system above her. She was now completely restrained and immobile in the bondage that forced her to remain on all fours until someone released her.

The farmhand then moved in front of her and showed her a black leather collar with the words "Sow 71" written across it. Amanda leaned her head back submitting to the collaring and she felt a finality of her position as she felt if buckled around her slender throat. Her head was still spinning from the drugs and she felt her head slump forward as she rested in her restraints hanging from the straps and chains.

"Rest up Sow." The farmhand said as he patted Amanda's naked round rump. "When you wake up we'll start putting that body to work."

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HucowuddersHucowudders11 months ago

I enjoyed your story so much, and wished I was the reporter. When the needles entered her udders I would have done anything to get them, plus the fertility shot. To be bred and milked over and over is what I seek.

Please write more

ds42txds42txabout 1 year ago

To answer thomas_dean a bit,

It is possible for women to start producing milk without a pregnancy (recent or otherwise):

As for hucow play in "real" life, there is a checklist to see if someone is into it:

And the Lactation WIki has a brief introduction to hucow that one could share with potential partners:

Best of luck to everyone. Happy Trails.

thomas_deanthomas_deanover 1 year ago

Human Milk: A precious commodity

Despite the popularity of breast feeding over formulae with women, not all women lactate. Women tell me that the size of breasts aren't the key to milk production. Women with experience in the subject tell me that in the maternity wards, some skinny girls have no problem where better endowed girls don't produce much milk. Also with more women in the workforce in professional roles they don't have the time to express milk. Thus the demand for the product. In some states, it is unlawful to pay women to produce. I'm sure there are ways around that. I suppose a volunteer can be a way around the problem of payment.

Now our faithful reporter is adventuristic and risks and audacity can yield a story, However, she hadn't calculated the willingness of the farmers to hold onto their for want of a better word cash cow.

What could Amanda have done to minimize the risk and protect herself?

Dr_James_Davies_DFDr_James_Davies_DFover 1 year ago

The Faustian fault

Inquisitiveness is a virtue for a good reporter. Amanda wants to blow the lid off the next big headliner, females impressed into service as milkers. Taking too many risks in search of the story can lead to becoming a part of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

En fait j'ai eu l'opportunité d'assister en restant discret et sans y participer à l'examen de cette Amanda qui suscite tellement d'intérêt . Je dois sincèrement reconnaitre que la fille est absolument suggestive de fantasmes divers et prometteuse dans le domaine du plaisir sexuel .Son dossier comporte tous les éléments pour en apprécier l'attrait /ainsi que des indications d'aptitudes.

Pas très grande : 1 m 57 - elle sera toujours plus sexy avec des hauts talons . 51 kg 239 gr : poids plume. Si toute son anatomie révèle une belle harmonie de formes et courbes sensuelles son format actuel de nichons , un honorable 32 B jugé insuffisant va être augmenté progressivement au cours de ses progrès de mise en production . :/ prévision d'atteindre du 36 DD pour ensuite rejoindre 38 FF en bonnets .

Ce constat va immédiatement donner la mise en action d'opérations esthétiques sans tarder pour obtenir les changements importants de la silhouette de cette alléchante recrue . Dans l'ensemble : un beau brin de fille, si fraîche avec sa longue queue de cheval ( très sixties ) ses grands yeux bleu pervenche joliment soulignés d'un trait de khôl , sa bouche pulpeuse , un peu grande ; mais qui ne gâte rien . Et surtout cette incroyable taille de guêpe qui met en exergue les rondeurs de ses hanches et de son cul rebondi . Un cul de jeune pouliche .

# - Ah ah , eh bien ma belle fifille , tu vas te plaire ici ? questionna Mr Thomas

## - - ?

Sans qu'aucun son ne sorte de sa bouche ,Amanda ne put que secouer négativement la tête . Le gag de cette balle noire retenu par une sangle derrière sa nuque ( sous sa chevelure noire ) l'empêcha du moindre mot.

# - Mais si ma poupée , mais si , il faudra t'y faire tu sais . lui dit t'il en lui accordant une claque aux fesses .

# - On va t'apprendre

# - Y a pas de souci , tu vas être très obéissante ma poulette !

Quelques claques plus sèches sur son joli postérieur n'auront pour effet que de la faire s'agiter et balancer sa souple queue de cheval noire en tous sens . Et le tressautement de ses seins superbement pointus et fermes.

Les poignets attachés dans le dos par des bracelets Amanda ne se sortira pas de ce guêpier sans finir par montrer de la bonne volonté et se plier aux exigences de ses ravisseurs .

================================== Car c'est fini pour elle ==========================================

Il lui parait inconcevable pourtant de ne pas retrouver sa Prius et ainsi sa liberté . Rejoindre son appartement .

Hélas non .

# - Vous nous appartenez maintenant , ma jolie ! annonce rudement un des deux gynécos

# - Il faudra oublier tout ce qui était votre existence normale de tous les jours . confirme le second .

La pauvre fille écarquille ses grands yeux implorants dont un début de larmes les font briller . Un peu choquée et titubant sur des high - heels de cuir rouges ( car on lui a chaussé les pieds de talons aiguilles de 11 cm ) elle ne laisse sourdre que des gémissements plaintifs étouffés .

De ténus mais lancinants petits cris de souris piégée ravissent les oreilles des hommes lorsque le Dr Pinkfull pince entre ses doigts les tétons de la fille déjà d'une turgescence agressive .

## Ah oui ma belle , on va bien s'occuper de tes nichons . ricane le chirurgien plastique .

## Tu vas bien vite avoir une belle paire de tettes ... plus encombrantes , crois - moi !!!

Alors que les autres hommes reluquent l'appétissante jeune femme livrée aux attouchements vicieux des deux gynécologues un assistant du Dr Allen s'éclipse pour préparer un duo de seringues qu'il remplit avec soin d'un liquoreux fluide rose . Lorsqu'il s'approche d'Amanda elle tente de reculer , mais les deux compères l'empoignent avec force , l'immobilisant sans trop de brutalité mais avec une détermination .

"## Vas y Karl , on la tient bien ! Ne bouge pas fifille ! Ce sera vite fait ** !

L'inquiétante aiguille est proche de son sein gauche , impossible de se soustraire à la piqûre , Amanda reste figée , prisonnière sans défense , gémissante , déjà vaincue sans pouvoir échapper à l'injection du produit .

## - Je lui met toute la seringue ? questionne amusé l'assistant .

# - Les 3/4 de chaque seringue dans ses deux nichons ...

Suffocante dans son bâillon , la fille suit d'un regard extatique l'enfoncement de l'aiguille , la légère douleur , le piston poussant régulièrement le liquide rose sirupeux ,instillé (environ 6 cc ) dans l'un puis l 'autre nichon .

## -- Voilà , et voilà ma belle , avec ça on va faire un bon début de gonflement . puis il commande l'assistant .

## --- Tu achève les seringues en les vidant par les tétons , tout lui mettre d'une seule pression , compris ?

## --- Allez Karl , on la tient bien , ça va être super . Et n'hésite pas à piquer en profondeur , Ok ?

<<< <<< o >>>> >>>

D'un geste précis trahissant l'habitude Karl exécute avec une visible délectation sa besogne . Il vide totalement

les réservoirs translucides par cette injection directe , plantant la fine aiguille qui disparait dans le fût érigé des tétons de la malheureuse Amanda pleurnichant au milieu de rires masculins et de réflexions assez crues .

## Oh là là , ma jolie salope ! Que tu vas avoir de belles pointes de tétasses ! éructe Mr Thomas émoustillé .

Les cruels regards fixés sur la partie de l'anatomie féminine , leurs secrets désirs vicieux en partie réalises , on ne se gêne plus d'un langage convenable et des mots un peu vulgaires sont lâchés dans l'euphorie de l'instant.

### -- Bon sang , qu'elle va être excitante cette salope !!

#### - Pas à dire , y a rien à jeter , elle est magnifique cette pouliche !

## ^-~ Dis donc , tu es vu ce cul ? ouah ! Ce sera un régal avec le martinet , quel beau cul bien joufflu !!

#### = Ouais , ça c'est vraiment extra pour la fessée , moi j'adore claquer un cul de fille ! Et elle va aimer ça .

============ ================ o================= ========================

0 -- ## on va lui faire sa piqûre de bienvenue au Club tout de suite .

A nouveau maîtrisée , solidement tenue sur les jambes du Dr Allen , les fesses un peu rosies à l'air , celui -ci lui injecte une petite seringue munie d'une courte aiguille dans le périnée entre l'orifice anal et la fente humide de sa chatte dont les jolies nymphettes sont luisantes de mouillure vaginale .

Dans un évident abandon , sa vulve est trempée comme jamais ce qui prouve combien cette fille sera exquise à mettre au service de leurs innombrables désirs .

>> ## C'est fini pour toi ma poupée , tu es maintenant à nous , une belle créature pour le sexe !

<< ## Demain soir , vers 22h on l'amènera au Château ! Dans la limousine . Je vous accompagnerai avec Cindy , elle servira d'entraineuse pour éduquer cette gazelle .

>> ## Mr Thomas , vous donnerez toutes les instructions pour la maquiller comme j'aime et la préparer

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Je reviens à nouveau pour analyser la " valeur " de cette jeune journaliste envoyée en mission par le magazine à scandales " Central Tribune ". C'est assez irresponsable de lancer seule une frêle jeune fille dans une investigation à hauts risques .En réalité , il s'agit d'un complot élaboré secrètement par la direction du staff du journal qu'elle ignore complètement . Le directeur ainsi que trois éminents collègues sont de grands amateurs de belles filles et ils savent comment s'y prendre . Amanda a farouchement résisté à leurs incessantes avances . Faisant semblant de ne pas voir les regards insistants sur ses charmes évidents . Bien roulée , taille fine , les hanches harmonieusement évasées ,un beau derrière rebondi . Bref , une belle pouliche .Toujours souriante , gentille , un petit air canaille , sans oublier de splendides cuisses fuselées sous ses jupes courtes , souvent moulantes à mi-cuisses . Avec un regard de soumission naturelle qui trahit une docilité propice à obéir . Elle représente à leurs yeux une " pièce de premier choix ". La poitrine sous des chemisiers ou des chandails légers n'est pas un centre supérieur d'attention . Mais ce sera l'élément qui fait débat entre eux .Nous verrons par la suite les avis d'appréciations de ce quatuor d'épicuriens .La semaine passée ils ont mis au point ce piège du reportage d'enquête en petit comité secret . Le Dr Allen ,directeur principal du # 3D - Factory Laboratory " ( 3D - FL ) en abrégé ; Mr Thomas , le Dr Pinfull , chirurgien esthétique ainsi que deux collègues gynécologues ont reçu des instructions précises et sont complices avec un intérêt non déguisé . Le groupe de décision est toujours à la recherche de nouvelles candidates , recrues bénévoles ou non pour le laboratoire . Et leurs gouts prononcés pour les belles filles bien faites est facilement comblé par leur réseau de relations .

La jolie Amanda est une proie délicieuse , un projet précis et convenu dans la durée a déjà été défini pour la fille. Les différentes phases ainsi que les traitements particuliers qu'elle va subir sans discontinuer sont informatisés dans un planning d'une durée assez longue . La voilà désormais captive et entre les mains de personnages avides de transformer de nouvelles recrues en voluptueuses créatures . Jamais la pauvre et naïve poulette n'aurait pu imaginer ce à quoi elle est destinée .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Parfait ,maintenant qu'elle est capturée il est évident qu'Amanda n'aura plus aucune chance d'échapper à son sort Cette idiote va passer en dressage et sera mise en lactation forcée comme les autres filles . Je ne vois que beaucoup d'excitants moments de plaisir que vont prendre les Dr et autres personnages de cette " ferme de production de lait " assez spéciale .Et tant mieux si la fille reste finalement en utilisation de façon définitive : elle n'avait pas besoin de se fourrer dans cette histoire .Les docteurs et gynécos de l'établissement on bien raison de faire de cette belle "salope " un bonne productrice et la stériliser pour qu'elle ne serve que pour le sexe avec de beaux gros nichons pleins de lait à craquer .

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great Story Lookingat further stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

please continue this series, i have already read the second part and was hoping for more, loved the part where she said please dont, but knew her fate was but sealed

sammy_808sammy_808over 5 years ago

i think i have to read through the rest of your stories. this is one of my favorite things: a normal person finds something kinky and wrong, and can't help letting them turn her into a sub-human animal.

if only these farms really existed. i'd sign up in a heartbeat.

thomas_deanthomas_deanover 5 years ago

Comparing this to others in this sub-genre, How to become a Hu-cow is one of the finer ones. Where do I think it could be improved? Instead of having Amanda James come in contact with her inner sub, have her put in front of the milking stool by mistake as in MENTAL HOSPITAL HORROR where a visiting MD mislays a name tag and ends up as a patient or misunderstanding as in BODY DONATION where the humanitarian advocate misapprehends the nature of the commitment. An alternative might be to make her investigation undercover as in LOST IN ARGENTINA and REVENGE ON THE CLARION.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
More please

Gets me rock hard thinking of having a farm like this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
eager for more

the best. please write more

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Some what confused !

I loved the story line and so want to read more. However, I went looking for you as an Author and could not find anything. Perhaps it was me but, could not find anything but this story. Please continue this story it is wonderful and looking forward to reading more of this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Really good, can you make this a series?

Really good, can you make this a series?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Can you write a longer version of any of your three? I love them!

These get me off so well! I love the theme

northirishdivernorthirishdiverover 6 years ago

Loved it more please

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great start

Can't wait for more. Like your writing style and the theme has great potential

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Carl, Carl, Carl

Noncon or fetish.

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