How to Have an Affair Ch. 01

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A Married Woman's Guide to Extramarital Affairs.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/27/2016
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A Married Woman's Guide to Extramarital Affairs

Let's face it—practically all single men, a high percentage of single women and a disturbing percentage of married men are constantly on the prowl, looking for their next conquest. But what about married women? Do you seriously think that married women don't cheat on their husbands? Do we assume that they're always home blissfully taking care of the children? Perhaps they're cheerfully waiting patiently in the kitchen with a wonderful home—cooked dinner for their husbands. When they travel on business, they curl up with a good book, don't they?


Of course married women cheat, or many want to cheat, but because cheating by men is more socially acceptable and understood, married women often feel like they're under the pressure of a moralistic thumb. Married women would be more successful if they just knew how to go about it. After all, practice makes perfect, and men practice their trade every chance they get. Why shouldn't we? The problem is, in my opinion, that married women don't know when to prowl, why to prowl or how to prowl.

To help those married women who are looking for a little on the side, I am going to present my guide to extramarital affairs. Consider it a field manual that describes under what conditions a married woman should consider an extramarital affair and what precautions they should take in pursuing the affair. To illustrate my points, and to keep the guide from being to matter of fact and dry, I'll illustrate my points by providing short vignettes told to me by my friends or a story from my own experience. Of course, I'm not going to say which is which—that will be up to your imagination.

So, if you're a married woman, why should you consider an extramarital affair? For starters, let's consider why you should not have an extramarital affair—your sex life is terrible. Sure—it's easy to blame your husband for a crummy sex life, but look deep inside yourself. Are you doing everything you can to make him want you? If you think he should want you simply because you're his wife, then think again. In fact, consider that he may be having an affair and that's why your sex life is lacking or, worse, unfulfilling. Let's face it—no sex is better than sex without a male-induced orgasm. Achieving an orgasm is something technology can help solve, after all.

A boring, unfulfilling or absent sex life is not a good reason for an affair until, that is, you have exhausted your options. In the next chapter we'll discuss what methods you can use to fuel your husband's desires and, for illustrative purposes, I'll describe how I make sure my husband never loses interest in me.

Okay. Let me say right away that I am not encouraging anyone to have an affair. But, if you are so minded, under what conditions would an affair be, if not acceptable, then somewhat acceptable?

You want a sense of adventure

If your goal is not simply sex for sex's sake, but sex that stretches the boundaries of acceptable behavior, then you may be ready for an affair. Of course, if that's the case, you can do this with your husband, but it is always more exciting with a stranger, isn't it? So, do you think it's adventurous to pick a guy up, take him to your room or home and have sex with him? You may become nervous doing that, but it's not an adventure.

You want to try out something new before you try it on your husband

No, I'm not talking about the everyday things, like, for example, anal sex. I'm talking about something involving a man and a woman that is outside the norm, something that might cause a little pain. You want to know how a man responds, a man you don't care about, so you can determine if you want to do it to or with your husband.

You meet a guy that you just have to have sex with

Hey—it happens to everyone. We've all seen them—the hot, sexy muscular guys that turn you on, the guys who know that they're incredibly sexy, the guys with a distinguishable paso decidido y arrogante, the guys who you want to kiss almost more than you want to have sex with—almost. If you start to tremble when you see him across a room then it is, in my mind, acceptable to stray a bit. Don't you think your husband, if given the opportunity, would do the same?

You want to try something new before you let your husband do it to you

Let's assume that you're sex life is quantitatively fulfilling, but lacking in imagination. Let's further assume that you've heard your girlfriends talking and, well, you have heard them talk about things you're never even imagined. What would those things be? Again, I'm not talking about the mundane, like anal sex. You can do that any time you want and, besides, would you let a stranger do it before your husband did? Absolutely not! But, if you could come close, maybe you'd give it a try.

You want to try the lesbian experience

Lesbian? Not I you say. But you have friends how have tried it and they have sworn by it, so, you think, there must be something to it. But, how can you do it, especially if you are at home most of the time? Well, if you have the chance, take it.

You're interested in a threesome

You've discussed it with your husband and he has, to put it mildly, frowned upon the idea. But you find yourself in a time and place with two gorgeous men and they both want you, and they both want you at the same time. Go for it!

You want to be a hooker for one night

Maybe you're the church-going, PTA-volunteering, recipe-browsing, landscaping, interior-designing, perfect stay-at-home woman. Maybe you're the woman in the office everyone loves because you're so chipper and friendly all the time. Maybe, just maybe, being that kind of woman drives you crazy and you have to get away, even for a moment. Can you do it with your husband? Probably not, especially if he's made disparaging remarks about some other woman's appearance, suggesting that she looked like a whore. But you wonder, what exactly is a whore and do they like their work?

Your husband has run out of gas

Erectile dysfunction? Ring a bell? There's a reason there are all these commercials on television. Men simply lose their ability to get hard and, worse, stay hard as they age. Women, too, seem to lose their sexual desires, or so I've been told (I shudder at the possibility). But suppose you're one of those women who has not lost her desires but, despite all your efforts, your husband simply cannot perform. Suppose, too, that you love him with all your heart but you are...unfulfilled. I know such a woman.

You want to go way beyond adventure

Think a threesome is exciting? What about a foursome or, maybe a five-some? Think it could never happen to you because there's just no way you would find yourself in a situation that such a crazy event could take place? But what if you were in such a situation? Would you seize the opportunity?

You find yourself in a situation that it too strange to be true, but too strange to ignore

Sex with an extraterrestrial? No, I'm not talking about that. I'm thinking more of being stranded on a tropical island in the middle of nowhere without your cell phone and with a gorgeous man. Or perhaps being caught in a blizzard and being stuck in a cabin deep in the woods, again with a gorgeous man. While events like these may happen all the time on soap operas, the likelihood of them happening to you is non-existent. But—what if? What if a strange opportunity presented itself to you and you could take advantage of it without feeling any guilt.

I'd say these are the most reasonable circumstances under which you should attempt an affair.

So, now that you've accepted the possibility, what are the dos and don'ts of extramarital affairs?

First of all, always use protection. That goes without saying. But one-night stands are spontaneous events and the opportunity for protection may not arise, so, try to only have an affair with a married man unless, of course, you are having an affair with a woman. This is important. It's unlikely that either of you will have condoms available, and you are much more likely to be with a clean guy if he's married than if he is not. This includes a threesome-make sure both of your partners are married. By the way, if you're going to have a threesome with a man and a woman, it's best if they're married, too.

Second—after you have the affair, leave the guy in the dust. You don't want some stranger pining after you. This leads to...

Third—resist the temptation to have an affair close to home! Trust me. This is not a good idea. Bide your time and wait until you are away from home.

So, now, without further ado, I'll present some practical advice on how to make sure your husband constantly wants you so your need for an affair is diminished. Then I'll present some stories about me or my friends that illustrate how to achieve a successful extramarital affair.

How to Make Sure Your Husband Is Always Interested

Let's dispel with the advice most people would give you. Unless you're between the ages of eighteen and, say, twenty two, and unless you are in tip-top shape, buying some scanty teddy and a thong is not going to work. If you're not sure about your butt and you don't have the confidence to wear the aforementioned thong, trust me-one askance look from your husband will destroy your desires and, in turn, his. So, instead, let's talk about the tried and true.

A sure way to keep his interest is-innocence! What do I mean by innocence? It's simple-whatever you do, don't be obvious. Pretend that you're unaware of the effect you may be having.

For example, don't assume that you have to wear sexy clothing. Everyday clothes can turn a man on, but you have to know how to use them. If you're a busty woman, wear a blouse that buttons down the front, but accidentally leave a few buttons open, enough to let your husband get a peek at your breasts. If you're small breasted, like I am, wear a top that billows out whenever you bend over, again accidentally providing a glimpse of your boobs to whoever is looking.

You see, men love to peek. My husband, for example, loves to peek at my breasts whenever he can despite the fact he can see them whenever he wants.

What about panties? Normally I like to go without panties altogether, but I do wear them to bed. So, in the mornings, I walk around in a tee-shirt that ends just above my belly button and plain white panties that hang on my hips. No thong for me! Just a thin pair of panties that are mildly transparent, and a tee-shirt that will expose my breasts from either the top of the bottom when I bend from the waist just a little bit, or stand on my tiptoes to reach for a plate or cup. I am, of course, innocent of the fact that he is taking those peeks.

This seems to drive him crazy! I can understand why men love to peek at a strange woman's boobs or butt, but why they love to peek at their wives' boobs and butt is a mystery to me. But they do, so take advantage of that fact.

On the other hand, when we're lying by the pool next to a good looking man and, let's say, his bathing suit is clinging to his body and his penis is outlined under it, don't we get unbelievably turned on? I guess peeking goes both ways.

So, wear loose clothing that exposes your best assets and-once again- pretend that you don't know he is taking peeks. Remember-innocence enhances sexiness.

To take maximum advantage of the peeking phenomenon, wear loose clothing when you go to a friend's home so her husband can take some peeks. To ensure that he will peek at you, no matter how much he knows he shouldn't, place your hand on your chest to keep your clothing from billowing the first few times you bend over. This sends the message-yes, I know you can see my boobs but I'm not going to let you. Then, innocently of course, forget to cover your clothing with your hand after that. Your friend's husband, knowing that you know your boobs can be seen, will be even more thrilled that he can see them.

How does this help with your husband? If he thought that you were purposely letting your breasts be seen by another man, he might get upset. But if he thinks that the man is getting a sneak peak, then he'll most likely be turned on. Men are like that. On the other hand, if your husband is aware that you're letting other men sneak peeks he may, in fact, be even more turned on. In either case, your husband will be aroused by the fact that other men are staring at you.

This concept of dressing so as to allow peeks is different from the concept of dressing seductively. Seductive clothing is like an advertisement which, unless and your husband have agreed to have a threesome or foursome, could be counterproductive. Why do I say this? Because, once you have made the decision to dress absentmindedly, you can then proceed to show interest in another man without seeming like you are advertising.

I'm not talking about hitting on a guy in front of your husband-that would be a disaster. No, I'm suggesting that the mere fact that you talk to another man, laugh at his jokes no matter how stupid they are, and pretend to be interested in his work will be enough to flame the jealousy burning within your husband. That, in turn, will want him to prove to you that he is the best lover in the world.

One final tip. I never wear perfume except when I think I can put it to good use, and the way I put it to good use is to apply it correctly. What, you ask? Applying perfume in a certain way can turn your husband on? You bet! Assume for a second that you're going out to dinner or a party or anything you might dress up for, and let's say your naked or, better yet, wearing only your panties. Ask him, "Do you like this perfume?" Hold your perfumed finger under his nose.

His answer doesn't matter. What you do next is apply some to one of your fingers and draw it slowly up one thigh. Do the same with your other thigh. Then draw a line between your breasts down to your pubic hair. If he asks why you're applying perfume in those places, tell him, "Well, isn't that where you're going to spend most of your time later?" If he doesn't ask why you're applying perfume in those places, he already knows the answer.

You see, turning your husband on does not have to cost a lot or, for that matter, take much effort unless you like the physicality that fantasies require. And, if your husband doesn't get turned on, well, someone else will, and then you have an excuse for an affair.

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Artie88Artie88about 4 years ago
Bad Assumptions.. make a surprisingly average story

Why would the author assume that married men are more likely to cheat than married women?

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
Fuck you

Fuck you and your whore for married women who want to be divorced whores.

asadwa43a4476rtatyaasadwa43a4476rtatyaover 7 years ago

Another illiterate WHORE posting cuck shit.

onlyfictiononlyfictionover 7 years ago
Food for thought

I gave this 5 stars, partly because I found it to be a refreshing slant on the "loving wives" category (one I admittedly do not frequent often) and partly to counterbalance against ignorant rageaholics who can read a well organised piece of writing and still call the author "illiterate."

Without these factors I would have given this piece only 3 stars.

I liked the light tone and certainly the tip to not fool around with anyone close to home. By and large the writing itself was solid (no surprise from a published writer.)

But there was one confusing sentence, "Let's face it—no sex is better than sex without a male-induced orgasm." This either means that no other sort of sex is as good as the sort that excludes male-induced orgasm OR it is saying that one is better off having no sex at all than having sex that excludes male-induced orgasms. I can’t agree with either statement. Judging from other parts of the piece, I don't think the author meant either of these things either.

Beyond this, I just found the descriptions of good and not-good reasons for having an affair to be naive and shallow. Of the 10 reasons to have an affair, 6 start with the phrase "you want," and a 7th starts with "you are interested in." There was also an 8th that was about a guy you just have to have sex with. That's 70% to 80% that can be summarised with, "You want to do it."

People have affairs for a variety of deep and meaningful reasons. "I wanted to, so I did," is the very opposite of fidelity, and I guess that is what rubs some of the readers the wrong way. Give better reasons. Or don't give any reasons. That’s fine too! I have a suspicion that your reasons are meant to prepare readers for the story-examples to come.

I read your text and want very much to support a piece that encourages women to feel free and to take control/power in their lives. But IMHO that would best achieved by crediting women (and men too) with greater depth, empathy and thought than what you put here.

P.S. Your method of keeping a husband from straying won't work if he has any of a variety of reasons to do so. Just sayin'.

KeikoAlvarezKeikoAlvarezover 7 years agoAuthor

GOOD SHIP LOLLYPOP! Too funny. Thanks old bastard!

oldbastardoldbastardover 7 years ago
WOW! get your hand outta your pants assholes!

DAMN, i'm surprised there are so many backwoods goody goodies here ... isn't this Literotica? a place where most come to get hard or wet? a place of naked tits and hard cocks and wet pussies and anal intrusions and excusable rape and incest? a place of descriptive sexual harassment or mother son/daughter bonding? and what about just good ole plan face to face fucking? the most popular venue for self deprecation? what? this one make your little dick shrivel? huh? maybe that's the problem ... no hardon material? or did it make you go check on your other just because? get your hand outta your pants you self serving asshole. or is that the problem here, no monster cocks or dick banging tits? no prejizz? go hang out with the other prudes, eh? or perhaps now is the time to book that trip on the GOOD SHIP LOLLYPOP!

KeikoAlvarezKeikoAlvarezover 7 years agoAuthor
ximand - FYI

In a 1991 study, sex researcher Shere Hite found that 70 percent of married women have cheated on their partners; a 1993 follow-up study found that 72 percent of married men have as well.

KeikoAlvarezKeikoAlvarezover 7 years agoAuthor

Thanks. I did not know that. It does not make the moronic comments any less moronic. Let's face it - the people complaining are among the people reading.

hindsight2020hindsight2020over 7 years ago

When you post something you are asking for comments.

Buck up.

patilliepatillieover 7 years ago
You are too thin skinned for your own good

Need to understand that Loving Wives if the most contentious section of Lit, gets the most comments, both ridiculous and intelligent. You want to post here you better be ready to relax and just let the comments flow off your back like rain off a duck.

Impo_64Impo_64over 7 years ago
Thank you @KeikoAlvarez for the information...

Thank you @KeikoAlvarez for the information...I'll wait for those stories to read and comment...

KeikoAlvarezKeikoAlvarezover 7 years agoAuthor
Kimi's comment

When you post something yourself you can comment on other people's writing. Until then - shut the fuck up.

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago
This is not a "story."

This is an article or an essay. There is a category for that. It's called essays. Now that you've posted it, there's no going back, so, comments. Yours seem to be the most prevalent. Commenting on your own story.

You complain about people editing comments poorly. Here's a cut from your story, "the man is getting a sneak peak." The man is getting a stealth mountain? Better clean up your own act. You claim to be a writer; he's just a guy writing a comment. Shouldn't you be held to a bit higher standard?

Your article seems to be a series of reasons why it is acceptable to betray your spouse. If that's your deal, knock yourself out. Don't expect many people to enjoy it.

Hfig30Hfig30over 7 years ago

"An unfulfilling or absent sex life is not a reason for an affair." However under your "acceptable" reasons you list a husband being unable to perform, which falls under unfulfilling or absent.

Hfig30Hfig30over 7 years ago

I found this in the "new" section, I don't browse by other categories.

KeikoAlvarezKeikoAlvarezover 7 years agoAuthor
For those of you complaining...

Have you read the description of Loving Wives? Here it is: Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more.

Why are you reading these stories if you object to them. Hypocrites!!

KeikoAlvarezKeikoAlvarezover 7 years agoAuthor
DB71's comment

You wrote: "respond with as little angry as possible."

I think you mean "anger." Check your writing before you post something.

Rocco1960Rocco1960over 7 years ago

Cheating is cheating, it's just wrong. Whatever a couple does that is consensual between them it's their choice that was made together. The key word is together! That's what a marriage is , two people being joined together. When one of the parties steps outside without the other knowing and approving it's just cheating. I've been married for almost 20 years, neither me or my wife would do anything that could damage the marriage without the approval of the other. That includes financial and personnel.

DB71DB71over 7 years ago
Dear Author

You have your opinions and everyone else has theirs. Why are you arguing about what someone else has to say? Samuel Johnson — 'A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it.' Meaning now that you have posted the story, it's no longer open to just your interpretation. I sincerely suggest that you either not get into these battles or respond with as little angry as possible.

Hfig30Hfig30over 7 years ago

Fact is it's disrespectful and selfish no matter who does it. I've had friends who had affairs and our friendship was definitely strained when they asked for my honest opinion. Honest question, what would you do if your husband cheated?

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