Hucow Madame - Prologue

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Without bulls, what's a poor hucow to do?
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/25/2020
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Ashley Underwood woke up with a huge smile on her face. It was her 18th birthday, and that only meant one thing to her: She finally got to become a hucow!

A few years before, there had been a global crisis. Cows were just producing way too much methane, and the UN had gotten together for an emergency resolution. From now on, any organization owning more than 5 cows (in order to let small, third-world farmers still keep their livelihoods) would be sanctioned, and forced to give them up. The meat shortage had been quickly remedied by switching to a more vegetable-heavy diet, and supplementing with seafood and poultry which were much less environmentally dangerous. The one thing not easily replaced, however, was dairy.

Goats were too small, not being efficient producers, and any other animals that could fill in the production gap were too difficult to domesticate. Finally, scientists in (you guessed it) Germany came up with a solution: A potent mix of hormone therapies which, when taken over the course of about a month and along with proper diet, would turn a human woman into a hucow. They just needed volunteers for this, but who would want that?

It turned out, lots of women did! Nothing about your mental state was adversely affected, unless you count a strong desire to be milked and... Well, we'll get to that later. The government and private organizations each paid handsomely for hucows to provide their milk, and everything was taken care of for them, from plush accommodations to delicious meals to custom-made clothing suited for the hucow physique.

Ashley was from Western Massachusetts, and lived just a few miles from the largest hucow farm in New England, Milkmaid Resort. This being the case, she had seen hucows around while she was growing up. They went to the movies, strolled in the park, and did all manner of leisurely activity. They seemed perfectly happy, content in their laid-back way of life. The only thing that differentiated them from other normal, happy women in the area was the fact that they were, well, physically different.

The hucow physique was basically that of a normal woman, except for a few key differences: They all had wide, sensuous hips that swayed hypnotically when they walked, were about twice as strong as the average man of their height, and had big, constantly-watery eyes that made them look ever-so-slightly like erotic anime characters. Oh, and obviously they all had tits that defied belief! The "minimum size" for a producing hucow to receive government benefits for her production was a G-cup, but since the private farms paid by volume produced, most of the women who signed up elected for notably bigger. Normal tit-sizing sorta went out the window for these specimens, and their clothes had to be custom made, but something fairly typical was to see a hucow walking around town with tits that went down to her waist, swaying hypnotically when she walked.

They were required to wear clothes in public, and no outsiders were allowed into the hucow housing areas in the farms, but rumor had it that they all hated being confined, and went around fully nude at all times when permitted.

Ashley had wanted to be one of them since she had started developing her own breasts, about 7 years ago. "Mommy, will they get as big as the hucows'?" she had asked naively, and had been bitterly disappointed when her blossoming chest had stalled its growth around a C-cup. Since then, she had been determined that, as soon as she was old enough, she was going to the Milkmaid Resort and becoming a hucow.

Her parents had been very skeptical of her, but over the years she had worn them down. By her 18th birthday, they had adopted an air of feigned indifference, deciding to just let their daughter do as she would. Not like they could stop her, anyways, right? When Ashley bounded downstairs, having already showered and gotten dressed in her normal clothes - for hopefully the last time! She thought giddily - there was a big pancake breakfast waiting for her. They ate together happily, and then it was time for her to go.

"They start letting you out after what, 3 months?" her dad asked, looking worried.

"Yup! And I'll come visit right away!" Ashley promised, before kissing each of her parents' cheeks and skipping out the door. There was a private car waiting for her, with a driver standing to let her into the back row.

"Good morning, miss," he said politely, and helped her inside. Once seated, she let out a big breath she hadn't realized she had been holding, and stared anxiously out the window until they made it to the farm. She was finally here!

They were greeted at the gates by security staff - the hucows were very well protected - and 2 women wearing white gowns. "Ah, you must be Ashley, right?" the first asked, and the second looked her quickly up and down, jotting down notes.

"Just making some preliminary observations, don't mind me," the note-taker laughed, and they led her into the main building. On their way, Ashley noticed several hucows, all topless, wandering the idyllic gardens with smiles on their faces. 4 of them were playing tennis in a court set to the side, and she was mesmerized by the way their colossal tits jiggled with each swing of the racket.

"As you can see, our hucows are very well taken care of," assured the first woman, Dr. Miller.

"And inside, you'll find a wide array of other recreational activities, from a movie theatre to a library and more!" Dr. Andrews, the second woman, informed her. "After all, happy cows make better milk!"

Ashley was giddy to get started, and was promptly led into an exam room, having already signed all the paperwork. "Okay, please undress and stand right here," Dr. Miller asked, smiling encouragingly.

Here goes nothing Ashley thought. I'm going to be nude all of the time, so no reason to feel weird about stripping for these two women, right?

"Pretty impressive for a teenager," Dr. Andrews complimented her once Ashley's perky, rounded breasts were bare. Her nipples were hard, topping off beautiful, light pink areolae and capped large-ish mounds of soft flesh that sat high on her chest. She was quite proud of them, though they had always felt inadequate after she had started noticing the hucows.

"How much bigger can you make them?" asked Ashley eagerly, and the doctors both laughed.

"Well, that depends what you want," one of them explained. "So at this farm, you'll be paid about $100 per liter, and production scales with size. Now, all of your food, housing, and clothing is provided by the farm free of charge, as long as you meet the 2 liter per day quota. That's a $73,000 salary, with no expenses. Anything beyond that is entirely elective, but we have some hucows here who want to retire young, and are pumping out 10 liters every single day."

"We probably wouldn't recommend that, though," laughed the other.

"Why not?" asked Ashley, getting excited. This was really happening!

"Well, see, their tits drag on the floor when they walk," giggled Dr. Miller, and Dr. Andrews nodded to confirm that it was true.

"It makes being milked rather painful, with all the chafing," Dr. Andrews added, "plus that goes a bit extreme on the busty side, and we have had trouble finding men to breed them."

"And wow do they go into heat pretty hard!" Dr. Miller said, looking genuinely sorry for the poor hucows in question.

"Okay, so not that big," Ashley said quickly. She had already decided that she wanted to be bred eventually; the country was facing a fertility crisis, and more babies were needed for adopting couples to care for, if the population was to be saved from cratering. "How hard would it be to get them down to, like, here?" she asked, gesturing to about pussy-height.

"Any reason in particular?" asked Dr. Miller, grinning as if she knew the answer already.

"I had this one pegged as pretty kinky right away!" celebrated Dr. Andrews. "Her 18th birthday and down her already? She had to have some ulterior motives."

"Yeah, fine, I want to play with my pussy with my tits," Ashley admitted, rolling her eyes but not feeling embarrassed. "So, can you do that?"

"Oh sweety, of course we can!" she was assured by both doctors, and told to lay back and close her eyes. She felt pinches in both nipples and then her abdomen; they were giving her the hormone shots!

"There you go!" she was told happily, and opened her eyes. "Now, Tina here will show you to your room and you can take a nap while the shots start to do their work!"

"It will take about a week for your breasts to finish their growth, and then we can start working on lactation," explained Dr. Miller, and Tina - who seemed to be a nurse - stepped forward to help Ashley off the exam table. Time to go see her quarters!

It was a pretty quick trip up 2 levels and down the hall (the facility went up to floor 6 and her room was 305), and Tina chatted with her the entire time. "Based on your choice of final size, you should probably experience about a cup-size of growth every night until you reach pussy-level. I know you already know this, but I have to check - you know your nipples will get thicker and longer, too, right?" she asked in a friendly tone. Ashley nodded; she was excited for her teats to develop!

When they arrived to her room, Tina was quick to give her a little tour. "So the bed's a full size, your TV has premium cable paid for, the fridge is stocked with approved snacks, your bathroom is totally private, and that," she gestures to the corner, "is your milking machine." Ashley's eyes widened looking at the machine, the thing she had been fantasizing about for years!

"When do I get to try it?" she asked eagerly. Her pussy was becoming wet at the thought of being milked.

"Well your udders definitely aren't big enough to reach yet, and the pumps would pull your delicate little nipples off," explained the nurse, chuckling, "but I can come back in about a week to show you how to run it yourself. Then, it's up to you when you milk, but the doctors recommend 3 times a day to fully express what you produce. It can take 20 minutes to an hour, and I'm told it feels lovely."

Ashley shivered at the thought, so turned on by the idea that she was dripping slightly into her panties. "And the bulls...?" she asked hopefully. After all,her milking fantasy would be incomplete without a well-hung bull standing behind her milking machine, thrusting into her and filling her with seed.

"Oh, sweety, you have to book one of them months in advance and you get 15 minutes," Tina said regretfully. "The farm doesn't pay them to live here, and most guys don't want the trouble of lugging around a foot-long cock in their normal lives," she explained.

"Wait, it'll be impossible for me to get fucked whenever I want?!" Ashley demanded, crestfallen. "But all the stories..."

"Those stories are fantasies; in the real world, bulls are asked to take on a huge physical change for basically no career prospects, and very few volunteer just to get to brag about their big cocks. Besides, 15-minute impregnation sex isn't exactly the kinky thrill guys dream of."

"There has to be something I can do to get bred!" Ashley exclaimed, frustrated at what she felt had been a deception that she had just irreversibly fallen for.

"Well, you can always go out and get knocked up on your own," Tina said encouragingly, "but most of the hucows who try are pretty disappointed in the size of their unmodified mates. 'Sticking a pinkie through an inner-tube hole' I think one of them called it," she giggled. "But seriously, hun, that's part of why not many of the girls here are getting fucked. They tend to, uh... help each other, and us nurses provide what assistance we can when asked, too..." she winked at Ashley, sliding her hand down her back and cupping her ass. "A bunch of the hucows spend a good bit of their monthly earnings on sex toys, and we've been trained in using them to help you cum. See, orgasm increases production while you're milking..."

"YES! Definitely, I want you to fuck me," Ashley laughed. "I actually brought my favorite dildo in my backpack..."

"No, sweetheart, that thing won't be your favorite for long," giggled Tina. "Inner-tube, remember? The hucows have to special order XXL toys to fit their gaping pussies, but they work wonders! I've seen - and done - it myself, and the girls are very happy."

Ashley had a lot to process, and after thanking Tina with a hug (which included a very promising ass-grab and wink on Tina's part) and closing the door, she decided to call it a day and get to sleep. The shots were making her sleepy, and she drifted off still pretty happy with her decision. Her body was still going to be beautiful, and she had some ideas for remedying the other issues with her fantasy!

When Ashley woke up, she blinked slowly at the light in her room - had it gotten brighter? No! She must be developing bigger pupils already! Her next thought was that her chest seemed slightly heavier. Excitedly, she yanked the sheets down and smiled hugely at what she found.

Each one of her previously C-cup boobs was now a solid D, maybe even a DD. Ashley moved her hands to them and squeezed, her eyes rolling back with pleasure as she moaned. They were so much more sensitive! Now it made sense why the other hucows were fine with not getting fucked; if one day had done this, a whole month would definitely have her able to cum from nipple stimulation alone!

Next, Ashley stood and walked to the full-length mirror on her door. She giggled at the changes she saw - her hips were just slightly wider, and her tits - which still stood proudly on her chest - were more voluminous. They'll be sagging soon! She thought, giddy at the idea. She hated how perky her tits were, even though all of the boys in school seemed to love them. She wanted her big, swinging udders to rub her clit when she walked!

Just then, her stomach rumbled loudly and she laughed. Her body had grown a lot last night, and she obviously needed to feed the development. She remembered something Tina had said about breakfast being served at 8:00, which was still an hour away, so she hurried to the fridge in her room and tore into some fresh fruit and veggies. Sated, for now, she decided to go topless to breakfast to show off her development. Hopefully she would meet her fellow hucows and make some friends!

When Ashley arrived at the dining hall, proudly topless, her jaw dropped. There were about 50 hucows there already, and more filing in, and they were all so beautiful! There were women of every race and hair color, but they all were stark naked, and all had tits down to at least belly-button height. They jiggled and swayed when the women moved, and she saw at least a few of them playing with themselves idly while they ate.

"Horny bitches," the hucow beside her muttered, looking with disdain at the woman who was masturbating most openly, plunging a few fingers into her wet snatch.

"Does this always happen?" Ashley asked her, not sure if it was great or slightly sad.

"Well they're in heat," explained the remarking hucow, "and they didn't manage to book bulls in time, so they'll be getting themselves off all over the place until either they get knocked up by a winky-dink normal human or their heat just fades away."

"Oh, that's sad!" Ashley exclaimed. "I'm Ashley, by the way, I'm -"

"New? Yeah, I can see that," laughed the other cow, looking pointedly at Ashley's D-cup tits and then at her own, which ended about halfway between her navel and her pussy. "I'm Stacey, and I'm glad you're joining us. It pays well, but you'll have to get used to either taking care of yourself most of the time, or do what the rest of us do and hop on the dyke train..."

"Oh, I'm bisexual," assured Ashley, smiling when Stacey's eyes sparkled at the news. "And I think I have a plan for that..."

"Well, how about you come and sit with me, and when you've finished developing and go into your first heat maybe I can help you, uh... deal with the situation?"

Ashley nodded, and the two went and grabbed some fortified French toast before sitting down and talking for about an hour. Stacey had been a paralegal before making the change. Her husband had been fucking her sister, so she needed to change her living situation, and this seemed like a good way to do it - she was totally cut off from them, self-sufficient, and got to enjoy all of the Sapphic toy-play she wanted. "The nurses are great!" she assured Ashley, who nodded as she thought of Tina eventually fucking her silly while strapped into the milking machine.

"Anyways, I told some friends I'd meet them at the movies after breakfast, and you should go exercise - your hips end up bigger no matter what on account of your pelvis widening, but you don't want flabby arms!" Ashley nodded her agreement, and spent the rest of the day wandering the grounds and intermittently going to the gym to work out.

She collapsed into bed after an incredibly exciting day. Her arms were exhausted from exercising them so much in the gym, her legs ached from walking around the entire facility, and her entire body felt the strain she had put on it swimming in the outdoor pool. The gardens, library, entertainment complex, and dorm-style housing had been so cool to see, and made so much better by the fact that everywhere she looked there were big, swinging, occasionally leaking hucow boobs! Her slightly bigger eyes allowed her to see even more clearly how gorgeous they all were, and she drifted off to sleep excited for the changes to come.

Ashley woke slightly uncomfortable; it felt like something heavy was resting on her chest. Wait! Her eyes snapped open, and she saw big mounds of soft flesh pushing up from her chest, but also sliding off to either side. Finally! Those stupid, perky boobies are starting to sag like real udders should! she thought ecstatically. Checking herself out in the mirror, she saw that her nipples were now a bit longer and thicker, hanging slightly down from the tips of her developing udders. The tips of them reached to an inch or so below the line where her breasts pushed out from her chest, and swung slightly when she jiggled them to test. Her hips were a bit wider, with a clear gap between them. Perfect for babies... Or cock! she enthused. Once again her tummy grumbled, and she walked proudly to the dining hall, having slept later than the previous day.

"Hey Stacey! Check 'em out!" Ashley called, hurrying over when she spotted her friend and holding her boobs up for inspection.

"Nice progress!" Stacey complimented her, before making introductions to the rest of her friends at the table. Ashley was too excited to remember names, but the other hucows seemed friendly, and told her about their own treatments when they had signed up.

"Have any of you been with a bull?" Ashley asked impatiently, and almost the whole table shook their heads.

"Only Tracey, over there," Stacey pointed to the end of the table, "has been bred. The rest of us, well... we take care of each other, right girls?"

There was a chorus of yes's, and a few very open gropes and moans. Cool! Stacey stayed and chatted a bit more, then walked off to spend the day the same as she had yesterday.

Over the next week, Ashley's breasts continued to grow, until they hung down past her hips and brushed her clit occasionally when she walked. Her nippled had grown to the size of sidewalk chalk, and her hips were wide and sexy, giving her an absurd hourglass figure for a milkable hucow.

"Hey Ashley!" Tina called, knocking on the door. "Good morning," she said as the new hucow opened it. "Wow! You look great!" she complimented, and Ashley blushed. She really did, and she knew it; her big, watery eyes completed the picture of a fertility goddess and she had taken to carrying a permanent, sensual pout to really capitalize on the theme.