Huntress Among the Stars

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A shy intern gets singled out by a female alien war general.
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Jase was on the starship for all of thirteen Earth hours before General Demina caught his scent. It was an unusual match; they never would have crossed paths under different circumstances. Demina, legendary strategist and brilliant reformist, Heir to the throne of the Decaptissi Seas, and known to her people as ora thai'it (roughly translated to "Goddess in Violet"), was only on the starship because of a security oversight, which had prevented her from returning to her home planet of Surfrin before her heat began.

And Jase... Jase was on the starship because he needed desperately to pass his graduate course on foreign policy, and the massive starship's unpaid internship offered extra credit to students of the Intergalactic West Apex Military Academy. He figured that even though his passion was conservation (with a focus on interplanetary endangered species), it would be a great experience.

Thirteen hours. Barely enough time for him to unpack his bags, take a much-needed shower, a quick nap in his narrow, unheated bunk (the rooms were singles, at least - in his old living quarters, they had roommates)... and realize when he drowsily woke that it was pitch black outside his tiny window. That meant they were moving through deep space, which meant...

The clock confirmed his worst fear - if he didn't hurry, he would be late for his first diplomacy meeting. He quickly yanked on his uniform, combed his unruly hair, and rushed down the long, fluorescent hallways, careful not to appear too rushed.

He arrived just as they opened the doors and was mindful to stand in the back. The interns traditionally had to stand as silent observers.

"Like statues," Jase's academic coordinator had emphasized when he received the good news of Jase's placement. "Like boring, unnoticeable statues with no purpose other than to observe. Like... like tombstones. More like tombstones. Tombstones that can't even collect moss."

Jase quieted his breathing as best he could and looked around the spacious auditorium. Most of the diplomats had chosen to arrive in person - decked out in their home planet's regalia or opting for the clean, white uniform of an official member of the Intergalactic Reformists League. He quickly noted that three members seated at the large, round table were wearing the small violet pins that marked their support of the general Demina's "Return to Home" initiative, which had gone into effect the previous Earth year.

His eyes finally landed on the General. She was conversing with Delegate Rossin, a bespectacled feline from Apex Industries, famous for his temper. Because she was otherwise engaged, Jase didn't feel too bad letting his gaze linger. While all the other delegates were dressed to the nines -- expensive jewels, furs from their home planets, psychically attuned tattoos, and battle scars -- Demina wasn't. This isn't to say that Demina was poorly dressed - she wasn't dressed at all. Other than two simple gold bands that she wore on the middle fingers of both hands, Demina was naked. She was, in a word, breathtaking. Though the Surfrin species were humanoid, they had velvety purple skin with patches of darker coloration across the shoulders, back, and arms. Demina had impressive horns that rose from her long white hair, and her pointed ears twitched in irritation as she spoke to delegate Rossin.

Jase felt his gaze linger a little too long, but he could only force himself to look away for a moment before looking again at the beauty. Demina's long tail flicked behind her chair as Delegate Rossin pushed his glasses up his nose. Jase could practically hear the man saying,

Well, actually...

Depending on their home region, some Surfrin women chose to go without clothing or armor because of their well-known martial arts practices. If Delegate Rossin wasn't careful, he might be running into the sharp end of Demina's horns sooner rather than later.

Finally, Jase allowed himself to look at Demina's breasts. Though they were on the larger side, they were proportional to Demina's athletic build - and her slightly darker nipples were a bit puffy, as if more delicate -- or sensitive -- than the rest of her pelt. Jase couldn't help himself; he wondered just how sensitive they were...

The scaly delegate from Kala Lar called the meeting to order, and Jase felt hot shame flare through his chest. He swallowed hard, focused on the center of the room, and looked down at the digital clipboard in his hands, which he had prepped for notetaking. He told himself that the first few minutes of these meetings were dither anyway, so he took a few moments to take deep breaths and focus.

However, by the time the delegate from Kala Lar was done speaking, it was clear that the meeting would not commence. He stepped out of the way, and Demina was... glowing. She looked furious -- a feral rage that Jase had never seen before. Panels resembling gills on either side of her neck had become iridescent, as did the end of her tail, which had begun to whip about. She bared her teeth, and Jase had a visceral flashback to textbook descriptions of ancient Surfrin tribal hunts in which their women worked together, tracked, and slew enormous beasts.

"Everyone out," General Demina snarled.

Unfortunately for Jase, he'd been pushed to the back as the other interns had shuffled in. At the time, he'd thought he was doing a good thing -- trying to be like a tombstone -- but now he was at the very back of the crowd, and etiquette dictated that the other delegates leave before the lowly interns anyway.

"Not you," General Demina snapped. "You stay."

Jase barely lifted his head to see who she was talking to - mainly for the satisfaction of witnessing Delegate Rossin get the lecture of his life - but he blanched when he realized Demina's gaze was locked in on him.

Jase blinked at her a few times in disbelief. He looked over his shoulder.

"Me?" he asked.

"Yes. I require your cock." Demina stared him down. There was no mistaking that she had picked him out of the crowd -- even though what she said made no sense.

The flood of people leaving became an exodus as they overheard her ludicrous demand, none saying a word. For a moment, Jase couldn't breathe. He blinked rapidly, astounded. The next moment, he was stumbling up to the podium, rattling off apologies as he did so.

"I think I just need to get my translator fixed," he said, tapping his right temple where the tiny glowing white circle rested against his skin. "I'm sorry - how can I help you, General?" He looked down to stop himself from being mistaken for looking at her breasts again -- and saw her knuckles were white as she held on to her desk. He swallowed hard. Had he disrespected her in some way? Was he about to be gored by her horns? Why was her tail still glowing?

The door swung shut behind the same delegate with a deafening click.

"I understand humans have certain mating customs that must be fulfilled to sustain a fruitful and lasting partnership," she said, "But my heat has begun, and I don't have time for such frivolities. Please take off your clothes."

Jase's mouth fell open. "I think there has been a misunderstanding," he said as firmly as possible. "I'm just an intern. I'm here from the military academy. I'm -- I'm just a conservationist!"

"Ah!" her eyes glittered dangerously. "My stars have chosen my mate well. I do not even have to explain it to you."

"Explain what to me?" Jase asked in bewilderment as she crept closer, gently tugging at the collar of his uniform. His body realized her intentions were real before his mind had caught up. As he blinked at her dazedly, she slid her hand down the front of his uniform and gently cupped his balls through his trousers, rubbing him through the fabric.

"I am desperately in need. It is the Surfrin mating season, and I am in heat. I need you to breed me." She tilted her head, and warmth lit her dark eyes: "We can do your customs later, I assure you. I understand that time and shows of affection are essential to humans. But right now, I am burning up for you, and I need some relief." Her touch on the front of his trousers became more frantic, and he gasped, pushing her away.

She blinked at him in surprise and confusion. "Do you reject me?" she asked.

"I don't reject you," Jase said, unbuttoning his top. "I accept. The fabric is just not as soft as it could be, and -- "

"You will mate with me?" she asked, delight making her features warm and almost girlish again.

"Yes. Enough talk. Help me out of these clothes." By the time Jase was naked, Demina was on her knees, tail swishing back and forth behind her. She pushed him so that his back was against the desk -- stars, it was her desk, the desk of an intergalactic war general -- stars, what was he doing -- and she took the tip of his cock into her mouth.

It had not occurred to him until that moment that she had a forked tongue and that the sensation would be pretty different than a blowjob from an earth girl. However, he had no time to ponder over it -- the feeling was thrilling, almost as if she was using either side of her tongue separately to tease the precum out of the tip. It was all he could focus on -- and soon, he was fighting the urge to grab Demina by the horns and thrust himself into the back of her throat. As if she could read his mind, she drooled onto him, licking him up and down before easing him past her lips and deep into her warm mouth. She steadied herself against him with one hand, placing it firmly but gently on his hip. Her other hand drifted down to between her thighs, where she began stroking herself in time to the bobbing of her head.

Jase was utterly pinned against the desk. With each stroke of her lips, Demina brought him closer to the edge, guiding him through unfamiliar and new sensations he hadn't been aware his body could bear. He was shaking, and then each time she sank her head even deeper, she let out a soft humming moan, muffled by his cock, which radiated through his body. He gently wove his fingers through a handful of her hair, attempting to adjust her pace just barely to keep himself from tipping over the edge.

"General, I'm going to cum," he warned her -- and she swatted his hand away, determined, driving her lips down further than ever before so that the entirety of his length was swallowed up in her mouth. She hummed the note again, rhythmic, in time with her breathing as she barely bobbed her head, and with a desperate gasp, Jase saw stars and came, almost doubling over and trying in vain to catch his breath as she swallowed down his cum. He cursed loudly, his voice reedy and hoarse as the sensation seemed to deepen impossibly, even further before finally releasing him. He took in a shuddering gasp as the climax subsided.

Slowly, carefully, Demina pulled her head back, and Jase shivered at the sensation of the cold room. She stood and kissed him deeply, her forked tongue flicking across his bottom lip. Despite himself, Jase moaned softly.

"Good," Devina purred, pushing him so that he fell backward onto her enormous desk. She climbed over him, stroking him with a velvety hand and urging his cock to get hard again. He moaned again, louder this time -- by all accounts, he should be exhausted now, but Demina had other ideas.

"How -- " he started to ask in bewilderment.

"It's the hum," she said softly, tapping to the column of her throat. "It is unique to my species. If used properly, it can prolong pleasure... sometimes indefinitely... or until exhaustion. I will teach you this. But for now..." Seeing that he was rock-hard again, Demina bit her bottom lip and swung her leg over his hips, straddling him.

At the sensation of how soaked and warm her center was, Jase felt his hips jerk involuntarily -- but Demina simply let out a breathless laugh.

"I know," she murmured, "I know, I know what you want... I want you too..." Her voice became a whimper as she stroked her slick pussy against the head of his cock, testing the sensations, before lowering herself onto him inch by inch. He gripped her hips, grinding his length into her. Her whimpers then became moans as she placed her hands on his chest and began bouncing gently.

She began moaning in her native language, and he could feel her body squeezing him as he ran his hands up her thighs and then to her lower back. He found the spot where her tail met the base of her spine and ran his finger along it gently -- she let out a startled, choked sound as her body began to shake.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jase asked nervously.

"Don't stop," she gasped, riding him with a new, frantic pace. He found the spot again on the small of her back and massaged it gently as her tail whipped back and forth. "Right there. Right there... fuck!"

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tighter, then gripped her ass so that he could drive himself deeper into her, listening to her frantic breathing and gasps of words even his translator had given up on. He could feel his second climax building, and he cradled Devina's head, kissing her deeply as she rocked up and down. She purred almost helplessly into his mouth, and he ran his hand down her throat where the hum was glowing iridescent.

"Tighter. Tighter," she begged, her eyes wild, and he gently squeezed the sides of her shimmering throat as she bent to kiss him again.

As their lips met, she hummed again -- this time, it radiated through his whole body, driving him over the edge as she crashed her hips down to meet his over and over and over... he felt himself empty into her, as if she had hollowed him out. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt her pussy contract around him again, and again, and again... squeezing him dry.

She slowed and then stopped, collapsing on top of him, shivering and mewing. He watched in fascination as the iridescence on her throat and tail slowly faded -- not completely, but enough that it was noticeable.

"Are you -- " he started.

"Shh," she breathed.

"Fair enough," he chuckled, holding her close. After a few quiet minutes, she sighed and sat up again, pushing her hair out of her face and her sharp teeth grinning down at him. Gone was the thought that the look on her face was animalistic anger -- now, he recognized it as hunger. Her sharp eyeteeth glinted as she licked them again with her forked tongue.

"That was quite good," she murmured, then giggled. "I cannot lie. It was very good. Have you been with many girls? I know humans have strange traditions when it comes to sex. I only ask because you were so skilled."

Jase grinned despite himself. "A few. But never a Surfrina girl."

"Oh, I knew that much," she said good-naturedly, slowly easing him out of her and then hopping off as if she was completely unphased.

"What do you mean?" Jase asked, sitting up and watching her as she went about the room, picking up his clothing.

"Humans do not have a great sense of smell," Demina said with a shrug. "So they do not experience this... but our kind, we can tell when a mate is unclaimed. And once a human is set aside for a Surfrina clan, the deal is done. There is no negotiating with the stars." She laughed. It was an intoxicating sound, so much so that Jase almost didn't think clearly. Then he spoke up,

"Wait, what do you mean, 'unclaimed'?" he asked worriedly.

"We Surfrina organize our families into packs." Demina said, handing Jase his pile of tattered clothing. She grinned at him again, and again Jase thought of textbook descriptions of Surfrina women hunting in tribes -- but this time, a second image came to mind -- that of lionesses, hunting together and then returning to the pride male to be mated.

"Pack... animals," Jase replied in a daze.

"Yes," Devina said simply. "Oh, you are simply going to love the other women in my tribe..."

"Your tribe?" Jase asked, his voice barely there.

"Yes! There are six of us. Now, we'll have to plan accordingly if we're going to get back to the home planet in time for you to get acclimated for the feasts... and Durina always makes so much drama about these things... not to mention all the paperwork I'll have to file when HR finds out I've stolen you away..."

Demina continued to chatter as Jase looked down at his clothes in shock. Thirteen hours. That was how long he'd been in the space station before his whole life changed.

Stars above.

He was never going to get that extra credit, was he? Well, the internship was unpaid anyway, he told himself crossly. He glanced at Demina again and grinned. This wasn't what he had expected from this trip -- no, this was much, much better.


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David_BrockDavid_Brock3 months ago

I really hope this become large multi-part series/story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I so so so wish there was more!!!

SlofredSlofred4 months ago

As Anon stated. I am sorry this tale is over. It could be the start of some amazing adventures in space and on other worlds. Please reconsider. 5 Stars as I wait for more from your fertile mind.

Lobosolo51Lobosolo514 months ago

I like this one too. :)

Keep up the good work.

KLSomersetKLSomerset4 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much for your kind words! I have 4 to 5 more stories backlogged for the upcoming weeks, most of them cozy erotic fantasies.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Yes great story and I agree with some of the other comments.... please turn this into a series!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

There's a whole new world to explore. This cannot be the last of this Universe!

Are humans genetically compatible? How does pregnancy work? Looks like females are the Alphas but how do the males fit in? And so on.

Following Kase into this society has so many potential

AreradArerad4 months ago

Great story, thank you!

AngelRiderAngelRider4 months ago

Not gonna lie, that was hot and that's my kinda woman. Well, that's my husband's kinda woman. Chuckle

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Good for a first submission. I am disappointed you say the story is done.

DanteAlighieriDanteAlighieri4 months ago

A very nice start, Goodyear work. 5*

lAnatomistelAnatomiste4 months ago

Predictable, but silly and great fun.

I look forward to a vignette about Jase researching the population dynamics of >!!<'lbles on one of the Surfri moons, and having to ride herd on half a dozen little Deminas at the same time!

MasterJohn6969MasterJohn69694 months ago

Great story, I can't wait to see where you go with this next. Never stop dreaming or writing what your heart directs your finger to put down. BZ.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

LOVED this story!!!

Please make it into a series.

Have a Great Day!


tossthedice2tossthedice24 months ago

Would enjoy reading additional chapters, great effort.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

More please?

This has potential, some fleshing out could be done but its a good start all the same.

Best of luck

LlyanderLlyander4 months ago

Okay yeah. I need more of this please!

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