Husband's Choice Ch. 04

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Nikki's husband has a plan for her.
5.6k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/08/2020
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This story is a work of fiction solely from the twisted mind of Chromex. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are of at least 18 years of age unless otherwise specifically mentioned. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or total, without the author's permission.

Waking up on Friday morning it felt like I had a serious case of deja vu. Robert was already gone for the day so I awoke to an empty bed and as I went through my morning routine I assembled the overnight bag I would be taking with me. It struck me that I'd gone through the identical process on the morning of my wedding even to the point of choosing the lingerie I'd be wearing once we got to the hotel.

I knew Alex likely had a couple of specific fantasies about me and despite saying I wouldn't get dressed I packed a couple of extra outfits just to have the option if he wanted to indulge them. It's funny, even after getting everything set up for the date, making the appointments, getting waxed, and even ending up with a stomach full of cum it wasn't until yesterday that I wrapped my mind around what was going to happen. It wasn't any one thing, I'd been in the middle of talking with Robert when I just kind of stopped.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, I just, I suppose I just came to terms with what's going to happen tomorrow."


"And I'm not going to deny him anything. As long as he's not wanting to intentionally hurt me I'll do whatever he wants." I think he'd tried to hide it but I noticed the slight lift of his eyebrows. "Does that surprise you?"

"Surprise me? I suppose a little bit, but at the same time it makes me happy you're willing to take a chance with him." I had a suspicion that he was wanting me to do far more than just take a chance with him.

Picking up the red babydoll nightie I gently folded it and it's matching g-string before placing them into my bag. It wasn't something I'd picked up the other day but instead something I'd bought for Robert that he hadn't seen yet. I thought that the little white bow between my breasts was kind of symbolic of me giving myself to Alex. I had it as packed as I could until I did my makeup tonight so I left the bag on the bed and headed out to my appointments.

I've always enjoyed getting a good mani-pedi and just relaxed as the women chatted around me but to say my hairstylist was in shock is putting it mildly.

"You want it styled down?" Tara seemed genuinely perplexed.


"You've been coming to me for five years and never once wanted me to style it down."

"I know, I'm trying something new."

"Okay have a seat. Any color?" Tara had been trying for five years to talk me into getting blue streaks in my hair.

"Not today." You know, I really should have known better but as I'd been going to her for so long that I just relaxed and we fell into our usual chatter.

"So who's the date with?"

"Alex." Oh fuck.

"Alex? As in Alex, Alex? The same guy you've been complaining about for almost three years now?"

"Yeah, same guy. "

"Do I even want to know how this happened?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you and before you say anything else yes my husband knows and approves."

"He approves?"

"It was a little difficult for me to accept as well but yeah."

"So what dinner, dancing, and maybe more?"

"Most likely dinner followed by lots of more. Robert isn't expecting me home tonight."

"So where are you going for dinner?"

"No clue. I was expecting him to want to go to some really high-end place. Hell, I even got a bunch of stuff from the new Agent Provocateur in anticipation of that. Instead, he just wants to hit some small place he knows."

"What do you think about that?"

"I think he wants to show me the real him, not the face he wears at work."

"Are you attracted to him? Never mind, you already said you're planning on sleeping with him. Better question, are you falling for him?"

"I don't think so but who knows. It's been a hell of a week, to be honest."

"Nikki when Alex gets here I'd like to talk to him for a few minutes if that's okay." I was just finishing up getting ready and hadn't even realized Robert had come into the bathroom.

"Thanks. Do you plan on giving him some fatherly advice? Maybe tell him to make sure he has your girl home by ten because I can guarantee that's not going to happen." I probably didn't need to be a smart ass but I wasn't in the mood for games.

"No, nothing like that. I just want to talk with him. You're wearing your wedding ring?"

"Why wouldn't I? Just because I'm going out tonight doesn't change the fact I'm married to you or are you concerned people will see us together and assume I'm married to Alex because a lot of people see you and I together and even with the ring just assume I'm your mistress."

"You've never mentioned that before."

"Well it's happened a couple of times and I never mentioned it because I don't need you to stand up for me against a bunch of old biddies. I can handle myself."


"Robert just don't. You wanted this date to happen so it's happening. For reasons I can't fathom you've been pushing me into Alex's arms so I'm going to walk into them willingly and if I want to do it with my wedding ring on I will. As for you wanting to talk with him when he gets here go right ahead. Last time I checked you're both adults."

"You're right, this was all my idea. I guess I wasn't sure it would ever get this far. Now let me look at you." Finishing my makeup I stood and turned so he could take in the whole ensemble. Since Alex put the kibosh on breaking out the Sia dress I went for a simple dark navy slip dress with my black clutch purse and black heels. I was bringing the matching jacket in case Alex thought it was too much for where we were going. "You look stunning Nikki, Alex is a lucky man."

"Thank you." The ringing of the doorbell startled us both and we couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems your date is here." Grabbing the last of my make up I quickly bagged it up and stuffed it into my overnight bag. "Let me take that so you can make an entrance. Just give me a couple of minutes to talk with him."

"Okay love." Going up onto my tiptoes I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before he grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I took a couple of minutes to check my phone before turning it off and setting it on my dresser. Robert had asked that I leave it behind so Alex and I wouldn't be interrupted and I had to admit he had a good point. Eventually, my nerves started to get a hold of me and I headed towards the stairs. Looking down I could see Alex in a good pair of tight jeans, a black button-up shirt, and a dark sports coat talking with Robert who honestly was looking more like my grandfather than my distinguished-looking husband. I'm not sure what Robert said but I watched Alex's look of surprise turn solemn before seemingly agreeing to whatever had been asked of him. Using that as my cue I slowly began coming down the stairs.

Taking the stairs slowly gave me time to study the two men waiting for me at the bottom. Alex looked fit and vibrant but I realized he was older than I thought. Maybe three or four years older instead of the same age as I had previously thought and although I watched as his face lit up there was something haunted behind his eyes. Robert, as I said, was looking more like my grandfather than someone who was my husband. It seemed almost as if he was aging rapidly, even more so, every day.

"Nikki, you look, you look amazing," Alex said as I reached the bottom of the stairs. Walking over to him I put my arm in his and rested my hands on his forearm.

"She does indeed and the two of you look quite good together."


"No love I mean it. You look far better on his arm than you ever did on mine. Now you two go and have an enjoyable weekend. I'll be here when you get back on Sunday and Alex, I meant what I said." Glancing around I saw that Alex already had my bag.

"I understand and I'll do my best. You already know where I stand on that."

"I do. Now go," Robert said shooing us out the door, "I don't want you to be late for your reservations." It was a little surreal seeing Robert standing by the front door as Alex loaded my bag into the back of his Jeep and I couldn't tell which was happier with the situation. As soon as he finished loading my bag Alex hurried over to open my door for me. I knew that tonight he was going to go out of his way to be as gallant as possible and treat me how he thought a lady should be treated.

"Do I want to know what he talked to you about?"

"Let's wait until we get to the restaurant. If you still want to know then I'll tell you."

"Fair enough, so where are we headed?" Robert and I lived not far from the university and Alex seemed to be heading downtown.

"Just this little Italian place I know. It's got the best lobster ravioli in the city."

"Sounds good. You know I never really pictured you as a Jeep guy, it doesn't seem to fit."

"Let me guess you figured I'd be a BMW or Mercedes type."

"Pretty much."

"Growing up I'd read somewhere that you need to have a face for the public and a face for family and friends. I guess the lesson stuck harder than I realized." Turning in my seat I watched him trying to imagine what the real face of Alex would look like. We rode in silence for a while until Alex pulled off the freeway and pulled into the parking lot of our destination.

"Here? You're bringing me here? This place is almost impossible to get reservations for." His "little Italian place" was Alexi's, one of the best-known places in town for a nice romantic dinner. We lucked out in getting a close parking spot by catching someone as they were leaving but I was certain that was going to be the end of our luck. On Valentine's Day, you have to reserve your table for more than a year out. I know, I tried.

"Trust me, we'll get in," he said before climbing out and coming over to open my door. Taking his arm I allowed him to guide me past the people waiting outside and up to the podium where a young dark-haired woman was adding people to the waiting list. "Yes, Miss I'd like to see about getting a table for tonight."

"I should warn you," was all she got out before looking up and us and shouting, "ALEXI!!" before bounding out from behind her podium wrapping her arms around his neck in a massive hug.

"Good to see you too Sis." Lifting her into the air he held her there for a moment before using his fingers to start tickling her.

"STOP IT, Stop it you brute. I swear you never change." Setting her down gently I'd never seen him with such a genuinely happy smile.

"Just a little place you know, huh?"

"Please, if I'd have brought you anywhere else I'd have never heard the end of it."

"Since my brother is being his usual inconsiderate self, I'm Zoe."

"Nicole." Of all the reactions I expected to get having her eyes go wide and bounce back and forth between Alex and me.

"Nicole? As in Nikki, you're Nikki the Nikki?" Why I chose to introduce myself as Nicole I've no idea but it appears my fame precedes me.

"Yes Sis, that Nikki. Can we by chance see about a table now?"

"Really? Before I let our parents know you're here? Are you out of your mind? I'll be right back." Watching her dash off it was cute seeing the slightly exasperated look on Alex's face so I took the time to look around. The restaurant seemed to be a very typical Italian place with lots of wood paneling, low lights, and various pictures on the walls. I did find my eyes drawn to a particular series of photos all showing Marines in uniform. Something made me want to take a better look and as I stepped closer to look at the last picture something dawned on me.

"Yep, that's our Alexi, of course, he's not as good looking as his old man." Turning to the source of the voice there was no question this man was Alex's father and also the man in the photo before his. Seeing his father was like getting a glimpse into Alex's future and for some reason, I found it deeply satisfying that he would be a stunningly handsome man for a very long time. "You know when Zoe said you were out here with a date I couldn't believe it at first. I thought she was playing a prank on me."

"I know, I know. I should have dropped by a long time ago. Is Mom here?"

"Yeah, she's on the phone with your Aunt Maria. I think her sister is trying to hook her up with a new boyfriend again."

"You know Papa you never did tell me what you did to piss Aunt Maria off so much."

"First let's get you a table and then I'll tell you. Zoe mark them down for table twenty-two."

"But we just seated Councilman Jones there."

"Did we? Oh well that's just a shame, isn't it? Councilman Jones is with a young lady who might be old enough to vote who I also believe is his office's new intern. Please remind the Councilman that it's his wife's birthday next week and I would hate to have to explain to her why I was forced to cancel their reservation."

"You want me to do it?"

"Of course. I've gotten tired of him staring at your ass every time he comes in here and if he gives you any trouble at all you can inform him he is no longer welcome in my establishment."

"Papa you always give me the best presents." Given the evil smile that crossed Zoe's face, it was clear that she wasn't a fan of the good Councilman and was going to relish sending him on his way.

"This shouldn't take long. I'm Xander by the way, unfortunately, my son is famous for not realizing that people need to be introduced to one another."

"Nicole, but I gathered you already knew that."

As we waited I saw his eyes sweep over me before turning to face his son. "You know what Alexi, I owe you an apology." Seeing the smile grown on Alex's face made me wonder exactly what conversations had been had regarding me. "Ahh here comes the esteemed Councilman. Let's see if he's going to slit his own throat."

There was no mistaking who the Councilman was given the impressive scowl he wore upon his face. Given any other circumstances, he could have been mistaken for a short balding grandfather in his sixties out for dinner with his granddaughter. The poor girl followed him completely clueless as to why they were leaving and had me wondering if she had a clue as to what I'm sure the Councilman intended to happen after dinner. You could see from his face he wanted to make a scene but instead just headed out the door.

"Did he give you any problems?" I for one had been hoping he'd cause a scene.

"Unfortunately not." You could easily read the disappointment on Zoe's face. "Andre is already cleaning the table if you want to head that way. Alexi, I think you know where it is."

"I'll take them. This way." As we walked through the restaurant Xander took the time to point out the various autographed photos of both celebrities and politicians from both sides of the aisle to include four prior presidents. "Here you go." Sliding into the booth it was readily apparent that even if the restaurant was completely packed you would still have almost complete privacy and it didn't take much to guess at the kind of antics people had gotten up to in the booth over the years. "So what would you like?"


"Alright, alright. So do you want to know why your Aunt hates me so much?"

"Of course. I asked her once and she just scowled at me."

"It's simple. She hates me because after having them both I chose your mother over her."

"You're joking right?"

"No, he's not joking and no matter how many times I ask him to stop he insists on telling that story." Just as Xander was obviously Alex's father, the stunning older woman who joined us was clearly Zoe's mother. Quickly climbing out of the booth Alex picked her up in a massive hug giving me a moment to slide out. "Alexi put me down this instant."

"Yes, Mom." Watching him roll his eyes and drag out his words like a petulant teenager was probably one of the funniest things I'd ever seen.

"Mom, this is Nicole. Nicole, this is my mom Sophia."

"He did it," Xander exclaimed, "He actually remembered to introduce someone."

"Nicole, not Nikki?" Turning to look at Alex and her husband she spoke in Italian, "È sicuramente abbastanza carina ma è ancora sposata. Alexi, devi trovare qualcuno single che ti renda felice. Questo può solo finire in un crepacuore." (She's certainly pretty enough but she's still married. Alexi, you need to find someone single who will make you happy. This can only end in heartbreak.) Listening to her talk I made an effort to keep my face neutral as to play dumb for a moment while Alex and Xander looked positively shocked.

"I use Nicole for serious occasions and meeting someone's parents, albeit quite unexpectedly is serious enough to warrant it. Besides, people hear Nikki and automatically underestimate me. Il Cuore vuole ciò che vuole - altrimenti non gli importa. Tuo figlio sta entrando in questo con gli occhi aperti e non sto cercando di spezzargli il cuore. (The Heart wants what it wants - or else it does not care. Your son is going into this with his eyes open and I'm not looking to break his heart.) Seeing the realization dawn upon Sophia's face that I perfectly understood what she said will always be one of my favorite moments of karma biting someone in the ass and the raucous laughter from Xander made it all that much sweeter.

"You speak Italian?" That she was willing to look completely abashed afterward certainly scored points in her favor.

"Languages were my minor in college with a focus on Italian." I thought it might be in poor taste to mention that Robert and I also went to Italy on our honeymoon.

"You understand."

"That you're just trying to look out for your son. Yes, I understand."

"Alright, Xander, time to leave the couple alone and get back into the kitchen. Alexi do I even need to ask what you want? Didn't think so. Nicole, what would you like?"

"I'll trust your judgment."

"Smart girl. I'll have a bottle sent out with your appetizers. You two have a good time."

Sliding back into the booth it was strange. I'd been alone with Alex in the car and my office but this was a completely different sensation. There was something about this booth that seemed to deaden the outside sounds making it feel like you're the only one in the place. "It's a fluke in the construction."

"Excuse me?"

"The way the acoustics work in this booth, it's a fluke in the construction. When my great grandfather converted this place into the restaurant this booth was a last-second, "let's see if we can jam one more booth in there," addition to the plans which is why it's at an odd angle compared to the rest. It just so happened to give the booth amazing privacy. So why did you introduce yourself as Nicole? I've never heard you use that?"

"I could say the same about Alexi?"

"I was Alexi until I went into the Marines. While I was in I told everyone my name was Alex. Certainly avoided the harassment from my buddies that would have followed."

"Makes sense I suppose."

"And so you know I like Nicole, I think it suits you. You've never seemed like a Nikki to me and now I know why."

"Maybe I'll let you keep using it. So what did Robert tell you before I came down?"

"He said he believed your heart was mine to win and he hopes I succeed." Well, that was certainly not what I was expecting to hear him say.

"Do you think that's true?" That you could win my heart from Robert?"

"That's entirely up to you, isn't it? I told him the truth that nothing would make me happier but winning your heart isn't what I want. You're not a prize to compete over and if I wind up with your heart I want it to be from you giving it to me willingly." I couldn't help myself but to chuckle over his statement but could easily see he was taking it the wrong way.