Husband's Choice Ch. 04


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"Alex, I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing because I was thinking to myself that your statement about my heart not being a prize was certainly a good start." This is what Robert meant by keeping myself open. He wants me to fall in love with Alex but why?

"You know what, call me Alexi. I'm tired of pretending to be someone I'm not and I can't think of anyone I'd rather just be my real self around." Dammit, there's more points in his favor."

"I'd like that," I said before reaching my hand across the table, "It's nice to meet you Alexi I'm Nicole." I don't know if Robert told him I'm a sucker for romantic gestures but taking my hand and ever so gently kissing it was exactly the right thing for him to do. With the ice completely shattered the conversation flowed as easily as the wine and the meal turned out to be one of the best I could remember ever having. We talked about anything and everything, from awkward teenage foibles to funny memories that had us both in tears. I knew he was holding back when it came to talking about his time in the Marines but I found myself thinking I had plenty of time to find out more. I hadn't even realized how much time had passed until Sophia came over to the table.

"I'm happy to see the two of you having such a good time and I'm sure you could sit there for another four hours just talking but this is the last table that needs to be cleaned before we close up for the night."

"Mom, what are you talking about? The restaurant doesn't close until eleven-thirty on Fridays." Scooching over in my booth I was able to look out and see that the rest of the place was deserted.

"Uhm, Alexi. I think we're the only ones still here."

"We locked the doors an hour ago but don't worry, Xander will drive you to wherever you were planning on going next and Zoe is going to follow in your Jeep so you'll have it in the morning. It was good hearing your laughter tonight but it's time for you and Nicole to get going." Climbing out of the booth was easy but standing up turned out to be a larger challenge which is how Alexi and I ended up leaning on each other the whole way to the car giggling like a couple of idiots.

"Sophia help Nicole around to the other side while I get our boy loaded up."

"Sorry," I said as Sophia guided me around the car, "I don't normally get like this. I'm sure I'm making an ass out of myself." Opening the door she leaned me against the side of the car.

"Nicole, I haven't heard my son laugh like he was tonight in a long time and for that, I'm willing to accept a lot. Seeing the two of you tonight, it makes me wish you were single because it's clear just how much Alexi is in love with you and I think he's not alone in that."


"It's like what you said earlier, the heart wants what the heart wants."

"Sometimes the heart doesn't know what it wants."

"You're right, sometimes it doesn't. Listen, I know I shouldn't say this but I hope you consider letting yourself love him. I think you and Alexi would be happy together."

"Sophia are you going to chat with her all night or can I go ahead and take them wherever the hell it is I'm taking them?" I was grateful for Xander's interruption for it stopped me from voicing the thought running through my head.

"Okay, okay. Please, just think about what I said." My brief conversation with Sophia seemed to sober me up a little bit and I was able to get into the car without having to be poured into the seat.

"So where am I taking you? Back to your place?"

"No Dad take us to the Hyatt please."

"Alexi, can you help me?" My seatbelt was proving to be more difficult than my wine addled brain could handle at the moment.

"Sure, but first." I was surprised to find myself suddenly being kissed as Alexi took me in his arms and pulled me to his side of the car. He somehow managed to get me buckled into the middle seat without breaking the kiss and pulled my body against his as the car pulled out into the street. I felt like a teenager as we made out in the back of his father's car with his hands roaming anywhere and everywhere although unlike my ex from high school he was smart enough to keep his hands above my clothing.

The drive turned out to be relatively short as Alexi had chosen the nearest nice hotel to the restaurant. Given it was nearly one a.m. they were able to pull up right in front with Zoe handing the keys to Alexi's Jeep off to the valet parking attendant as soon as we retrieved our bags. Oddly enough it was Zoe who insisted we keep the goodbyes short as I think Alexi and his father could have talked for hours had we let them. After giving them both a hug I waited while Xander pulled his son to the side for a moment before giving him a big hug and telling him that he shouldn't keep a lady waiting.

"I checked in before I picked you up," Alexi said as we crossed the lobby heading for the elevators, "figured it would just save some time."

"Smart move." Honestly, I wasn't surprised that even before the doors to the elevator closed I found myself pinned to the wall with Alexi's mouth on mine and his hands trying to touch every part of me simultaneously. My arms were far from idle as I wrapped them around his head and pulled him even deeper into the kiss. Finally settling on the small of my back I could feel him as he pulled the back of my dress up before cupping my ass and lifting me off my feet. Wrapping my legs around his waist I could feel his cock straining against his pants as he pressed it against my mound. I was in the middle of reaching down to unzip his pants when he suddenly froze breaking the kiss and hanging his head. "What is it? What wrong?"

Instead of answering he set my leg down before reaching over and pushing the button for our floor. We both tried hard not to laugh but we were both still drunk enough that when he looked up at me struggling we both cracked up in hysterical laughter. The spell broken we pulled ourselves together and were still laughing when we got to our floor and made it to our suite. "You know I'm glad that happened," Alex said as we set our stuff in the bedroom, "I'd have never been able to forgive myself if our first time was in an elevator."

"While it certainly would have made an entertaining story I'm with you. Besides, I picked something special out for tonight I need to change into."

"Let me wash up then you can get ready." He was halfway to the bathroom when he stopped and came over to where I was unloading my bag. "Can I get a kiss?" It was such a sweet and unexpected gesture that I said what I was thinking.

Stepping in close I pressed my body against his as he wrapped me in his arms. "Only if you kiss me like I'm yours."

"Why?" I'm not sure what else he was trying to say as I pressed my lips to his before he could continue. The raging inferno from earlier had settled down to something deeper and more controlled. Pure lust had given way to deeply seeded passion and desire and although I knew I shouldn't, I could imagine myself kissing him like this for years to come. Minutes passed before we finally broke away and I think we were both surprised by the level of passion the kiss contained.

"Go clean up so I can get ready for you."

"Okay." It was clear he wanted to ask me something but he grabbed his stuff and headed into the bathroom. Pulling out the few things I needed, I set them aside before taking off my heels and taking a walk around the suite. I was admiring the cityscape when I heard Alexi step out of the bathroom and walk up behind me, wrapping me in his arms. "You wear heels all the time don't you?"

"I pretty much have to, especially at the office." Turning around in his arms my heart began to race a bit as I realized he was only in his boxers. I rested my head and hands against his strong chest and listened to his heartbeat before looking up at him. "I hope you don't mind. Without the heels, I'm barely 5' 4" I know they say it's just below average but."

"I promise you I don't mind at all." Lifting me we kissed for a bit before he set me back down. "The suspense is killing me, go and get ready."

"Don't start without me." Grabbing my stuff I headed into the bathroom and stripped out of my dress and underwear. I'd made sure to shave anything that needed it before I left the house but still gave myself a quick once over just to be sure. Giving my teeth a quick brushing I found myself looking in the mirror as I ran my hand across my toned stomach. I'd always wanted to get my belly button pierced and found myself wondering what Alexi would think. That wondering what Robert's opinion would be never crossed my mind. Slipping on the red g-string and babydoll nighty I realized this was it, everything would be different after tonight. Stepping into the room I looked over at the bed expecting to see Alexi all but salivating with anticipation.

Alexi's faint snoring was the only sound as I padded across the thick carpet to the bed. He was sleeping stretched out with one arm above his head and the other on his flat stomach. Pulling the covers away I sat on the bed next to him and took this opportunity to examine his body. He had plenty of muscle on his frame but it all appeared to be functional. He worked out for strength and speed not just to be muscular. I couldn't help but run my fingers down his chest and across his stomach inciting faint moans as his body responded to my touch. Remembering the circular scar I saw I pulled the waist of his boxers down and found two more scars, one just at his waistline and the other near his hip.

The wounds had long since healed although I'm sure they had something to do with the haunted look I sometimes see. Someone somewhere had shot Alexi and I found myself angry over something that occurred long before I knew him. It took me a few minutes to calm myself down which I spent examining his body closer as I noticed other small scars. Finally, the part of me that was so angry over him being hurt was quieted by how peaceful he was sleeping. Turning off the light I settled into the bed next to him and laid my head upon his chest, his arm automatically moving to encircle me as my subconscious folded him into the category of people to protect at all costs.

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