Hypergeniture Bk. 01 Pt. 06

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Life doesn't last forever.
25.2k words

Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 11/22/2021
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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who has engaged with this story already! Your comments, feedback, favourites and ratings are wonderful and most welcome. Please enjoy this next part and leave a 5-star rating if you are so inclined, and let me know what you think!

I decided to merge the last two parts into this one. So, this is the end of book one. Book two will take several months. I have a beginning and an end written, but I don't want to rush all the stuff in the middle. This part is light on the sex, so bare that in mind when you start what I hope will be a rewarding journey! Trust me to carry it through to the end, and enjoy... It gets emotional.

All sexual activity is between characters that are 18 or older. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real persons, places or events is purely coincidental. The below is not intended to serve as a template for real life sexual encounters or relationships, nor should it be regarded as such. Stay safe, happy and healthy! :-)


54 • Wedding Plans

The men loaded into their trucks -- fifty of them -- carrying rifles and ammunition. Some had anti-tank weapons, others carried only machetes or handmade spears. They were a rag-tag group put together for one very specific mission.

Their task was to kill Oliver Orwell.

• • •

One week earlier...

It was a disaster...

A total, unmitigated disaster! Since Tecla 'popped the question' we'd been in a total love-drunk daze. Organising a perfect wedding became an obsession for everyone involved. Some had to be won over first... Still, everyone eventually became swept up in the planning.

Now, it had all gone wrong.

Everything started two days before the 14th of February -- roughly 48 hours until our planned Valentine's Day nuptials. The twins' friend, Amanda, had been jerking us around. She kept changing the date of her arrival, citing cheer squad commitments. This naturally left the girls disappointed, but they had wedding plans to keep them busy. Meanwhile, I found myself on the phone with a deeply concerned cousin.

"This is delusional, Olly," Natasha declared with something resembling pity in her voice.

"Let me get this straight: you approve of us having sex, but not of a sham wedding?"

"How serious are you about this?" she asked. "Because you know you can't really marry them, right? It's taking things too far..."

I shook my head, disheartened by the lack of support from my friend and family member. Right then, I could've made an argument and probably convinced her, but the truth is that I had my own doubts.

A little rebellion against society's rules was one thing... Marriage, on the other hand, seemed to be the peak of conformity.

I feared our decision, no matter how lighthearted, would make us pretend to be husband and wives. Assuming those roles introduced the possibility of 'divorce' and a range of other marital problems. At the same time, we could never have kids.

There were countless rules we'd break and lines we'd cross, but there were still limits.

My cousin had a point. Her worrying came as a result of her friendship, not in spite of it. She was a nurturing and caring person, and she wanted the best for me (and for the girls). This meant there was merit in listening to her and, thankfully, she triggered something in my brain.

Excitedly, a little manic spark set my mind alight and I explained the details to Natasha. She listened closely and, with each instruction I gave, she played the role of loyal assistant.

Eventually, I managed to win her approval as she realised her doubts about my sanity were unfounded.

"That's better," she exhaled, having recorded all my plans in a note. "This sounds good... Romantic, clever... Very true to who you are and your relationship."

I smiled appreciatively.

Of course, I couldn't blame Natasha for worrying. Her first instinct as someone with a nurturing spirit was to show concern. Add her recovery from substance abuse, and you're left with an individual primed for anxiety. After all, it's only after we take care of ourselves that we can take care of others.

A lesson I sadly learnt far too late in life...

"How's my mother doing?" I asked, having finished outlining my plans.

Natasha seemed to hesitate, but not because she had bad news. Instead, she worried that things might be going a little too well where Eve was concerned.

"I've never seen her happier," she said. "They've started some procedures already and she actually looks... Better."

"How could she?" I questioned. "My mother has many shortcomings, but her looks were never in doubt."

"I know... But she seems more confident, like... I don't know," Natasha sighed. "Have you heard of bimbos?"

I raised an eyebrow, but just as I was about to ask for some explanation, a business matter tore me away from my call with Tash. We said goodbye and I turned to Alicia.

I'd been sitting in the casino proper, surrounded by other gamblers, cocktail waitresses and flashing lights. When I first told Skylar I wanted to go downstairs to gamble, she asked if she should book a high-roller table, but my plans weren't quite so grand.

Earlier that day, my bodyguard passed me a card loaded with $100 and I picked the flashiest slot machine I could find. Inserting the card, the thing lit up like a Christmas tree and it wasn't long before the flashing lights turned against my favour. After ten minutes, the hundred was gone and I was left with nothing but a big fat smile.

I'd been too lucky recently. This was karmic balance.

There had been no one around me, which was certainly a consequence of the handful of bodyguards flanking me. Alicia approached, handing over a folio filled with documents for me to sign, but I could see plain work wasn't the only thing on her mind.

"Hey, sir."


"Mr Orwell."

I smiled. "How are you, Alicia?"

Exhaling deeply, I could tell that I was about to get some bad news. Alicia steeled herself, like she was expecting me to get angry (even though she must've known that I could never get angry at her).

"There's been an incident," she explained.

"Again? Where this time?"

"Australia, sir. We found a listening post close to the house; designed to surveil our security measures and possibly plan an assault."


"I've already made arrangements for Natasha and your mother to move again. I'm thinking India... It makes sense."

"Does it?"

"I think so..."

I nodded. "Alright, I trust you."

Heartened by my words, Alicia took a minute to breathe as I signed the documents she'd brought. This was only the latest in a line of potential security breaches and the pressure was getting to the both of us. All we could do was focus on controlling the risk, since our people seemed no closer to eliminating it.

The papers in my possession weren't anything major. There were a few preliminary arrangements for Elle's so-called tech business -- a porn studio in disguise, aimed at producing 'old school' content using innovative data-driven techniques. It would be invaluable in the long-run with high cash-flow, limited regulatory oversight, and the ability to collect massive amounts of data on users.

Tecla also mentioned wanting to start a business of her own, but never got around to putting any ideas on paper. I would happily make it happen for her if she did the work, but I had a feeling her talents lied elsewhere.

After I was done signing the documents, I slipped an envelope into the folio. It was a letter for my sisters, to be added to my will in the event of something happening to me.

I turned back to Alicia. "So, how are you?"

"Busy, busy, busy," my chief of staff exhaled. "The wedding is only adding to my already packed schedule, but I won't complain."

"What's your opinion on the whole thing?"

My advisor seemed to ponder her words. "It's... Adorably sweet."

"Thanks. It's good to know we're not completely insane -- that it makes sense -- but I'm still planning on making a few adjustments."

Alicia very nearly rolled her eyes; clearly not excited by the prospect of last-minute changes to the plans. The look on her face actually made me smile. It showed she was human and that her loyalty came with limits. I had no doubt she would keep me in check if I started doing anything crazy, which brought me a lot of comfort. Especially given recent events.

"What about you?" I asked. "Are you the marrying type?"

"Oh, no..." my companion sighed, sucking in her lips with sombreness.

I nodded, having expected the answer, but keen to learn more. "Do you like guys or gals?"

"Guys," Alicia answered, showing the beginnings of a smile.

"Blonde or brunette?"

My baby-faced but tough-as-nails companion giggled, becoming as girly as I'd ever seen her for the briefest of moments. "I like guys with dark hair and scruffy beards," she declared, equal parts shy and sly as she did.

As my mouth stretched into a face-hurting smile, I felt my stubble and the heat of blushing cheeks. "What about money? Is that something you look for in a potential spouse?"

"Oh, definitely," Alicia teased. "He needs to be the fifth or sixth-richest guy on the planet, give or take. Oh, and he should be really close with his family because I don't have one of my own... Or, I didn't until recently."

For a minute, we enjoyed the fun and shared easy laughter along with carefree joy. I knew Alicia would always be at my side. But, one day, I would want her to be more than just another member of staff...

I would want her to be a partner.

Being a strategist at heart, and a hopeless romantic through and through, I wondered then and there if there was a way for everything to fit together.

"What if you could have a relationship -- a partnership -- without sex? One where you can hold someone's hand, grow old with them--"

"Sex doesn't frighten me, sir," Alicia rebutted, suddenly regaining her cool exterior. "You know things happened when I was... You know?"

"I don't know the details, but I can imagine..."

Alicia cleared her throat. "Well, it doesn't define me. Sex doesn't scare me because of it. Intimacy doesn't scare me, nor does affection..."

"I know that can't be true, Allie."

"Yeah," she sighed. "I guess it can't..."

Feeling that I'd crossed a line, I put my hands on my lap and silently scolded myself. Turning back to my friend, I was surprised to see her smiling; warm and comfortable. She tucked some hair behind her ear and, for the first time, I saw what Alicia looked like when she sunk her teeth into her lip and let herself go to the primal feelings of arousal.

"This has been fun," she said, suddenly breathing a little more heavily. A change so subtle that I wouldn't have noticed had I not grown to know her so well.

I blushed from my neck up, realising that the kind of conversation we'd just had was Alicia's equivalent to sex... That her idea of intimacy -- even carnal intimacy -- was one where people could speak honestly and with empathy. A simple chat had gotten her all worked up, even if the topic itself was far from arousing.

Alicia shuffled in her seat, looking me in the eyes as the traces of sex behind hers faded, and a small smile crept across her face. "You know me well enough to fill in the blanks, sir."

"The blanks?" I queried.

Alicia didn't answer or explain. She turned to the slot machine I'd been sitting at, asking me if I'd won.

"No, I'm afraid not."

"Good," she said, knowing that I'd wanted to lose in my search for karmic balance.

For the next few minutes, if not the next hour, we sat and talked about nothing in particular. We discussed future travel plans, security plans, life plans... It filled me with a sense of remarkable serenity, yet the prospect of increasing danger still hung over my head like an axe.

I wanted to go hug my sisters.

• • •

Our bedroom door was locked and I knocked twice.

"Busy!" Tecla replied with Elle echoing.

"Busy with what?" I asked, imagining the mischief the twins must've been making.

There wasn't any answer. Instead, I had to wait a minute before Tec opened the door; breathless and smiling from ear-to-ear.

"We're naked. I hope you don't mind," she said, grabbing my arm and dragging me into the room.

The floor was covered in white dresses, white lingerie and white accessories -- heels, headbands, veils... Maintaining time-honoured superstition, my sisters stripped down before I could see them actually wear any of it.

Soon, I was on the bed with the girls leaping onto me. They planted dozens of quick kisses on my face with their lips tickling me until I squirmed with uncontrollable and joyous laughter.

"Hehe! You two are in a loveable mood," I declared, gripping their tight little butts.

Elle whimpered, feeling sexual tension build faster than her brain could process. The wedding spirit managed to overcome the fatigue from our nights with Kylie Lane. Not that my sisters needed much help to maintain their energy. Their youthful spark and boundless enthusiasm for us meant they never let up, even as I felt exhaustion creep.

As my one sister started unfastening my pants, I held the other in my arms. Sharing a little kiss with Tec, we watched as Elle hungrily tugged on my cock.

"She's become a little sister-slut for her brother," Tec commented, snaking a hand behind my neck to draw us closer for a tongue-tangling kiss.

Feeling Elle's lips begin to drag along my shaft, I inhaled into my kiss with Tecla; sucking her tongue into my mouth and making her moan. As we rested, I made her a promise.

"One day, we're going to spend a whole week kissing."

"A whole week?" she asked, grinning.

"A whole week."

With that, our mouths returned to each other for even more hungry intimacy. After the sex we'd been having, I was shocked at just how easily I'd grown hard. I was rock-solid and ready for a nice long blowjob, with my sisters more than happy to supply tender love and care. But there were discussions to be had...

Fortunately, Elle didn't mind having them with my cock between her lips, nor did Tecla mind talking between deep sibling-kisses.

"Mmm... I've been thinking," I declared as my hips gently thrust upwards.

"Thinking about?" Tec asked, letting her lips plant themselves all over my neck.

"Our ceremony..."

"You mean our wedding," she corrected, finding my mouth so we could share a particularly sentimental kiss.

The mention of the word had made Elle smile and I felt her teeth gently graze my skin before she flattened her lips again. As the suction increased, I groaned; letting myself get lost in the moment before collecting my thoughts.

"It can be so much more than a wedding," I offered.

Tec smiled, interested in hearing more. Then, a knock on the door drew our attention... We didn't rush to conceal what we'd been doing like we had in the past. Instead, we found ourselves lingering as we let each other go. Rolling away from the girls, I got to my feet and warned our visitor that we were naked.

"No worries, sir," the cool Australian voice replied. "I have the package you requested."

"Already?" I asked, only having told Natasha about my secret plan a few hours ago.

Collecting the large wooden box from Sky, she went off on her way and I turned back to my sisters. But, before I could show off my idea, I had questions to answer.

Elle's jaw was practically on the floor. "You just walked up to her all naked and... Hard."

"She's seen me naked and hard before," I declared matter-of-factly.

"Really?!" Tec gasped. "When?"

"Oh, here and there," I shrugged. "She's gay, so it's all good."

My sisters giggled, not believing what they'd seen and heard. For her part, Elle was encouraging. "It's good that you trust her. And, hey, she sees that cock and she might not be so gay for long."

"Yip," Tec agreed, clambering onto her feet to deal with the next big mystery: the package Skylar came to deliver. "What's in the box, bro?"

I smiled brightly, hoping that the contents were as requested. Setting the thing down on the bed, I opened the lid to reveal 12 precious stones -- pairs of diamonds in six different cuts.

"WOW!" Elle cheered. "Is this for us?!"

I nodded. "Six sets for six continents. On Valentine's Day, you girls can pick the first pair and we'll set it into any jewellery you want."

Tecla hugged me from the side, nuzzling into my neck. "This is so sweet, bro."

"So, we're gonna travel the world and get hitched on each continent?" Elle asked, closely inspecting the diamonds, but too weary to touch them.

"Exactly," I confirmed, "but we're not going to call it getting hitched... Instead, I want each celebration to be just the three of us, taking time together to do something magical. No ceremonies. Nothing formal."

"But still romantic," Elle completed, rising to her feet to hug me from my other side.

Tecla added, "And still in pretty white dresses."

We were now in a sibling group-hug that felt warm and wonderful. It was of a sentimental type -- an embrace that you'd never leave if you could. While we held that pose, I continued to explain my plans.

"Here in Vegas, I want us to start by each committing something to the relationship. It can be a physical thing or a promise; abstract or material."

Tecla nodded. "And exchanging those will be our first step -- the first of six. We'll set two of the diamonds into the rings I bought for me and Elle, and that'll be our start."

"Perfection," our sister agreed, letting her fingers run down my chest as she felt my warm body against hers. "Now, we just need to decide what to get each other."

Feeling things getting friskier, I gripped the girls' taut little asses and pulled them closer to me with a growl. "I love it when a plan comes together."

The twins giggled as their knees began to bend; almost as if cosmic forces were driving them down. After all, it was the most primal of urges -- the desire of a little sister to please her big brother, or a lover to reward romantic gestures.

It wasn't long before both girls submitted to inevitability and sank to their knees, lining their lips up with my cock. They'd never shared a blowjob before, not really, and this also wasn't going to be the first time. But Tecla knew her sister wanted to take the lead, so she was willing to backseat-drive.

"C'mon, sis," she encouraged. "Show me what you got..."

Elle's competitive streak took hold and she didn't think twice about wrapping her lips around my cock. Plunging ahead, she twisted her head with the forward motion and made my back arch in pleasure. But the speed was too much too soon -- the depth too ambitious -- and my cock popped free from my sibling's warm mouth almost as fast as it had entered.

Tecla teased, "Amateur. I bet I could take it all in one go."

"No, you can't," Elle insisted. "It's too big for either of us."

Shaking her head, Tec was defiant, "Nope. I can take all of it down my throat. Want me to show you?"

Frowning, Elle was getting ready to prove a point. Without a moment's hesitation, she wrapped her hand around my cock, flattened her lips, extended her tongue and started guiding the firm shaft steadily into her mouth. I simply stood still, letting my body register the pleasure as my sister took more and more of me into her warmth and the ever-increasing tightness.

Letting her hands brace her body, dropping them to the floor, Elle now pushed her head forward until I could feel myself press against the entrance to her throat. She pushed and pushed and pushed, gagging as she pulled away; breathless, but not defeated.

"That was close," Tecla cheered. "You almost had it."

Elle nodded, gripping my cock again as she gently stroked and angled it. She wanted to line it up perfectly, arching her back a little to get the perfect approach. This time, she opened her mouth wide and her lips hardly touched me as she made another attempt at getting her big brother all the way down her throat. It was only when I was about to cross the barrier that she made the seal -- wrapping her full feminine lips around my skin as she pushed past her limit.
