Hypnosis 101

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A college student gives her male pal a lecture on hypnosis.
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"Well... I guess I can give people another couple minutes..." Zelda folded her arms, looking out at the rows of empty chairs. Fifteen minutes past seven already. She had only booked the room for an hour. Her foot tapped impatiently on the ground. "Must have been the flyers," she told herself, "They weren't eye-catching enough." The irony of a poster for a hypnosis lesson not catching people's attention wasn't lost on her, though it hardly helped her mood. She pulled the chair out from the large desk situated in the front of the room, sliding down into it until nearly her entire body was hidden. "Could be worse, I guess... Imagine if only one person showed up..."

The door swung open, as if on command. Zelda's heart leapt into her throat as she scrambled to pull herself to an upright position, pretending she hadn't just been moping. Through the doorway, a familiar face stuck his head through the threshold of the room, looking winded.

"Sorry I'm late, Zelda! I-- Huh?" He stopped and glanced around the room. "Am I... Am I late?"

It took everything Zelda had to not drop her head into her hands. She quickly straightened out the pleated skirt she was wearing, fidgeting with the sleeves of her blouse as she tried not to look too startled, or disappointed.

"Oh, Max!" She tried to look enthused, but her expression ended up looking more strained than she intended. "I... Didn't expect you to show up." Zelda had mentioned the lesson in passing, mostly as a bit of small talk that had come up between the two of them a few days prior. She hadn't even considered that he'd bother remembering it was occurring at all.

"Of course I'd show up! I'd never miss..." He paused, then smiled sheepishly. "What was this for, again?"

Zelda tried not to feel pitied. She craned her neck towards the whiteboard behind her, the words 'Hypnosis 101' written in plain view.

"It's, um. Hypnotism." She turned back to face her friend. Her face didn't show the twinge of embarrassment that was making her heart pound. Instead, her hands twisted over themselves in her lap, wringing with nervous energy. "You don't have to stick around if you aren't interested," she told him.

"No, no," Max assured her. Zelda tried not to scream. "Hypnosis sounds... Uh, really interesting!" It didn't take a genius to surmise that he was just trying to be polite, and Zelda thought she was providing the same courtesy in giving Max a way for them both to escape this possibly very awkward encounter. Max didn't seem to see it that way, finding a seat right in the center of the front row.

"And you're... Sure you want to stay?" Zelda tried one last time, putting as much emphasis on 'sure' as she possibly could. Max just nodded, and smiled. He was too polite for his own good.

Zelda took a deep breath. An audience of one, she thought. Somehow, discussing this niche interest of hers seemed less daunting when there was a crowd. She stood up from her chair, clearing her throat as she began to pace back and forth at the front of the almost-empty classroom.

"For... Hundreds of years, um..." Zelda had an entire diatribe prepared, but now as she began to speak, she became acutely aware of what she was actually saying. It sounded much more stupid coming out of her mouth than it had in her notes. "People have wondered... About the ability to entered altered states of mind..." She paused glancing in Max's direction, half expecting him to have magically disappeared. "And one of those ways, is hypnotism." She paused, realizing she had already managed to accidentally leave out an entire sentence or two. "Hypnotism is... The act of bringing a subject into a state in which they have... Increased susceptibility to suggestion... And, um." She quickly turned on her heels, facing Max. "Do any of you know what that state is called?" The words shot out of her mouth, over-rehearsed to the point of being unable to correct them for the circumstance. "Er... Do... Do you know, Max?" she self-edited.

Max didn't look completely bored, sitting there with his hands clasped on top of his desk. "Can I... Have a hint?"

"It starts with a 'T'," she told her singular student.

"Tuh-... Too-... Tee-..." Max glanced up at the ceiling as he tried to come up with an answer.

"It's 'trance', Max," she told him, running out of patience. She turned towards the board. Grabbing a marker, she wrote the word and underlined it. "A trance is the intended outcome of hypnosis. The act of putting someone into a trance, is called an 'induction'." She jotted the emphasized word above the first. "And, once the person is in that trance, they become... Suggestible." The last vocabulary word found its spot underneath the other two. "So, to summarize. The act of hypnosis is using an induction, to induce a trance, which causes the person to become suggestible." She tapped each of the words as she said them, drawing arrows between the terms to illustrate their ordering.

Zelda's body twitched as she felt something slightly uncomfortable bubble up inside of her. She took a deep breath. Was she not even able to get through a simple explanation without getting turned on? She had tried to keep it as clinical as possible, and even then it had managed to tickle a very particularly tuned part of her psyche. She thought she'd been able to hide it well, at least, but the slight movement in her peripheral vision made her suspect her body language was betraying her. She focused, trying to listen. Had he noticed? Or was she just imagining it? She steeled herself once again, then turned to face her one audience member.

"Any questions?"

Max tapped a finger against his cheek for a moment, then leaned back in his chair. "Seems pretty straightforward to me!" If he had picked up on Zelda's specific fondness for hypnotism, he was doing a decent job of hiding it. His next words though, had Zelda thinking otherwise. "Are you gonna show how it works?"

"Well..." Zelda swallowed, her throat suddenly feeling dry. "I suppose that depends, are you offering yourself as a demonstration?" The words spilled from her mouth, as if her tongue could hardly control their volume. The way Max tilted his head made her feel like she was being more obvious than intended. It was clear she was excited about the prospect.

Max, of course, didn't have the specific details as to why Zelda would be so eager to perform hypnosis on somebody, even if he could sense her enthusiasm. "Yeah, sure, sounds fun!" His words made it sound like he was agreeing to play a board game, not engaging in an activity that was more commonly seen in bedrooms, than classrooms.

Zelda fought a grin, not at all convincingly hiding the thrill in her eyes. "Well, how do you want it?" she asked, hardly even processing the words she had said before realizing what she was asking.

Max's head tilted to the side. "What do you mean?"

"Oh." Zelda embarrassingly realized she had skipped a chunk of explanation in her excitement. "There are multiple ways to induce a trance," she explained. Her base level nerves had all but evaporated. She looked like she was having fun even, explaining all the intricacies of her extremely niche hobby.

Max appeared to accept that without too much trouble, nodding. "I see. Well, what do you think would work best for me?"

Asked so directly, Zelda couldn't help but let her imagination wander a bit. There was, of course, one way that crept into her mind. Her favorite, as silly as having a favorite was. The very thought of it had her ears heating up.

"I guess... A spiral would be fairly effective..." Her eyes looked away, staring off towards the wall. There was no way he was going to let her get away with that, she thought.

"A spiral?" Max repeated. "Are they really that good?"

Zelda's cheeks reddened, realizing she would have to elaborate. "I mean... They're, um." Her voice had dropped an octave or two. "They've been known to induce some very... Pleasant trances," she admitted.

"Oh! Neat!" he enthused, not at all seeming to catch the subtext that was all but spilling out of Zelda's every word. "Do I need to like... Do anything?" He sat straight up in his seat, watching Zelda intently with an expression of genuine curiosity.

Zelda's mind raced. The idea of hypnotizing someone, someone willing, was having a definite effect on her. It almost made her feel powerful. Her imagination had already begun churning. There was something she could have him do. Maybe. Possibly. The temptation was overwhelming.

"Yes, actually..." Her voice was soft, yet she spoke with an air of confidence. "There is something... One thing, that's helpful when being hypnotized." This was going to test how pliable Max really was.

Max nodded eagerly. He was being very cooperative. "What is it?" he asked, his eyes widening slightly at her suggestive tone.

Zelda had to suppress the excitement that bubbled up within her. She managed a fairly even expression, and stood up straighter as she put her hands behind her back, looking as much as a teacher as she could muster.

"In order to fully embrace the trance that will be put over you," she said, sounding very authoritative, "It is best to strip off any clothing that might cause... Discomfort." Max didn't respond, instead staring up at her with his head tilted. Zelda continued, a bit of excitement leaking into her words. "This is not strictly required, but the experience is much more satisfying if the subject feels free and relaxed... As a suggestion, I would advise that you... Remove your shirt."

It took Max a moment to catch up to Zelda's suggestion. Once it hit him, though, he didn't seem all that shocked. "Oh! Alright," he responded, his voice betraying not even a hint of nerves. He hopped out of his seat, standing next to his chair with a hand already on the top button of his shirt.

"Um--" Zelda blinked. She had been expecting a bit of protest. Maybe an attempt at negotiating. Not this casual agreement. Did somebody get to him before she did, or something?

He proceeded to pop the first button on his shirt. "Just to be clear," Max asked, his eyes flicking towards Zelda, "You said you want me to... Strip, right?"

Zelda gulped, and nodded. "Just the shirt, if that's... Alright..." Her gaze was glued to Max. He undid another button on his shirt, then paused. Zelda wondered if he was getting nervous, then noticed a small, almost mischievous smirk. He was toying with her. Zelda considered that he was more aware of what was going on than he had originally let on.

"We might want to lock that," Max mentioned, nodding towards the door.

A loud huff escaped Zelda's mouth. "What do you think is going to happen? It's just hypnosis." Max's coy grin only grew bigger. Despite her own words, Zelda did walk over to the door and click the lock shut, dimming the lights while she was by the switch. The room darkened, leaving just enough light to maneuver her way back to the front of the class.

Zelda could see Max finish removing his shirt in the faint light. She took a moment to appreciate the few details she could see. The outline of his arms, his bare torso, his shirt slipping off his shoulders down to the floor. A grin pulled at the corners of her mouth, her eyes glinting mischievously in the near-dark as Max returned to his seat, his hands folded together neatly.

Zelda grabbed a remote off the teacher's desk. She clicked on the room's projector, helping to fill the room with light once again. On the wall behind her, she projected a video she had previously saved for much less educational purposes. An endless swirl, spiraling inward towards the center of the screen.

"Now, if you're ready..." Zelda hit play on the video. The black and white spiral began to turn, the rotation of the pattern making it look like its outstretched arms were moving endlessly towards the screen. "We can begin..." Zelda's voice dipped into a lower register. Though it was slightly foreign to her, she tried her best to make her voice sound more... Sensual, rather than its usual monotone.

"Look directly into the center of the spiral, Max," she instructed her student. She watched him follow her order, looking where he was directed. The assured smile on his face seemed almost to suggest that he was doing all of this just for her own benefit. Zelda tried to ignore it.

"Focus only on the pattern, and the sound of my voice."

Max nodded. He seemed very at ease so far, and didn't seem to have any qualms with following along despite his potential disbelief.

"Allow yourself to become aware of... Every part of your body," she began, paying close attention to Max's face, watching for any subtle shift in his expression. His pupils didn't so much as twitch as he stared into the spiral. "Your shoulders... Your hands... Your feet... Every muscle, and every joint..." Zelda's mind tickled as she caught the faint sound of a deep breath, the first sign that he was truly feeling anything at all.

"Breathe slowly," Zelda told Max, trying to catch the hook that he had inadvertently laid out for her. "Filling your lungs fully, then letting it gently release..." Zelda found herself following her own words, as if to demonstrate to her pupil exactly what she wanted him to do. "Every time you exhale... You find yourself... A bit more relaxed."

She watched him, his mouth opening to take in a large breath. Zelda's extremities tingled with anticipation, static building up in her chest. In one long, smooth exhale, Max released the air he had held, a soft sound escaping with it.

Zelda's eyes focused in on Max's face, an undeniable feeling unfurling as she noticed his expression softening ever so slightly with every breath. The change in his look was subtle, almost imperceptible, but it was there. She sucked air in through her teeth. This... This was hot.

"As your body relaxes..." Zelda's smile widened as she watched Max's bare chest expand with each breath. "So too, do your thoughts. Let your mind start to empty..." A twinge of excitement jolted through her. She tried her best to focus on the instructions, on the lesson itself, and not how... Hot this was making her. "All the thoughts that are floating through your head... Let them fade away. Watch them... Spin off... Into the spiral... Until all you can think of... Is my voice. How calm it makes you feel."

She heard another noise, this time a small giggle. Though, it didn't sound like the absentminded giggle of a hypnotized thrall. It didn't seem fully at her expense, either, more like he was laughing with her, at the absurdity of it all. There was something there, though, Zelda could tell. She would have to work him, but if she could just pull him down a little further...

"Focus on the spiral, Max," Zelda reminded, almost scolded him. Max nodded. He seemed to realize that he wasn't fully giving himself to the experience, shifting slightly in his chair. He sat up more straight, and focused.

"Yes, ma'am."

The hair on the back of Zelda's neck stood at attention. It was like Max knew exactly how to push her buttons. Just how aware of Zelda's proclivities was he? This induction was starting to get away from her, but she had an idea of how to regain control.

"Let's go back to focusing on your breathing..." Zelda reached for the remote, hitting a button to make the spiral spin faster. "With every breath... You begin to feel more heavy. Like a great weight is resting on top of you. Pinning you to your seat. You don't want to move. You just want to sit, and listen..."

Zelda's keen eyes noticed Max shifting somewhat in his seat. "Don't fight it," she quickly added. "Just relax... Feel comfortable in the stillness. Breathe in... Out..." Zelda demonstrated. Max took the opportunity to mimic her. "In... And out..." Her eyebrow raised. Max had stopped fidgeting. Perhaps he was finally starting to take her instruction seriously.

"In... Out... In... Out..." Zelda chiseled away at his resistance with every repetition. She watched his shoulders begin to slowly sink, his body start to relax. His chest rose as he pulled in another deep breath. As he exhaled, Zelda spoke, trying to catch the moment when his guard was most down.

"And as you relax further... You begin to feel yourself slip away..." She watched for his reaction. Max blinked, once. "Away from the classroom. From your body." Zelda noticed his hands starting to twitch, ever so slightly. The playful smile had all but drained from his face, replaced with a look that almost conveyed confusion. His lips remained barely parted, his brow upturned just the slightest amount, as though he were trying to puzzle something trapped on the tip of his tongue.

"Away from your thoughts." Zelda spoke as softly as she could whilst staying audible. Max's leaned forward, as if trying to pick up every sound.

"As you slip... Further... And further... Into deep, deep relaxation..."

Max blinked again. His expression continued to soften, as though he was having increasing trouble keeping his thoughts in his head. Like every time his eyes closed, some part of his mind fluttered away into the air. The confusion melted from his face, replaced with a sort of vacancy that had Zelda's mouth practically watering. She cleared her throat, and continued.

"Relaxed... Empty... Mindless... Thoughtless." Zelda's words lolled Max's head to the side. The blankness of his expression began to warp into one of curiosity. Zelda thought he might even have been... Pouting, with his lip sticking out slightly. The look in his eyes grew hazy, and his brow furrowed a tiny amount. His iris swirled as he stared off into the spiral's center.

She had her hooks in him. She was pulling him down. He was close, closer. Almost there...

"Forget everything else. Nothing else exists." Zelda took another breath, the tension in her body forcing her voice into a higher register. Her tongue ran along the edges of her teeth. "Only... My voice." Her chest heaved with anticipation. "And the spiral." Zelda watched the corners of Max's mouth curve upwards as he let out a faint noise. He blinked once more, slowly, labored, as if shaking off the last dregs of consciousness.

Zelda watched him struggle, self-indulgent pleasure pooling within her. She knew now exactly what she wanted. Or she had always known, and didn't have the nerve to admit it. But now, it was right in front of her, waiting. The more she thought about it, the more clear the vision became. She wanted; she needed to go further. To sink him deep into blissful emptiness. To whisk every last thought from his head.

"Can you hear me?" Zelda asked softly. "Are you here, Max?" She kept her eyes on his, searching for some hint that she'd pushed him as far as she wanted to. She left her spot at the front of the classroom, walking over to stand behind his chair. She draped her arms over his shoulders. "How do you feel?" Her fingertips danced along the bare skin that covered Max's chest. She couldn't help but feel possessive of him.

Zelda's touch forced a small squeak from Max like she had snuck up on him. He mouthed silent words as though he had momentarily forgotten how to speak. "Feels... Good," Max eventually responded, his words floating lazily in the air. His smile widened as Zelda's fingertips traced around his collarbone, gently teasing at the sensitive flesh around it.

"I want you to tell me about this feeling," Zelda said, a mischievous smirk on her lips. "How does this feeling... Feel?" It wasn't her best work.

"I feel... Warm."

"You feel warm," Zelda echoed, the tips of her nails tickling his chin. "What about it?"

Max leaned back, though his eyes remained trained on the spiral's center. "Warm. Comfortable." He seemed to like the way her fingers curled under his jaw as well, the gentle caress causing his words to stutter. It certainly seemed that Zelda was working Max in her desired direction. But, there were ways to be more sure.
