I Am Jack's Life Ch. 08

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A coming of age story.
2.9k words

Part 8 of the 19 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 01/30/2015
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Author's note and acknowledgements

This story has sat on my hard drive for four years now.

I wrote it, all twenty chapters and 95,000 words of it in eight days of a frenzied, near trance-like state, sitting on my couch with my wife's laptop. She would occasionally have to remind me to eat.

When the dust settled, and I looked up, I realized a couple of things: one, I had just written a fucking novel in a week, whoa. Two, it seemed to be pretty damn good, double whoa. And three, what the hell was I going to do with it?

I tried editing it, I even enlisted the help of a Lit-Editor, who was invaluable for early editing, and confirming it was in fact, pretty good, or readable at least. I spent several months then, editing, unashamedly forcing it on writer friends to read, regular friends to read, and total strangers on writer boards. Everyone had different opinions of course, as people do, but all of them seemed to think it was pretty good, and I should probably try to do something with it.

So I spent another year trying to sell it.

Well nothing happened.

And I can't blame them, agents and publishers. It's kind of a niche story, hard to market. It's got too much sex for a coming age story, too much teenage drama for adult fiction, and not a single word about vampires or bondage to make it work as erotic fiction.

So it's sat on my hard drive for four years. I'll occasionally open it up, tinker with a line, or try to figure out how to re-work it into something more marketable. I always end up wasting a weekend trying to figure out how to change it, without losing the essence of the thing which I, and several others, feel is, "pretty good."

So fuck it. Here you go Literotica. I just want people to read it. I want people to get to know Jack the way I did. Writing his life made me feel like I was a part of it. He's a pretty good guy, I wish I knew him in real life.

So NEXT, some disclaimers.

This is a coming of age story. Which means first it starts out when the characters are too young to have sex (on literotica.) So there's no sex for a couple chapters. I hope that's okay. Second, this is a novel length story, including the prologue and epilogue, there are twenty-one chapters in all. Some are longer than others, and there is not a sex scene in every one. (Though some have more than one.) More importantly, sex is a thing that happens, it's not written to be titillating, but rather just as events in Jack's life.

So there you go. It's a story with sex in it, not a story about sex. I think it's pretty good anyway.

If you have not read the first chapter, please click on my profile and pick the story up at the beginning, its better that way, trust me.


Anna and I had an odd relationship.

That's right, I'm backing up again.

Context is everything friends. In stories, in relationships; in life.

Context is everything.

Anna and I had an odd relationship. To start, we were the best students of the group. She was pretty damn smart actually, but she hated the homework part of school. She still managed great test scores because she was amazing at taking tests and last minute cramming. So she had the highest GPA of the group after mine. We'd taken a couple of AP classes together, and when the group had study sessions (which was fairly often as finals for each year crept up), she'd not only study with me, rather than me tutoring her, she'd help me with the others. Beyond that she wasn't that into school though. I'm pretty sure she made honor roll our sophomore and junior years though.

Anna liked to party. I mean, that's pretty apparent at this point in the story, but when we were first getting going I was always kind of in awe of her. She managed to have this amazing social life, get invited to tons of parties, go to them (and bring us along too) and still make honor roll while being on cheer, soccer, and track. That first year, after Beth, she was the one I fantasized the most about.

She was unbelievably sexy of course. I mean of course. All of them were, but she had this super athletic thing going that meant she was always tight and toned, with a great tan from spending so much time outdoors. Even as athletic as she was, she had amazing breasts. Not as amazing as Beth's from my perspective, but way bigger than Kimmy's, or even Abby's. She had to wear double sports bras and strap them down for sports. I was sixteen. You notice these things. Plus she talked about them a lot.

I have learned that all woman obsesses about their breasts to a degree. Some more than others obviously, but I'm convinced it's every bit as important to their sexual identity as a man's penis is to his. Size matters to the owner, more than the beholder I guess. Anna obsessed about hers a lot.

Sometimes she thought they were too big, and complained about her back aches and how they got in the way. Sometimes she thought they were just right, and would hold them up to see if I agreed - part of the teasing phase they'd all gone through with me. Sometimes she'd hide them under ace bandages and two sports bras, sometimes she'd put them on display in tiny little bikini tops that haunted my fevered hormonal brain. Whenever we'd go to the beach during the summer, she was always the one in the most daring suit with little triangles over just the naughty bits. Even during beach volleyball, which she and the other girls loved to play against each other, they'd be on display in tight, tiny tops. That was a spectator sport, let me assure you. She and Abby would dominate Kimmy and Beth most of the time. But I cheered for all of them.

Of all of them, she was the one that had flirted the most with me before Kimmy and I got together. But it was always the most cruel too, the kind that would leave me wondering and panting in confusion from the mixed signals. She was Lucy to my Charlie Brown, always pulling the ball out at the last minute and leaving me laying in my bed feverishly jerking off thinking, "Oh good grief."

She'd toned it down a little after Kimmy and I, but not a lot. In someways it got worse when Kimmy wasn't around, but I think I had a little more defense against it at that point, because I could throw Kimmy in the way of the conversation and Anna would take her ball away and back down. I don't think it ever even occurred to me that her flirtatious teasing might have gone anywhere at some point.

Then she admitted she'd had masturbatory fantasies about me. Then she walked in on Kimmy and I and invited herself into our bed. Then she'd pulled me on top of her so I could fuck her.


Sunlight woke me.

Warmth spread across my face and golden red light flooded through my closed eyes.

I was coated in layer of almost dried sweat and slime. My head pounded with the worst hangover I'd ever experienced. I was nauseous, not just in my stomach, but from head to toe. Seriously, even my toes felt like they were going to be sick. I opened my eyes and was surrounded by naked girl. Kimmy was laying with her head nestled in my armpit, and there was a pretty large puddle of drool pooling under my bicep. She had her arm over my stomach. Her make up, so prettily done up for prom, was smeared everywhere, giving her a kind of strung out, rock star look.

Anna, on the other hand, was still here. She was laying down with her head against one of my thighs like a pillow. I noticed with quite a lot of embarrassment that she was exhaling just inches from my cock, and I could feel her hot breath on my scrotum every couple of seconds. She was totally naked as well, and her large, ample breasts lay heavy and exposed in my direction. If I hadn't been so embarrassed, sick, and hung over, I probably would have taken more time to ogle them. I sat up as carefully as I could, I didn't want to wake either of them. I hissed as someone hit my head with a rubber mallet several times as I sat up.

On the nightstand were three bottles of water, and a bottle of aspirin.

Who had gotten those?

I didn't have a lot of brain power to think about it at the moment though and carefully, oh so carefully extracted myself from feminine entanglements and rolled slowly to the edge of the bed. I grabbed one of the bottles and opened it up. I drained half of it on the first plug. I don't think I even swallowed any of it - it just sort of absorbed into my mouth. I carefully got a couple of aspirin out of the bottle, trying not to rattle it too loudly and took a couple of those with the next drink. Half the rest of the water was gone now.

I slowly got up and started looking for my clothes.

I suppose a gentleman might have woken up the girls - or at least his girlfriend, and figured things out before facing the rest of the world. But I just wanted out of there. I couldn't even process what had happened yet. Also, I had to pee very badly.

I found my pants under Anna's dress. I retrieved my boxers from where Kimmy had thrown them off. I tried not to look at the thong I knew wasn't Kimmy's that was hanging from the bed post. I pulled on my boxers and my pants. I found my white undershirt near the door. I tugged it on and quietly exited the room.

Oh God.

I quietly made my way downstairs after the bathroom. Like the summer, the place was trashed. Like before, Abby was already awake and in the kitchen. Unlike last year, she wasn't cleaned up and showered, she looked as tore up as I felt. Her hair was a matted mess, her make up was smeared and running over her face. She was munching on some dry toast carefully.

I filled up the water bottle from the sink and drank half of it again.

"Morning," she said with a croak.

I cleared my throat carefully. "Morning," I managed to croak out.

"I think we drank too much," she said with total mastery of the obvious.

I just nodded and took another long drink of water.

"Some of us more than others," she said with a deliberate neutral tone.

I probably would have blushed if I hadn't felt so much like curling in a ball and ending it all.

"Yeah, for sure," was all I said.

I finished the bottle of water and filled it up again.

I turned around and leaned against the sink. She was looking at me oddly, but then picked up her second piece of toast gingerly.

"So," I asked, trying to be casual, "hope it was worth it for you. Have a good time?"

She made a face. "I ended up holding Beth's hair back until about two hours ago. I thought the girl was going to try and vomit up her toes."

I winced.

She shrugged, "Unlike some people, I know how to pace myself. I'm mostly just tired. I haven't slept yet."

I winced again, though that might have been from the pounding and stomach cramp.

"About an hour ago I went to check on people, Todd's still passed out under the pool table, Beth is asleep in my room, I think Matt called a cab or got a ride home around three am," she said.

I drank another deep pull off my bottle.

"I went looking for Anna... decided to just leave the water and aspirin," she said again.

I sighed, well, there was no getting around it now, Abby knew. At least it had been Abby, and not Beth, that found us.

"Hey, it's not my business. No judgment from me. I hope you guys had a good time," Abby said after my obvious sigh.

I shrugged, "Yeah, me too."

"Don't remember?" she asked.

I shook my head a little. That wasn't true, I remembered most of it, just not the end. I drank more of my water.

Abby finished her toast in silence.

"You know Anna was really disappointed when you and Kimmy stayed together after your birthday party."


I looked at her, "What, why for?"

She shrugged, "I think the whole you breaking down a door and coming to her rescue impressed her. Plus, she's had a torch since the junior year shortly after we figured out that Beth was just stringing you along."

I choked on the water I had been swallowing.

Abby smirked, "Come on, we all knew it, we aren't stupid. You had a serious thing for Beth, like a Gone with the Wind, ready to sweep her off into the sunset serious thing. She knew and was just toying with you. Pissed all of us off really, especially Anna."

I wiped water spittle off my face and didn't look at her. Why the fuck had she told me that?

Abby shrugged, "Anna said you were too nice of guy to toy with like that, and by then you were getting taller and starting to get seriously cute. She had a thing, but didn't want to make things weird."

I just shook my head. Roads not traveled. All those times with Lucy and her ball. I guess I really was an idiot.

"Anyway, she doesn't want to break you and Kimmy up, she's said it a hundred times. But lately, she's had it pretty bad. Don't be to harsh with her, I think she just saw this as her last chance before you went off to MIT or something."

I was whirling, I had no idea what to think. On one hand, wow, Anna had a thing for me. On the other, uh, wow, Anna had a thing for me? And what about Kimmy? I had no idea how things weren't going to be weird between Kimmy and I, but what about Anna? What about Anna and Kimmy?

Oh, and what about the latest in a string of almost moments between Beth and that had happened just a few days ago before Prom?

You know that movie, When Harry Met Sally? The one that says guys and girls can't be just friends because sex gets in the way? Yeah. My life times three.

When I finally got the nerve to go back up and face the girls, so that I could wake Kimmy up and take her home, I found only Kimmy in the room. She was dressed again and looked miserable. I slid in the room and shut the door gently.

"Hey baby," I said softly.

She looked up and smiled wanly She looked a little green around the edges.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

She just gave me a look.

"Right. Yeah, I'm about the same," I said. I sat down gently on the edge of the bed next to her.

"Jack?" she didn't look at me as she spoke.


"Did we have sex with Anna last night?"

Blunt. Wonderfully blunt, Kimmy.

I cleared my throat, there was no point dancing around it.

"Yeah," I said, with a heavy sigh.

She nodded.

After a minute and another couple of drinks from her water bottle, she said, "Take me home please."

I nodded and helped her up. She stopped at the bathroom and washed her face and stuff. Abby wasn't down in the kitchen when we left. I guess she'd finally gone to bed.

The drive home was terrible. The sun was bright, the car was loud, and the silence was deafening. When I pulled up in her driveway, I cleared my throat and started to speak. I'd been working out an apology speech the whole way, and I wanted to get it off my chest.

"I just wanted to say..." I started.

"Don't." Kimmy said firmly.


"This is all on her. You were just as drunk as I was. I don't blame you for this. She's been making plays for you all year, this is between me and her. She'd just better stay out of my way for a while," she said and got out of the car.

Uhm? Okay? Wait, what?

"I'll call you later tonight okay?" she said.

"Okay," I replied, still stunned into stupid silence.

She leaned in and kissed me. It wasn't a long kiss, or even very passionate. It was a new kind of kiss for us though. It was a territorial stamp.

She went inside and I drove home wondering how the hell I was supposed to look at any of my friends the same after last night.

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I am Ssssoooo enjoying the story...it goes so well, even the dramatic and uncomfortable parts...

Anna...saw that coming...has built up since "the rescue" and now came to a head after the prom. Now, it has to work out.

My best friend (now deceased...alcoholic...drank himself to death...some of my "life story"; we had a mutual female friend, was the on-and-off girlfriend of another friend (we were a pretty tight group in the '70's)...we fooled around with her a number of times. Thing was her boyfriend/short -time husband was a serial husband and philanderer, she end up divorcing him after about 2 years

Anyway, the guy friend...also liked the idea of his wife/girlfriend having sex with his guy friends; UNTIL, THAT IS, when one of the other guys in our group and "1st wife" took it too far, causing a rift in the dynamic. This is the thing that ruins relationships...the deception.

At least the 3some was together...drunk or not...it happened. Now, working it out is gonna have to happen!! And, now Beth will probably find out, bringing her issues to the forefront...

Looking forward to the next chapters!!


bruce22bruce22over 9 years ago
Interesting Problem

Not clear why it is not a three way division of guilt.... In reply to those who wanted context I would say that Jack is telling it as it happened and that was the moment when he became aware of Anna's interest.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
OK, it is time to be asking some questions

who is Jack's wife?

That one of their daughter's is named Kimmie is interesting.

Who is the mother of Liz? Why doesn't Liz live with her mother?

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
one thought at a time


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
i am jack's life

we are reading jack's life.

jack was unaware of the situation in regards to Anna & her crush / feelings for him.

sooo , if that had been made apparent in an earlier chapter , the point of view / angle of the story would have been dramaticaly changed ..

in reading the story , We are Living Jack's life ....

from his Angle , from his Viewpoint..

to make the reader Aware of things before Jack is .

would totaly ruin what the Author has accompished


Jack is Surprised to learn of Anna's feelings ..

so therefore the reader needs to be surprised by Anna's feelings

FinisFinisover 9 years agoAuthor
I can appreciate the frustration...

...over Jack's rambling style of storytelling, and I appreciate you're caring enough to comment on it. :-)

However, as a writer, it's not always in my best interest to make everything perfectly clear as it happens. Consider if the viewer had all the context necessary to make sense of "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane. Would have made for a far less interesting movie. I'm certainly not comparing myself to that, only suggesting that obfuscation of key details is clearly necessary for tension in writing. The whole "who dunnit" mystery genre would be nothing without it.

While I understand some may find it jarring to have Jack constantly backing up, the passage of time is a deliberately used plot device in this story to create the atmosphere I was looking for. That includes backing up to flesh out elements as more detail becomes desirable.

Exposition is a delicate balance, and as this is basically an entire novel of exposition about who the mother of his child is, I took care on choosing when to reveal important details.

I hope you continue reading, but I warn you, there's more backing up still ahead. ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
If context means everything, . . .

then give us the context before describing events that need context to understand what the events mean. If you had incorporated Anna's crush on Jack into previous chapters, then when she entered the room to join Jack and Kimmy for a threesome the readers would all understand how, why, and what the implications were. But you had to stop and backup, to explain the context. Stopping and backing up is what you do when you've missed the turn, made a mistake in getting where you are going. Its just as disturbing and disrupting in a story as it is in travel. Or more so. You might want to keep the context current and up to date so you don't have to go back and explain in this chapter why what happened happened in the last chapter. Just a thought.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I read all so far in one sitting.... this is good...very good

Sidney43Sidney43over 9 years ago

I am enjoying the story, the ride along with Jack, but there is more. Your writing takes me back to those heady days of high school and the fresh drama of everything that was going on around me. Of course then, in real life, I could only dream of being Jack, surrounded by cheerleaders and being the smartest kid in class. But, the story is still a fun ride so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I'm enjoying your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

To lazy to login to post my comment, but you have a loyal reader here, I'm always trawling for interesting stories to keep up with and you've delivered so far, keep up the good work, personally I'd recommend posting less chapters but making them longer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You're rockin' it, Finis

Fabulous work. I can see why publishers might have had a hard time picking it up, due to the nontraditional plot arc, and the narrator's temporal shifting. Don't let that discourage you from further writing: your craft is excellent. Thanks for bringing the LIT to literotica.

FinisFinisover 9 years agoAuthor

Guess I didn't realize this one was so short (I looks longer in Word ;p)

Glad these are coming out three at a time now, I would have felt as if I short changed you guys. Oh well.

Just remember, no one is perfect, especially not Jack. or me.

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