I Am My Master's Slut Ch. 08

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Sara's Master continues her pet training.
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Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/09/2022
Created 09/27/2005
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Sara awoke Saturday morning sore and achy. Ron examined her nipples, smiled, kissed them gently, then sent her to the shower, insisting she spend some time soaking her weary body, but try to keep her nipples relatively dry. Water wouldn't hurt them, but soaking them wouldn't encourage healing. She did as requested and enjoyed the warm soak.

Ron made breakfast and found the newspaper on the front step. He sat, dressed in his boxers, at the table enjoying a cup of coffee with his morning paper. Sara emerged from the bathroom and joined him.

"It is a bit strange to eat in the nude," she said.

"Do you think?" Ron replied. "I think it is perfectly natural, really." He returned to his paper. There was no plate for her. She wondered. After a few minutes, he gently kicked her bowls that sat on the floor beside the table. Her eggs and bacon were in the bowl and water in the other. Embarrassed and a bit awkwardly, she lowered herself to her hands and knees. She had already forgotten his first instructions. He did not look up from his paper. She made her way as gracefully as possible to her bowls which were situated so he had a lovely view of her as she ate. She held her hands behind her back and began to eat.

She quietly ate her eggs and bagel, and sipped her coffee.

When she finished, she knelt quietly at his feet.

"Just think, my dear, it won't be long before I can attach your leash to your nipples! What fun, hmm? Speaking of which, it is time I also give you a more permanent collar. Please crawl into my room and fetch the silver box in my top right drawer. Crawl beautifully, my dear, and feel me watching your every move. Now go!"

She took a moment to adjust her posture, held her head high, and proceeded to crawl as elegantly as possible across the carpet. She disappeared in the bedroom, and shortly returned with the box in her mouth. She instinctively knelt at his feet when he did not look up immediately. In fact, it was several minutes before he removed the box from her mouth and stroked her hair. She watched as he opened the box and removed a shiny silver chain. It was delicate, and yet not just decorative. It was sturdy and had a large D-ring for the leash.

"This is your collar for when you are not here, Sara. I will put it on you when you leave, and you will not remove it, even in the shower because it tells the world that you are mine. You see?" Engraved on the collar, Sara read the words, "Valued Property of Ron Grouse". He continued, "I had it made just for you, Sara not long after your divorce in the hope that one day you would truly be mine." He fastened it around her neck. It was snug, but looked perfect on her. She flushed. "Now then, we must get you more accustomed to crawling, so no walking until you must return to the office Monday." Affectionately, he stroked her hair. "Tell me, Sara, how are you feeling?"

"My nipples are only a little bit sore, but I am very aware of them. Other than that, I haven't really given it any thought. I think my knees are a bit sore, too."

"Yes, well, that will happen. Good! Now, this morning, I want to teach you some new positions. Each position has many purposes and functions with which you will become accustomed over time, but for now, you will simply learn the basic positions and practice moving between them as gracefully as possible. Come, let's go out in the back yard and get some fresh air." He attached a leash to her new collar and led her outside into the back yard and she followed on her hands and knees.

Ron owned several acres of land that wrapped around the quaint little cabin. Some of it was still wild forest, but the back yard was professionally landscaped. There was a lovely in-ground pool and adjacent deck, but there was also a large area with what appeared to be a black rubber mat, perhaps 30 feet square. There was an old fashioned wooden picnic table and several lounge chairs of various sizes and colors. There was no fence for privacy, but neighbors tended to keep to themselves pretty much. Sara also noticed what she assumed to be a clothesline that stretched from one large oak to another. It was a nice, open back yard, and Sara thought the landscapers had done an excellent job.

"OK, up on the picnic table, girl." She climbed up on the table, as directed. "Kneel. Yes, that's lovely. Palms up on your thighs, please. Knees should be open as far as you can open them. I must be able to see that juicy pussy of yours!" He chuckled. "Now, just turn your head, slightly to the side. Yes, that's it! Beautiful! That is 'kneel'. Remember it! The leash should hang right down in front of you, unless I have removed it. Yes, perfect."

"Next is called "karta". From your kneeling position, you simply bow forward and place your left cheek on the floor, your arms extended before you or they may grasp my ankles tenderly. OK? Try it, 'karta'. Perfect, girl! What a lovely bottom you have! When you are here, at my cabin, and you enter a room where I am, this is how you present yourself to me. Understand?

Sara nodded. Ron smiled. He was quite pleased with Sara's progress and submission to him.

"Karta is also a position for sex, in which case other instructions may accompany the command. For example, 'hold'. This would be similar to 'stay' but means you must be as still as possible until further directions. Let's try it. Karta, hold!"

Sara assumed the required position and froze herself there. Ron walked around the garden and picked a daisy. She felt him move up behind her, and it was not long before she felt something stroking her. The daisy tickled her nakedness. He traced the flower lightly up and down her back, up and down her inner thighs, up around her nice, round ass, then down the seam. She then felt what must be the stem circle her openings ... first her vagina, then rising to her anus. She squirmed a little.

"Be still, girl!" He continued. Since she was elevated on the table, he was able to inspect her closely, and she felt it. She was quite aware of the collar snug on her neck. She was aware of the delightful new nipple rings piercing her sore, swollen nipples that throbbed slightly. She was aware of the daisy teasing her body.

"Now, girl, one last command for today. "Lift!" This means you simply lift your bum up high. You see? This lifts that beautiful bottom and presents it for either close inspection or for my pleasure. Do it, Lift!" She lifted herself onto her feet, her bottom presented to Ron. Immediately, his face moved in, and he began to lick her vaginal opening. "Mmmmm, you are delicious, my pet!" He continued.

A squeal escaped her lips as his tongue plunged into her. Her knees buckled a bit but she caught them and regained her position even pressing her bottom onto his invading tongue. Her heat flamed quickly at his attention.

"Ahhhh my dear, I see we will have to work on your control. You may not cum, pet, and you must remain still. Hold on, I will get a timer. Be right back."

Ron left her and ran into the cabin to get a timer. He was gone perhaps 3 minutes, time enough for her to cool a little. He set the timer for 10 minutes, and began once again to lick her wetness, gently, tenderly. His tongue flicked her now swollen clitoris and she growled a low, throaty sound ... Her hips rocked some to his movements. Deeper and deeper his tongue dove, she tried desperately to control herself ...

He felt her shiver and stopped his attentions, but the timer was not done yet. He smacked her bottom ... hard. She yelped. Again, his hand smacked her ass. Again she swallowed a sound. A third time his hand smacked her.


She obeyed.

Ron was putting together some sort of apparatus, like tinker toys, with smaller metal rods. He built what looked like a large A-frame with three chains hanging from it. Sara tried to see what it was, but couldn't without breaking her position. Finally, Ron walked over to Sara, picked up her leash, and walked her over to the strange apparatus.

"Stand, girl." She did. Her wrists were first secured together behind her, and then a large leather harness was wrapped around her just under her breasts, and up over her shoulders. Next, another leather strap was attached just above each knee. Then each of these straps was clipped to a chain. Sara moaned loudly as she found herself bound and stretched wide open and totally helpless before Him.

"How do you feel, pet?"

"Oh Master! I feel very horny!" She chuckled, and Ron looked at her sternly.

"That is no secret, girl. Anyone could see that! But, how do you feel?"

Blushing, "I want to cum."

"Yes, I have no doubt. Do you like this position?"

"Yes, Master," she answered shyly.

"What did I tell you about this shyness? Stop it! YOU may not be shy. Now, one last time I will ask you, how do you feel, my sexy pet?"

"I feel fully owned, Master, and oh so eager to serve as you permit."

"That's a little better. Perhaps I shall just leave you alone for a while, eh?"

"Oh no, Master, please ... please ... teach me." Sara hung her head.

"I didn't hear you, pet."

"Teach me, Master, please."

"Teach you what, dear?"

"Teach me how to bring you pleasure, Master, please!"

"Very well. Once more, I will set the timer for 10 minutes. You may not cum. You must learn to control your climax. If you succeed, it is possible that I may yet permit you to cum later this evening."

With that, once again Ron set the timer for 10 minutes and proceeded to enjoy her orally, his tongue licking from one end to the other, enjoying all the juicy treasures of her body. She was helplessly at the mercy of his tongue. She groaned and purred with pleasure, but she did not climax. Finally she heard the ding of the timer.

"Hi neighbor! Nice dessert, hmmm?"

"Hah! Yes indeed! The best." Ron acknowledged his next door neighbor.

"I don't mean to intrude, but ... well ... You must admit, it is a rather unusual sight"

"Yes, she is beautiful, is she not? I am trying to train her not to cum so quickly when enjoyed orally."

"Oh yes, a common problem. I suppose it is just so wonderful a sensation, they can hardly control themselves."

"It is true, but some can learn. I set the timer for 10 minutes, and she made it this time."

"Ah, but can she do it again?" The neighbor asked.

"What do you think, Sara? Can you do it again?"

"Yes, Master!"

"There you have it. Say, would you care to test her?"

Sara whimpered.

"Me? Would she mind?"

"She is mine, and will do as I say. If you would like to, please ... enjoy my pet." The neighbor nodded, and Ron set the time, but for 15 minutes this time.

The neighbor moved close to Sara, sniffed her pungent female scent, and smiled. Sara just watched as the neighbor's tongue began to lick her stripped mons, closer and closer to her deepest heat.

Finally, his tongue plunged in ... deep into her dripping vagina. He sucked her juices from her, and she moaned loudly. Ron watched Sara's face closely as his neighbor drove her higher and higher. His tongue circled her clitoris, so large and sensitive. Her body trembled as he sucked and nibbled on it. Her passionate noises grew louder and more intense as did the neighbor's noises. He was really getting into his pleasure. Ron thought it almost cruel to excite his neighbor this way, and not offer him some release.

"Ding" The timer finally chimed, and Ron reluctantly tapped the shoulder of his neighbor.

"If you need a release, Sir, you may share your fluids anyplace but her face." "Oh, yes, well ... that is nice. Yes, thank you. I may?"

"Yes, be my guest."

The neighbor removed his cock from his pants and proceeded to jack off, spraying his load toward Sara's open vagina. It didn't take him long, and he quickly made his excuses and disappeared back to his home.

Ron said nothing, but slowly, methodically, released Sara's legs. He held out his hand to steady her as she staggered. He released her arms. Picked up the leash, and waited for her to get on her hands and knees. It took a minute or two till she realized what he was waiting for, but she got there. He lead her into the bathroom, told her to kneel in the tub, and he would wash her. He washed her thoroughly and tenderly. He started with her lovely blonde hair, and worked his way down her body, over her healing nipples, which he kissed. She smiled.

"Thank You, Master."

"For what, girl"

"For knowing and loving me."

He washed her back and her tummy. "Please stand, girl." She stood as taught, and he continued to wash her body, his body. His fingers tenderly rubbed the cleaning scrub into her anus and he felt her muscles respond to his intrusion. He entered her luscious vagina and pumped his fingers a few times as her body welcomed him, she whimpered as once again she struggled to control her body's fire. His fingers entered both openings and pumped her pleasures until she was dancing like a puppet on his fingers.

"Go to my bed. Karta."

Quickly she crawled, dripping, to the bed and assumed the position he commanded.

"How do you feel, girl"

"Oh Master! I feel deliciously sexy and ... ummm ... totally owned, Master!"

"Good. What is it you want?"

"If I may, Master, please ... use me! PLEASE!!!"

With that, Ron unwrapped his throbbing penis, showed her it's fullness , then excruciatingly slowly pushed it into her hunger vagina ... a tiny bit at a time.

"Be still, girl!"

"Yes, Master!"

He pushed his thickened penis into her, teasing her carefully, nudging her clitoris.

"How are my nipples, pet?"

"Mmmmmmm, throbbing, Master!"

"Hahaha yes! You are a little slut, aren't you?"

"Yes, Master!"

Their conversation ceased, and he pushed deeper into his girl, his property, and he thrust with more and more intensity until the sounds of the pleasure filled the room.

"I will tell you when I am about to cum, pet, and you must come at the same time."

He continued, his thrusts pumping deeper and faster until he felt his balls slapping her. They were tight.

"Cum NOW!"

Her body bucked and shivered beautifully as he continued to possess her more and more thoroughly. She felt his hot milk shoot into her and another wave of ecstasy washed over her, her body trembling with feminine charm. He rode her until he was fully spent. He finally rolled over beside her as they rested.

"Sara, please lick me dry, then we shall sleep."

She did, sucking him into her mouth, tasting the mixture of their lustful juices. They slept.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
nice story line

like the idea of a slave being shared so casually....

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