I Am Not What You Think I Am


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"Thank you." I gave her the number of the phone in my dorm room and got up to leave.

Henri came in. "I've spoken to the local police. When I identified myself and told them that I was Angelique's father they couldn't have been any more co-operative. Professor Lawrence has been charged with attempted murder, but they told me that it would probably never get to trial. Her lawyer has requested a Psych evaluation, suggesting that they will oppose any trial on the basis of her being unfit, by way of mental illness, to stand trial. I think that the DA will probably agree with that and place her in a mental health facility indefinitely."

"What are your plans?"

"I'm going back to the dorm to get some sleep. You will call as soon as she wakes up, and tell her that I'm on my way."

"Sure, go." He waved me away. "Get some sleep, you need it. Kris, before you go." I could see the concern written all over his face. "I'm grateful for all that you have done for my little girl, she couldn't have chosen better than you. When this is all over, the two of you are to come home and spend some time with us. We have a lot to talk about."

"We will, but first I have to take her to meet my mother, I want the two of them to get to know each other, after all they will be seeing a lot of each other in the years to come. As soon as she is well enough we are going there, before we do anything else."

"I can't ask for fairer than that. Now go." He held his hand out to me, but instead of shaking mine, he grabbed me in a strong bear hug and kissed both cheeks. Juliette hugged me and kissed me, not on the cheek, but on the lips. She smiled at me and told me to go.

I didn't get a lot of sleep. No sooner had my head hit the pillow than the phone rang. It was Henri. "She's asking for you, I've sent a cab to get you."

"Thanks, I'll see you soon." I raced to scrub up and look halfway decent, clean jeans and shirt, a quick shave and squirt the pits and I was out of there and on my way to the hospital.

Juliette met me at the hospital entrance. "You were the first that she asked for. We explained that you had been with her all night and had just gone home to freshen up. You didn't want to look as ragged as you had when we got here, not when she woke up."

I walked into her room and her arms. "Kiss me please, and get me out of this nightmare." She was still slurring her words.

I kissed her. "The nightmare is over, Professor Lawrence will not be able to harm you in any way again, firstly because she is locked away, and secondly because, if she tried again I'd kill the bitch. I don't care if they cart me off to the slammer, there is no way that she can ever hurt you again."

"Listen to you, my big brave man, I can't see you killing anyone, it's not in you to cause harm."

"Yeah, but you've got to admit it sounded good." I smiled at her and kissed her gently on the lips.

The doctor came in with a couple of x-rays which he placed in the light box. "You are a lucky young lady. In layman's terms, there is some swelling of the brain, but nothing major, we'll give you some cortisone to reduce that swelling, and once that goes down you can go home. One of the blows almost did you in, if she'd hit a bit harder you wouldn't have made it. This is where the swelling is," he pointed to the x-ray, "and it's an important part of the brain, any harder and you would have had a compressed fracture of the skull. This could easily have caused a thrombosis, and that would probably have been fatal. But, you were brought here quickly enough, and the right treatment was administered immediately, reducing the damage and increasing your chances of survival."

"We can't thank you enough for this." Henri told him.

"It's the least I can do for this young lady. When she came in last night few people recognized her, but now, it seems, everyone knows her. Every time you turn on the TV, there she is, both of you, walking out on that interview. The station has released a statement to the effect that the interviewer had been fired, and that she had been made aware by Kris, that any question involving Professor Lawrence was off-limits because of the legal implications involved. Dean Bartholomew has just released a statement in which he has accepted some responsibility for this. He said that if the University had worried more about Professor Lawrence's mental health issues and less about damage minimization from the initial incident, it would not have had the result that it did."

"I suppose that this hospital is besieged by the media?" I asked.

"You'd better believe it. They're everywhere and the staff are getting pissed off at having microphones shoved in their faces by eager reporters trying to get the scoop."

"How are we going to get out of here when the time comes?" I asked Henri. I figured that he might be able to come up with something.

"Leave that side of things to me, we'll get you out of here safely."

"I'll leave you to it. Angelique, I'll be back in an hour to see how you're getting on. If an escape strategy is in place you should be able to go home."

"Sandshoe." She said. He smiled at her and left.

"We need a diversion. I'll talk to the local police and see what I can organize. One thing for certain, we're not going anywhere near the University. Apart from the impact on student life, the Dean wouldn't like the thought of having the world's media camped out on campus."

"I'm sure that you'll come up with something. Would it be possible to somehow smuggle us to Mom's house? She must be worried out of her mind."

"I'll call her and see whether it's possible, somehow I don't think it will be an easy matter." I gave him her number and he left to arrange things.

I kissed my Angelique. Juliette stood. "Would you like a coffee Kris, I know that I would, and I think that you haven't had anything to eat since I don't know when. I'll check out the vending machines to see if there is anything edible."

"Edible is the operative word here. I don't care what it is, my stomach is thinking that my mouth has forgotten that it exists."

"Darling." Angelique whispered to me.

"Wow, I understood that just fine, you've stopped slurring your words."

"Would you be quiet and listen to me."

"What is it?"

"Darling, my wonderful Darling, I love you so very much. If it wasn't for classes I would say, lets find a tropical island somewhere and hide out for ever."

"Sounds great, would you settle for deferring studies for a semester or two and heading home to your parents' place for some R&R?"

"Anywhere away from this madhouse."

My breakfast consisted of a couple of health bars and a cup of coffee. The health bars tasted as if they had long passed their use by date, and the coffee was slightly north of tepid but at least it was wet. Despite its nutritional shortcomings, to me this was a gourmet meal.

Henri came back and outlined the plan of action. A limo would arrive at the front entrance, slow down when the driver saw the crowd of media waiting and accelerate away and head for the service entrance. When the assembled masses scrambled for the service entrance, an unmarked police van with dark tinted windows would arrive at the front entrance. We would all scramble for that and take off, hopefully without too many followers. Any car following us would be pulled over by the police and detained briefly. The van would head towards the University, and when the driver could be certain that we had lost any tails he would swing off the main road and head for my mothers trailer. Police in the mean time would ensure that any media that had staked out the trailer park, would see a van arrive but not its occupants.

Moments later the media would see the van leaving. When we were ready to go to the airport, the limo would arrive and enter the trailer park followed a short time later by the van. As the media would not be able to see the occupants of either vehicle, we figured that they would not all follow the van on the assumption that the limo was a decoy. This time the van would be the decoy. The limo would head for the airport where a chartered plane would be waiting to take us to Montreal. That was the plan, and it almost worked. A few of the media would have figured the double bluff and followed us to the airport. They would have to find out the plane's flight destination for themselves, and that would take time.

That was the plan, and the first phase worked well enough for us to be greeted by Mom. "I was wondering what the drama was out front, I had to show ID just to get in. I should have realized that it had something to do with you." She looked from one to the other. "You, Angelique, I recognize from the TV, I'm pleased to meet you." She gave Angelique a hug. "I hope Kris has been looking after you, I was worried when the reports came out that you had been bashed because of him."

"It wasn't his fault, we couldn't have anticipated what she would do."

"I know that, but it doesn't mean that you should have been the one that she attacked." She looked at Henri and Juliette. "I presume that these are your parents. I'm Brenda, Kris' mother."

"I'm Henri and this is Juliette, as you rightly guessed, we're Angelique's parents. You have a wonderful son Brenda, he has looked after our girl very well indeed. We're proud of him, of both of them."

"What am I thinking, would you like coffee?"

"Thank you, that would be appreciated." Juliette went into the miniscule kitchen to help Mom get coffee for us all.

"What is this I hear about you two getting engaged?" Mom asked us.

"Yes, what was that about? We knew nothing of this until we saw you on TV and heard the commentary of you walking out of that interview."

"It was a spur of the moment announcement when we told our classmates of my serial monogamy. It was mainly to reinforce that I was definitely not available and that any rumors to the contrary were untrue. Everyone, including the media accepted it as a fait accompli."

"So what are your plans for the future?"

"That depends on the university. We will need to arrange a meeting with Dean Bartholomew to find out what our options might be."

"Have you spoken to him since the attack?"

"No, I have had other things on my mind."

"There may be time before we fly back to Montreal, but it can't be on campus, that would be tempting fate too much. If it can be arranged we can meet at the airport, I'm sure that they have interview rooms or some such private area that would be suitably private." Henri handed me his mobile.

I called the university switch, mainly because I didn't know Dean Bartholomew's direct line. "Hi, may I speak with Dean Bartholomew, please?"

"Who shall I say is speaking?" The receptionist asked.

"Kris, Kris Pendelbury."

"Not, oh, putting you through."

There was a pause while she told him who was on the line. "Mister Pendelbury, I'm pleased that you rang. I have been trying to find you since last night."

"I was at the hospital with Angelique, it was their decision not to allow any calls to either of us. Angelique would not have been able to take a call because of her injuries."

"How is she? We were concerned for her well-being. Believe me when I tell you that I was horrified when I heard what had happened to her."

"You were horrified? How do you think I felt, seeing her laying there, her face a mass of bruises, and her being unconscious most of the time and not recognizing me in the few moments when she was awake. I thought that the world that I was so looking forward to, had just come crashing down around my ears."

"We need to meet and discus this whole mess. The university will do everything in its power to make reparation to both of you for your pain and suffering. When can we get together?"

"There is a small window of opportunity this afternoon, but not in your office, that would be tempting fate. If you could meet with as at the airport before we fly out to Montreal so that Angelique can recuperate in peace, that would be great. Failing that it will have to wait until we get back."

"I can't make it to the airport this afternoon, there are some loose ends to the negotiations that I am making on your behalf, both of your behalves, that I can't postpone. How would it be if I were to fly to Montreal and meet you somewhere there?"

"We could meet at Angelique's parent house, say the day after tomorrow if that's convenient for you."

"Fine, give me the address and the time and I will be there."

I gave him the details. "He says that he is negotiating something on our behalves for the future, I wonder what that could be?" I said to them.

The extrication plan swung into action and we arrived safely at the airport. We were driven onto the apron where the chartered plane waited for us. "Who's paying for this?" I asked Henri.

"Would you believe the RCMP, this is listed as a training flight. Don't tell anyone, will you?"

"My lips are sealed."

The beauty of this type of flying is that it is virtually hassle free. When you check in for departure on a commercial flight there's all the drama of seat allocations, (the best cattle class seats are next to the emergency exits, they provide more leg room), boarding passes, and then the seemingly interminable wait for the boarding call and the queueing to board. Arrive on a commercial flight and you spend ages waiting for the line of passengers standing in the aisle, only to wait while the guy at the front of the queue rummages around in the overhead lockers looking for his bag. Why everyone thinks that by standing up they're going to disembark any quicker is beyond me.

Within thirty minutes of landing, Angelique, Henri and Juliette were seated in their living room sipping coffee. "What do you think about transferring to a university in Montreal for you post graduate studies?" Henri asked me.

"I hadn't really given that possibility any thought at all."

"Think about it, we will have Angelique back home with us, and you can stay with us to cut down on your expenses, what more could you ask for?"

"When you put it that way, nothing I guess. It's an option that I will have to consider once I hear what Dean Bartholomew has to say, when he gets here."

"I just happen to have information on three of the best, McGill, Concordia and Université de Montréal"

"You just happen to have those. Why do I get the impression that this has somehow been contrived?"

"When Angelique won that scholarship it was always with the intention of returning here to undertake post graduate studies. You managed to change all of that by forcing her to fall in love with you This is our opportunity to right that mistake."

"For your information I did not force her to do anything. The opportunity to study with her is a compelling argument, I have to admit. It will take a special offer to top that."

Angelique and made good use of the recovery time. In between a lot of caressing and gentle touching, her face was still tender to touch, and some tentative lovemaking, we read through the brochures from each of the Universities. "I'm leaning towards McGill, it offers the courses that I'm interested in." I said after putting the brochure on the bed beside me. "We can't really make a decision until we find out what carrot Dean Bartholomew is going to dangle in front of us."

"It's going to have to be a big carrot for me to want to go back to State." She said, and I could understand that.

It was a huge carrot, but one that didn't actually mean that we would have to stay at State U.

"I have been in talks with several prestigious Universities, and I have received a lot of interest from them. For instance Harvard Law is prepared to offer you a full scholarship, and you don't have to play football. As for you, young lady, they are prepared to offer a position in any subject that you choose. Unfortunately they are not prepared to offer you a similar deal to Kris's, a full scholarship. Should you so desire to take up a course at Harvard," He paused and looked at her to judge her interest, "We at State U are prepared to cover the full cost of your tuition. It is the least that we can do under the circumstances."

We have suddenly found ourselves in a very good bargaining position. It was time to find out just how good it was. "What would you say if we both decided to study here in Montreal. We are seriously considering McGill. Would you be able to negotiate a similar deal with them?"

"I won't know until I try. Leave it with me and I'll see what I can do." In the mean time, I have to tell you that Professor Lawrence has been placed in a mental health facility where she will undergo a series of test while they decide what treatment is necessary. She has been suspended, with pay, while this is happening, with the view to us finding a suitable non-teaching position for her. It appears as if it will be a long process, but we are hoping for a positive outcome in her case."

After a couple of drinks he left. "Well, what do you think?" Henri asked.

"If he can pull off a deal with McGill, I'm all for it." I told him. Angelique gave me a hug, followed by a kiss, just to let me know that she was happy with that answer.

She was still happy later that night when we were both standing under the shower. It was one of those with a hand-held shower head attached to a hose that you could point wherever you so desired. At this time she had it pointed at my cock and balls, and it was having an interesting effect on those parts of my anatomy. My cock was standing up. She dropped to her knees and took him in her mouth while at the same time trained the spray on my balls. Holy crap, I have never come so quickly, or so hard, in my life. She opened her mouth to show me how much cum I'd sprayed into it before swallowing it. "My turn now." She handed me the shower head.

I pushed the hood aside, exposing the tip of her clitoris and turned the shower rose to 'massage', causing the water jet to pulsate, and trained it on her clit. I buried my tongue as deeply as possible into her pussy, and in a very short time I had brought her to a shuddering, drenching climax. "Oh my god, that was so good. Do me again." So of course I did.

The next day we had to et serious. Dean Bartholomew had called to inform us that he had made a similar arrangement with McGill as he had with Harvard, all that was left was for us to make our decision.

"If it would help," Henri began. The tone of his voice suggested that he had been doing some negotiating of his own. "I have been talking with your mother." He said to me. "And I have offered her the opportunity to come and live in Montreal. I have found an apartment that she can lease, I have a job lined up for her with the police department as a Clerk. Rita and Glenn are both interested in coming here and I have spoken to a couple of schools who will take them in based on their grades. I'm not putting you under any pressure at all, but we have to make a decision soon. What do you say?"

"I say yes." Angelique just about knocked me over with her enthusiasm at my answer.

When we had all settled down I looked at them. "I can see it now. All of those students who were under the impression that I was just another over-sexed jock, screwing his way through some meaningless course, just so the University had a better chance of winning the championship. They must finally realize that I am definitely not what they thought I was."

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A prolific writer with amazing skill, produced one of those stories you wish was novel length because it is so good.

I highly recommend it.

The Hoary Cleric

tangledweedtangledweedover 4 years ago

I give this story an A for English and an F for Cliches.

The_Artfull_CodgerThe_Artfull_Codgeralmost 7 years ago
the beauty of a 5 page story

ls that by the middle of the 2nd page you are self editing, you skip entire paragraphs that are laborious descriptions of that which you already know. Treat your readers better, they know what is going on. Those that are looking for a quickie have taken their lotion and moved on to greener pastures filled with DDD breasts and 12" cocks.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 7 years ago

this was a pleasure to read

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 7 years ago
Second time reading this story

I again found it to be a fun and entertaining tale. It is just overall rather detached from reality.

SampkyangSampkyangabout 8 years ago

in the end I decided this was a very silly story, not my usual opinion of this fine writer...

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 9 years ago
Well, it was different and a joy to read.

Not your usual college story with two nice students who both had good families. Thank you for writing.

fanfarefanfareabout 9 years ago
not sure why...

.,,,but I do like this story. I think it pushed my sympathy buttons Belaboring the character of Kris with extremely unfortunate circumstances. Cromagnon envisioned his protagonist to actually be a decent character.

It amuses me how many readers to this site are so terrified of intellectual exercise.

Perpetual adolescents unable to comprehend adult conversations and mature relationships.

And finally the racist commentator. So much in hate with POTUS Obama's pigmentation. So incapable of realizing their own hypocrisy.

That the corruption and incompetency of a half-century of Cheney/Bush league plutocracy, resulted in the collapse of the American and the Global economies.

All those White Anglo-Saxon Predator caste bunglers. With truckloads of degrees and awards and corporate bonuses, who were directly responsible for the last three recessions, each worst than the last.

And in the end, in the history books they will all be swept away with deserved contempt by the future.

As with his two predecessors, TR & FD Roosevelt, Barrack Obama will get the credit for saving the corporate morons of Capitalism from their own degeneracy.

LustKnightLustKnightabout 9 years ago
Couldn't finish...

...the dialogue was very clunky and unnatural to read. The long spiel on Tess of the D'Urbervilles was... distracting, and the story had issues getting to the point that weren't helped by the clumsy eriting. Disappointing.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 9 years ago
Not typical of you at all

Quite the departure - we lived through years in the story and months of them being near eah other before they even meet - then a month to fall in live -

And then the whole sequence is so well played out - - somewhat predictable but well executed and the interest was held until the end.

Somewhere down the line one of them will have to decide on nationality issues but whatever -

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