I Don't Like Violence Ch. 03


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The guards hastily lie in the affirmative, wanting the people around to think the best of them. I hide my knowing smirk. "It's settled then! How can we speak with the local nobles to arrange this agreement?"

"Well..." the guard scratched his nose again, "Baron Edmond isn't at his estate. But his steward is here. We can call him out to see what this is all about."

"Splendid, you go and do that then. With your leave, I will show Rashanna more about the glorious human way of life. Under guard, of course."

Under the spell of my charisma, everything goes exactly as planned. As we go about town, I explain to Rashanna, "Everybody is selfish, deep down. Some people more or less than others, but generally, the best way to get someone to do something good for someone else, is if there is something in it for them." She nods. "So when I framed your plight to the humans, I made it all about them. Their safety, their children, their jobs, their money, their fame."

"They sssshould care about ssssaurians and want to help," she mumbles.

I set Nunu down to walk between us and listen in. "They should, but the simple fact is that people don't. Why did you come with me?"

She leans back at my question and fumbles for an answer. "I... I wanted to do what is right."

"Right for your tribe," I tell her. "You didn't think about what this could mean to other tribes of saurians. Or to other monsters like Nunu."

She bows her head. "I did not."

"Exactly. And you know what? It's okay to admit that," I say, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Admitting your own faults and weaknesses is the bravest and most honest thing a person can do. And it's the gateway to beginning to understand others, too. Just like you, these men are acting for the good of their tribe, and also for their own safety, which I am sure was part of why you wanted this to happen too. That's also okay to admit."

"Why you help?" Nunu interjects, looking at me.

"Well..." I pause to think about it, then smile. "I was given a quest. And as an adventurer, I need to take that quest. Also, I like you all," I add with a wink that makes Nunu giggle and Rashanna click her teeth.

I bring the guards into the discussion. They're reluctant at first, but as I tell them about the way saurians click their teeth to laugh, and the various colors they come in, they begin to pay attention. I also point out some of the ways you can read the expression of a saurian too, though I leave out the frills, as they often indicate hostility, and that's one incident I don't want to be responsible for. They laugh at first when they see her stone weapons, but when I point out they didn't make their own, they stop and instead let me goad them into admiring her own hand-made craftsmanship.

We wind a slow circle through the town, and Rashanna finally learns what those big wheels in the water are for, among many other things, like why humans keep animals. Every dog barked at her on the way, unfortunately, which set her on edge, but she did eventually get used to it. People had trained their dogs to protect them against lizardfolk, so that did make sense.

We arrive at the square where we had first met the guards again, and wait. In a few minutes, a well-dressed man arrives with the captain.

"The baron's steward, I presume," I greet him with a bow. "It's a pleasure, I am Leonard of Duzille, a bardic adventurer here on a quest on behalf of Srakira, saurian chieftain. I come with the emissary of her people, Rashanna." Rashanna bows as I taught her to, still maintaining her modesty-preserving cloak.

The steward was everything I expected a steward to be. A man with power above his station, long-haired, goatee'd, dressed finely, and with a glint in his eye that betrayed his love of coin. He at least had the restraint to keep from rubbing his hands together. He examined Rashanna with a suspicious eye. "Chieftains? Emissaries? Please now, you don't mean to tell me these... saurians are so civilized."

"Now now, sir, let's not be rude to a guest in her presence," I chided amicably, seeing Rashanna's hackles rise with her frills. "You are correct that they are not on the same level as humans, but for all intents and purposes, that is precisely what Rashanna here is, an emissary. She speaks on behalf of her chieftain, and seeks the wellbeing of the people under her care. In fact, I believe you and her may have much in common, lower as her position may be." I give Rashanna an apologetic look and receive an understanding nod in response. Selfish desires leading to a better outcome.

My words strike a chord with him. "Well, I suppose it is true she knows her place, from what I can see. Now tell me, lizard woman, about your errand here. The human does not speak for you, I assume. What is he to you?"

A shrewd question. Rashanna only hesitates a moment before answering though. "He is my adventurer. He does job he is given. His job is to protect me, and to make my job easier. If he sssspeaks, it is because he knows many things that will help."

"Mm, quite." He rubs his goatee and considers me. "Quite a position for an adventurer. Shouldn't you be off slaying monsters, rather than playing the diplomat?"

"There are all sorts of adventurers in the world," I respond, "And yet among them I may be unique. I prefer the way of words and of coin to that of violence. Wouldn't you say that is a preferable path in life?"

He inclines his head in agreement as I deflect his questions back toward him. This was my boss fight, I realized. I'm the fighter up front, dealing damage and tanking the blows, while my companions provide support. "You speak truly. And if the lizard folk can be brought to the same way of seeing things, as... this one seems to, then perhaps there is a way forward after all." He stepped up to Rashanna, who stood her ground proudly. Perhaps a little too much. "Now then, lizard, what are your terms?"

"We sssstop hunting humans, humans sssstop hunting ussss," she answers flatly and directly. "That is the... plan," she says, searching a moment for the right word.

"Yes, that is ideal," he agrees, attempting to stare down his nose at her in spite of the near foot of height she has over him. "But a simple agreement does not guarantee anything. And should another tribe of your kind attack us, we would have no way of telling, and may attack you by mistake. There must be more."

She nods, "This is exssspected. What can we do?"

"You will have to live next to us, where we can keep an eye on you. Guarded and watched by our men. Trade would be ideal as well. What goods do you have to offer?"

"Ssssaurians are hunters and fisssshers, and we carve stone. We bring you food fasssster than your hunters and fishers. Help your sssstone carvers and wood sssshapers. We are great fighters, we will guard you too. Like dogs, but can speak to you."

"Like dogs," he echoes with a grin, the implied insult fortunately lost upon my companion. "Hmm yes, this is an advantageous proposal. Of course, we will need to witness the arrival of your entire clan, unarmed. We will have them all escorted here together by our soldiers to ensure their honesty."

Rashanna nods in agreement, but I notice the danger of this plan. If the humans decide it's simpler to just wipe the Saurians out, this would be the ideal time to do it. They would be led to the clan's home, disarm them, lead them away from the water, and then would have the perfect opportunity to destroy their problem all at once. I don't mention this though. A shrewder response is called for in this situation.

"Well then, let's shake on it," he says, extending his hand. I show Rashanna how to do it. "We will have this in writing tomorrow, then we may go about the relocation. In the meantime, men," he says, turning to the guards, "have the local men prepare a place for our 'guests' to stay." He turns and we part ways.

Rashanna, Nunu and I are led to an empty shed and told we will have to spend the night there. We're given the minimum comforts and offered a meal, then mostly left alone.

I share my concerns then with my companions, who catch on, then I lay out my plan as best as I am able. It will require playing politics a little, but they've accepted by now that I know what I'm doing.

After we finish eating, the three of us lean back for a rest, against the straw-stuffed sheets they prepared for us. I smile as I feel two pairs of hands starting to go for my clothing. With one of mine, I unclasp Rashanna's cloak, and with the other I help Nunu out of her top. I scoop the little bundle of green up and kiss her tiny, plump lips, while sinking my hands into the soft sacks on Rashanna's breast, pushing her down onto our bed. She croons and strokes my chest, inflating herself a little.

Nunu's lips are surprisingly sweet to the taste. I expected meat, fish, and whatever else, but there is an enticing savor there instead that draws me in. My tongue fills her tiny mouth entirely, making her gasp. I can't imagine they can manage to give one another blowjobs, given the mismatch in size, which gives me an idea.

I lower my hips against Rashanna's and feel her emerging tumescence greet mine. It's already as long as mine, and I know from experience, only about halfway done. The thought excites me more than ever, the idea of regularly penetrating girls with bigger dicks than mine. I never in my life would have imagined, but right now there is a fire stoked in me that I have never felt toward a human before. I'm not gay, I swear, but... clearly I'm not entirely straight either. I start to grind against her, and her soft-scaled claw presses my cock against the warmth of her soaked gash. I had forgotten they could lubricate themselves at will.

As my hips take care of Rashanna, my lips take care of Nunu. They leave hers and instead lick at her neck, which brings an adorable chorus of moans up from her mouth. I don't stop there, though, kissing lower until I arrive at her tiny little nipples. They're about the size of my own, a little bigger, but they look nice and plump on her small form, and I feel a thrill of excitement as one of her little erect buttons brushes against my tongue. My hands busy themselves at her waist, releasing her skirt and undergarment and tossing them aside. She lays back into her scaly paramour, who holds her safe while my hands are occupied.

Soon she's as bare as I am, and I can take the moment required to aim my shaft down. Rashanna lows animalistically as I slide inside, greeted by the cool warmth of her tight tunnel. Its muscles are so different from a goblin's, and I imagine from a human's, pulsing along my length in a uniquely luxurious way.

Nunu, ever impatient, tries to wrap her legs around me, desperately humping whatever she can. I chuckle into her breast, the vibrations of my voice making her gasp, and happily satisfy her need. My hands find her equipment, one lovingly cupping her large, full, egg-sized balls, while the other slides a finger into her hungering depths. Rashanna silences her by sliding a claw delicately into her mouth, wisely aiming to avoid annoying our neighbors. And under the multi-pronged assault she is, I can't blame our little goblin shortstack for her cries of delight.

I jiggle and massage her taut sack, enjoying its warmth and virility in my hands, and with great reluctance release it, along with her breast. I give her dark green teat a parting kiss, and pressinto her pussy, sliding her up against Rashanna's body. The scaled amazon squeezes her thighs around me, drawing me the barest bit deeper into her I can go, and I start to buck in earnest. Her cock throbs, rising to slap against my abs. And as for Nunu, with a smile, I let my tongue slip from my lips and lick at the tip of her cock.

She gasps and moans, eyes open wide with surprise. I wink up at her and kiss her lip. Goddess, it actually tastes nice. Far from the delights of her pussy, but its heady saltiness makes for a fine appetite, whetting my thirst for the cunnilingus I have reserved for her next. I bob. She tries to wrap her legs around my head again, but fumbles. I'm too far away. I only get her a little bit inside before my gag reflex completely forbids her further entry. I look down with disappointment, seeing I'm not even halfway down. So doing the best I can, I turn my head and let her big fat cock bulge my cheek as I take it as far as I can go. The way it throbs in my mouth is unique, and a part of me feels oddly satisfied by it.

A hard thrust into Rashanna's pussy distracts the tall lizardly beauty from her task, and her claw pops out of Nunu's hungry mouth. The little green girl whines at me. "That... that so nice, but... I like your tongue... somewhere else... more."

I pop off, a little disappointed, but also pleased. I love eating her pussy, and I let her know with a big grin. But before that, I need to show her balls a little love too. As I lean in and wrap my lips halfway around one, I feel Rashanna shaking beneath me, cumming her first load. I pick up my pace, slapping my hips against hers, my balls slapping against the base of her tail, and Nunu has to grab her snout to keep her from crying out too loudly. Her cock shoots up, a thick stream of white firing out in long spurts, covering Nunu's soft round tushy in her oatmeal-thick load.

I take my time with those delicious balls of Nunu's, but don't remain only there. My hands sink into the softness of her shortstack thighs, kneading them greedily, while my lips divide the task, the upper kissing at her thick sack, and the lower yawning open to allow my tongue to begin its search. It is a short one, as Nunu's suppressed whines give me ample signal when I reach her little pink clitoris.

There is something comforting about having a pair of warm balls resting on your face while your are tongue-deep inside a pussy. There are fewer places I would rather be as I find myself sinking into that position. I hold Nunu's legs open wide and watch her as she bucks her hips, cock rigid, rising up over my face. What a sight. Just, goddess, what a sight. And behind her, I can see the rippling jiggles of Rashanna's pseudo-breasts, and against my abs, the feeling of her warm rod spasming once more with another fresh load, likely to be her last non-dry one of the evening.

Nunu cums quickly, and I arrive on her heels. I reach up and angle her fat cock away from my hear, instead painting her small tits with her load. Mine, for its part, is lost amid the depths of Rashana's female half.

We switch positions then. I drop Nunu onto the hay, and shove Rashanna up higher. Both girls squeal with delight. Not eager to taste myself, I linger right at Rashanna's entrance, licking teasingly and kissing at her most sensitive spots. My hands search her body for erogenous zones, while my hips slap into Nunu's.

The little bundle of goblin is muted by the tail in her face, but her pleasure is hard to miss, her second load paints the spot where the largest member of the threesome's tail meets her small-ish, sporty behind. That's when I find her first trigger point. The semi-circle from her sternum to the underside of her breasts, of course. She doesn't respond the way Nunu does when her nipples are played with, but it's there. And right on the heels of that revelation, I find the softness of her inner neck, just below the chin, which makes her purr like a cat as I pet it. Lastly, I try exploring her frills, and find the base of the lowest to bring about the same reaction. How fascinatingly alien, yet deeply erotic...

Rashanna throbs hard, her cock as hard as a steel ingot, at the same time as Nunu crashes into her third climax. A dry saurian orgasm, I recognize. Both girls are panting now, barely able to keep their eyes open. I feel my hand creep down to grab onto Rashanna's monster girlcock, but am reminded of Srakira's words the last time I tried, and instead sink my fingers into what softness there is to be found in her perky butt. Then, with one last hilt, I pour my load into Nunu, and finally start to come down from my sexual high.

We spill together into a happy pile, and I tug a blanket over us. There I rest with my two beauties latched onto me. As I stroke Nunu's lower back and Rashanna's lower gills, I find myself predicting that our third party member might just become a permanent one once this adventure is over. Their cocks still throb weakly against me, Nunu's against my upper abs and Rashanna's against my hip, one slowly deflating and the other slowly receding.

Life with a dickgirl harem is awesome.

It isn't really time to sleep, so we just relax where we are, enjoying the brightness of our afterglow. There is something to be said for sexual diplomacy. I wonder if playing politics will even be necessary. All it might take would be getting that jerkwad of a steward alone (and quiet) with a pretty Saurian... Hmm, something to consider. For later.

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glewey15glewey15about 1 year ago

I really hope this this story continues. the male on futa genre is underserved. great writing and a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent stuff and would have loved to see it continued. It's an original concept, full of kindness and love. Woulda been great to see it continued into peace and pregnancy.

TomdullyTomdullyover 1 year ago

so this site so if you saying you don't like what I say or miss spell there's I not allowed to speck on this site? Cuss I didn't understand your reasoning and forgive my worries i'm never one to condemn pepole I truly want too know is it my writing is it what I said because this is one site I thought the best of if it's me please forgive me.P.S Have a great day

TomdullyTomdullyover 1 year ago

there's not much but so far its enjoyable so if you'd hurry up I'll just have to wait

JohnnyWolf71JohnnyWolf71about 2 years ago

Wonderful story, looking forward to more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Can't wait for next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

My 2 cents

A good story so far. Thanks for your time and imagination.

ShouldIBeHere28ShouldIBeHere28over 2 years ago

Really enjoying the series so far! Some actual storyline built in, which is always nice. Hope we get some futa on male action eventually as well, who doesn’t love some monstergirl futadom. Thanks for submitting!

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