I Host my Niece's Pool Party Pt. 02


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Carrie is defiant, "I can't stop."

I reply, "I know. I didn't ask you to."

Carrie pleads, "I need you at the party. Two moms need dates, you can have your pick."

I shake my head in disbelief, "No. I can't do that."

Carrie looks hurt, "I expected you to say that. You took three daughters at the other party, why not three mothers?"

I reply evenly, "I have learned a lot about Gina and myself since then. I will not allow myself to do that again. To be consistent, I won't use a woman anymore either. I do want to date but the party is clearly for having sex. I hope you understand now, I can't be there."

Carrie is frustrated. She looks to be near tears.

Carrie surprises me, "Am I a whore?"

I am not sure how to answer that, "Um, ah, I guess it depends on how you define what a whore is. Why does it matter? What kind of a question is that to ask anyways?"

Carrie is in tears, "I think of it as a woman that is free with sex, as in has sex with almost everyone or a woman that sells herself for money. If I were you looking at me, I am a whore."

I don't want to hurt her or shatter her confidence. She is acting like a whore. We aren't dating so she can do anything she wants. It's really none of my business. If I fucked every other woman I met, I would be just as bad.

I add, "Hey, you can't worry about how others may or may not view you. You can only control how you feel about yourself. You are worrying about this too much."

Carrie sniffles, "That's how I feel now though. It just hit me."

I try to bolster her confidence, "I am not here to judge you. You need to decide what makes you happy and follow your heart. I will be here no matter what. I am still working on that same issue myself with Pam."


It's now just a week before the party. I have an extensive list of items to buy. Most is food, I will wait until later in the week for that. Carrie is in an excited mood now. Something has changed in her. It certainly isn't work, sales are through the floor. We are going through a rough stretch. In sales that happens so no alarm needed. In the back of my mind, I wonder if there is a connection.

Dinner is pleasant and after I go to bed, my door opens, it closes, and Carrie jumps in bed with me.

Carrie leans over before I say anything and says, "Shhhh. Go to bed. Don't think."

She rolls up in my arms. She is wearing a nighty. She is spooning me. She has gone crazy.


Wednesday night she comes back into my room. This time naked. She places my hands on her breasts. We go to sleep. I am having serious issues here. We aren't dating. It seems harmless, so I decide to ignore her as she seems to be happy.


Thursday night she wants me to play with her breasts. I resist. She grabs my balls. I maul her breasts and she moans and releases her grip on my friends. This is getting weird.


Friday night, she is back in her nighty and just wants to sleep.

Ok, now I am completely confused. What does she want? Why is she doing this? Why go half way? Argggggg!


Saturday is Halloween and party night. We are hosting dinner at 5:00 PM. Several couples show up to help us prepare. Most of the shopping is complete. I clean and sanitize the entire playroom. We do some cooking like the deviled eggs, but most started yesterday (marinating chicken) and just need to cook on the grill. Two rice cookers have rice. Someone is slicing the fruit. Beverages and ice are in coolers and placed in the sex room. With so much help, it goes smooth.

We stop for lunch.

Linda asks Carrie, "Did you find a date for tonight?"

Carrie looks confident, "You all know my life history. My marriage was a sham. My husband tried to kill me, my daughter, and my dear brother. Phil has given me a safe place to live and a purpose in life, a real job that I love. I had freedom for the first time in my life and like a teen with no parents I went wild. I went on sexual binges. However, it's wasn't what I wanted, and it wasn't satisfying. I was in a deep well of despair."

Carrie pauses. Everyone is staring at her, they want the end of the story. She smiles.

Carrie continues with a smile, "You all know about the last party. All of you mothers were there. Very unexpected. Because of the fathers here I won't mention names but there were three lucky women that had an extra special time that day. Even though Phil doesn't love them, he liked them enough to give them an experience that was pretty damn close."

Jim jumps in, "I knew instantly the moment I saw my daughter. The smile she had on her face was amazing. She had a fantastic experience. She told me all but who. Those poor guys in college, she is expecting them to treat her the same way. No eat, no insertion, no exceptions. She is way more confident now. I had heard of so many horror stories. I was so happy to see she had an exceptional experience. Thank you, Phil. I will kill you after the party."

Cindy asks, "I don't understand, who did you pick Carrie?"

Carrie looks at the ground, she looks embarrassed, "Um."

Linda asks, "You haven't asked him yet, have you?"

Jim looks annoyed, "Well, I am going to be really mad if Phil doesn't say yes."

I quickly look up, what did he say? Did I hear that right? No, he could not be referring to me. Who else here is Phil? I am in shock.

Linda can see the surprise in my face, "Phil. Why are you surprised? Nobody has ever loved her more than you. She took you for granted way too long. Carrie has finally come to her senses and realized there is only one man for her and it is you. Everyone knew it and is OK with it. She had a crappy marriage and you have treated her with nothing but love and respect even when she treated you like shit. You are her date tonight and forever."

Jim speaks for everyone, "We know love is weird. It's why we are her, to rekindle that love. We want what you have. You two need to lead the party and the demos. All the parents are ok with your relationship. The children are not as accepting, half of them still thought they had a chance with you."

We all giggle at that.


At 4:30 I start cooking the chicken. I will wait until 5:00 for the fish. I have plenty of help and opinions. I have the experience to know that I am right. Everyone pitches in, dinner moves along quickly. They are not here for my mad BBQ skills.

Clean up from dinner happens in record time. The mothers know exactly what to do, where things go, and it's a breeze.

I lead everyone down to the fun room. The men are amazed at the variety of items and toys to play with. Fred has a table set up to show off several types of rope. He talks about the pros and cons of each type. He talks about hygiene and tightness. Improper tightness can cause nerve damage.

Then he starts talking about the several types of knots, and how to tie them. As he is describing it, I am doing it. He then says we need a volunteer, Carrie stands up, comes to me, and strips off her clothes so she is buck ass naked. Mighty good looking as well.

Now it turns fascinating. He calls out names of positions, what they good for, and then explains how to tie up the target. As he is describing it, I am doing it. Some things need multiple repetitions, this is when he talks more about safety and using rope. He chooses the positions that are easy to tie and allow great access to the partner.

Some positions are for punishment, we avoid those. He shows us only positions that allow partners like us to fuck without it being routine. In each position I give her about five full strokes of my cock which earns me five large moans. I untie her and then we move on to the next position. Five more strokes, five more moans and move on. She is frustrated.

After the demonstrations are over, he takes a few questions, then says he has lots of product in his truck he can sell afterwards. He will stick around to help people all night.

Bill is the next demo expert. He specializes in BSDM furniture. He goes around to each piece of equipment I have, shows how to adjust it, and then how to properly use it. Each time, we use a female volunteer (Carrie) to get on the equipment. We show crops, canes, and gags in addition to the furniture. She loved the Sybian and the way I kissed her and fondled her tits while riding. Several pieces are for fucking. Of course, she enjoyed that a lot. I made sure he used the fucking table last. It is in the center of the room where all can see it well.

When we finish the demo, Bill asks the crowd, "Carrie has been an exceptional sport tonight, don't you think?" The crowd cheers. "She has been teased with just five strokes at a time. I think it's a shame to waste the moment, don't you?" They all yell YES. "Might as well let Phil fuck her good in front of everyone. After that, Phil has instructions for you all before you start. All yours Phil."

I already have Carrie in a suspended doggie position. I allow my cock to sway a bit, so everyone can see my size. I then slowly push it into Carrie and she screams out in joy. I now start my show. For ten minutes I pound her cunt in a medium speed. It's faster than I normally would, I don't want these people waiting an hour. After ten minutes I start picking up speed. Even this, I do faster than normal. It isn't long before I am spanking Carrie and slamming my cock deep inside her body cavity. She cries out a grunt with each thrust.

I am going as fast as I can. I have a ton of energy with all these people watching me slam my sister. I sense Carrie is going to have a nuclear meltdown very soon. Sure enough, as I thrust deep and shoot my cum into by sister, she orgasms with a long, loud, scream, squirts for the first time ever, and then collapses on the device. We get a standing ovation.

I try to stand up but am wobbly, I sit.

I weakly point to the walls, "Behind the doors are towels to clean yourself, some extra equipment, and robes to stay warm. Tonight, is NOT an orgy, we will NOT be trading partners. You only play with the one you came with. That means tonight, no double or triple penetrations. Tonight, is about adding to your marriage or relationship. You had two awesome demonstrations done. Try some of the ropes and equipment you saw tonight. The guys are still here to assist and answer questions.

"When I say go, you will start by stripping everything off your body and placing your clothes in the cubicles. Then have fun. Does anyone have a question?" No questions. "GO!"

The first thing I did was remove Carrie from the fucking table. She is tired, I wrap her in a towel and hold her tight. We cuddle on the floor, oblivious to everything around us. Her eyes open but she is still under the effect of a good fucking. I pay attention to the others now.

They all seem to be having fun and giggling. The women have been here before, however, this is far different. Much less breast play. Almost no pussy eating. A whole lot more fucking and discipline. Lots of very eager couples trying out equipment and rope. Rope is cheap, flexible in its uses, and takes time to be creative. Lots of fun over time for little money. Carrie asks me to tie her up. This is new.

I start with an X over the chest and then tightly wrap each breast. The breast points out and is under pressure. It's turning dark red and border line purple, I ease up a bit. I then bind her arms to each other behind her back. Now I bend her leg back on itself and tie each together. Left thigh tied to left calf. Right thigh to right calf. No more walking. From the right knot, I run a rope around her back to the left knot. The more I pull, the wider her legs spread apart.

Currently she is on both legs and their spread apart. This is a nice wide-open stance and very stable. From here I can push her forward and leave her rear end up in the air. Effectively giving me easy access to both holes but not comfortable as her face is on the floor. I can't do that, I push her on to her back and now the legs are up in the air (still bent) and spread wide. From here I can push my python into her hot waiting pussy.

She is there. She is open. I am here. My cock needs a hole. I stand up. Carrie's eyes go wide with surprise. I walk over to a table and pick up a stack of blindfolds. I walk around the room blinding the women. Carrie is last. She looks relieved to see me again. I put the blindfold over her eyes and get down on the floor, close to her entrance.

I slowly ease into my sister, leading with my large cock. She grunts, and a huge smile fills her face as my cock fills her pussy. On all sides of us other couples are enjoying each other. It's weird having others around. I never could relax around others. It's not that I mind it's just that typically, sex is more private. Not very private when there are twenty-two other couples. On the other hand, seeing all these beautiful women turns me on. Wanting to be the best is also a goal high on my list. Competition brings out the best in me.

I want Carrie screaming the loudest, I plow her harder than normal. Rather than just small grunts, she emits tiny screams. Yeah, I like that. The other couples aren't in sync like we are. Last time, the women spent a full day nude and having sex. They are comfortable being naked in a group. The men are still adjusting to being naked in a group. They are not as comfortable. They women are taunting the men to go faster, harder, be bolder. The men are shy, and I find that kind of amusing.

The women are begging, they want it harder and faster, they are desperate for cock. They spur me on. This isn't going to be making love. This time it is the rutting of two animals in heat. The pheromones are flying and filling the room. The men are rougher and more turned on than normal. Mating season has begun. I start slamming into her harder. She isn't unhappy about this. The smile and loud grunts are now drowning out other nearby women.

I can understand her perspective though, she has a cock the size of a tree limb shoved hard up into her wet sloppy cunt. One by one the men start climaxing and shooting their loads into their very appreciative female. Nobody is straight out fucking on the floor. They are all using rope to one degree or another or using one of the pieces of furniture.

Linda was the first to climax, she was on the Sybian and her husband is fucking her up the ass. Well played. Many crops and bare hands are spanking. Nobody used a flogger or cane. As noted previously, all the women are MILFs. The husbands and boyfriends in general, are not in great shape. Most of these guys won't go more than twice tonight. Some look to be in their late 50's to early 60's, this might be it for them.

I see several guys sitting around after they finish. They are just watching. That's cool, you can learn. However, when everyone finishes, I am going to add a new wrinkle. Half the room will hate me, and half will love me.

Everyone took a brief pause after the first round of fucking is over. Time for me to cause trouble. I stand up in the center of the room.

I use a loud commanding voice and say, "For a bunch of new people, you all did very well. I see a lot of happy men and women out there. Hopefully you found something new tonight that you can use at home from time to time. The next phase of the evening is where we say thanks. When I say we, I mean us men. You look at us, then you look at this beautiful collection of women, we are all very lucky guys. Remember, this is a night of experimentation for everyone. When I say go, this time you are going to eat your woman aggressively to get as many orgasms as you can in the next fifteen minutes. Our two experts will track time. No wimping out guys, GO!"

Carrie is still tied up, she says to me, "You little shit, how am I going to keep these women off you. That was brilliant, using peer pressure to make them eat pussy."

I push Carrie so more of her back is on the floor, that tips her slit up to me and I devour everything. I am like lightning, my tongue is running along the outside lips, then inside of the outer lips, then outside of the inner lips. Then I go clit to brown star to clit. My tongue punches her clit causing her to scream. Speaking of screaming, there is a whole room full of screams going off. Lots of "Oh, oh, oh" and then the wail. I am behind.

I use the super quick lapping tongue hitting all the sensitive spots just right. She always loves my whiskers, that's three now. I use a slow warm breath over her skin. No orgasm but huge scream. I insert two fingers from each hand and pull apart. Their still active scratching her lips. I dive in with the wide tongue and try to hit everything. She explodes after a minute of that. She explodes and needs to stop. She wants me to wrap her in my arms. There are many women in this same condition. I see a guy struggling, he has no clue.

I quietly walk over to him and make him stop.

I whisper, "Relax. Slow down. Less is more on some women. Use slow motion and a wide tongue. Be a kitten and lap at her folds. There is liquid gold in there, try to get some out." He follows my directions and his wife explodes. He is in shock. "Every woman is different, some don't know what they want. You just made this event a life memory for your wife. Congratulations!"

I quickly scuttle back to Carrie and hold her again. They announce fifteen minutes is up.

I yell, "Take a ten-minute rest break. Release your mate."

I quickly release Carrie. She doesn't move, she just holds me tight.

More demos are happening, lots of excited talking, all good signs.

I stand up and announce, "Time to mix it up. If you did rope the first time, use equipment or furniture this time. If you can't get it up, use oral or a tickler. If you didn't use rope before, please try it now. Go!"

I sit next to Carrie and ask, "Anything here that interests you?"

Carrie gets all bashful, she is sooo cute like this.

Carrie asks, "I would like to be completely restrained and blindfolded, then use a pinwheel on me. I haven't seen one around. My next item is ..."

I laugh, "I have some, their just not popular. You pick a device and start getting in. They are in one of two closets. Be right back."

A pinwheel is a real medical device that tests for nerve damage by pricking the skin which normally is easy to feel. It's a wand with a wheel on the end. On the small wheel are short tubes on the end. No, tube makes it sound large. Think four pins welded together. They are then blunt on the end, so no blood is drawn. However, because they are so thin, it feels like pricking. The device is a masterful item to a blindfolded person who can't anticipate the pickling.

Carrie picked out a mini stockage made of steel bars. It has wrist, ankle, and neck restraints, along with a dildo to hold the body in place. For her purpose, it will do nicely. She has already inserted the dildo into her pussy. I attach the collar, wrist and ankle restraints. I put the blinds over her eyes. Blinds are very important with the pinwheel because the sudden sensation adds to the excitement.

The hanging breasts are a favorite target for this device. Her nipples are very sensitive right now. I will try to use every region of her body to keep her guessing. Some will be gentle and some I will use moderate pressure. Every time the device touches a body part, she screams out as if I am burning her. "Ouch. Ouch. Ouch."

For twenty minutes I torment her body and she loves it. Her pussy is dripping with liquids. Most other couples are done so I call "STOP! Release your partner."

I release Carrie.

I yell out, "You all have been awesome, and I hope you had a little bit of fun. This final segment is teamwork. You need another couple and you somehow help the other couple have sex. No penetration of the other couple. Squeezing breasts, nipples, clits, cunts, cocks, balls, massaging, and kissing are all allowed. You must leave time for both couples to assist the other. GO!"