I Love New York Ch. 04


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"Do you want to play a game?"

"I'm not very good at following rules."

"There is only one rule. If I get you hard, you have to let me have you. No matter what, whenever I decide I want you..."
"With the way he was pressed against me, I had already lost. It became a thing with us. Whenever he wanted me, he would play his head game. It bothered me. Everything about it bothered me. It was too much like what my dad did. And the look in his eyes," I shivered, "It was the same look my dad had."

"I couldn't stop though. That's not how the fucking game works. There is no stopping. There is no way. He's infectious and it's disgusting. Everything about him is WRONG and bad and dirty. And I hate him. I hate him so much!" My fingers crashed down again, and the tears never stopped. "I hate how much control he's got on me. I hate that I can never say no. I hate that I slept with my best friend. I hate that Kayden wants a relationship with me and I cant stop being an idiot for long enough to see it."

I stopped. I just stopped. My hands slid from the piano, and I stared at the beautiful instrument. Finally, I felt empty. I felt so small and insignificant, I felt like this was the bottom and I was staring up at the open sky wondering how the hell I was going to get back up there. But it was a good emptiness. A hollow, breathless feeling. I was alive. And I was okay. And it could only go up from here. It was a renewal. A rebirth. And Devon Maxwell Davis was starting fresher than ever before.

"That isn't the end." Professor Wrought finally spoke. "A young man with as much heart as you will have a happy ending, Devon." He stood up, an encouraging smile on his face. His footfalls were heavy and loud as he clunked across the stage and through the maze of seating. He walked down the auditorium steps and stopped at the double doors to look back at me a final time. "And heart is everything."

"I told you. I'm done with the game. You need to find someone else, Lucas. I can't live like this." I managed. I felt Cassidee's hands slide around my waist, her big smile encouraging.

I could hear his breath catch, and the fragile sound of it made me shudder. If I closed my eyes, I could see the look on his face, his beautiful jawline distorted with a frown.

"You shouldn't frown, Luke. You'll wrinkle." I murmured into the receiver, breathing in at the sharp pain in my chest. Let go. Just let go of it all.

He didn't speak a word, so I continued in monotone, one by one the massive weights I'd carried because of him began to lift, and it was scary, but so incredibly refreshing.

"I'm sorry. I've had some great times. That time in the dressing room at Ross? That was a plus. But I want to love someone. I want to feel for someone. I'm sorry."

It was true. I need love for once, no just sex or orgasms. Love.

I hung up my phone. I walked over to the window.

Cassidee grinned at me, her perfect teeth shining.

"Here's to the past." I whispered with a tiny smile.

And I had been correct.

A blackberry cannot survive 60 stories.

I poked my head in the little Café on Spring Street and glanced around. Behind the counter stood a dancer working quickly and diligently on a cup of coffee, his hair tied back, his apron in a little knot around his waist.

I walked in and up to the counter, sliding a chair out and plopping down.

"Waiter? Coffee please. Decaf. Two sugars. And maybe you could do that cute thing with the whipped cream?" I asked quietly, watching as Kayden turned around and beamed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, handing the guy beside me his coffee and turning to me.

"Ordering a coffee. Damn waiter takes forever, too." I joked.

He laughed quietly, rolling his eyes at me. "What do you want, Dev?"

I dropped the menu I'd been pretending to read and smiled at him. "Come to dinner with me tonight. 7:00."

He eyed me warily.

"What? Are you afraid of being seen with me? It's the scene hair, isn't it?" I laughed.

His grin was infectious. "So... like a date then?" he mumbled.

I shrugged, offering a tiny smile. "More like... getting to know you."

His tiny smirk traveled all the way to his hazel eyes. "Be here at seven."

I wrapped my leather jacket around me a little bit tighter. On the West Coast, September wouldn't be cold. Here, however, I was in three layers and skinny jeans I'd stolen from Cass.

He was waiting outside the café, on a curb. He looked perfect sitting there, his hair falling around his face in little light brown locks, messy and cute. His coat was long and tan, a long green plaid scarf hung around his throat, his black v-neck was barely visible beneath it.

"Hey." I mumbled, watching him stand up.

"Your late." He scowled, the funny face soon being replaced by a warm smile.



"Shut up. I'm paying for dinner." I scoffed, sticking out my tongue at him playfully. With that we started down the street, chatting quietly, our hands finding each other in the dark. His smile was ever-present as we talked about small things, the ballet, the news, the traffic.

"So..." he asked shyly, watching his feet on the concrete. I noticed he was avoiding the cracks. "Why did you ask me out tonight?"

"Getting to know you." I shrugged.

"Hm... What do you want to know?"

"Everything." I breathed, not even thinking about how that was going to sound out loud. I looked down at the pavement, my face hot with embarrassment, my sneakers leaving little prints on the fallen leaves.

He didn't say anything, but he smiled, and I swear I saw his cheeks flush with pink. The butterflies in my stomach just wouldn't quit.

"Then I guess we should get started. There is a lot to learn." He said, doing a quick spin to end up walking backwards. His prevision and grace left me gaping. He extended his hand to me.

"My name is Kayden Spark. 22 years old. I am 5'10, 160 pounds. I speak fluent French. My mothers name is Kayla, and my father is Colton. I am a dancer from Burlington, Vermont, where I was born and raised. I have two sisters, Becca and Dakota. I currently reside in New York, New York, studying dance with an emphasis in ballet. Nice to meet you." He shook my hand with a tiny smile.

I cleared my throat and grinned. "My name is Devon Davis. 20 years old. 5'10, 140 pounds. I am a pianist from Long Beach, California. Forever a child, and terrified of the future. My mothers name is Isabella, passed away 6-4-04. My favorite color is green, and I'm still afraid of the dark. The closest thing I have to a sister is Cassidee Morales, my pixie with purple hair. Nice to meet you, Kayden."

This time, instead of taking my hand, he leaned close and found my lips with his own. The taste was so sweet and wonderful, and his hands on my face and around waist felt amazing. For a minute, I forgot Gavin, I forgot Lucas, and it was just me and him.

The only thought in my mind surprised me. He is perfect.

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julrijulriover 12 years ago
intense chapter!

Thank you for explaining Dev more thoroughly as i was getting a little lost with all his feelings.I dint know were you where going with this story. I can feel your excitement when the story is flowing out of you, but sometimes i get a little lost with the skipping thoughts/scenes and i have to re-read the paragraphs again to see who is talking.

Im so glad you got Ms.C2BK to help out with the editing as the story is flowing much better and this has been the best chapter by far. I just hope she still has time to finish her Zombie story, shes got me hooked on and waiting..LOL! I got my good eye on you Cruel! Don't make us wait too long.

This is a good story MS.Peterpanics. and your potential is awesome. I'm so glad youre sharing yourself with us. Thank you again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
soo good!

great story! (and i also wanted to comment to the anonymous person below...pieces by red is SUCH A GOOD SONG!) anyways, good taste. that's all i'm saying. ANYWAYS, back to the story, very good dynamic and I love the struggle. it's so interesting. Only issue I have and it may just be me because i do have a tendancy to unintentionally skim read things but i felt like some things were really fragmented like when he was at the piano talking to his prof and then suddenly to cassi and then to luke or something and i was thinking HUH? who's he talking to? is this all in his head or is this real and what's going on...but OTHER THAN THAT, this story is fantastic! good work! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
That was wonderful..

Cliche I know, but it brought tears to my eyes by the end. Actually, that might not have been helped by Red - Pieces playing in the background! (I have a habit of playing music that is mentioned in stories...) But all the emotions came across as so heart-felt, it made me feel deeply too.

You really are such a good writer - Wendy is so right about her comments as far as I'm concerned. There are some stories on here that feel like they are filling in the standard jigsaw pieces, maybe in different orders, but still pretty much the same story.

This somehow feels like it's apart from those and with your talented writing I wish you much continued success with your story. I can't wait to see where next you take it.

WickedWendyDruWickedWendyDruover 12 years ago
Once More, With Feeling

Again I'm wowed by you, Lover. You've continued Dev's story with such passion. I do hope you milk each of these angles for all they're worth. Relationships are not like triangles - the angles do not always add up - sometimes you get far more.

Best of luck, and I'll be watching!


itsashamwowitsashamwowover 12 years ago
nooooooooooooooooooo :(

i wanted devon to be with gavin so baddddddddddddd

Aftermath82Aftermath82almost 13 years ago
great chapter

This is the best chapter

canndcanndalmost 13 years ago

Another vote for something to indicate change of scene. even 3 *'s in the middle of the page or some such thing.

Now, I have to say this story, and most of all, this chapter affected me probably more than any story I've read in a long time.

The emotions you brought out were every bit as complicated and strong as the characters were experiencing. It made me think to that time in my life that still frustrates me, makes me shake my head at myself asking 'what were you thinking?' and 'why'd you do that?' today. It brought up memories of thoughts back then like 'you know this relationship is poison but you want it anyway like a drug' and 'this probably won't end well but I can't turn away' and the war in my mind between the belief I was someone good and deserving and at the same time the feeling I was on a train wreck and didn't care enough or feel worth enough to pull myself off.

You did such a great job of creating characters that can become real enough to pull the reader in. I was so impressed with how you wrung the emotions out of your characters and made it so poignant. You also made it flow so well as you let us understand more about their internal struggle better.

You have alot of talent and I hope that you keep writing this story and many more. Thanks!

uchenauchenaalmost 13 years ago

I love the depth of this story. There's so much going on with the characters it's really interesting. You're doing a great job with this. Keep up the good work.

I do agree with the last commenter though. Using something to indicate that you've changed scenes or perspectives would be great. It's a little confusing to be reading a paragraph and all of a sudden it's not relevant to what was happening a sentence a ago.

Happy Writing and i'm looking forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Keep going!

Just wanted to encourage you to keep going. Like the setting, the characters, the action. If you could put in a * or something to show you're changing scene, that would make it easier to read :)

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