I Told My Wife My Biggest Secret Ch. 01

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Husband talks his loyal wife into fucking his black friend.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2019
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Author's Notes: Brand new story. Please tell me what your thoughts and feelings are. I'll welcome all constructive feedback and suggestions too. Thanks for reading.


I'm Victor. I'm 27 years old and work as a game developer for a small company. I'm happily married to my 26 year old wife, Megan, who is a university student working on her Master's Degree. We tied the knot about a year ago. We were practically high school sweethearts.

To say that I'm lucky is a huge understatement. She was not only my high school crush, but she was also one of the most popular girls in high school, as well as in university. Furthermore, she is so good at pleasing me, in every possible way. For instance, she always sucks and swallows, even if she wasn't in the mood for sex! So why did she agree to go on a date with me to begin with? I'll probably never fully understand. However, one thing I do know is that I nailed the first date out of the park. The rest is history, so to speak.

Megan has arguably been popular for her looks, but she's also, in my totally unbiased opinion, the most approachable person I know. She'd never put on airs about herself, nor did she like to cause any drama. She'd always been supportive of me through my ups and downs, so I could practically tell her anything, except I didn't. Not for almost the entire time that I had been with her.

This thing, which I'd struggled all my life to admit, was my fetish. I am a cuckold. In other words, I like the idea of seeing or knowing that a loved one is sleeping with someone else. Maybe this was developed because of certain events that happened while I was growing up. Regardless, I'd kept this side of me a secret, for good reason, until I decided to drop some hints about it.

I first revealed to her how I felt about my dad cheating on my mom. The experiences have been very painful, especially when I saw my mom cry. Megan responded by consoling me, namely by telling me she loved me. When I asked her why, she simply stated that love doesn't have to have one reason. She then proceeded to list out all the other reasons why she loved me. None of them had to do with my money, or lack thereof. So it was very clear that she wasn't ever going to cheat on me.

I decided to change strategies by asking her what she thought about swinging couples. Her answer was vague. On one hand, she believed that the concept could work for some couples. On the other hand, she didn't indicate whether or not she was open to it. When she inquired why I brought it up, I told her I was 'just curious'. I don't think she was satisfied with that answer, but, to her credit, she didn't pursue the matter further.

Growing up, I had several good friends. At the top of that list was Kev, who was always reliable. He was also my first black friend. Though we were initially science project partners, we eventually blossomed into something else. We later hung out together everyday, and we always helped each other at school. He was actually the one who encouraged me to ask out Megan, after I told him about my feelings about her. I'll never forget what he said that day.

"Okay, listen man. Megan may or may not be out of your league. That doesn't matter. You need to ask her out and see what happens. Who cares if she rejects you? I can bet you hard cash that you'll be glad you tried. Thinking about what could've been is the worst, man."

Despite how solid of a guy he was, his former girlfriend, Kailie, made the fatal mistake of sleeping with another guy on one drunken night. As a result, he was broken hearted for a good chunk of time. I really felt for him, and wanted him to know that I'd always have his back, like he always had mine.

This somehow got me thinking about something weird. I began fantasizing about Megan and him sleeping together! I don't know why I continued to think about it!

At work, I thought about the ways I could somehow convince the two to do it. At the same time, I was very much aware of the possible consequences, including a ruined marriage. Still, she had to know at some point. I hoped that my wife might one day be open to the idea of being a swinger. If not, well, that's okay.

At home, Megan and I had sex. Part of it involved me imagining that I was Kev, as twisted as it may sound. I really wondered how she'd react to him pounding her! The contrast of his skin with hers' was really taking flight in my imagination. At some point, I kind of got distracted.

"Hey baby? Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Oh... I don't know. I just don't know." I stammered.

"What is it? You know you can tell me anything."

"Oh god...I love you...but..."


My heart was racing like crazy. My sweat was coming out of me like I had been working out.

"I have a problem with myself, and I don't know how I can talk about it."

She hugged me tightly and whispered, "Tell me, sweetie."

"Alright... the problem with me is that... I have a fetish about something..."

She stayed silent, as if she was holding her breath. I think I was holding my breath too.

"..and that something is... about... you." I drawled.

"Me?!" she interjected wildly.

"Please don't hate me, but I'd like to see you with someone else."

"Wait, you mean you want a divorce?"

"No no no, not like that! Not a divorce. I mean, you sleeping with someone else."

I couldn't even look at her as I said this. It didn't help that she said nothing for a good few seconds.

"Okay, I think I get it. This is related to what you were talking about the other night."

I nodded sadly.

"Yeah, I don't know what to say. Really."

"Are you... disappointed? Upset?"

"No, no I'm not. I think I just need to make sense of what you said."

"I'm so sorry, babe." I wailed pathetically.

"No... don't be sorry. I'm...glad you told me."

For the first time, there was a loud silence which seemed to permeate our home. I was so afraid that our relationship was damaged beyond repair. That is, until she addressed it a couple of days later.

"Hey babe?" she paused. "I think I understand."

I countered, "What do you understand?"

"I understand what you want. My question is, do you think I'll actually be able to help you?"

"What do you mean?"

She hesitated, "I mean, if I do something, with this other person, would this help with your pain?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I didn't know if she was being serious or not.

"Is that a real question?"

She sighed, "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't."

"I guess I'd like to see you try." I retorted. "But really, I don't want you to feel pressured into doing something you're not comfortable with."

"When I married you, I said I'd do anything for you."

"God, Megs, I love you so much!" I uttered.

"I love you too. So... is there a person you have in mind?"

"Kev." I blurted uninhibitedly.

"Him?" she interrogated incredulously. "Why him?"

"Different reasons. One reason is that I want to see his huge body taking you. Another is that he's still grieving from having his heart ripped to shreds."

"Did you talk to him about me?"

"No, no, not at all! Maybe he'll say no to the whole thing, I don't know."

She interjected, "Alright, but just in case, I want to lay some ground rules."

It was surreal to hear her talk so decisively.

"What rules?"

"1) No condom, no sex. 2) No anal. 3) Anything else has to be approved by me well in advance. That's all I've got for now."


Thus, that was how our relationship had changed, from that point on. I really admired Megan for accommodating my wishes. Yet I still had to talk to Kev about this, which was no small matter. I planned to do it during our usual Friday beer nights.

We had been talking about ourselves for a bit - and then I finally brought it up.

"Say, what do you think about those husbands who share their wives?"

"Well, I think it's bold of them to do. I'm not sure I could do it, personally."

I took a huge breath, "Kev, you're my best bud. I'm gonna tell you something about me. I'm a cuck."

"You're a what?" he spat out his beer.

"A cuckold. You know. A cuckold." I helpfully explained.

"I know what that is but... you serious?"

"Yes. You see, I have this fantasy of seeing my wife being taken - and I want to talk to you about it."

He nodded, "Alright, go ahead."

I explained to him everything, including what Megan and I had talked about. He, too, couldn't believe how understanding Megan was.

"Man... I don't know how you could talk Megan into this. This is fucking crazy."

"Yeah, I guess it is."

"Look, man, I'm gonna be straight up with you. There's not one guy in this town who wouldn't want to fuck your wife. She's absolutely gorgeous, but you really sure about this? I really don't want to fuck things up for you two."

"Yeah, man. If there's anyone I trust, it's you, Kev."

"You know that goes both ways right? I remember when you were the first to show me around school. I knew right then and there you were someone special." he replied.

We privately reflected on our shared past. It wasn't awkward, but at some point, somebody had to say something.

"Vic, do you mind at all if I talk to Megan about this? I just want to hear her thoughts on it, because I want to make damn sure we're on the same page."

"Sure dude. Go for it. Remember about the 'ground rules'!" I chuckled.


I left his place feeling real good. The best two people in my life were going to make things better for me. When I returned home, I briefed Megan about the progress. She hugged me suddenly.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't want you to be upset but... I don't think this is a good idea."


She looked up at me, but then looked away, "Because, well, I kinda had a crush on Kev."

"Is this past tense or present?"

"Past - obviously - but to do this with him will be, I don't know, risky."

I smiled, "I know it's tough, but Kev is a great guy. I trust you two."

Time, at this point, seemed to pass by very slowly. Even at work, my mind was constantly thinking about Kev and my wife. What's interesting was that I was very turned on about her revelation about him. I wondered when they were going to talk.

When I returned home, they were already waiting for me in the living room. I assumed they'd made a decision. The mixture of excitement and anxiety was killing me!

"So what's going on?"

Both of them made eye contact with each other, yet neither of them volunteered to speak, at least not right away. Eventually, we ended up talking over each other, and we laughed.

"Alright, so yeah, Kev and I had a good discussion - and we've decided to go ahead with what you wanted." she smiled.

"Fuck, that's awesome!" I reacted emphatically.

"Hold on, before you get too happy, I don't know if I can do this sort of thing in front of you."

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Like, I don't want you to see me doing stuff with him. I'm not comfortable with that."

"So I won't get to know exactly what you two are doing?"

Kev answered, "No, man, you're getting this all wrong. She's really shy about this and doesn't want to be seen yet. But we've agreed to fill you in on anything you want to know, whenever we do something."

"I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I would like to see photos or videos."

"God, no - no photos or videos! How would that be any different than him being there?" Megan shrieked at Kev.

"Well, I'm sure we can snap something without your face on it. Come on. Throw him a bone here."

"It's easy for you to say!" she sighed. "Fine, one photo, max."

"Thank you, Megan. Thank you Kev."

"Hey man, thank YOU. Let's just have fun with this tonight while it lasts."

"I agree." Megan nodded.

Shortly afterward, they left together. As I wandered into the kitchen, my dinner was waiting to be re-heated. Part of me wonder what she was thinking about when she made this meal. Suddenly, a text came in. It was from Kev!

"Hey man. Just a heads up, we're about to start."

About two minutes later, a picture came in. It showed the top of my wife's head as she took in his fat erect dick! It was unclear whether or not she knew the photo was taken, but my boner didn't discriminate!

With just one photo, I had nothing else to work with. I almost wished I didn't see such a sexy picture! I decided to text what I thought about it.

"Fuck, that picture was amazing! I really wish I could get another one of you two."

I finished the rest of my dinner, before being disappointed that there wasn't another photo to see. So, I searched for porn. I looked at interracial stuff, as well as netorare hentai movies. A lot of them were good to jack off to, yet I much preferred seeing the 'real sex' that was going on. Therefore I didn't ejaculate.

Once the time was pushing midnight, I decided to message them to see when she was coming home. I was surprised to hear from her directly.

"Hey baby, don't worry about me. We're leaving now, so I'll see you later! I love you!"

I was relieved at least to hear she had a good time. The amount of hours they spent together was surely ripe for storytelling. At about 12:30, she was finally dropped off. Kev didn't come in.

"Hey babe! How was tonight?" I grinned.

"It was good. I can tell you about it after I get changed, if you want."

I texted my buddy in the meantime to thank him for dropping her off, but my real intention was to get his perspective on what they did together. His response was that he was going to retell the story on the next night though.

Out came my beautiful wife with her cute pyjamas. We kissed intimately, and then we sat on the couch.

"So tell me what happened."

"Well, he showed me his apartment. We admired the view for a bit, before we went into his room. He's a really good kisser."

I was brimming with happiness to hear her narrate the story.

"Then uhh... we took off our clothes and kissed some more." she continued nervously. "At some point, I saw his penis. It's pretty big when it's hard!"

"So then you blew him." I added.

She nodded sheepishly, "Yes."

"Who initiated to fuck?"

"He did, but not before eating me out."

I was hard again. I tried not to make it look obvious. She, however, decided to patted me down and I was busted.

"You really do like hearing this, don't you?" she teased. "Okay, I'll tell you more."

As she went on with the story, she pulled out my hard cock to stroke it. I hadn't jerked off earlier in the night, so I was pretty loaded.

"We had some pretty intense sex. He really made me scream!"

"How did he take you?"

"All sorts of positions. God, he was always deep inside me."

"Keep going, baby."

"I don't know what else I can tell you. The sex blanked me out for the most part."

"He was that good, huh? How did he finish?"

"On my body."

The story was hot, though I was becoming suspicious that details were being left out, either intentionally or unintentionally. It seemed like every single time I had to ask for specific details. All of a sudden, she decided to blow me. With all the buildup that I had, it didn't take much for me to orgasm.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh my fucking god!" I exclaimed.

I shot a lot - at least several bursts! She gulped everything.

"Do you feel better now?" she smirked.

I pulled into her for a kiss.


"Let's head to bed and get some rest then."

Then she took me by the hand to go to our bed. I dozed off really fast. The orgasm probably was likely a huge factor in knocking me right out! When I woke up the next morning, I was refreshed. As I thought about the story she told me, I was intent on seeing if it was going to match up with Kev's.

To Be Continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago
Well done.

This part is well done and is told so well, it is like being in the MC's 'shoes'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like it and wish I could have worked out a solution like that with my wife. Very hot to introduce her to black cocks, she always refused so her willingness to surrender is hot. My fetish is my wife experiencing a black friend who knows us both and has a 8-10 cock that is very thick. I want to hear her moaning in discomfort when he first gets to fuck her then them turning into sounds of pleasure. Him giving her a new and exciting feeling being stretched and filled by her first blackcock as she finds herself being drawn to the sight that only he can give her.

Love accidentally seeing her on her hands and knees as he fucks her from behind, making her shake from the orgasms he gives her. Her collapsed onto her stomach as he drives deep into her pulling her ass back asking how much she likes his big blackcock now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Nothing wrong with sharing but this guy is a LOSER!!!! It doesn't get more pathetic except with the next part. Another sissy wimp and a heartless CUNT who laughs with her real man while the sissy will eventually get nothing. of course all the sissy cowards and CUNTS will have their panties wet with this POS.

gpetagpetaalmost 3 years ago

Following yout instincts ist the best way to ruin your marriage and life

Bogey3Bogey3almost 3 years ago

Fabulous read. I wanted to be the hubby. Lol

TheRiseFromAshesTheRiseFromAshesalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you Anonymous, whoever you are. Your defense means a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Do cuck haters really have nothing better to do with your lives than trash & rating bomb stories about subjects you don't like? Just ignore the stuff you don't like. Its not hard. Most of the content on Lit is easily avoided. Actually, most content on Lit is impossible to NOT avoid. So if you keep running into stuff you don't like, maybe change how you find stories.

26thNC: its a piece of FICTION. No man was actually humiliated or abused. You're getting upset about people who do not exist. And that anger leads you to abuse people who ARE real, the authors of these stories. So if you truly believe that no man should ever be abused, just put your hands in your pocket whenever you find a cuck story & spare the author. It might not make the world a better place, but at least it won't get worse.

TheRiseFromAshesTheRiseFromAshesalmost 3 years agoAuthor

@Anonymous, you say that, but people will still negatively comment without actually providing constructive comments to improve. Lashing out at these people is somehow "alienating" people. Really? It seems I already alienated them with my story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Post this under Erotic Couplings or Fetish. There's plenty of readers at that section too.

If you read into majority of Loving Wives' high scoring submissions, you will understand why NTR is not well accepted in this category. At least add a disclaimer at the beginning.

Doing research on your intended readership is better than lashing out at unintended readers' rejection.

Or, rather than respond to the negative criticism with hostility, why not focus your response to the supportive comments.

I disliked this kind of story and would rather move on than leave a comment. But your response reminds me of another prolific author who loves to preach the same alternative marriage who alienated a lot of people because of his hostility.

IFAFILHGIFAFILHGabout 3 years ago

W-T-F...one simple request hubby had..not a zillion..not even a dozen.. just ONE..he wanted to watch..wife can't even let him have his fantasy.. he should of had the balls to stop it right then..tell them I watch or get the fuck out of my house...but no..he has no balls... This story is so fucked up with rule breaking I'm not even going to finish chapter one and for sure won't even think of reading the remainder of this series... why why why did this author fuck up what could have been one of the best on this site?? author should be ashamed and republish chapter one and do it correctly!!

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Cuck rubbish, the way many Lit authors write one would be forgiven for thinking Cuckolding is mainstream sexual activity in the world.

Here’s a tip it isn’t and is no where near it.

The majority of readers here hate it, and I’m one of them.


26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Mr Ashes

As I have stated many times, I, unlike too many wannabe authors, realize that I have not one scintilla of writing ability. I , again unlike too many others, would never inflict more garbage on the LW readers. I don’t write, but I do read very well, and I know a story when I read one. You have had success in other genres, and you will find some readers here who claim to like ir cuck stories. But most LW readers will give this story the reaction it deserves. Personally, I don’t care how well written Lue thinks it is, if it’s a cuckold story then I will trash it. For example, three of my favorites authors, Bill&Kate, Javmor, and Vandemonium, wrote cuck stories and I scored them based on subject and not writing. That’s just my reaction to cuckold stories, and it’s not because I have a latent desire to be a cuck. I just hate to see any man subjected to abuse and humiliation by anyone. I just think that most men would react as I would, with anger and violence toward the attempted abuse. Sorry for the rant, but I don’t care for your story. If chapter two continues the ir cuck trope, you’ll hear from me again.

TheRiseFromAshesTheRiseFromAshesover 3 years agoAuthor

26thNC, if you're gonna call out someone for not writing a story, at least write one story first. Otherwise you look like a hypocrite.

954Hard954Hardover 3 years ago
There is more to tell

Hot wife just got a taste. She will want more

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

I like quite a few LW stories. But I hate cuck stories, I hate ir stories shoved into LW, and I especially hate ir cuckold stories. This POS is all three. Author, don't get snippy. You haven't written a story yet either, if this garble is an example.

Helen1899Helen1899almost 4 years ago

It was spoilt in the beginning, by spending paragraph after paragraph telling us how good she was, nobodies that perfect (even me lol). It's amazing how many stories start the same. Does it enhance the story, not one bit, please just make them normal and reasonably attractive. I won't read the rest, it was to off putting, made it obviously false.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Irish mature

Great story,

I encourage my wife to fuck our fried.

I ask her to call him and see if he minded if she could call in for a coffee and watch a film on Netflix, as we don't here it.

He agreed as we knew he would, he also said that he would get a takeaway if she wated, she agreed and then they both agreed to Friday night.

As she was leaving at 6pm, I said that I love you for doing this for me, and stay all night if you want. She kissed me and left.

Around 9pm I got a tex from her, saying that they had kissed and felt eachother. She also said that she told him that I wanted her to have sex with him and she is going to stay the night.

I said if ye agree I would love a few photos of ye doing something to eachother.

About an hour later I got a few photos from him,

She sucking him, he sucking her. And a short video of his cock entering her cunt.

With a tex saying thanks bud, I wanted to do this for a long time.

I text back saying it's my pleasure, next time you can have her in our home. Hopefully tomorrow night,

That was four years ago, he stills calls to our home and they are still fucking eachother, sometimes in front of me.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago
Loving Wives

Why are people who dislike SOME stories in LW derided for coming to LW "if they don't like the stories?"

There are many stories we DO like, others that we don't know we dislike until we read them," we're not going to throw out the baby with the bath water by avoiding LW altogether.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
LOVE THIS STORY, GAVE YOU A 4+ [****+ (4.4/5=88%)]! Erotic. Realistic. Megan is a keeper!

Before you share your wife, be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it all... & then some you don't want.

Let me reiterate, Megan's a keeper! You've created a memorable character. BRAVISSIMO!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
re: luedon

Are you saying the readers of Loving Wives are one big happy family? lol It appears they got under the author's skin. (signed ML)

P.S. Haven't been around for a while, but I can see nothing has changed. The entertainment is excellent, as always, I'm referring to the comments.

becontree2001ukbecontree2001ukover 4 years ago

A good story. Hopefully not long till part 2 is written!

TheRiseFromAshesTheRiseFromAshesover 4 years agoAuthor
I should write another story.

I should write a story about the losers that have nothing to contribute but pure negativity. They have nothing good happening in their lives, and are essentially "cucked" without the sex.

Wait, I think that story's already been done. It's happening now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great story

Please write the next part soon

Bald_Jason74Bald_Jason74over 4 years ago
Great Start!

Looking forward to Ch. 02. :)

luedonluedonover 4 years ago
Maybe, Anonymous; "Excellent Start"

Maybe you "will never understand why these people choose to read a story from the LW category, then complain about the content."

But if they didn't do it, imagine how dull the LW commentaries would be.

There are people who like writing cuck stories, others who like complaining about cuck stories, and those who like complaining about people who complain. There are even people who like the cuck stories.

What more could you ask for? Everybody's happy.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I will never understand why these people choose to read a story from the LW category, then complain about the content. Look people the LW category is about wives having sex outside the confines of their marriage, either with or without their husband's consent. I guess what it all boils down to is these complainers just see the words Loving Wives and then ASS U ME that it's about a purely monogamous wife. My suggestion to you negative people about the content of the LW stories is, READ THE DESCRIPTION OF THE CATEGORY, then decide if it's for you or not. If you then choose to read a story from the LW category and then complain about the content or subject matter then I guess we'll all know that YOU ARE A MORON!!!

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