I Won the Lottery


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Her eyes snapped up to my face and she grinned, but when her eyes moved over to her mom, she got serious. "The health inspector came by and spent three hours looking around. He gave me a four-page list of violations and told me to close down. We've never had any problems before, what's going on?" She asked almost on the verge of tears.

Karen and I looked at each other and we both said, "Bill" at the same time. "I told you we'd have to watch that little asshole," Karen said angrily. When we reached the porch, Mary handed her mom the papers, which she glanced through. We filled Mary in on the deal with Bill and the lock on the gate that was his.

"That explains several things I had been wondering about," Mary said. "Bill had made several sly comments about him and you, Mom, that I couldn't believe and I told him so. He then told me about the way you shave your hair into a vee and the scar on your left breast. I still couldn't believe it, but I couldn't figure out how he knew what he did. Now I understand; he's been spying on us while we were sunbathing. He's also been running his mouth to other people because several of my friends asked me some strange questions, but I just shined them on, thinking it was a joke." She paused a moment to get her breath. "You're not going to like this one bit, Mom. I haven't said anything because I didn't know for sure, if he was lying or not, and how you felt about him. I was hoping that it wasn't true and I'm so relieved that it isn't."

Karen stepped closer to her daughter and asked, "Just what has he been saying?" Mary looked at me and then back at her mom. "It's alright; you can say anything in front of him that you'd say to me. We're going to be business partners among other things," she finished with a grin at me.

Mary looked at me sharply and then back to her mom. "Business?" she asked.

"We'll talk about that later; right now I want to hear everything that has been going on that you haven't told me about," Karen said.

Mary looked at me for a second, and then turned to her mom. "He's been telling people that he's sleeping with you and you're going to be his wife. From the questions that several people have asked me, I think he's also told some people that he's been to bed with the two of us together." She paused a second and then went on. "I can find out real quick; all I have to do is call Kathy. If I come right out and ask her, she won't beat around the bush, she'll tell me what she's heard. Her mom is the biggest gossip in the county."

"Give her a call. I want to know just what he's been saying and to whom. Damn, he makes me so mad," Karen said angrily. "If all that is true, I'm going to rip off his nuts and make a bow tie around his neck out of them."

I put my hand on Karen's shoulder as Mary hurried off the porch toward the car and her phone. "Take it easy, now's not the time to get mad. We need to figure out how to get even and how to make him pay for this bullshit. He's not going to get away with it, I guarantee you that," I said with an evil grin.

"His family runs this county, that isn't going to be easy to do," Karen said hotly.

I smiled at her and put my arm around her shoulders. "They're big frogs in a small pond, dearest. As soon as we get enough information, I'll call my lawyer and get him started on checking it out. He's one of the top legal people in this state and he'll know how to handle this."

"It's Saturday, you won't be able to talk to a lawyer until Monday and then we'll have to make an appointment, go into town and waste who only knows how much time and money, just to get told it's our word against his, in his county," Karen said.

When I chuckled, she looked at me and tilted her head to the side questioningly. I grinned and said, "You don't worry about that. I've got a lawyer on retainer that I can call day or night; weekends too, even if he's on the golf course."

Mary walked back up onto the porch with the phone in her hand. "Kathy has overheard her mom talking about Bill and us and she's heard everything that I told you earlier. Plus a little while ago she heard that you dumped Bill for some drug dealer." Mary paused to grin at me. "She also heard that we were loosing the store to the bank because the health department closed us down. News sure travels fast over the gossip grapevine, doesn't it? So that's what you do for a living? You're a drug dealer?"

I chuckled at that; yes, that would fit Bill's mentality all right. "No Mary, I'm something worse than that. I'm something Bill's not used to dealing with; I'm an honest man. I've worked all my life and I got lucky in the lottery. The money hasn't had time to change me yet and I don't plan on letting it."

Mary looked at me for a moment then said, "I can believe that. I trust Mom's judgment and instincts and she seems to approve of you. You're the first person I've ever seen her naked around besides me and my dad outside a regular nudist camp. That in itself says a lot."

Karen smiled at her daughter and said, "Ok, let's go inside and you can call Kathy back. We need to document everything she has heard and from whom. That way the lawyer will have somewhere to start."

Mary and Karen stayed on the phone with Kathy for well over an hour and had a legal pad page full of notes by the time they hung up. Karen was fuming by the time she got all the stories and gossip written out in some kind of order. Mary had disappeared outside and I was working on a quick lunch.

"It just burns my ass that anyone could be so stupid as to tell such lies. What did he expect to gain from it besides pissing me off? He knows me well enough to know that I wouldn't stand for this."

"I don't know," I said. "Maybe he wanted to get you in a position where your only option was to marry him. Remember the health inspector was at the store before we saw Bill out here. He had to have arranged that earlier. He thought you would be working today as usual and when you weren't, he came looking for you. I don't think he expected to find me here especially with you. He figured you were down at the pond sunning."

I paused a moment, thinking. "I figure he was driving past the house and saw your truck parked next to a strange one in the carport and his jealousy kicked in; otherwise he would have drove on through and parked nearer the pond."

Karen looked at me for a moment and then said with a chuckle, "For an honest guy you sure seem to be able to read Bill's mind." In a more serious tone she continued, "I will say though, that sounds about right. Were you a detective before you hit the jackpot?"

I laughed and said, "No, I was a machinist; you know the guy that makes little parts out of big blocks of metal. I wanted to be an engineer but never got the opportunity to go to college. I was doing good to get out of high school. If it hadn't been for football, I probably wouldn't have finished that."

She nodded before saying, "You sound like my husband, good with your hands; mechanically inclined he called it. He never considered himself smart in the book sense, but he knew so much about so many things. It always amazed me, how much he knew on such a broad range of subjects. Like you, he just barely finished high school. I like to think that I'm the reason he did. I once told him, when we were first dating, that I wouldn't go out with him anymore if he flunked out."

She sat there lost in the memory. When I sat lunch in front of her, she gave a little jerk and looked up at me. "Sorry," she said with a shy smile.

I smiled back at her and replied, "Don't worry about it; I still wander down memory lane every once in a while myself. Not as much as I used to, but enough that some people find it disconcerting."

She smiled as she looked down at the plate in front of her. "Hey, a girl could get used to this, although she'd probably end up as big as a house." She finished with a laugh. Looking around she asked, "Where's Mary?"

"She went outside while you were writing. I'll call her for lunch," I said, as I walked to the front door.

I opened it and looked out to see Mary reclining in the swing with her head on the armrest on one side and her feet up on the chain at the other end. She had her phone to her ear and was as nude as her mom and me. It took me a second to recover my composure as I took in the sight of her. Although she was slightly shorter than her mom was, Mary was just as well built, better in some ways. Her breasts were larger by far, with silver dollar sized dark circles under fingertip-sized nipples. Her hips were wider and more rounded. From the position she was in, her sex was peeking at me from between her upper thighs. I could feel my manhood starting to stiffen as I said, "Lunch is ready!" I hurriedly stepped back inside and headed for the kitchen. I needed to be doing something to get my mind off the picture of her young firm body. Nudism may not be a sexual thing but it was sure stimulating.

As I passed behind Karen, she chuckled and said softly. "Mary ditched her clothes I see."

"Uh, yeah." Was my witty comeback, which made Karen laugh.

Mary came in carrying her phone and clothes, which she dumped in a pile on the couch. Her mom looked at the pile and then at her daughter. "You can do that at our house, but you're a guest here, so fold them up and put them on the bed in the bedroom over there." Mary said indicating the spare bedroom.

Mary grinned as she gathered up her stuff and asked. "Which bedroom are your clothes in, Mom?"

Karen laughed. "Ok, smart mouth; it's time to tell you the facts of life again. My clothes are in the other room on that bed and I probably will be too, starting tonight if a certain somebody wants me there. Now does that answer your question and any others you might have?"

Mary's grin faded a little before she replied, "Yes it does, and I'm happy for you." With a glance at me she continued, "I'm just wondering if you're not rushing into this a little fast."

Karen laughed and looked around at me. "We've asked ourselves the same question. We talked about that very same thing earlier but it hasn't worked out that way. Some things are meant to be and there's no slowing them down. We're as worried as you are about one or both of us getting hurt and that's as it should be. I know a big part of it is lust, but there's something else, more, buried underneath and it shines through like a jewel. I won't name it right now, just so I won't jinx it, but it's there just the same. I would have the same feelings if you jumped into something this quickly, and you'd have a hard time convincing me that it was real. Let's just say that I've been there once and I know what I'm feeling and talking about."

Turning to me, Karen asked. "Well, what do you think Mister White? Do we have a snowball's chance in hell of making this work?"

I looked at her for a long several seconds as my mind grappled with the idea of her in my bed and the other things she'd said. I was serious as I told her, "If it doesn't work, it won't be for the lack of trying on both our parts. I know I haven't felt this way about anyone since my wife passed away and I'm old enough to know myself pretty well."

I paused to grin at Karen and then said, "Yeah, there is a lot of lust there, on both our parts. I find nothing wrong with that; in fact I find it to be one of the reasons I think it will work. It feels so natural and right when I hold you or kiss you. It's as if you're a lost part of me that's been found. It's hard to explain but I think you get the idea."

She nodded to me and smiled as she turned back to her daughter. When she didn't say anything else, Mary shrugged and turned around and carried her clothes into the other room. "Good girl," Karen said with a laugh. "Now if I could just get you to do that at home."

Mary came back from the bedroom saying, "If I did, then you wouldn't have anything to bitch about and you wouldn't be happy." As she walked past her mom, Karen swatted her on her bare butt. The bare hand made a sharp smacking sound and Mary jumped yelling, "Hey, that's child abuse. You saw that didn't you Larry. She beating me and no one believes it."

I laughed and said, "Uh, I think you're a little to old for a child, so it would be assault and battery, I think."

Karen chuckled and said, "I wanted to let her know that I don't bitch, I constructively criticize and I punish, but I don't bitch. Well, not much anyway."

Mary brought her plate over and sat down beside me. "You'll protect me won't you Larry? You've seen how mean she is to me. It's been that way all my life."

I chuckled and told her, "Lucky you, I know kids that would give anything for the relationship you two have. You'd better enjoy it, when you get out on your own; you'll find a whole different world. Speaking of which, your mom and I may have a job offer to make you. You said the other day at the store that this place was awfully big for just one person and you're right. Your mom and I came up with the idea of making this place a nudist ranch. What do you think of the idea and seeing, as you're our leading expert on hotel and resort management, how would you go about it? What do we need to get started? Where do we start?"

Mary glanced over to her mom and then back to me. "Danged, I wish you would just ask me for my opinion. I hate this beating around the bush," she said with a laugh, as she turned to Karen. "Is he this direct about everything?"

Karen nodded and said, "Straight as a string and no holds barred. What you see is what you get, so to speak." She paused a moment and then grinned as she continued, "I'd know more but we kept getting interrupted."

Mary made a face and said, "Ok Mom, now we're getting to the too much information level. There are some things that a daughter really wants to know but not about her mom, ok? I know you and dad slept together and other things but the other things are best left blank, if you know what I mean."

Karen grinned and replied, "Then be careful what you ask because you may get an answer you don't want to hear about."

I chuckled as I stood up and took Karen's and my plate over to the sink. "I find myself from time to time surprised at how you two talk so openly with each other. Then again, I shouldn't be; my son and I talk the same way when we're alone. Why should a mother and daughter be any different from a father and son? By the way, Mary, my daughter has given me the too much information speech a couple of times. I find that weird about daughters. Where is that female curiosity you hear so much about? On the other hand, my son asks me for details which I find surprising in itself."

Karen laughed and said, "Don't worry Larry; she'll bring it up again at a more leisurely time, when she can subtly pump me for the full details. Don't let her kid you, she's as curious as they come."

Mary looked at her mom for a long moment before changing the subject back to my original questions. "I think the idea is great and it will be very profitable, if it's managed right. Specialty places always bring in the highest prices and sun and fun is on the top of the list. As for how to get started, we need to get with one of the national nudist organizations and see if there is an opening for a club in this area, which I figure is not a problem since there is none. Then we need to do a bit of paper work to see if the economics are there for a bank to loan us the money for start up. Pricing and memberships we already have some experience with, since we belong to one club and have visited others."

"The hard part will be finding staff and getting it organized. The background checks on people to weed out the weirdo's could be time consuming and expensive. There are probably a lot of little details that we have no ideas about, that we'll need to address. Hiring someone already managing a place would be ideal but highly unlikely. If they are good enough to get us off the ground, then they should be opening their own place. Where's that pad Mom? I need to make some notes so I can look into some things, including the laws governing the business in this state. This is going to be an interesting project. I hope you guys included me in on this deal, because I want in."

Karen and I both chuckled before I said to Karen, "Well, it looks like I owe you at least five bucks. You said she'd want in and she does."

Karen got up, walked over to where I was leaning on the counter, and put her arms around my neck. Leaning in close with her lips next to my ear, she whispered, "I'll just put that on your account and let you work it off one piece, I mean one dollar at a time. With you around, I might not need but one man after all."

She nibbled on my ear for second, and then kissed me on the lips. My manhood was rising from the second her body touched mine and by the time we kissed, it was standing proud and tall. I only thought about this as Karen broke the kiss and stepped away from me. Luckily, Mary was busy writing and didn't notice, as I turned toward the sink and started doing the dishes by hand. Karen laughed as she moved back over to sit by her daughter.

By the time I finished the few dishes we had messed up with lunch, I had my body back under control for the moment. I went into the bedroom, found the lawyers card in my wallet, and returned to sit on the other side of the counter from the two women. I tried all three numbers that he had given me and got the same answer machine on each or at least the same message. I left three messages that said basically the same thing and put up the phone. He would call back shortly or I'd have a new lawyer on Monday.

Karen and Mary worked over a plan to get us started from the limited information we had. Karen made a couple of phone calls and like me got an answer machine. It was Saturday after all.

"Well, it looks like hurry up and wait time." I said to no one in particular. Mary laughed and Karen nodded her head in understanding.

After a few minutes of silence, Mary asked her Mom, "What about the store? That list of complaints is nit picking to say the least."

Karen nodded and replied, "Yes it is, but each one will have to be addressed and fixed. If this is the way they want to play this game, then that's the way it will have to be. Let me see that list again." Mary handed her the list. Karen studied it for a moment and said, "It won't cost a lot to clear up most of these, but it will take some time and work. The most Bill could have hoped for was to close us up for a week or so. Damn, this makes me mad."

"Maybe he was hoping the inspector would find something major or that you would call him to put in a good word or something for you," I said. "Either way he would have you in a bind."

"The loss of business for a week will put us in a bind," Mary said softly.

"Then what are we sitting here for? Let's go get a store ready for inspection!" I said, as I stood up and headed for the bedroom and my clothes.

As I went through the door, I heard Mary chuckle and say, "Yeah, straight as a string."

I was slipping on a pair of Levis when Karen walked into the bedroom and said, "Most of what has to be done is just cleaning and I need to get the exterminator out Monday to spray. Everything on that list is just blown all out of proportion. Even if it's spotless and I have the paperwork from the bug man, that still doesn't mean we'll pass inspection. If Bill wants us closed, we'll stay closed until he or his daddy gives the word."

I looked at her a long moment and then smiled, "That may be the way things used to work around here, but I'm going to try my damnedest to change that. When my lawyer calls back, he's coming out here and we'll all sit down and go over this health department thing and the gossip thing and tie them together and make a plan to clear up both of them."
