Ian's Adventure Pt. 06

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Fierce storm brings unexpected board game fun.
9.1k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 04/04/2024
Created 12/02/2023
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I lowered the brochure, stared into the room of the expensive honeymoon retreat. The photos sort of matched, if you squinted hard enough.

The promised house on the beach was little more than a ramshackle hut that threatened to fall down in a good gust of wind. Seriously, how old was this place? I looked back to the brochure. Maybe from the sixties, given the bikini the model was wearing.

"The sixties called, they want their house back." Yvonne said, echoing my sentiment as she peered through the now unlocked door.

"Oh come on." Mom said with unconvincing excitement as she surveyed the room. "It's not that bad."

"It's like the start of a horror movie." I muttered as I looked to mom and Lily. "We can go back to the hotel."

"I've never known him to be this cheap." Mom said grimly, gazing at the antique swag lamp hanging in the corner. "Maybe he would do something to me like this, but not Lily."

"There's no way dad could have known." Lily said, running a finger on a shelf. It was clean, but very much out of style. "It looks great in the brochure."

I looked through the window. The dark band of weather on the horizon seemed to be ever closer now. "If we leave now we can still make it before it gets dark."

"No!" Lily said firmly. "I'm not going back. I'm staying. I will not stay under the same roof as that prick or that conniving bitch!"

We exchanged looks.

"I'll start unpacking." I said defeated, headed back to the SUV.

"And that's why you're my favorite son!" Mom laughed. "Don't forget to clean up your mess!"

"My mess?" I protested.

Yvonne made a shooing sound and waved her hand at me dismissively. "No arguing! Listen to your mother. Now get!"

Mom and Yvonne laughed, and Lily shook her head.

By the time I finished getting the suitcases in and cleaned up the mess Yvonne and I had made, the skies had began to darken as the forecast-ed storm spread a line of darkness on the distant horizon, signaled by an occasional gust of wind.

Hurriedly I showered, put on swim shorts and a tee shirt, and went to join them.

They were seated at the weathered tiki bar on the sturdy dock, an empty pitcher of margaritas sitting forlornly before them as they talked animatedly.

Making my way down the sandy stretch, I couldn't help but smile. It was like the beginning of a porn movie. Three lovely women on a tropical island with a handsome stud while a storm loomed in the distance. In such movies, the storm would be bigger than everyone thought and it would wash out the bridge, knocking out electricity and making rescue impossible, stranding the hapless foursome on the island.

However will they survive?

Not that such things happen in real life though.

I mean, that was my mom and sister down there.

Still, they looked pretty damn good from here.

Thankfully I was wearing my sunglasses so I didn't have to worry about being pervy while I openly ogled the women.

Most visually stunning of the three was Yvonne by a country mile. She had changed into a microkini that was way too revealing. She may as well have not worn a bikini at all, so little did it cover, but what it did cover was just enough. Absolutely gorgeous. I could watch her all day. And the thought we had fucked twice already bode well for the rest of our stay. Just thinking about being with her started to make me hard again.

Now was not the time to walk around with a trouser tent.

Shaking my head, I reluctantly turned my attention to my older sister.

Lily was wearing a rather daring two piece bikini that rivaled Yvonne's already provocative microkini in sexiness. I couldn't believe my staid sister would wear something revealing. No doubt it was meant to entice and excite her husband during their honeymoon both on the beach and in the bedroom and would have done a damn good job in both places.

It emphasized her well toned body to the nth degree, like she was a bikini model superstar. Then I realized she looked a lot like mom when she was younger and active in sports. Lily was not as well endowed as Yvonne, but still had nice perky breasts, around a size thirty two, 'C' cup I estimated. Long blonde hair, bright green eyes, and a face favored by photographers the world over.

"Oh my god." I thought with stunned realization. My sister is fucking hot! She was not the tall thin lanky girl I knew from childhood. Lily had matured into an amazing work of art of the highest caliber.

Jesus fucking Christ! Why in the world would her ex-fiance throw someone this gorgeous away? What was he thinking?

As I do with all attractive women, my attention was immediately drawn to Lily's feet, fortunately she was still wearing flip flops. I felt the all too familiar sensation wash through me and I knew I was going to have a tough time the next several days. It was one of those moments I wished Lily and I weren't related. Oh the things I would do to those beautiful, wonderful feet!

Lastly, I gazed upon my mother, the woman who had brought me into this world.

Mom had changed into a rather plain two piece string bikini. Simple side ties held the fabric swatches in place. She was very pretty and the memory of her in my lap returned with full force.

I shook the thought away and caught up with the women already deep in a conversation of their own.

Overhearing just a minuscule part of their conversation, I realized several things at once.

They were bashing all men, calling us pigs and worse.

Okay, fair enough I guess. Lily's fiance threw away a good thing by fucking a bridesmaid only days before the wedding, and I was just perving on all three of them.

Secondly, they brought me along just to serve as their personal servant. I was going to the whipping post for the foreseeable future as they vented their anger on me for their hatred of all men. I'm sure I was going to be besieged with requests to make drinks, etc, all in keeping with their 'we hate men' club rules.

I was right for no sooner did I sit down, when Yvonne turned to me.

"Just in time!" Yvonne said, holding up the empty margarita pitcher. "Go make us another!"

Still, being in paradise with three beautiful women wasn't a bad thing was it?

Until it was.

Just like a movie, no sooner did I return from making another pitcher of margaritas when the a hurricane hit us. Well, I call it a hurricane as the rain was a solid sheet of water, and any sort of heavy rain was the apocalyptic end of the world for a native Californian. I think they called it a tropical storm, one step removed from full blown hurricane. Whatever it was, it was still far more rain than I had ever seen. We rushed back to the main house, shouting and laughing all the way.

Moments after we reached safety, the power went out. Just several drops of water and a gust of wind was all it took. From what we could tell from before we lost cell service completely was that a major transformer somewhere miles away had blown, leaving a good portion of the island without power. Everything was down, including land lines so calling for help was out of the question. Power would slowly be restored, but since most of the island's infrastructure was antiquated, everything had to be done by hand. Priority was given to hospitals and emergency services, essential businesses would be next, and way down the pecking order, remote private residences. Normally, it could take days to have the power back, but the storm was much stronger than expected, and it could take even longer as roads were being washed out and threat of landslides in the surrounding mountains was very real.

And then we lost service completely, each of us staring at the 'no service' screens on our phones.

Resigned, we took stock of what we had, and quickly searched the house and surrounding buildings. Lost power must have been a problem in the past, as I found an unlocked shed with a massive military surplus generator powerful enough to run a small town, but the diesel tank was empty and rusty.

We discussed returning to the hotel, but in the end, decided against it. The hotel was overbooked and there wasn't any guarantee that we could even get a room, and there was a good chance the power could be out there as well. The beach house had plenty of provisions, and a lot of ice in the over insulated reefer, so we would be fine for several days, and it was hoped power would be restored sooner rather than later.

Determined to make the best of it, we changed into dry clothes and settled in for our stay.

With the full brunt of the storm bearing down on us, none of us dared to sleep. Nervously, we sat in the living room, watching the storm through the large windows in the living room. It was like a watching a super high definition television, illuminated only when lightning punched through the darkness. The storm was unrelenting, but the little beach house bore the brunt of the storm pretty well, though there were creaking noises from the walls and roof. Several times we could see the large windows bowing from the force of the wind.

More than once, I debated the wisdom of choosing to remain here.

I was convinced that the storm would rip the roof off and blow us all away.

Since the loss of power earlier that day, we were now completely stranded in isolation.

All we had were several boxes of scented candles meant to provide romantic lighting for a newly wed couple on their honey moon. Not overly bright, but the candles worked admirably well, giving us the only source of illumination we had.

Several conversations started, soon faltered, drowned out by the wall rattling peals of thunder, forcing us back into silence.

A loud crash sounded from outside and I quickly found that a tree had fallen on the SUV, making escape impossible now.

There wasn't much to do. Since this was a honeymoon retreat, the hosts did not really provide for any kind of games or the like, assuming that the newlyweds would be too busy for such mundane pastimes. One board game we did find was missing most of it's pieces, and the deck of cards Lily found was missing three aces.

So we bore the increasing darkness stoically, watching the lightning cast stark shadows on the walls of the living room as evening turned to night. The large expanse of windows gave us a front seat view to the fury of the storm, and it was awe inspiring.

"Oh! Wait, wait!" Mom said abruptly, rising. She snatched up one of the candles. "I just remembered! I have a game we can all play!"

So saying she carefully made her way to the room she shared with Lily and Yvonne, and returned several minutes later with a factory sealed board game.

"A friend of mine gave this to me before we left. Said it was a lot of fun." Mom said. Mom didn't know anything about the game, other than her friend highly recommended it and insisted mom take it with her. Mom agreed, thinking that should the occasion arise, she would give the game a try while on vacation after the wedding was over.

At first glance, it was a fantasy style exploration game. A stack of sizeable six sided cardboard game boards that were to connect via the path ways shared at the border. Indeed, it seemed like a mansion or castle with titles like 'Great Hall' and 'Green House' and others. The total playing area could be quite large, and completely random depending on how the pieces were fitted together.

There were also several stacks of playing cards of different designed backs that matched the iconography of various places on the playing field. Land on that marked space, draw the appropriate card.

Six pewter figures, three male, three female.

Seemed simple enough.

Again, nothing I hadn't seen before.

I didn't have high hopes for this game.

Still, it beat just staring at the rain.

We gathered around the low coffee table. We could have used the dining room table, but that table was too large to gather around the board comfortably, while the coffee table was the perfect size for a board game by candlelight. We gathered couch cushions and pillows to sit on and made ourselves comfortable.

"The rules of the game." Yvonne started, moving the candle slightly so she could better read the instructions. "'You awaken in a dimly lit chamber not remembering who you are or why you are here. Before you a door beckons. Do you dare enter?'"

Yvonne snorted derisively. "Seriously? Who writes this stuff? How do we play? Oh, here we go: Every player begins in the start box, duh. Each player rolls the dice, whoever rolls lowest gets to place the first tile beyond the door and begins to unravel the mystery. Then in a clockwise fashion, each player then rolls the dice and moves their game piece the appr- fuck. We know all this already. Let's see. What else is there to know?" Yvonne muttered as she browsed through the directions.

I looked up from the array of cards as Yvonne quietly puzzled out the rules. "Oh, lets try this:

'During the first stage of game play, should two players occupy a space that bears the same Icon no matter what area they are in, the first player on said space will draw an Encounter card, and the second player must perform what ever action the Encounter card directs. Should that player choose not to do the required action, player must remove an item of clothing, and lose their next turn.' Say what?"

We looked up at Yvonne, thinking we misheard what she said, or that she was messing with us.

Yvonne's confusion gave way to growing amusement as she scanned the rest of the game instructions.

"Oh my god." She said with a delighted smile. "These rules. 'When a player lands on a 'I have a Secret' space, they must honestly answer any question of a players game piece closest to them, as measured by number of spaces between them in that room. Should that player choose not to answer the question asked of them, they must pay the penalty of removing an item of clothing of the first players choice and lose their next turn.'"

Lily turned to mom. "What kind of game is this?"

Mom's eyes were wide, her face beginning to crimson.

I picked up the box lid. I read aloud the subtitle for the game: "A dungeon game for consenting adults."

It was Yvonne who broke the stunned silence that followed. She laughed aloud.

"It's a sex game!" She guffawed. "Jesus, Carina, what kind of friends do you have?"

"I didn't know!" Mom cried aloud, her face darkening from her embarrassment. "She said it was a fun game! I had no idea!"

"I gotta meet your friend!" Yvonne laughed. "She's a riot! This is a funny prank!"

"And I carried it through screening!" Mom was so embarrassed she had to hide her face in her hands.

Lily suddenly laughed, a genuine laugh that I hadn't heard in a long time, and the first time she really laughed since her ex-fiance's betrayal. I couldn't help but join in, and then mom started to laugh as well.

We all had a good laugh.

It really helped to lighten the mood.

"Unless it wasn't meant as a prank." Yvonne said soberly as the laughter died down. She scanned the rest of the instructions. "The goal is to collect all the Master cards and make the other players into your sex slaves. What sort of shit is your friend into Carina?"

"Mom!" Lily gasped, then laughed again, wiping at the tears in her eyes. "She's got the hots for you!"

"Let's play!" Yvonne abruptly said, looking over the instructions again.

"What?" Mom looked aghast.

"Seriously?" Lily added.

"Why not?" Yvonne asked, her eyes bright with mischief. "Not like we have a lot of choice in games to play. We don't have to do these things, but let's see how far we're willing to go. C'mon, it'll be funny as hell!"

"Damn it." I said. "I'm in, but I gotta get another drink first."

"Word." Yvonne said, rising from her seat. "What's everybody drinking?"

"We are not playing this game!" Mom stated.

"Carina, it'll be fun! We'll get a laugh out of it, if nothing else." Yvonne said.

"I'll play." Lily finally said. "Rum and Coke please."

"Fine." Mom threw up her hands in surrender. "Wine please."

"Ground rules: we play the game straight." Yvonne said when we are all set. "We stop when one of us thinks we've gone too far. That person gets to make dinner, agreed?"

It was so agreed.

Mom went first, rolled snake eyes and as it was the lowest roll, she got to choose the first game tile, picking the seemingly innocuous kitchen. It had three doors, the back door we entered, another at the far end and a smaller door off to the right.

"That's a promising start." She muttered.

So far so good.

"I just realized that I'm only wearing three things." Lily pointed out, nervously looking around the table. "Bikini top, panties, shorts."

"Same." I said. "Swim shorts and t-shirt. Um, well, shit, makes it two."

"Shorts and bikini top." Yvonne acknowledged.

"I think I got panties on under these shorts." Mom said as she checked herself. "Yep."

"This will make for a very short game." Yvonne grinned. "Go, Lily, your turn."

Lily hesitantly went next, rolled a five, decided to cut through the middle of the kitchen, and just missed the first 'I've got a Secret' space.

I was third, rolled a nine, counted past Lily and landed on the very next 'I've got a Secret' spot, near the next opening in the room. I really hoped to land on one of the other spots, but being competitive, I reasoned that I needed to get ahead of the others. Since Lily was closest she could ask the question I would be obligated to answer, or lose an article of clothing.

Lily thought for a moment, then smiled devilishly. "You still have the foot fetish?"

"WOAH!" Yvonne exclaimed loudly, and started to laugh. "Right out of the gate, and already the questions!"

I had a choice: I could answer and not lose my turn, or take off some clothes and lose my next turn. But by taking my clothes off, wasn't that the same as admitting that I did?

Of course, I could lie, but there was a chance I could get called out on it by Yvonne. Then I realized Lily wanted me to miss my next turn, leaving her a big chance to choose the next room.

"Remember, you have tell us the truth." Lily warned.

"Yes." I said, my cheeks burning in embarrassment. I turned to Yvonne. "Your turn."

I held my breath, unable meet anyones gaze as the others processed my confession. Oh god, what was I thinking. to admit my shameful secret to my own mother?

"Wait a minute!" Mom's delayed reaction was almost comedic in response. "Seriously? I thought that was just a phase."

I shrugged, stared at the game board. I couldn't bring myself to look at the others. I really wanted to melt through the floor.

I could imagine mom's expression as she worked out the implications of my confession. "You used to work at a women's shoe store!" Mom nearly shouted.

Yvonne chose that moment to drink and wound up snorting it through her nose, and began to cough.

Mom continued: "You massaged my feet. Was that why-" She suddenly stopped speaking, and turned a bright shade of red.

"Seriously?" Yvonne struggled to find her voice, coughing on her drink. "You worked at a woman's shoe store?"

"Just as you don't think all men are attractive, I don't think all feet are attractive." I said defensively. "I answered the question. Your turn Yvonne."

I was eager to move the game along.

Yvonne rolled a nine, landing in the same space as me, near the refrigerator. She had the same idea to get out of the kitchen and into the other rooms of the mansion.

"Who gets to ask the question?" Lily asked as Yvonne consulted the rules.

"Ian." Yvonne said, finding the appropriate rule. "And no Encounter card."

"Who was your first crush?" I asked, unable to think of a question.

"Lame." Lily scoffed.

"Pass." Yvonne said sheepishly, surprising all of us.

That was strange. As outgoing and carefree as she was, for Yvonne to be embarrassed by something so trivial really had to be something.